Have you kissed me before?

Por ibelievenoone

44K 3.9K 351

Do you remember your first kiss? Touch of soft lips, heart racing, sloppy silly ignorant kiss, what if you re... M谩s

2. Basorexia (urge to kiss)
3. Missing Him
4. Sweet Lavender- first clue
5. Secret Admirer
6. Adam's Apple
7. that "BOY"
8. "Where are you?"
9. I found her
10. Have you kissed me before?
11. That night at party...
12."She is He"
14. You & I
15. You don't want it?
17. Perhaps "Love"
18. Sister knows best...
19. My heart hurts
20. Feels like Heaven

16. The Unexpected guest

1.9K 180 3
Por ibelievenoone

"Come in" Zhan said, letting in Paul inside the house walking him towards Yibo's bedroom.

"Hey buddy! how are you doing today?" Paul asked all excited to see his friend after long time.

"I was about to get some but then you called" yibo hissed at Paul.

Zhan panicked at Yibo's sudden response, and started thinking of an excuse to cover.

"What?" Paul questioned.

"About to get some sleep" Zhan said quickly trying to sound genuine.

"He was about to get some sleep, due to heavy medication he is sleepy all the time" Zhan said hastily.

"Really? I am so sorry buddy, couldn't help but worry about you after I saw you hurt yourself during practice. But I am happy to see you back to your usual self all sassy and savage, I will leave now you can rest all day long" Paul said feeling not so welcome but he knew Yibo well and wasn't expecting more.

"Lets go Zhan, your mom is making my favourite Wontons and chicken Dumplings for breakfast, I cant wait to eat" Paul said pulling Zhan by his elbow.

Zhan turned to look at yibo, who had the look of a person being robbed of his most priced possession.

"Let me get you some breakfast Yibo" Zhan yelled on his way been dragged towards the exit by a very hungry Paul.

Paul joined Zhan and his family for breakfast, Yanli was busy offering him wontons which he ate till his heart content. Paul wanted Zhan to join him for a movie later, but Zhan made an excuse and promised to go next week. All he was worried about the person he left behind unanswered, whom he promised to take care for the weekend.

"Mom, pack me some wontons and dumplings will take it for Yibo" Zhan requested his mom who was busy on phone talking to somebody.

Zhan was still trying to find the reason behind Yibo's behaviour. Yibo was as straight as an arrow, who dated the most beautiful girls in their school, then what made Yibo so turned on this morning. Not once did Yibo confess any feelings, they didn't even kiss. All Yibo wanted was for Zhan to accept it, may be Zhan was too obvious in last two days he was beside yibo, which might have triggered this feeling in him. Zhan thought it was useless to bother over something yibo will forget and might never even talk about again.

"Don't bothered going over Yibo's house now, I was on phone with his granny, she returned and yibo is enjoying rice porridge with her" she said making Zhan sulk.

"Are you alright Zhan, you look lost" yanli asked looking at Zhan's disappointed face.

"All fine" he replied stuffing wonton in his mouth as he tried to avoid yanli's question.

"Zhan can you help me go pickup Lizzie from bus stop, I am little occupied in the evening" his mom requested.

"Lizzie? What is she doing here?" He asked looking at yanli.

"She is coming for her admission in the university, she is interested in taking up Dentistry" Yanli replied.

"Ok mom no worries" Zhan agreed and went to his bedroom.

Zhan spent entire day in his bedroom worried, anxious, he wasn't sure about his own feelings, he couldn't help but imagine the moment he shared with Yibo in his mind over and over again, his whole body shook with the intensity of pleasure, he was having all lustful thoughts, how Yibo's luscious lips felt on his earlobes, how touch of those lips on his Adam's apple made him aroused. He wanted to stop being so needy and desperate for Yibo's touch but he couldn't fight it anymore.

Next day Zhan was busy taking his cousin sister Lizzie around the university helping her get admission details. He also introduced her to Paul, but she was adamant on meeting Yibo since she stepped her foot at university.

"He is on medical leave for few days, didn't Zhan tell you. He hurt his leg while basketball practice" Paul informed her.

"Ohh basketball practice, how I wish I could watch him play all drench in sweat, messy hair with those heavenly long legs at display" she said with dreamy eyes.

"Not basketball, but you can surely make part of your dream come true, his legs are still at display with bandage all around" Paul said mischievously.

"What do you mean?" She asked surprised.

"Isnt he your neighbour, you can drop in anytime to admire his beauty. He will definitely feel motivated to come back soon" Paul said laughing.

"Really, zhan can you please take me to visit him please.... please....please..." she said begging.

"Admission in University is not the only reason for your visit, am I right?" Zhan asked with eyebrows narrowed.

"Will you help me if I say yes, I haven't been able to forget his gorgeous face, those beautiful brown eyes, and his shy smile. I can't describe how those plump lips turn into...." before she could finish Zhan interrupted

"Enough, stop drooling over my friend" Zhan was not sure if he was jealous or she was only adding to his craving for Yibo's lips. He wanted to ignore her request, but it was also an easy excuse for him to visit Yibo, whom he hasn't met after that morning.

Later that evening Zhan and lizzie decided to visit Yibo, Lizzie was super excited because her purpose to visit Zhan was going to get fulfilled. However, the only person who showed least interest but was dying internally was Zhan. It was sickening how often he thought about Yibo, how much he missed that little brat.

Yibo's granny gave them warm welcome, when Yibo's bedroom door started opening Zhan just stared at it holding breath, dying to catch glimpse of the face he missed so much. Yibo was sitting on his study table looking absolutely gorgeous in black t-shirt and grey sweat pants and when Yibo's eyes met his Zhan almost drooled but not as much as Lizzie who was eyeing Yibo with utmost lust and excitement.

"Hello Yibo" she said shyly making herself comfortable on his bedside chair.

"Hello" he replied looking from her to Zhan in surprise as if questioning Zhan what was he doing in his bedroom with a girl.

"She heard about your sprained ankle and wanted to meet you" Zhan said trying to clarify he has no alternate purpose to visit.

Yibo wasn't surprised why Zhan didn't make an attempt to call, msg or even visit him after that morning. Zhan was not good at holding emotions but something kept him from accepting his feelings for Yibo. Zhan was not use to falling for someone, infact he never even dated anyone till now, so it will be difficult to make him understand what he has for yibo is more than just friendship it was not an easy task, but Yibo was willing to accept this challenge.

"I am happy to see you Lizzie, its a shame we couldn't spend more time at your place last time" Yibo said.

"We can make up for it this time, I am not going anywhere until next week" she said delighted at what yibo just said.

Zhan was looking at them with corner of his eyes, he didn't want to make it obvious that he was uncomfortable with what was going on. He barely made eye contact with Yibo.

"Why dont you come here, I will show you my medals, trophies I won in basketball ball and skating competition" he said giving her seductive look.

To Zhan's surprise it was more than he could handle.

"Lets go lizzie, you have to get your documents ready for university tomorrow, and its getting late for dinner" Zhan said sounding awkward.

"You go ahead Zhan, I have everything ready and tell aunty I will join for dinner in sometime" Lizzie said who couldn't hide her excitement.

"Can lizzie join me for dinner if you don't mind Zhan" Yibo asked Zhan confidently.

"I would love to yibo" she said close to getting heart attack with all his sweetness.

"Alright then, I will tell mom" Zhan said leaving without looking at them.

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