Polaroid | ᴛᴏᴅᴏʀᴏᴋɪ sʜᴏᴛᴏ

By -aerinicolettepark

21K 798 273

Polaroid Todoroki Shoto x oc Kaneki has a camera, and she's capturing Hearts with it. Kaneki Akira a half Gh... More

Authors Note
Character Information
Polaroid [1]
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352 15 5
By -aerinicolettepark

Let me just publish this cuz Slide Up is next week lol pray for me 🙏
(This was drafted in late October [around the time I published the first chapters]  were halfway or less through the book guys~)

All Twenty two students of class 1-A nervously stood before eight teachers of UA.

"Let's begin your practical exam" their tired looking homeroom teacher deadpans "if you want to go to the training camp, don't fail"

"Is it just me or did this happened before..." Akira wondered to herself

Shinsou who stood at her left looked at her quizzically "but this is the first time we're-"

"Oh yeah summer training camp arc in  Haikyuu!!" The purple haired girl grinned

Shoto, who caught on sighed, at least she wasn't feeling pressured.

"There are... A lot of teachers here" Jiro remarked, stating the obvious.

"Knowing you, you might've had an idea on how this exam will go."

Cue Ashido and Kaminari cheering "robots"

"Not quite!" The principal cheered popping out from Mr. Aizawa's scarf.

"Due to circumstances we are changing things a bit!"


"Change...?" Momo hesitantly asked.

"From now on, we're going to focus on one-on-one combat activities," Nezu started climbing down from the erasing hero's shoulder.

"That are more similar to real combat!" He successfully landed on the ground "and so, dear students you will be grouped into pairs and will fight against one teacher!"

Mr. Aizawa then announced the teams and the teacher they'll be battling against.

"First," he smirked "Todoroki and Yaoyorozu, against me."

"Then, Midoriya and Bakugou-"


"K- Kacchan!"

"Your opponent will be-"

"ME!" All Might sang lifting his fist. He had arrived the exact moment the dark haired hero announced the pair.

Aizawa deadpanned, going back to the announcement.

The Principal vs Ashido and Kaminari

Thirteen vs Aoyama and Uraraka

Present Mic vs Koda and Jiro

Ectoplasm vs Asui and Tokoyami

Midnight vs Sero and Mineta

Snipe (Snape?) Vs Hagakure and Shoji

Cementoss vs Sato and Kirishima

Powerloader vs Ojiro and Iida

"And finally-"

"UA! Hey, thank you for inviting me!" A muffled voice from a tall masked man spoke from behind the students.

He wore a black leather jacket with a dark purple scarf/hood (honestly idk) around his neck, along with black fitted pants and black combat boots.

He also wore a black rabbit mask which he took off after joining the 10 UA staff in front.

"Shinso and Kaneki vs The Black Rabbit."

"Yo, Hana-chan how's my niece doing?"

"Uncle Ayato, you're fashionably late as ever, why am I not surprised?"


"Kaneki y- you're related to the Black Rabbit?" Midoriya squeaked

"I mean yeah," the gray eyed girl sheepishly rubbed the back of her head "he is my mother's younger brother..."

"B- brother!"

"Shoto-kun how are you?" The purple haired man made his way towards the bi-colored haired male, Todoroki bowed in response. Mumbling a soft I'm fine for the older male still slightly scared him.

"Who are you and what do you want with our Hana?" the purple haired man spoke when Todoroki entered re: cafe once again asking for his friend Kaneki Akira, it was a few days after they got their recommendations exams results.

The tall purple haired male was an obvious relative he hadn't met before (he met her mother, the owner of the cafe, her father whom he encountered one time and her aunt who works as one of the baristas.)

"Todoroki Shoto, um.. sir, a friend of Akira"

"Huh? Hana-chan is friends with a boy? "

"U- um" Shoto felt, threatened? Terrified? The man was very protective, it kind of scared him.

"Ayato, don't scare off Shoto-kun now." Touka, scolded her brother hitting his head with a rolled up newspaper.

The woman turned to Todoroki, a gentle smile overlaying her features, "Sorry about my brother Shoto-kun, you're looking for Akira right?"

The younger male nodded stiffly.

"You know where to find her," getting the permission from the older the young heterochromatic male made his way to the back door, where he ought to know Akira was when it wasn't her shift.

Shinso looked at Akira then at her uncle as they made their way to one of the buses to start their exam.

"... We all have purple hair." He stated

Ayato chuckled in the driver seat.

"We do right? By the way who are you again?"

"Shinso Hitoshi sir."

"Ah... Shinso-kun I see..."

"Eyes on the road uncle, we may be in school premises but you haven't even got your driver's license yet."

"You don't have to call me out-"


Bloody wasn't the only word Hitoshi would use to describe the scene playing before him.

Before they entered the gates of a city- like field in UA (honestly what's the budget for this :0) Akira had told him to prepare for something out of the ordinary.

At first he was confused asking her why, with the girl replying about the basics of creatures such as ghouls.

"I wish I had Yukimura with me." She sulked as they patiently waited for the signal to start.

"But unfortunately, changing the case from guitar Case to suitcase and back to guitar Case is a long process, dad said I can have it after summer camp." Knowing perfectly well that she was talking about her acquired quinque Shinso nodded. Learning that her talking brings ease to both of them before a practical exam.

Well that was before. Now, Shinso strayed on the ground, handcuffs tied on his utility belt, his hands tightening the bandage Akira gave him on his bloody knee.

' This is a practical exam? ' he thought as he stared at his teammate/classmate/partner/friend and her uncle airborne, partaking in a gory fight.

"Don't worry this is normal" Both uncle and niece assured him respectively as they first spotted his terrified expression.

Kirishima Ayato, also known as the Black Rabbit, has a hole punched through his gut due to Akira's rinkaku, the female using the wind to restrain his movements while maintaining her balance.

Ayato grunted as he was being thrown off by the wind.

"SHINSOU!" the gray eyed girl yelled.

Immediately understanding what she ment, Hitoshi sprung into action using his scarves (like the ones Eraserhead uses) manipulating them to wrap around the older man's body forcing him into submission.

"Yowch!" Ayato yelped as he landed on the ground on his butt. The scarves were strong, strong enough to withstand against his ukaku but just for a few minutes.

Acting on impulse, approaching the restrained professional, Shinso immediately cuffed his hands together.

After announcing that they passed, Shinso turned to his partner smiling triumphantly only to see her on the ground unconscious.

Was it a drawback to her quirk? Shinso thought worriedly unraveling his scarf from the peacemaker and barreling towards the girl he first considered as a friend.

He thought of the things that could've possibly wore her out like this.

She was constantly moving, constantly using her quirk to defend him from her uncle's shard like bullets.

She mostly switched between earth and ice using this, only refering to the other three elements for offense.

Ayato had dodged a small fire hurricane made of wind and of course fire.

Broke out of a whip made of water and so much more.

Shinso was worried he knelt down to the girl cautiously afraid if he overstepped his boundaries, he'd only make things worse.


The girl groaned sitting up and putting a hand on her head.

"I told you to call me Akira," she muttered, Shinso exhaled a breath he didn't know he was keeping.

"Where are we?" He asked taking the medical procedures to a person who regained consciousness.

"Sendai city gym- I mean field alpha at UA Facility." The gray eyed girl replied touching her bruised cheek.

Shinso nodded ignoring her reference. "What were we doing?"

"Practical exam, against my uncle, you tied him up and cuffed him."

He frowned "why did you loose consciousness?" He wondered

"I dunno, I just felt really tired and as soon as I landed on the ground, but body restarted so I shut down."

"Well then, since you are okay now let's head back." Now healed and regenerated, Ayato spoke startling the two teens.

"Can you stand?" He asked his niece concern painting his expression.

"I- I think so." She muttered as Shinso helped her up. She stretched her legs, fumbling a little but easily regained her balance.

"I think I should at least call Nishiki-san to inform-"

"Ah no need!"

Ayato raised a brow staring at his niece with a stern look.

"And why is that?"

"I have check up the day after tomorrow so it'll fine, I'll be fine I swear uncle, I was just tired."

Shinso gave the older male an worried look, as he supported the girl from her side.

Ayato sighed not wanting the argument to go on. "fine, let's go now, Ms. Recovery Girl would probably want to see the both of you now."


Gingerly accepting the lollipop Recovery Girl gave her Akira was instructed to stay inside the infirmary (most likely due to her Uncle's insistence) she layed on the bed staring at the ceiling the strawberry flavoured lollipop in her mouth she begrudgingly turned her head from the pressing her cheek onto the pillow.

"The second team to pass," came Recovery Girl's voice from the intercom (she had resumed back to watching the tests after checking on the purple haired girl) "Todoroki and Yaoyorozu!"

Her lips forming a small smile as she heard the announcement, mumbling a soft congrats (which obviously left unheard) she once again shifted finishing off her lollipop and throwing the stick in the trashcan next to the bed she drifted off to slumber all her exhausting actions earlier and her tiredness finally taking effect once again.

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