The Great Sexcapades

By ChocolateZeno

276K 4.7K 4K

Juicy random one shots of anything Empire. Anything Taraji and Terrence as well. More

I'm Back
About time.
Back to the roots.
New Beginnings
Caught up.
I Love you!
King of the Castle
Why do I love you?
Soul Passion
The Jungle
You and Me.
You and Me Pt.2
Temptations of the Heart
Hearts Desire
Collision Course
Power Play?.....
It's me, Baby...
I can't....
In The Beggining....
Remember me
I Can't Resist...
First Day Out.....
What happens in Vegas, Never Stays in Vegas
Love Lost Is A Storm
Gang Ties...
You Broke Love..but We'll Fix It
Teaser: The Games We Play
Before I Self Destruct....
Hustle & Flow
Proud Mary
Our Love Is Toxic
The Unexpected
Touch Me, Tease Me
Love And War
Hiya Puddin
Ima Family Mayne
Love Lost Is A Battle
A Merry Christmas Indeed
Dont Mix Business & Pleasure
Before The Hustle Flowed
She's Mine
I Got You
Smoke and Mirrors
Alpha Vs. Alpha?
Got Me Twisted..
Your Protector....
Dancing With The Devil
Somebody's Messing With Us (DAIYB)

Is It Really You?

3.4K 81 82
By ChocolateZeno


This is just a random oneshot. Just something cutesy as I pull together some things for a new book dropping sometime this month. So be on the look out for that.

Anyways comment and vote. Love yall!

Stepping out of the JLTV, the blazing 110 degree heat of the middle east creating heat waves as far as the eye could see. Adjusting his uniform he was greeted by a few soilders.

"General, they are all in medical bunker A."

Nodding in acknowledgement the General made his way to the Bunker. Looking over the base as he passed today was a good day. Pulling the tent cover back he looked in. Members of a special team he hadn't seen in years waiting for routine checkups. They looked roughed up like they had seen hells fire pits yet the air in the room was that of celebration.

" is good to see you all." He boomed making himself known. Genuinely smiling at the well trained men. Each hand picked to serve the best in the platoon. Walking in he shook the hands of those injured and not. Proud of the men and women.

"Wheres your commanding officer?" He questioned, a private pointed him in the direction of the back room.

"Well can I get you soldiers anything?" He questioned holding his hands behind his back.

"A decent meal....and some cake!" One exclaimed getting a chorus of agreements.

He chuckled nodding his head. After being off grid and out in the dessert for years he could only wonder when the last time they had sugar. Operation Smoke Mountain was top secret. So classified that no one but him, another general, and the president knew about the operation. A 6 month long expedition to not only to track but infiltrate a terrorist group believed to be rogue soilders.

What they were sent to do quickly turned into something greater, 6 months became 6 years. That group led them directly into enemy camps. There they got all kinds of information. The general had such little contact one would only assume they died. But when a specific radio sequence sent a code from out in but fuck no where after 6 long years. Not only did they complete the mission but they brought more than what was asked.

Heading into the back he knocked on the door before opening it. Sitting on a medical bed bloody and bruised was his hand picked lead. Just a young barely promoted soilder who had such a will to lead at the time. Now as he stared at him he recognized the wise change in him. This first class sergeant that was looking at a medal of honor in the near future.

"Welcome home Sergeant Howard" The general spoke up knowing he had already been sensed.

"Thank you Sir." He spoke looking up from the bucket of water. Rubbing the filth from his arms.

"You've done a great service to your country." The Generel voiced taking a seat on the bed across from him..

"I'm aware Sir." Terrence responded looking at the ring on his hand. He did great for his country but what for hiself? What of the life he had before he put on that uniform. His wife....his kids....

"Look I know these last years have been stressful. We are not unaware of the mental health it takes to bring your whole battalion home alive. You are the fast track to something greater. You're even looking at a medal." The General spoke sensing his soldier's in turmoil.

"With all do respect sir. I have done my dues. I went through hell not sure I'd live another day. I wasnt thinking about my country at all. I was thinking about my family, they brought me home. I will have been in active duty for 8 years in two months. I'm going to leave active duty." Terrence spoke eyeing his superior in all seriousness.

"Are you saying you're retiring? You could have such a promising career here."

"I've filled out the necessary paperwork for reserves. If into be called back before I'm ready then I'm going to retire." Terrence answered going back to washing off the muck. He had plenty of war scars, bodily and mentally. He was ready for home.

"I respect that, I will see to it you get home as soon as possible. I regret to inform you that all of your families were were MIA." That statement getting all of Terrences attention.

"My family doesn't know I'm alive?"

Across the world....

Deep off in her sleep Taraji tossed and turned in her empty bed. Lost in the waves of dreams that brought nothing but heartache. Memories that were nothing but draining nightmares.

Sitting in the waiting room of the clinic Taraji side eyed her husband. Just a ball of nerves, leg bouncing with all that anxious energy. You'd think she was the one supposed to be freaking out. After all she was the one who missed her period.

"Terrence baby, you're going to put a dent in the floor." She spoke putting a hand on his bouncing leg. He glanced at her before looking around at all the various stages of pregnant women.

"You think you're gonna be huge? What if the baby makes you sick? What if....."

"I cant believe you can shoot a gun and possibly go to war. But youre afraid of this? We dont even know if I'm pregnant yet." Taraji muttered getting a look in return.

"Have you seen the way you eat?......You're dad is going to crucify me." He whined rubbing his face.

"We're married and grown"

"Its been 3 months. He's gonna kill me." He restated, Taraji rolled her eyes. He was acting as if they weren't 23, married, and living on their own.

"I'm being serious. What if I get deployed? What if I'm not here? What if...." He spat at his giggling wife.

"Baby stop freaking out. We'll cross that bridge when it comes. I married a soilder, I know what you might have to do." She sighed rubbing his back.

".....I love you, but you saying dont freak out isnt helping." He mustered.

"Its going to be fine. What's the worst that could happen?" She muttered rubbing his back. Maybe that was the point they were jinxed. Because not even 30 minutes into their appointment he heard a word that had stopped the beating of his heart.

"Twins?" Taraji blurted looking amazed at the screen.

"1....2....." The doctor responded.

That was the last thing he heard before he fainted in that room. Just dropped shocking the doctor but not Taraji. She was meant to be concerned but all she did was laugh. Getting him off the floor a nurse brought in an ice pack and some water. He needed both as he came to. Imagine passing out not remembering what was said.....for them to tell you a second time......just to pass out again. Hearing her name being called Taraji looked around. Nothing was moving except her. Like time had just stopped not even the clock ticking on the wall. Hearing her name again she looked back at her husband.....but he wasnt there anymore. No one was there at all, her eyes frantically searching for him. Suddenly a white doctors office melted into the maroon in her bedroom.


Shooting up holding her chest she looked around. Blinking in the room she looked at her 8 year old clad in pajamas next to her bed looking at her concerned. The sounds of tonight's thunderstorm still blaring. Scaring her daughter at the sudden pop up.The sounds of tonight's thunderstorm still blaring. Feeling her heart still beating wildly she took some calming breaths. Wiping her face feeling wetness ealizing she had been crying in her sleep.

"Yes baby?" Taraji spoke voice full of sleep.

"I cant sleep." Layla spoke, sighing Taraji patted her bed. Invitation for her child, scooting over Layla climbed in bed.

"Are you okay?" She whispered out cuddling up with her mother.

"Yeah.....I just had a sad dream." Taraji answered truthfully.

"......about daddy?"

"Yes, but I'm okay. Get some sleep." Taraji responded letting her eyes fall closed. Heavy grief settling over her. Hearing her door creak two more heads stood in the doorway.

"Come on." She called, this being a normal occurrence in the Howard household. Hearing feet hitting her hardwood, the bed moved on the otherside of her. Layton crawling in next to his twin. While her youngest son 6 yearold Terrence Jr. crawled over all of them just to be next to her.

"TJ." Taraji groaned geting a knee to the stomach before he settled on her right side.

"Sorry mommy." He whispered getting comfortable.

"Dont pee in the bed TJ." Layton grumbled with yawn.

"I wont!" The young one snapped, Taraji shushed them not wanting to hear an argument this late at night.

Back in Afganistan she wasnt the only one plagued by memories. All cleaned up Terrence sat picking at his food. It smelled divine but he couldn't bring himself to eat. Not when his life outside if the army was in disarray. The last time he saw his family his youngest son was 3 months old.....did he even know he had a dad? Gazing out at the busy base he was thrown into a memory.

"Layton it's not okay to drown your sister!" Terrence exclaimed separating the fighting 1 year olds. Bath time always a damn hassle in this household. Normally they just picked a baby to shower with them one at a time. Today Terrence wanted to give Taraji a break. The twins had been sick the past week, them to get over it just for her to catch the cold. She had been feeling sick all day. It was the least he could do with him being at base all day.

"Layla dont eat the soap!" He snapped trading the bottle of soap for a toy.

Quickly soaping a towel to get them out as soon as possible. Two babies had been a definite challenge for the new parents. He loved his kids though. Watching them grow every day a blessing to him. Washing them he wondered how he would dry them off without leaving one unsupervised. One thing he learned being a father was that the moment you looked away from any child they had the sudden urge to risk their damn lives.

He would never tell Taraji but his daughter had fallen head first off the couch today. She took it like a champ with a few tears and a knot. Calling his mom in panic she brushed it off informing him his many times he did some shit like that. As long as she was moving around the same all was well. Luckily his wife was out of it. He didn't need her chopping his head off. Mama bear was unlike any Taraji personality he had ever seen.

Deciding to just pick up two wet babies he walked into the nursery. Setting them down in one crib he quickly grabbed a towel. Drying them off and lotioning their skin. Quickly putting on diapers and clothes he felt like super dad until he realized Layla's onesie was too big for her. Switching it to find he put the diaper on backwards. 1 out of 2 was win enough. Taking them into the living room he put them in the play pen turning on the TV. Sesame Street catching their full attention. Enough time for him to whip up some food.

Pulling out Tarajis mother's recipe for homemade chicken noodle soup. Periodically checking on his kids as he worked. Fixing bottles for them along the way. Checking the time he cursed their bedtime approaching. Thankfully they were already tired, lazily laying in the oen half sleep with nearly empty bottles. Pulling out the electric rockers he buckled them in, turning it on medium playing a lullaby.

The one thing in their house that solved all things. Without Terrence felt like theyd go crazy. Finishing up dinner he slowly and quietly put the babies in their respective cribs. Checking their diapers before leaving the room. Letting out a breath sigh he got a bowl together for Taraji. Walking into their bedroom carrying a tray. His wife sprawled out like a starfish on the bed. Chuckling he tapped her awake.

"I brought you chicken noodle soup from yours truly." He voice with pride as she sat up.

"You made this? Is it edible?" She teased followed by a series of phlegmy coughs.

"Yes its edible. That coughs getting worse, let me get your temp right quick." He muttered setting the tray down.

"Oooo...well come check me nurse." She purred, he chuckled walking back over.

"Open, I love you but you dont sound sexy all nasally." He spoke, she cut her eyes at him waiting for the thermometer to keep.

"100. Mhmm, eat this soup." Digging in he jumped in the shower quickly. A shower like a luxury at the moment. Being able to have peice of mind a treat. He was hoping he got sick just so he could stay home more. Coming out to Taraji rubbing vicks on her chest he crawled in bed.


"God yes." He groaned.

"My poor baby." She cooed patting his chest.

"Since you showered and they're still sleep. You have a good two hours before a diaper change, then you just turn on that speaker. Play the rain sounds they'll sleep till 7 in the morning." She informed him, hearing he'd get 6 hours of sleep in two hours music to his ears.

"I'll get your plate in a minute. I just need to woosah." He spoke making her laugh.

Three days later things were back to the regular scheduled program. Each parent in charge of just one baby was how they rolled. Alternatjnv every other day. Getting home after a particularly long day his world flipped.

"Baby can you turn off the even and take the food out?" Taraji called out hearing his keys hit the dish. He groaned having literally just walked through the door. Dragging hiself into the kitchen he turned the oven off. Opening it to stare in confusion.

"Taraji.....are you alright? Why you got hamburger buns in the oven?" He called out taking the warm pan out. They couldn't have been in there longer than 3 minutes.


"You forgot to put something on them buns?" He questioned turning to see her in the doorway. A baby on each hip.


"Why do you have buns in the oven?" He laughed, she smirked still waiting for him to get ut.

"Cause you keep climbing on top of me." She voiced after a brief pause. He tilted his head confused.

"What? How does that......NO!" He erupted with a yell.

"Yes." She laughed.

"NO! Nooooooooo, baby we just had some." He whined, like a child.

"I know, I took a test this morning. I told you something else was wrong, I was still puking." Taraji explained walking over, he sighed taking a baby from her.

"For the love of god we cant do more than one. Pleaseeeeeeeeeeee be one!"

A small smile pulled at his lips. Thankfully his prayers were answered. A single child was born looking like a carbon copy of Terrence. Taraji had only carried the boy, not a single bit of his appearance showed any of her. Already having a name planned at the time all changed seeing his face. Thus Terrence Jr. was awarded. His son had just been a ripe 4 months when he was deployed. Another 4 months into being deployed he was hand picked for the job he felt stole from him. Great he did his country a service but at what cost? His wellbeing? His sanity? Thinking of his family everyday and staying close to God was the only way he pulled through.

Now six years later his family could have moved on. Taraji could have remarried by now. Moved away, his parents could be dead, hell anyone could be dead. Those thoughts pulled him deeper in a dark hole. What if they were better off not knowing he was here still.

"Alright Sergeant. I can get you on a Chinook to our base in Iran. From there you'll catch a supply plane to the states. The best we can do is next week." The General voiced bringing him a schedule. Terrence grunted, he wanted to go home now but he could settle.

"I called for an urgency. I'm aware your birthday is next week as well. We're going to get you home. Can I get you anything?" He offered, Terrence shook his head nothing coming to mind.

He just wanted home. Counting down the days he found hiself in the psych tent often. He didnt want to go home a psycho. So he tested every other day just to get a grasp from a doctor on his mental health. It wasn't like he was on a murderous rampage out there. Him and his team spent months lost savaging for food after a bad run in with a group of terrorists. Many nights he thought starvation would get him before the heat. But by grace they found themselves into a small group of Taliban who they easily tricked into trusting them. That opened the door to lots. Still there were things he saw that weren't right for mankind.

As his day of departure neared he found himself so anxious. He prayed when he got home his family was alive and well. He was informed that his parents still lived in the same home, but as for Taraji the address wasnt the same. Which meant she moved put of state other just recently moved homes. Either way it shot his anxiety threw the roof. Now more scared to go home then starving in the damn dessert. He had to man up, saying goodbye to his team for the time being he was off on the journey home. A place he left a private now coming back a Sergeant. His father sure to be proud. He had 8,000 miles to cross before he hit home. Plenty of time to formulate what his first words would be....right?

Pulling up to the celebration Taraji checked her eyes in the mirror. The puffiness from crying had gone down well since this morning. Making sure she looked presentable. Every year the family got together to one celebrate Terrence's life along with other lives lost to them, but this year on top of that it was an anniversary party for his parents. Killing two birds with one stone. Getting out the car she grabbed the cooler full of sodas out the trunk. Honking her horn the men in the family came out to get the food she brought. Her children coming out to say hi, having had a sleep over with the young ones.

"How are you mama?" Alice questioned, smiling as the young woman entered. Taraji smiled softly at her mother in law.

If she told her she didn't sleep last night to busy crying and looking at photo albums the talk would come again. Her mother in law had the purest intentions. She wanted Taraji even if it meant she found comfort in another. Call her weak but in her heart she felt it was too soon. It had only been a year since she stopped wearing the ring.

"Im good." Taraji answered, hoping she sounded believable.

"Your parents coming?" Alice tossed out, if she noticed she didn't comment.

"Not this time. Alexi is due anyday now." Taraji chuckled, referring to her parents fur baby. Out the three kids they had their dog was the favorite child.

"Oh god, how many puppies she having again?"

"6. I promised the kids they could pick one." Taraji responded, making conversation.

"I can see it now. Taking that poor baby everywhere."

Chuckling Taraji headed out back after setting what she was carrying. Just about the whole Howard family here. Walking over to the eldest Howard she announced herself to the blind woman.

"Grandma Bell, its Raji. Hi big mama." The elder woman looked up in her rocking chair with a lazy smile.

"I know child. I felt you when you pulled up." She answered with sass bringing a bright smile from Taraji.

"Well hello anyways. Why you over here just a cheesing? Somebody leaving they shoes by the bed?" Taraji teased, Big mama smacked her lips.

"Mind your own. I'm smiling because spirits are moving baby. You outta smile too and dry them tears." The old woman muttered rocking slowly, Taraji frowned slightly confused.

"I'm not crying."

"Mhmm, bring me some juice child." Big mama dismissed with a smile. Shaking her head Taraji retrieved a juice for her. Mingling with the family they played games, and stuffed their faces. Enjoying eachother in celebration of all things life. Hours ticked by as the anxious energy for cake bloomed. Mama Alice had gifted hands when it came to the Howard signature cake. It was why her family always came to gatherings. A recipe so secret and she was in line to get it after Alice passed, her words. Taraji had a theory that a little weed was in something. When the music was turned down everyone's attention went to the celebrating couple.

"I want to thank everyone who came here. It's been tradition and I'm glad it's still going strong. So everyone please grab your balloons, write to you lost ones. We will release in 5 minutes." She announced, like routine everyone grabbed one of the balloons tied to the fence. Rounding up her kids they started taking turns writing messages on the ballon. Once done Taraji looked over them. Her heart clenching as she signed his name just the way he liked it.

"Family as we stand here today. Let us not mourn but to celebrate the blessings they brought our lives. Till we see them again, let them live on in us." Terrences father voiced.

"Never forgotten." Everyone responded. Letting her kids release the ballon they fluttered up to the sky. Watching them for a while in silence. The party commenced as Alice spoke up again.

"Secondly today I celebrate 45 years of marriage. So with that said....who's ready for cake?" Alice called out getting an uproar of cheers.

"Lord knows I've missed that cake!"

A voice sounded out over all the noise. Gasps traveled like a disease through everyone. Hearing that voice Taraji spun not believing her ears. Standing in the gateway of the backyard stood a phantom. Dressed in uniform holding his hat. Silence coursing through everyone. It was like time had frozen, Taraji could only hear the thud of her heart in her ears. Pounding hard, a light headed feeling taking over.

"Oh, dont stop celebrating on my accord." He spoke again as if everyone needed one more sign this was real. His mother the first to scream rushing to him. The world seeming to start up again. It was when those hazel eyes swept the yard and landed on her that she stopped breathing. It was lights out from there.

Several minutes later....

Muffled voices met Tarajis ears as she groaned coming to. The softness of a bed under her. Feeling a throbbing in her head she played there. Recognizing the cold on her head as an ice pack. She wasnt keen on opening her eyes yet. Hearing the door open she slowly opened her eyes seeing Alice.

"Oh God, my head is killing me. Life is so cruel, you wouldn't believe the dream I had Alice." Taraji groaned sitting up, her mother in laws amused face looking back at her.

"I think I will." She simply spoke.

"Huh?" Taraji questioned, a throat clearing had her attention shifting back to the door.

All over again her heart started pounding. It wasnt a dream, hazel's gazed at her so warmly. She had not a chance to say a word, busting into tears on spot. Stepping into the bedroom Taraji was quick to stand on the bed without a care. Literally jumping off into his arms. He caught her with ease barely stumbling. Holding her tight her legs dangling. His eyes glossing as emotion took over him again. He had cried when his kids ran up to him screaming daddy. They knew him, and knew him well. His family hadn't forgotten him..she hadn't forgotten him. This was what kept him running in duty. This dream was his motivation to stay alive. Taraji tightened her grip lifting her legs to wrap around him. His head stuffed in her neck inhaling deeply. She smelled the same, felt the same.

"I'm home." He muttered thickly, his words making her cry even harder. Stepping out Alice game them privacy. Pulling her hed back to look at him she felt him adjust his grip. Freeing a hand to wipe her face he smiled lovingly. Cupping his face she smashed her lips against his. Uncaring that her tears were wetting his face. His kiss was feverish like ste would disappear into thin air. Pulling back the two gasped for air. Hugging him once more she felt herself calming enough to process.

"What....How....they said....Thank you god!" Taraji rambled, Terrence pulled back to really look at her. He stared for what felt like hours.

"I'll explain everything. Right now.....I just want my family in my arms." He voiced, Taraji nodded noticing his patches on his jacket. Bending her head he placed a kiss on her forehead.

"If I let you go promise you wont drop dead again." He joked lightly, unwrapping her legs she smiled.

"Dont leave." Taraji whined, not sure what his goal was.

"Never." He responded, putting her down on her feet. She took her time sweeping her eyes over him. He was alot more muscular than she remembered. Landing on a patch she gasped touching it.

"You're a....."

"Special opp? Yes." He answered, grabbing her hand.

"A Sergeant? What happened over there?" Taraji pushed reading his tag. He wasn't quite in the mood to dive into that. Cutting off her thoughts he cupped her face planting another heated kiss on her.

"Everyone wants to know if you're okay." Terrence spoke up pulling away. In truth he just wanted to soak all this in. Nodding he let her lead her back out to everyone. Afraid he'd vanish she had a death grip on his hand. Greeting the family he didn't get a chance to greet the two sat down. Running up to his father TJ held out the bear dressed in army attire. Terrence couldn't believe how big his kids got. Yes it was six years but a part of him wished he didn't miss their lives. Picking up the six year old he sat him in his lap.

"Who's this?" Terry cooed.

"You silly!" TJ chirped showing him the tag.

"Oh wow." Terrence grinned holding the bear.

"I dont need it anymore cause now you're home. Mommy told me everything about you. And layla and Layton told me what they remembered. Are you staying? Can you stay? Forever? Are you really my daddy? Promise you wont leave!" TJ shot off mouth going a mile a minute. Taraji chuckled watching Terrence trying and process everything vomited at him.

"Ummm.....I'm working on it?" Terrence tossed out, TJ nodded throwing his arm around Terrence's neck.

Soon joined by the twins Taraji felt her heart warm. The first family picture in years being taken. She could hardly believe it even as Terrence got into her car. Even as they drove to the new house. She was praying this wasnt a cruel dream. Her kids had quite literally dragged him off. While they were just soaking up list time she put leftover food up just in case anyone hot hungry. It was late already but no one was focused on eating kore once Terrence popped up.

A mountain of questions running through her mind. Heading for a shower, she let her worries fall. If this was only temporary....she shouldn't dwell on that but soak up the now. Pulling on one of her night gowns she went to check on her little family. Laying on the big bean bags the twins passed out. TJ fighting sleep as he laid his head on Terrence reading him a story. Tarajis heart couldn't take much more of this. Walking over to the twins she took off their shoes.

"I got them." Terry voiced carefully getting up. Taraji pointed the bed out to him before plugging in the nightlight. Kidding everyone on the cheek the two crept out. Following Taraji his eyes glued to her form. He was trying to be on his best behavior. Get to know eachother again, go over the years, reconnect yet her creamy legs were calling him.

"Are you hungry?" She questioned leading him to the master bedroom.

"No." He answered looking around the room.

He was pleasantly surprised about the pictures all over the house. It was no wonder why the kids knew him. Walking over to the wall a picture of the two of them kissing caught his eye. Losing himself in memories, he didn't hear Taraji walking over. Touching his back she gasped finding her hand snatched seconds after. Spinning around quickly Terrence tightened his grip, Taraji cried out in pain. Regestiring where he was he quickly released her with wide eyes.

"Oh fuck, Raji I'm so so sorry. I'm sorry, are you okay? Did I hurt you? Fuck." He rushed out, watching her cradle her hand.

"No I'm sorry. I didn't mean to scare you.....I'm okay. It was an accident." Taraji responded, shaking out her hand. She knew better than that. He was a soilder for his sake. The look in his eyes tearing at her heart.


"Terrence, its okay. I'm okay, see. Just fine, calm down. I know you didn't mean it." Taraji interjected, showing him her hands. Nothing was broken, it just ached a bit. Nothing done icy hot couldn't fix. Reaching out slowly he watched her with distraught eyes.

"How about a shower? I can go get your bag. Just relax baby, forget about it." She offered, holding eye contact as she pushed his jacket off.

"Okay." He caved, looking at the hand he gripped. Reaching out for it as she set his jacket down with the other. Bringing it to his lips he kissed it. She swallowed thickly looking at his chest, his white athletic Tshirt fitted. Definitely more muscle mass.

"Umm....yeah okay." She blurted, he looked at her confused still holding her hand.

Having not said anything her outburst off putting. With great self control she pulled away heading out to the livingroom for his bag. Taking a few minutes to calm her raging hormones. In truth she wanted to jump him in that shower. Though it was clear he had things he wanted to talk about. She preferred it be during or after bedding, but this wasn't her world. Things were different now. One thing she noticed was how much more quiet he was. Also the way he joked out his skin at her touch. War was never a topic she liked to jump into, despite living him she didn't care for his profession. Yet she married him anyways, and knew what was to come.

Walking into the bathroom she set his bag down. Like a perve she stared st the clouded glass, it wasnt the clearest but she could see him well. Was she jealous of the water running off his body? Hell yeah. She didn't know how long exactly she had been staring but she recognized the end of a shower. With a jump she rushed out the bathroom. Sitting on the bed she waited for him. Stepping out the bathroom in nothing but sweats as he dried his hair.

"Damn...." She breathed out, Niagara falls erupting between her legs. Was it too forward to just pop her legs open?

"Umm...You got any non scented lotions. I'm not with smelling like fiji sunset....whatever the hell that smell like? How you smell like the sky?" He blurted, a laugh timbling out. Thst sounded like her Terrence. Getting up she opened a drawer pulling out some cocoa butter. Biting her lip she walked over putting some in his hand.

"Thank you." He muttered.

"Ouch..." She whispered, tracing a long scar she had never seen before.

"Close combat. Got cut with a machete.....poor sew up but it did the job." He spoke, answering the questions in her eyes. She frowned rubbing it gently, finding another scar she recognized the shape of a gunshot wound.

"Don't cry. I'm okay, I'm perfectly healthy. Aside from my nevrves being dead on my pinkie finger." He tossed out lightly as a joke. It only made her watery eyes release a tear.

"I knew what I signed up for."

"So did I." She breathed out shakily.

"I'm not going to lie to you. I'm not the same man that left 6 years ago. But I love you all the same, shit more than ever now. I never stopped thinking if you guys. Every morning and every night I kissed this band. Taraji I need you to know I've done things....shhhh let me finish. I've done and seen terrible things. I want to be the same man I was years ago but I just cant. Could you deal with that?" He asked, he needed to know. His love wouldn't change if she said no. Wiping at her face she looked up into his eyes.

"I love you Terrence. When I said I do, for better or for worse i meant it. I've waited for you. I just knew you'd come home one day and i wanted to be ready. You may not be the same Terrence but your my Terrence. My husband, the father of my kids. We all change, I'm going to still be here. Anything that happens know you have me." She voiced, he ached to tell her about his mission but it was still classified for now.

"Raji, baby I've missed you so much." He breathed out, that warmth and security he once knew coming back full force. Cupping his face she pulled him down smashing her lips on his. He groaned kissing her with the same urgency and need.

"Shit, I'm sorry. I know you wanna talk about serious shit. You're gonna have to put a shirt on....I can't focus with...." Taraji started, getting cut off by Terrence picking her up.

Setting her on the dresser talking the farthest thing on his mind. Their lips met once again heatedly, as if their kisses would make up for lost time. Running his hands up her thighs she moaned. Heaven seemed alot closer than ge thought. Jerking her body closer she purred at the handling. She missed those hands. Seeking entrance to her mouth he growled out when she denied him. Some things never changed, grabbing a handful of her ass she gasped. Stealing the opportunity to deepen the kiss. A battle for dominance erupting between them as their tounges danced. Pulling away he trailed his kisses down her neck. Her nails scratching the back of his neck. His dick throbbed in his sweats. Hard, ready, and leaking in anticipation.

"Mmmm....Please." She begged reaching between them.

He nearly shit his load right then and there. Her cold hand slipping into his sweats, stroking him tightly. Hurriedly tugging his sweats they fell off his hips pooling at his feet. Caught in the moment he pushed her hand away pulling her body to the edge of the dresser. Wrapping her arms around his neck she braced for what was to come. White hot searing pleasure tearing through her. He had slide home in one swift thrust, his body tense as he groaned. A literal scream leaving her mouth, he made quick work covering her mouth. Not wanting to wake the kids and to save his eardrums.

"Shhh..." He moaned removing his hand.

Her tight walls quivered around his shaft pulling him deeper. Biting his lip he retreated pushing back in his knees going weak. Complete animalistic desire taking over him. Picking her up he took a step back from the dresser. Arms wrapped around her in a hug holding her against his body, bouncing her on his willing member. He knew the pace was quick but he couldn't help hiself. Fucking her harder the sounds bouncing off the walls.

"Yes baby.......deeper Terrence....oooooooohh baby." She cried out tossing her head back. Bending his knees to slide deeper in her guts. Breaking a sweat he took the step back to the dresser. Slowing his pace for a better grip. Sloppy kisses passing between them as he hooked his arms under her legs now. Lacing her fingers behind his neck, she held on tight as his merciless speed returned.

"Ima cum......ooooo ima cum...." She warned eyes rolling, he felt the gush of warmth along with her walls spasming. Snatching his own climax before he had a chance to prepare. Walking them to the bed he set her down.

"Shitttttt....god girl, let me out." He groaned against her lips, feeling her walls relax he pulled out. Resting his forehead against hers as they panted.

"That was not how I wanted our first time to go." He grumbled out, he wanted to lay her down and showered with love and affection.

"....I dont care." She purred, floating on a cloud. Cupping his face she caressed his cheeks with her thumbs.

"We have all the time in the world.....right?" She questioned, wanting to know if he planned on leaving.

"I'm not leaving again. Promise, you I'll be here when you wake up." He spoke looking her deep in the eyes. His tone conveying his seriousness. Tears weld up in her eyes again causing his own to mist.

"I promise." He repeated, pecking her lips the kiss took on a gentle tone.

Scooting up the bed he followed crawling above her. His soilder ready for a round two. Catching him off guard she flipped them. He bit his lip letting her take the wheel of tgats what she wanted to do. Eyeing him with lusty eyes she gripped her nightie pulling it over head. He hissed watching her full body be revealed. Sitting up he took a niple into his mouth, stimulating the other with his free hand. Taraji groaned scratching her nails in his short curls. Lifting up she used her free hand to line up.

"You're killing me." Terrence moaned against her skin as she slid down on him slowly. Savoring every inch, her walls so snug. Feeling her hands pushing at his chest, he laid back.

"Raji..." He lowly pleaded digging his nails into her thighs.

She nodded sitting down completely. A delicious tingle zipped down her spine. Rolling her hips against him, she knew it was torture to him but it felt so good. Finally she lifted putting her muscles to work. Skillfully riding him, he groaned staring up at the ceiling. Just enjoying the feel of her body, their moans dancing in harmony, just the sensual passion. Grabbing his hands she pulled them up to her chest. Not having to beyond he grabbed her breasts firmly. She looked like a goddess on top if him. The sight causing him to meet one if her rocks with a hard thrust. Taraji gasped loudly pausing her hip action. Her walls quivering, he had hit her spot. He felt her grow even wetter.

Lacing their fingers she picked up her pace again. A pure level of intimacy at the hand holding and eye contact. Taking it up snitch she dropped her head kissing the scars she could reach. Warmth spreading from everywhere her lips touched. He could feel how much she missed him and lived him in her actions. With a deep feral moan, he slammed her down on his solider. She cried out in pleasure, quickly flipping them over he forced her legs open wider. Lacing their fingers again he dug with his hips.

"I'm about to cum. Fuck, you're so fucking wet. I cant hold it." He groaned into her ear, their laced hands forming a circle above her head. Turning her head to the side she let out a long moan.

" too. I feel you.....oh god." Taraji cried, cheek to cheek Terry tightened his grip on her hands. Speeding up it didn't take them to peak. Blinding for the both of them. His pace didn't slow, delirious in pleasure as his seed coated her walls. Spent he rolled off Taraji trying to catch his breath.

" worth of sex." Taraji voiced through a pant. Terrence chuckled turning his head to look at her.

"Your gonna end up pregnant." He responded through a yawn. Nothing like good pussy to put you to sleep.

"You promise?" She blurted, two words waking him right up. Staring at her wide eyed, they narrowed slowly. She blinked innocently at him cupping his hardening dick.

"Dont play." He grumbled, that hadn't even been on his mind but the thought was now. Excitement bubbling in his chest.

"I'm not."

"Oh, I can do that." He growled, pouncing on her welcoming body.

Hope you enjoyed!🥰

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