Watching Eren(Slow update)

By bllover581

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The inhabitants of Wall Maria are going to watch the possible futures of Eren Yeager. I also just want y'all... More

Bringing Them
Monster Child
So Ist Es Immer
The Experiment(Sleepover) Pt.1
The Corporal
Eren's Titan
Reluctant Heroes
Waking The Corporal
Riren Moments
My Brat
Eren Kochen
Nicht so Dumm
Kiss It Better
Female Titan Pt.1
Female Titan Pt.2
Levi is Fucking Whipped
Eren Yeager Protection Squad(EYPS) PT.1
Eren Yeager Protection Squad(EYPS) PT.2
I'm Sorry
Can I Sleep With You
If You're in the Kitchen, You ought to be Burned


3.2K 60 25
By bllover581

It took a while, but the special operations squad(the Levi squad) finally got Petra to calm done. Sure there was a lot of profanities thrown at them along with some accidental slaps and kick, but hey, at least no one died.

Even though it's been at least 30 minutes from when the events took place, everyone was still wary of the amber eyed girl. At least now people now to keep their mouths shut if they decide to talk shit about Eren, especially since he has Hanji(crazy-titan loving psycho bitch), Erwin(?), Levi(scary-shortie) and Mikasa(scary-protective she-devil) on his side.

"Ok." I said in a very awkward manner. "Since this is going nowhere why don't we just skip to the reading?" I asked the crowed, which answered with scattered replies of agreement.

"Great!" I exclaimed as I snapped my fingers and gave everyone a copy of the story. "The story that we will be reading is 'Sleepy Day' by Stiri." I said right before I started to read.

Eren was walking towards his Captains office. Commander Erwin had given him a stack of paperwork to give to Captain Levi. He was not envious of his Captain at the moment. So when he knocked on the door, knowing that his Captain was busy he didn't get an answer right away.

Eren tilted his head. That was a bit weird. Usually, Captain Levi would be answering right away. He knocked again, still not getting an answer. He shifted the paper stack to one hand and felt the door, to see if it was open. To his surprise it was. Usually, when he wasn't there he locked his office. He would know because he has ended up sitting in front of the door waiting for his Captain to return.

He peeked inside and saw that it was indeed empty. He shrugged and stepped inside and locked the door after himself. Then he proceeded to walk over to the desk and put the stack of papers down. He saw that most papers were in a disarray and he frowned. It was very messy, something he rarely saw from his Captain. He sat down in the very comfortable chair behind the desk and started sorting out the mess of paperwork in front of him.

"I'm telling you Eren, you are the only person who can do this without getting their hand sliced off." Hanji said to the oblivious fluff-head.

He knew for a fact that his Captain didn't mind it, because he had done so a few times before, and his Captain hadn't said anything at all.

"The only one." Hanji whispered, causing Levi to pinch the bridge of his nose.

Eren gave up a cute yawn and finished he cleaning if his Captains desk and looked around. His Captain wasn't there and he wondered where he could be. After all, if he wasn't in his office he would be training his squad. But he had already been to the training grounds and it was empty.

He got a bit sad and just plopped down on the comfortable couch that was in the office and curled up and decided to just wait for his Captain to return. To be honest, he felt a bit lost.

"Adorable little puppy." Hanji cooed, tickling the titan-shifter. Eren giggled at the action, trying to push the girl's hands away and failed at doing so.

Hanji tickled the brunette for at least 5 more minutes before pulling away with a smile on her face. Eren fell limp at this with a dazed expression and his mouth open taking in all the oxygen he can in a second. Mikasa and Levi both looked at the boy with a soft expression, taking up all of his fluffiness.

Before he knew it he had fallen asleep.

"So cute." Petra cooed with at least half of the room flinching. Turns out they haven't gotten over the cursing thing.

Levi growled and just glared at the people he passed. He was tired and just annoyed how stupid people could be. He had been cleaning up after the mess some of the new cadets had done in the Mess Hall. Just because it was called a "mess hall" didn't mean they needed to make a mess in there. Considering they used it for a lot of purposes it always needed to be clean and available. So Levi had to take it upon himself to keep it clean. He somewhat regretted that. But at the same time not. Those brats really didn't know how to clean properly, so it always needed up with him doing the job anyways. He saw no need to watch the brats fail both times. It was just a waste of time.

"Poor ravioli." Hanji said with fake sympathy.

"Don't call me that." Levi said to the scientist with a glare.

"Ravioli Ravioli cuddling all the Erenolis." Hanji squeaked out before busting into hysterics.

Levi didn't turn his attention away from the scientist, even when she was rolling her ass all over the filthy floor. After a minute of insane laughter, the titan-obsessed squad leader finally crawled back to her seat, taking off her glasses to wipe her tears away.

"I crack myself up." Hanji said with a couple huffs of laughter.

He was on his way back to his office, he already hated the fact that he left a mess in his own office. He just hoped that when he was gone his paperwork didn't grow, but he also knew that was a dream that never would come true.

"Paperwork, the worst thing about being one of the higher-ups." Hanji sighed out.

Levi nodded grimly at this, knowing that paperwork is in fact one of the worst things about his job.

He saw that everyone avoided stepping into his sight and that he was very grateful for. He rather not deal with anyone right now.

When he stepped towards his office he froze. The door he was very certain he locked, was now open and he was ready to scold the one who had invaded his office, hating people in there.

He slammed the door open and immediately laid eyes on a now drowsy but awake Eren. He sighed and shook his head in defeat. That brat always managed to get in here.

Hanji smirked at this, happy to know that even when moody, Levi wouldn't get mad at the titan-shifter.

Mikasa also had a small smile on her face, along with Armin, both knowing how hard it is to get at the brunette.

"Captain? You're back, I was wondering where you were," he said with an extremely cute yawn. Levi sighed and sat down behind his desk. Eren just stayed on the couch and rubbed his eyes.

"Brat, what are you doing here? I was certain I locked the office, so how did you get in?" he asked and looked at his desk. He was silently thanking the brat he had sorted his papers. Eren had a tendency to do that when he was bored. It was one thing he never complained about.

"But, the office was unlocked when I arrived here, and when I saw it was empty I wondered where Captain was," he said with a cute worried look and Levi rather not look at his cute brat when he was being so sweet looking.

"Awwwwwwwwwwww." Hanji squeaked out, causing Eren to blush fiercely.

"I'm very certain I locked it before leaving," he said and looked around to see that everything was in its place.

"Must be Major then, I heard they wanted your permission to use your Squad for something," he said and Levi nodded. Hanji had found him when he was cleaning. But they hadn't told him they had been to his office.

He had given Hanji permission to use his Squad because he rather not deal with them today. For some reason, they always bothered him on bad days.

"So did Major find you?" Eren asked and looked at him with big eyes and Levi nodded.

"Yes, I was cleaning up after the new brats," he growled. Just thinking about it made him pissed.

"Oh, what did they do?" Eren asked and stood up and walked over to his Captain. He looked worried.

"They messed up the Mess Hall," he groaned. He didn't move when Eren walked up behind him and started to give him a light massage. He groaned and leaned his head backward. Eren giggled and leaned over his Captain, making his fluffy bangs fall towards his Captain.

"So cute~~~~~~~~~~~" Hanji cooed, along with at least 30 other people, Krista, Connie and Sasha being the loudest

"Eren, what are you doing here?" he asked and Eren smiled.

"I was giving Captain his paperwork from Commander," he said with a cute tilt of his head and Levi groaned. It never ended.

"Poor ravioli."

"Stop calling me that."

"But Captain seems tired," he said and before he knew it. Eren had grabbed his hand and pulled him out of his chair and more or less just manhandled his Captain on to the couch he had been napping on.

"Sit Captain, and take a break," Eren said and pushed Levi down on the very much comfortable couch. Levi cursed silently. Why did he have to have such a comfortable couch?

Levi let his brat do whatever he wanted and to his surprise, Eren pulled off his boots and started to give his feet massage. It felt very nice actually.

"I feel like everyone needs a Eren in their lives." Hanji said with multiple others giving noises of agreement.

"Captain has been running around without stop for days now, so I think you need a break," Eren said with a grin and Levi could only nod in agreement. He was tired. Not surprised, but he was always tired, considering his insomnia. But Eren, his brat really had helped a good deal with that. He actually slept more than he could remember in his entire life since Eren came barreling into his life. Loud and extremely cute.

"Very." Hanji cooed out.

"Eren, stop," he groaned and Eren did just that.

"Why?" he asked with a cute frown. Looking worried he had hurt his Captain in some way.

"Come here brat," Levi said and patted the seat next to him and Eren did just that. He said down and before he knew it. Levi had been the one manhandling his brat.

"Kinky~" Hanji said with a wink(DEH fans know what I'm referencing).

Eren blushed brightly at this, and turned to hide his face into the captain's chest. Levi just had a satisfied smirk on his face for reasons I don't what to explain.

"Eren, stop," he groaned and Eren did just that.

"Why?" he asked with a cute frown. Looking worried he had hurt his Captain in some way.

"Come here brat," Levi said and patted the seat next to him and Eren did just that. He said down and before he knew it. Levi had been the one manhandling his brat.

"You two are so cute." Krista peeped out.

"They're sweet enough to give you cavities." Ymir said with a hand still around Krista's shoulders.

Eren didn't say anything. He just nuzzled closer to his Captain and waited.

Levi on the other hand sighed. He really needed a break. His cute brat was a good way to relax him. He absently played with the fluffy brown locks of his hair and wondered how he was keeping it so fluffy and soft.

Before they both knew it, they had fallen asleep. The comfortable silence and the lulling sound of his Captains steady breathing and heartbeat were making him tired.

"I just love how Eren refers to Levi as his Captain." Hanji said, shooting a suggestive look to the duo, which Eren didn't see due to him still hiding his face.

Erwin was walking towards Levi's office. Eren was supposed to bring back those papers right away. He needed them, but it seemed like something was holding him up. So he decided to see where Eren had gone too. Usually, Eren was good at following his orders, so he was surprised to notice that Eren wasn't back yet.

"Of course he isn't, not with Levi clinging onto him like that."

"We really don't need you to comment on every line Hanji."

"I know but where's the fun in that?"

Erwin just sighs at her response, knowing he wouldn't have been able to stop her anyway.

Erwin walked past Hanjis office. He heard how they and the new cadets had made a mess in the Mess Hall. But when he passed it was spotless and he shook his head with humour in his smile. Levi was at work once more.

It was when he arrived at Levi's office he knocked. He didn't get an answer so he just opened it and made big eyes over what met him in there.

Both Levi and Eren was laying on the couch. In fact, Eren was using Levi as a couch. Laying between Levi's legs and Levi had a hand tangled him his brown locks. They both were sleeping. Eren nuzzled closer to Levi's chest and gave up a deep sigh.

Hanji, Petra, Krista and many other cooed at this, taking in the adorable image they made in their head from the description.

Erwin froze. Not wanting to wake either of them. He realized that Levi must have been pulled very thin for him to allow Eren to be that close to his person. But then again, Eren was the only one that actually was allowed to be that close without him more or less kill them on the spot. Erwin knew. He had seen many try to be close to Levi but failed miserably.

Many of the soldiers nodded at this, knowing how wary and anti-social the captain can be.

Erwin silently walked into Levi's bedroom behind the door of the other side of the room. He took the blanket and walked back out and put it over the sleeping pair. Not wanting to bother Levi about anything he wrote a note to him and laid it on the desk. The note in question said he could take a few days off to just do nothing.

"This is why I prefer eyebrows over that four-eyed brat." Levi said to Eren, causing Erwin to chuckle and Hanji to make an offended squawk.

He smiled when he saw that Eren had sorted through the papers on Levi's desk and took back some of the finished paperwork and walked out. He quietly locked the door, so the pair wouldn't be bothered. He needed to tell Hanji not to bother them. If Levi had been high strung enough to seek comfort from Eren it was bad, so usually, they just sent Eren his way when they noticed Levi's mood went south. Because in the end, Eren was the only one Levi would listen to about his own health.

"So damn cute." Hanji whispered out.

Erwin walked away and was met with Hanji and Moblit.

"Hanji, don't bother Levi anymore today," he said and they looked at him with wonder.

"He was high strung enough that he let Eren sleep on him, they are currently sleeping in his office," he said and Hanji frowned and nodded.

"I didn't notice," they said with a worried look and took the papers from Moblit who followed them in silence.

"I didn't either, just be thankful Eren did before it became too bad," he said and they nodded.

"You can always rely on the cinnamon rolls." Hanji giggled.

"Did you give him some time off?" they asked and Erwin nodded.

"Yes, a few days. You know how restless Levi gets after a few days of nothing, but then again, I'm very certain Eren can keep Levi busy without him being stressed and annoyed.

"Eren really has a gift there," Hanji said with a big smile and laughed. Erwin and Moblit nodded in agreement.

All three continued to walk towards Erwin's office and it was when they arrived that they were met with Armin and Mikasa. In fact, Armin looked pensive. Mikasa just looked plain angry and annoyed.

"Commander! Have you seen Eren? he was supposed to meet us a while ago in the courtyard," Armin asked and Erwin nodded.

"Tiny blond!" Hanji yelled in excitement and tried to throw themselves at Armin. Keyword being tried. Because Erwin was quick enough and managed to grab Hanji by the neck of their jacket and keep them in place.

"Boo." Hanji whined.

"Yes, I'm fact, he is currently sleeping on Levi's couch," Erwin said with a smile and Armin nodded. Understanding what he hadn't said out loud.

"Of course, I'll just talk to him later then, come on Mikasa, let's go," he said and was about to drag her away before her famous temper when it came to Eren surfaced.

"What is he doing in that midgets office?!" she hissed with anger and Armin gave up a sigh.

"You're really protective over the brat." Levi commented.

Mikasa nodded at this,"I would do whatever it takes to keep Eren safe, even if it mean I'll have to cut you down." She said as she growled out the last bit.

"Good." Levi responded with a nod.

Mikasa had a small on her face, happy to know that even a person like Levi can admit when he need sense to be knocked into him sometimes.

"Probably helped Captain," he said and pulled at her jacket and dragged her out of there. He gave a small bow towards Commander and Hanji who just smiled.

"Let's go then!" Hanji exclaimed and marched forward and suddenly started sprinting making Moblit take off after them. Erwin laughed and went to his own office. Having more papers to do.

"That was cute." Krista commented.

"I said it once and I will say it again, They're so sweet they can give you cavities."

"True though." Connie agreed.

"You guys are idiots." Jean said as he socked Connie in the arm.


"Just saying the truth baldy."

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