The C.E.O & His SSGT...Book 1

By MKG2012

166K 6.8K 855

Book 1 in the Blood River Series Gregory Beau Morgan, Alpha of Blood River pack is a powerful C.E.O. who take... More

1. Gregory
2. Travis
3. Gregory
4. Alec
5. Travis
6. Gregory
7. Travis
8. Gregory
9. Cooper
10. Travis
11. Alec
12. Gregory
13. Travis
15. Travis
16. Gregory
17. Travis
18. Gregory
19. Travis
20. Gregory
21. Travis
22. Gregory
23. Travis
24. Gregory
25. Travis
26. Rift
27. Travis
28. Gregory
29. Travis
30. Gregory
31. Travis
32. Gregory
33. Travis
34. Gregory
35. Travis
36. Gregory
Epilogue The C.E.O. & His SSGT

14. Gregory

4.1K 178 9
By MKG2012

Song up top they sing together

"I still can't believe you got Colby a dog." Rebecca said. 

"I needed a way to ease Travis into what we are without coming out full force." I said as we went through the paperwork I had for this week. 

"How did you even convince Travis anyway? Didn't Cooper say he had to save Travis from a bunch of four-legged yellow-eyed monsters as Travis described them." It wasn't easy, I'll tell you what. 

"That's all true, he was attacked or almost attacked by rogues until Cooper saved him but even then he freaked out and started throwing rocks at them all including Cooper but it's a puppy so I'm sure until it's full grown he'll tolerate the dog for Colby's sake. If he took the dog away now it'll only cause a bigger problem with them." I sighed. 

"Has he ever gone to therapy for his phobia, that's not just fear at this point." She said. 

"Look at you using your psychology degree perks or whatever." I snickered. 

"I don't think he has and even as his mate, it's not my place to ask especially because it was Cooper who told me and not Travis himself. If I brought it up it would be suspicious." I stressed to her. 

"Well Alpha, I wish you luck with your mate." She said sincerely but a slightly teasing tone laced in. 

"Up yours." I laughed when she gasped and sped walked out as best as she could. Of all people, Rebecca was having twins. 

After I finished the last few things I needed to, I packed my briefcase and grabbed my computer bag. 

On the way home, I was really at a loss on how to tell Travis about us. I don't want us to get too deep into this relationship just for it to crumble because I didn't tell him sooner. When did my life turn so chaotic? What did I do to the universe for them to give me this life of madness? 

As I got home, I called Alec into my room.

"What's up Gregory?" He asked. 

"Can you watch Bolt for the weekend?" I asked, referring to Colby's dog. It's a white husky and he insisted on naming it after a Disney character. 

"Sure, that's no problem." He said. 

"One more thing… can you help me pack?" I said as my hands forgot how to work. I may not verbally say how royally nervous I am especially with these new developments in knowing Travis has Lupophobia which makes telling him so much harder. 

"Yea no problem, are you ok? I've never seen you like this." He asked with serious concern.

"I'm not, Cooper told me some things about Travis' past and I just don't know how to feel about it." I admitted. 

"Well whatever it is, you'll figure it out. You always do or you wouldn't be the youngest CEO in Georgia or the world I'm sure." He smiled. 

"Thanks for the pep talk Alec, I really needed that with the week I've been having." I collapsed on my bed. 

"Anytime, so are you picking them up, or are they coming here?" He looked at me. 

"Once I get up from this bed we'll be heading over so pack a small weekend bag and not your entire room, you know you have a tendency to overpack, you'll only be there for two and a half days." I chuckled lightly. 

He just huffed and walked away without a word and I went to go take a shower. 

"Gregory, what's taking so long?" I heard Alec knocking on my bathroom door. Shit, I fell asleep standing up.

"I'll be out, are you packed?" I asked through the door.

"I am, I've been waiting on you for the past twenty minutes." He said. 

Dammit… Travis has probably been blowing up my phone. 

As I got out I instantly checked my phone and sure enough, I had four missed calls and two texts.

"Let's go, I'm sorry I fell asleep." He nodded. 

"Don't worry about it Gregory and don't worry about Travis, Cooper called and I told him you looked a bit tired so you probably fell asleep. We can get coffee on the way." He said. 

"That sounds like a good idea." I said as we left the house.

I stopped getting two drinks from Starbucks. One for me, another for Travis. Alec refuses to take my money now that he's got a promotion.  

As we got to Travis', we both got out and I knocked on the door. 

"I was starting to think you were canceling on me." Travis said. 

"You know that's not my style." I said slightly offended he'd think I'd cancel without calling in advance. 

"Sorry." He said letting us in. 

"Alec offered to dog sit, I figured Cooper deserved a break to be with his family." I said and they both nodded in agreement. 

"Thanks, Alec, do you have experience with dogs?" Travis asked. 

"I had a dog walking service back in the day." Alec chuckled. 

When Travis finished going over the long list of things to do for the house and dog, the wind was literally almost knocked out of me as someone ran up behind me. 

"Mr. Gregory!!!" Colby yelled excitedly. 

"Hey, kiddo." I chuckled. 

He just smiled staying between my legs. 

"Champ are you packed?" Travis asked Colby. 

"Yes, dada." Travis nodded and they went to go get his bags. 

For such a young kiddo he doesn't pack like one, I don't even think he knows it but everything he packed, although it was mixed matched, it all went together which was impressive, to say the least. The kiddo had a style and had a taste. 

"Thanks again for doing this Alec, I owe you one." I said and he just waved me off. 

"You allow me to live in your house for free with the occasional me buying groceries so it's fine, you guys enjoy yourselves." I huffed. Prideful son of a gun, just let me repay you dammit. 

As we drove to the airport, it finally hit me. Has Colby ever been on a plane? 

"Travis, has Colby ever been on a plane?" I asked. 

"A few times actually." He chuckled. 

"But remembering is a different story, we'll see how it goes." I nodded. 

"Ok." I said. 

The rest of the drive was pretty quiet as Colby had passed out singing his little heart out to the music that played on the radio. 

"Oh I love this song." Travis said. 

"Share my life
Take me for what I am
Cause I'll never change
All my colors for you

Take my love
I'll never ask for too much
Just all that you are
And everything that you do

I don't really need to look
Very much further
I don't wanna have to go
Where you don't follow
I will hold it back again
This passion inside
Can't run from myself
There's nowhere to hide

Don't make me close one more door
I don't wanna hurt anymore
Stay in my arms if you dare
Must I imagine you there?
Don't walk away from me
I Have Nothing
Nothing, if I don't have you (you-oo, you-oo, you)

You see through
Right to the heart of me
You break down my walls
With the strength of your love (mm.)
uhh, I never knew
Love like I've know it with you
Will our memories survive?
One I can hold on to

A don't really need to look
Very much further
I don't wanna have to go
Where you don't follow
I'm holdin' back again
This passion inside
Can't run from myself
There's nowhere to hide
You're the love I remember forever

Don't make me close one more door
A don't wanna hurt anymore
Stay in my arms if you dare
Must I imagine you there?
Don't walk away from me
I Have Nothing

Don't make me close one more door
I don't wanna hurt anymore
Stay in my arms if you dare
Must I imagine you there?

Don't walk away from me
Don't walk away from me
Don't you dare walk away from me
I have nothing
Nothing, if I don't have you
You, if I don't have you" I blushed finding myself singing it with him.

That song was written for someone conflicted by their emotions and whether their relationship was moving too fast. At least that's what I hear. 

"Do you find this song true for us that if we move too fast we may end up having to open other doors to find love?" I was afraid of the answer. 

"Personal no, but, I have Colby to think about and he loves you so much already and I just don't want him hurt as I have been before. I know you wouldn't intentionally… I just have a lot of demons I'm working through. I'm sorry." He said. 

"It's ok, I understand Travis. You don't have to explain, I get it and that's what this trip is for. For us to all bond together." I smiled, rubbing circles into his hand. 

As we got to the airport, we made our way to my private jet. 

"Well look who woke up finally." I smiled at a confused Colby. 

"Hi, Mr. Gregory!!!" He giggled. 

"You slept three hours y'know." I chuckled. 

"He went to bed later than usual last night so he's been tired." Travis said. 

I smiled and nodded as we were nearing New York. 

"Dada, we're so high up." Colby said as he was more fascinated than anything as he looked out the window. 

"We are." He smiled looking at his son and they looked out the window until we landed. 

On the drive to the hotel, we passed by the big Christmas tree in Central Park. 

"Well, we're at our first stop." I smiled and we got out and Colby held both our hands as we walked to the tree and took several pictures. Individually, separately, me and Travis, Travis and Colby and me with Colby. 

I thought we were done but someone decided to throw a snowball at me or at least tried to. I heard the snow crunching so I barely dodged it and I turned to look at the culprits. 

"Who did it?" I asked. Of course, they pointed at each other. 

"It was both of us." Colby giggled and Travis sighed. 

"If we ever had to rob a bank you are so not my partner." Travis huffed and Colby just looked at him so confused and I just laughed. 

"Really?" I asked in between laughs.

"He literally outed me." Travis said. 

We ran around playing with the snow and by the time we were done, Colby had the most snow on his little hat and mittens, he looked so cute.

"Sometimes I wonder which of you is older." I laughed as we got back to the car. 

As we left the park, we took a tour of the city doing absolutely nothing but driving and playing I spy with Colby, until we got to the hotel. I couldn't help smiling to myself as we checked in and got to our room. 

"You can see all of New York from here." Travis said. 

"And that's a bad thing?" I asked. 

"Not at all." He chuckled. 

Mhm… sure… 

"I'm serious, thank you for this getaway Gregory." Travis said. 

"No problem Travis." I smiled and kissed him. 

"Ew… dada you have cooties now." Colby said.

"So?" He chuckled. 

"That means I can't kiss you anymore." What is going on?

"kiddo were grown-ups, we don't have cooties." Travis chuckled. 

"So I can kiss you good night?"  Colby asked. 

"Of course kiddo." Travis smiled and Colby kissed his cheek. 

We had a long day so I'm right there with him. 

"I'm gonna go read him a story and I'll be back." Travis groaned getting up as he rubbed his stomach. 

On our way to the hotel, we stopped at this family-friendly Italian restaurant, and we're all stuffed. I really gotta lay off the bread If I'm already eating pasta. 

While waiting for Travis, I decided to take a quick shower because I was making myself nauseous. 

"Having fun without me?" Travis said as I got out of the shower and walked into the room.

"Not exactly, I was taking my shower without my sexy boyfriend." I said wrapping my arms around his waist and pulled him to me.

"Fair enough, Colby's knocked out so Imma take a quick shower." He said and I nodded, kissing him and let him go.

Maybe my life isn't as chaotic as I thought…

Travis came into the room wearing nothing but basketball shorts and I felt my lower body getting uncomfortable so I looked away and we got into bed. He laid on his side, facing away from me and I turned the light off and wondered if he would ever accept me for who and what I am.

"Dada, Mr. Gregory, it's time to get up…" I groaned looking at Travis as he pulled Colby into a bear hug and started tickling him. 

"What are we doing today?" I asked them both as I yawned. 

"Well, breakfast first then whatever, you planned the trip." Travis giggled. 

"Yea for you guys so it's up to y'all what you wanna do today." I said stretching. 

"Can we go ice skating dada?" Colby asked. 

"Are you sure kiddo?" I asked. 

"We can go to the zoo." He said shyly. 

"Is that really what you wanna do Colby?" I asked. 

He shook his head. 

"You wanna go ice skating huh?" I asked and he nodded excitedly and I smiled. 

"Ok, we'll eat then go ice skating." I smiled and he ran off to go get ready. 

"Are you sure about this Gregory?" Travis asked. 

"They have walkers on wheels for beginners, he'll be ok." I smiled trying to reassure him. 

"If you're sure…" He said and I smiled. 

"We'll be right there with him, love." I kissed his temple and we got up to shower and change. 

As we got to the car I couldn't help but laugh at Colby bouncing in his new car seat I bought him. I forgot it was true winter here in New York so we all came unprepared for the snow so after breakfast we went to this nearby shopping center and got some winter clothes. 

"Aw ice skating now!" Colby said and we both smiled. 

"Yes, we're going ice skating now." I smiled. 

Once I parked, I picked up Colby who was making grabby-hands at me, and I couldn't resist. 

"One walker, please, and three pairs of skates." I told the guy. 

"Coming up." He said and I made sure to tip him extra to being so kind and quick to get our stuff. 

"Hold on to the walker kiddo." I said and smiled as I watched Travis use the walker along with Colby. We both knew how to skate so we'll help him as best as we can and after this we'll go watch an ice show that's playing at one of the ice theaters. 

Watching them just makes me smile, it's cute watching Colby trying to get his footing right and to where he's most comfortable. 

"Mr. Gregory, I'm skating!" I chuckled. 

"That you are little buddy." I smiled as I sat on the wall taking a break. 

Spending at least another half hour or more, we returned our skates and got lunch as we spent quite a while in the shopping center and even longer skating. By the end of the day Colby should be tried and as much as I wanna spend more time with him, the boy has energy. 

"Gregory are you ok?" Travis asked.

"I'm fine, just thinking about the rest of the trip." I smiled. 

"Ok." He smiled and held my hand and I looked back at Colby. 

"When did he pass out?" I asked. 

"As he hit the car seat he slowly fell asleep. We can just stop at a hot dog stand and get a few hot dogs." Oh my God, yes. That is one thing I love about New York, hot dog stands, on every corner of the block. 

"I won't say no to that." I blushed. 

"I love the hot dogs too." He laughed. Which hot dogs did he like most was the question I really wanted to know the answer to. 

When Colby finally woke up, we gave him his hot dog. 

"Eat it slowly champ." Travis said and Colby nodded eating up the now cut up hot dog so he wouldn't choke or stuff his mouth too much that he couldn't swallow his food. Not that I'm not certified and have the training to be a medic if I so chose to leave my company, but I won't anytime soon. 

When we all finished eating, we got to the ice theater. 

"Dada I can't see." Even though we were up front, he couldn't see too well so Travis had him on his lap. 

As the show started, I saw how uncomfortable Travis was getting and his heart rate sped up. Shit, he's having a panic attack. 

"Babe, what's wrong?" I asked him as I kneeled in front of him. 

"The beast… it just brings up my past." Colby wanted to watch Beauty and the Beast on ice and I figured since the beast didn't look wolfish everything was golden but I guess I was wrong. 

"Babe, look at me, do you want to leave?" I asked. 

"N-no. Colby is having fun." He said and I sighed and I rubbed circles into his hands and heard his heart rate dropping to a much more steady sound. 

"Feel better?" I asked and he nodded. 

After the show, we went back to the hotel to just have a more relaxed night. 

"Babe I booked you a massage at the spa." I said as I got Colby to watch cartoons in his room with a little snack of chips and carrot sticks. 

"Are you sure you'll be alright without me for a little bit?" He asked. 

"I've been around kids my entire life and have a secondary degree in pediatric medicine now please go enjoy yourself." I said and he bit his lip and nodded. 

"Good." I kissed him and I joined Colby in his cartoon marathon. 

"Whatcha watching kiddo?" I asked, laying next to him. 

"An old cartoon." I internally gasped. The rugrats are not old thank you very much. 

"Ok are you hungry or is that enough for you?" I asked, getting up. I bought a few things to make sandwiches and simple meals before we came back to the hotel. 

"Can I have a peanut butter sandwich?"

"You can't have peanuts kiddo, do you want a grilled cheese sandwich?" I asked and his eyes lit up. 

"Ok!" He followed me and he helped me make three sandwiches before leaving me to cook them. 

A little bit after nine, Travis came back and I got up from Colby's bed. He fell asleep on me as I read to him. 

"Hey, babe you look better." I smiled. 

"I feel better, thank you for taking care of him, I didn't know how much I needed that." He smiled. 

"Anything to help you relax." I smiled. 

"Let's get some sleep." I yawned. 

"After you shower." He chuckled and flopped on the bed. 

Oh, he got jokes, I see how it is. 

"Funny. You're real funny." I huffed and went to take a shower. 

I really don't want this to end… 

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