Err'thang About Ya ✔️

By KimberlyWesley

174K 10.5K 8.7K

What happens when an ordinary girl meets and extraordinary boy? Kitrina Kelly is just a young, small-town, c... More

1. Sexxy Az Hell
2. Show Me Mo
4. Iz You Iz My Baby
5. Fact Iz This
6. Get Cra-Zee
7. Bring Me My Money
8. Hot Flash
9. My Girlie Iz Hot
10. Holla, Holla
11. Lick It, Hit it, Stick it, Quit it
12. Bling Me Out
13. Lickedy-Lick-Lick
14. J.O.B.
15. Ridin' Wit My Chick
16. Hot Sex (On a Platter)
17. Mo Ice
18. U Da Winner
19. Shake It, Don't Break It
20. Haterz Come Out At Night
21. We Dem Boyz
22. Freaky Sho-tel
23. On Da Way to Da Field
24. Sweatin' Me
25. Cloud 9ine
26. Hit It All Night
27. Dem Double Ds
28. Lurkin'
29. Rap Sumthin'
30. Twisted
31. Fact Iz Life
32. Make U My Wife
33. Making Love
34. Freak in Da Sheets
35. Wet
36. Lay U Down
37. Right Time, Right Place
38. U & Me
39. Dancing at Midnight
40. My Heart, My Soul, My Everything
41. Tasting You
42. Sexy and You Fine
43. Someone Special
44. Ice-aholic
45. Love, Love, Love
46. Love, Love, Love (continued)
47. Lady Rapper
48. Best Friend
49. Luv U 4 Lyfe
50. The Day I Met You
51. Six Sexxy Sisters
52. Bon Bons and KitKats
53. The End?
54. Icee
55. Kitty
56. Come Back Home
57. Baby
58. Err'thang About Ya
Thank You

3. Club 417

5.5K 313 207
By KimberlyWesley

Bout to party, at the club it's the place to be
Got the honies got the drank in da VIP
In Da Field, it's da club that's the place 4 me
Club 417, let's check 'n see (let's check and see)
Pop, poppin bottles, drop, droppin dollas
Pop, poppin bottles, drop, droppin dollas

Kitty knew she would never hear from Icee again. After she told him she was celibate, she could hear in his voice that he had tuned her out. She was an anomaly he did not understand. She took her lifestyle very seriously. Yeah, she may be called a good little church girl, but she was not always that way. In fact, she had done a lot of dirt in her time, and she was trying to be a better person now.

She devoted all her time to being a good person who believed what positive energy she put out she got in return. She believed that is why she was successful with her small business now. Who else could train clients in their homes and makeover fifty thousand a year? She was only twenty-four. No, she was not rich, but she lived very comfortably. She lived in the home she grew up in which was paid for and she worked from home or traveled to the client's home to train. She had a long list of clients who were faithful to her and referred her and helped her business grow. She also taught a few fitness classes at the YMCA, but she refused to train there because they did not pay enough.

Someone like Icee would not understand the hustle of her hard work. That's one reason she kept her body in tip-top shape because it was her business card. People saw her, and they knew she would get them results. She came a long way from being one-half of the "chubby Kelly twins."

Her dream was to open a gym one day, maybe even a chain. So, no, she did not have time for just dating. Her one and only boyfriend broke her heart in a million pieces and she did not get over him in a good way. She had moved on, but she never planned to get hurt like that again.

A few weeks went by and she had not thought of Icee again because she knew he had lost interest in her. After all, he could not get what he wanted from her. So, she was shocked when out of the blue he called her one day.

"Hey, sexy."

"Hey, you," she said, trying not to sound so giddy at the sound of his voice.

"What's good?"

"I thought I would never hear from you again after I told you I was celibate."

"I mean, that's the weirdest shit I have ever heard, but whatever you need to do," he said. "I liked talking with you. I never just opened up to anyone else like that, so I said fuck it, I might keep chick around as a friend. Can't have too many of those."

"You, Isaac Curtis, have female friends that you are not having sex with?"

He laughed. "Touché! You got me, but let a brother try. Shit, I have enough sex for the both of us."

She just shook her head at him.

"I like you, girl. You real cool peeps and I don't meet many people like that. They always want something from a brother."

"Okay, friend," she smiled when she thought of him. "Where are you now? Still in L.A?"

"Naw, we never stay in one place too long. I'm down in the dirty, dirty south, New Orleans. Doing some shows down here, then we up in the Chi for a few days."

"I have a friend who lives in Chicago. She loves it up there," Kitrina said.

"It ain't da 'Field. I can travel all around the world, but I love my city."

"Me too. So, when are you coming back here?"

"Oh, why, because you want to see a brotha?"

She smiled but played it off. "Did I say that? No, I didn't say that. Just that you love your city is all."

"I mean, I can stop in for a day or two, let me check my schedule. Then we can hang, how is that?"

"Sure, friend," she said, with emphasis on friend.

"All right let me get back with you on that and I'll let you know. When I see you, I want you to look sexy as fuck, okay."

Sure enough, Icee texted her later that day that he could make it back to town on a Thursday night and he was having a party at Club 417. He invited her and Krystle with all-access VIP passes that included parking and free drinks. Too bad Krystle could not make it and she had no one else to invite. She did not mind rolling solo to the club as long as she got to see Icee again.

As always, she had to show off the body she worked hard for. She wore a black and white striped tube shirt and fitted leggings to accentuate her abs and her lean legs. She pulled her afro back in a puff and wore minimal make-up, only gloss and a bit of glitter eye shadow. She knew she was not the prettiest girl ever, but she knew how to accentuate her good assets.

It was nice having access to the VIP, going over to the bouncer guarding the area and giving her name and him letting her through. The VIP area was on the second level overlooking the main floor and she was already getting used to being up there. She was not even a club-goer, but she was ready to enjoy herself tonight.

She spotted Icee surrounded by two skanky-looking groupie chicks. Not to be rude, but they had next to nothing on. Sure, she was showing a little skin, but the one girl must have thought she was Beyoncé and could get away with wearing a bodysuit as if it was an outfit, and the other had on tiny shorts that barely covered her artificial booty and what looked like a bra with her had to be fake boobs. They were Double Ds and obviously fake, compared to her D cup. Icee was sitting there trying to brush them off because he looked so bored.

She smiled and walked over to him.

"Hey Icee, sorry I'm late."

"Hey, baby!" Icee jumped up and pulled her in his arms, hugging her. "Play along," he said in her ear.

"Did you miss me?" she asked, still in his arms.

"Yeah baby, I was just telling these ladies my girl was on her way. They were keeping me company to my honey came."

"Oh, well thanks for keeping Icee company," she said to the girls, barely glancing at them, keeping her eyes on Icee. He was looking like a million bucks in a black button-down shirt and black jeans with the latest Air Jordan's.

Icee held her hand and took a seat, scooting the girls away so she could sit beside him.

"You looking good, ma," he uttered to her.

"You looking really good too, boy."

"I love your hair like that."

"I like your everything in this all black," she admitted to him, he was so freaking hot it was insane.

"Don't make me blush."

"Can a dark-skinned brotha blush?"

"For real though, why are you coming up in the spot looking like hot sex on a platter, but a brother can't even get a sniff?"

She giggled at him. They were so into each other, that she did not even notice that the girls had sashayed on mingling with the other guys in the crew.

"Can we just enjoy ourselves and party tonight?" Kitrina did not go out much but now that she was "friends" with Icee, she wanted to relax and have fun.

"How can you enjoy yourself when you don't even drink." He motioned for a server. "You sure you don't want just a sip?"

"I don't need a sip to enjoy myself." She turned her attention to T-Zack sitting nearby, dressed in a camouflage vest and khaki pants, dark shades on, and holding a bottle of Ciroc. "Hey, T-Zack. What's up?"

"Chillin' girl, you looking good."

"Does your wife ever come to hang out with you?"

"No, she let me be me and she knows I'm coming home to her tonight," he took a quick sip of his drink.

Icee shook his head at his friend.

"My boy so whipped with that. Hey, where's your twin?" Icee looked around the place for her.

"She had a hot date, so it had to be all that for her to miss you treating her right. All she did was talk about the last time."

"I aim to please."

The rest of the night was a blur to her. Icee was drinking and smoking blunts with the Facts and their entourage, she was trying to stay cool and not feel overwhelmed by partying with them, but she danced and talked with everyone and got to know the rest of the guys and AKA.

"Man, I love your hair." AKA sat next to her now, smoking a blunt and drinking some fancy mixed drink.

"Girl, but you have that hair all lil Black girls wanted growing up."

AKA had long, thick, dark curly hair down to her mid-back. She mostly wore it in a ponytail or braided down. Never in any girly styles.

"Man, I hated this shit growing up. I remember I wanted an afro like yours when I was little, so I cut off all my hair, which was longer than this when I was seven. I thought it would fro up if it was short. Shit! That mess grew back in even curlier."

Kitrina laughed at her.

"With a white mom, why the hell did I think I would have an Angela Davis fro like you."

That was new to her. She did not realize that AKA and TA were biracial. Sure, they were both light-skinned, but she knew people lighter with both Black parents. That did explain why they both had thick, long, curly hair. She envied that curly hair, which her big sister Sarena had.

"My mom used to always say, 'Love the skin you're in,' because my sisters and I were all different shades of brown, and me and Krys are the darkest."

"Girl, you cool with me," AKA said, puffing on her blunt. "Icee always gets the good ones. You into girls?"

Kitrina looked at her and blinked. "Uh, no."


Kitrina tried to cover her shock. "You're gay?"

AKA blew out some smoke, Kitrina coughed and waved the smoke away from her. "Why do you say it like that?"

"No, I just...I mean..." She thought she knew everything about Fact Iz, but she was learning so much.

"I been gay all my life, and I ain't never try and hide it. Muh'fuckas put me in a box anyway because I'm the only female in a male group. They know I'm in a category on my own. I rap hard and raw, not no soft shit like most of these female rappers. I ain't worried about being the 'Queen Bee.' Muh'fuckaf I'm the King! I can out rap a bitch or a nigga any day."

"Cocky much?"

"In this business, you gotta be. I learned that from my big cuz Craig, RIP."

She was enjoying this side of AKA. It was true, the girl was in a category of her own. Besides Icee, she had the sickest flow and people were taking notice. She was pretty, though she hid her looks by dressing like one of the guys. If she let her hair down and wore make-up, she would be the hottest-looking thing out, with natural beauty, no fakeness.

"Hey Kit, ole girl bothering you much?" Icee said when he came over and pushed AKA to the side.

"Lil boy don't get embarrassed in front of your girl," AKA pushed Icee back.

"Who are you calling little," Icee said, standing his six-foot two-inch frame over her. "Love you cuz, but bounce."

AKA gave him the finger as she walked off.

Icee sat back down next to her. "You enjoying yourself?"

"Oh yeah...yeah, sure," she rambled, sipping her diet coke.

Icee grabbed her glass and sniffed it.

"You need to put some Henny in that."

"I'm good boy, don't worry about what I put in my body."

He grinned at her, looking her up and down and she could only imagine the dirty thoughts he was thinking. She rolled her eyes at him.

"I'm just saying," he smirked, rubbing his hands together. "We might need to step this thing up to friends with benefits."

"You think you have it like that you can just change what I believe in? See, this is a waste of my time." She stood and started to walk away.

"No wait Kit, I'm just messing with you. I mean, I do want you in that way, but as I said, we can just be friends."

Who was she fooling? How could she possibly be friends with Icee when she had feelings for him, but all he wanted was sex from her? Besides, he had a girlfriend that he did not seem to even respect. How would he treat her if she ever allowed herself to get caught up in him? No, it was better to just end this now. Her flirting might have been innocent, but she knew she could not be strong enough to continue to dodge his attempts to get her in bed.

"Look Icee, this isn't going to work. We're just at two different places in our lives and I like hanging with you and talking with you, but we both know it'll never work. You have Bonnie and I have my life here in Springfield. Let's not even fool ourselves that we can even be friends. Goodbye."

Then she walked out and hoped she never saw Isaac Curtis again.

A/N: Slow burn to get these two together. I don't like when couples take long to hook up, next chapter FINALLY!

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