Intangibly Yours | Chaelisa

By StanThinMints

28.7K 2.1K 3.3K

She knew it was a bad idea. Roseanne had always been one to become attached too quickly. Too easily. And loo... More

01 | don't be late
02 | covered in silver
03 | keeping the normalcy
04 | morning meetings
05 | as days go
06 | in muted turquoise
07 | a hero's home
08 | for the month
09 | a little hope
11 | one of seven
12 | a turning point
13 | troubled calls
14 | the halloween spirit
15 | blinking lights
16 | questions answered
17 | conversations
18 | ghosts and ghouls
19 | tether
20 | shadows
21 | rain
22 | unsolved

10 | what you feel

1.3K 116 144
By StanThinMints

Sleep was evading her tonight. And Lisa knew that would probably lead to sleeping in dreadfully late tomorrow morning, but she didn't mind. At the moment, time seemed to be stilled. Paused... as she stared out of the window at the city lights ahead of her.

Not sure what she should be seeing, but knowing something had to be there. Her mind restless on the inkling of something being missed, and she wasn't sure what that something could be. It didn't feel like an object, or an action she forgot to do. Just a sensation...

Maybe... that sensation?

Lisa pushed back her chair, standing abruptly and making the unseen and bewildered Rosie flinch. The Thai quickly moved into the kitchen and disposed of her empty bottle, as the ghost followed her silently.

Roseanne stood in the entry, still thinking back to the way Lisa's gaze had rested so closely to hers. The way her dark eyes drew her in like an intoxicating spell, before that spell was broken by the woman's sudden leaving of the table. The Australian was still curious as to why, when Lisa found herself staring at the front door.

Walking over and peering out into the hallway through the small hole in it's center, she remembered the knocks from earlier, and how she never figured out who delivered them. The whole idea of someone rapping on her door this late at night did seem odd, and maybe that's why she first thought she had imagined it all in the first place.

But with the addition of the feeling returning from those several days ago, she's beginning to wonder if the two are linked. That somehow, whoever knocked, or whatever knocks she's believed she's heard, are also the cause of this... feeling.

Lisa sighed and leaned away from the door. Running her fingers through her hair before shaking her head. "You're just tired... that's all." She assumed out loud. Turning around and retreating to the living room where she shut the blinds with the push of an automatic button, and released a yawn with arms thrown back.

Roseanne watched as Lisa shut off the dim lights that had been illuminating the space, before making her way down the hallway. The ghost following a good distance behind, scared of getting too close and being detected.

She wasn't entirely sure, but it felt like there was something about Lisa that made her different than others. Like the way the woman would look over her shoulders, towards her, along a Melbourne street or airport skybridge. When it was apparent no other living being found it in themselves to stare at the empty space behind them.

She could have kept thinking on it, but when she found herself unconsciously following Lisa into the rather spacious master bedroom, all other thoughts left her. Her mind resting as she took in the sight of the dark aesthetic room. Head turning along with her eyes, as she surveyed the comfortable space.

"Wow..." Rosie whispered to herself as she noticed the window to her right. Further entering the space and passing by Lisa, to stare out another decently sized glass pane. Taking in the twinkling streetlights and rather calming city below.

A sigh escaped lips from beside her, and Roseanne found herself jolting in surprise. The ghost surprised yet again by the woman, opposing the theory of ghosts being the ones to make the living scared, as Lisa stared out the window beside her.

"I've never really seen Melbourne from this high up before." Roseanne spoke quietly. "It's so beautiful..." Her words died out the second she looked to the right. Eyes dilating on the woman's glowing profile. Bridge of her nose, perfectly sculpted and paired wonderfully with the strong, yet feminine jawline.

Roseanne felt a weird twitch in her fingers, as she imagined herself tracing the tips of them along it. Before she closed her eyes and shook the idea from her head. "You're already following her. Don't be any creepier Roseanne."

She opened her eyes at the sound of steps being taken away. Lisa entering the connected bathroom and rinsing out her mouth, as Rosie peeked her head inside and admired the contrasting colors of black and white decor. Shades of grey in artwork placed strategically along the walls.

Lisa grabbed at her hair and held it back as Roseanne observed. Rinsing out the remainder of beer off her breath, as she gargled the water she had gathered from under the running faucet. Spitting it out, releasing her hair, and turning the tap off before drying off her lips with her sleeve.

Looking to herself in the mirror afterwards. Eyes a bit glossy due to her tiredness and drinking of alcohol. Two things she wasn't new to. Given who she was... and always has been. Lisa sighed, taking in some calming breaths before flicking off the bathroom light and making her way to the bed.

Adjusting her sweats and climbing under the covers once more, as Rosie stood several feet away. Eyes on the frizzy blonde as Lisa found a comfortable position to sleep in, and tried to let herself doze off. Mind still a bit awake, from either the alcohol or feeling of eyes on her, but Lisa pushed it all aside.

Thinking of anything she could to help her sleep, and slowly finding herself slipping into a distant memory. One, she's sure she had tried to suppress.


She doesn't know exactly why she stayed, but Roseanne at least wanted to make sure Lisa fell asleep okay. Maybe it was because she knew the woman was hurting, in some way or another, because it was at least known that Lisa had lost someone. It was just the question of who.

Yet Roseanne also felt compelled to stay in the room and watch the woman sleep, because she seemed even prettier at night. When her skin would tint a light bluish, and face relax in sleep, she felt even more mesmerizing. To the point where Rosie didn't even know she had been leaning in, until she found herself inches away from the woman's lips.

She quickly leaned back and shifted uncomfortably on the bed. Watching as the mattress sunk further below her, and Lisa furrowed her brows in her sleep. Roseanne bit her lip while coming to the decision to get off the bed. The guilt of watching the girl sleep for as long as she had enticed her enough to finish exploring what was left of the apartment.

Leaving Lisa to sleep, as she exited the room and found herself standing in the darkened hallway. There were several photographs framed and hung on the walls, making her wonder just who she thought she was, prying into a strangers life like this. But curiosity always got the best of her, especially when it came in the form of possible answers, situated in picture frames.

Roseanne looked from each photo, taking her time as she admired the different sceneries captured within them. None of which looked to be Australia, until she came to a collection of three pictures in a single, shared frame. Each having one of the several tourist attractions you can find around the city of Melbourne in it's backgrounds.

The first photo was of a guy, smiling while holding two thumbs up, hair slicked back. She guessed him to be in his early thirties. Judging by the beard, choice of clothing, and youthfulness he still seemed to possess. Roseanne maybe would have began guessing younger, but when she looked to the next photo in the sequence, she deemed her first guess to be right.

As now she was looking at a little girl. Whose hands were straight up in the air, a look of pure excitement on her face as her bangs partially covered her eyes. Those bangs leading Roseanne to believe that this was the younger Lalisa Manoban. And the age that she appeared to be in the picture, paired perfectly with the guessed age of the man in the one before it.

That man, whom she now believed was Lisa's Father, as the final picture of three was of the two of them. Smiling happily together, arms wrapped around one another as Lisa's Father held her up. The two of them sharing the same shade of dark brown hair, and crinkled eyes when they smiled.

Roseanne found herself lingering on it, enjoying how happy the two of them seemed, until her own smile faded at the thought that... maybe he was the one who had died? She contemplated the photos, and the apartment they were in, before quietly glancing back to the room that Lisa was sleeping in. She turned away and found her eyes resting on an unopened door beside her.

Against her will to maintain Lisa's privacy, she phased through the wall and found herself in a filled study. Her gaze immediately falling onto the several shelves to her left, that housed a fair amount of awards between books. She made her way over to them, and was surprised at the abundance of different engravings within them. All made out to a John Manoban. And by the looks of it, he was well efficient in his field of work.

Roseanne smiled a bit at the collection of career shout-outs and achievements, until her eyes fell onto an opened box. Situated on top of a polished oak desk. Labeled 'very fragile' and 'irreplaceable' in underlined black ink.

She got closer and peered down between the partially folded cardboard flaps. Almost wishing she hadn't when she took notice of a well crafted nameplate, resting on top of other, wrapped awards. A badge placed beside it in such a way that it made Roseanne's un-beating heart twist, and an unspoken answer be heard.

That the well distinguished Detective John Manoban, had passed away.


Lisa woke up the next morning in a rush. With sweat glistening her forehead and cold, clammy palms, as she sat up and exhaled. Immediately beginning to wonder why after all these years she'd dream of that night again.

Sitting alone on her bed as a child, and watching the man in the corner whom only smirked, before rushing at her. Leaving a crying Lalisa to take off down the hall towards the safety of her Father and Grandmother's arms. Since her Mother would only tell her she's imagining things.

But it had felt so real that night, and Lisa got to relive it again through the form of a nightmare. Still wondering why she would have dreamed it up, when she climbed out of bed and headed for the restroom. She was still in a daze when she left the master and stopped abruptly in the hall.

She looked to her right, staring at the closed study door, before reaching for the handle and turning it. The door creaked a bit as she stepped inside and surveyed the room. Knowing something had to be off, but found nothing seemed to have been disturbed, as she peeked down into the box she had left and noticed everything was still in it's place.

"Weird..." She sighed under breath. Still not too sure what had sparked her checking the room, or what had caused her nightmare, when she exited the study and made her way into the kitchen.

Roseanne looked up at the sound of footsteps. Turning her attention from the city view, she found herself smiling at the welcomed sight of Lisa. "Morning!" She called. Getting up off the floor and walking over to her. "How'd you sleep?"

She peered her head around at Lisa, who was putting toast in the toaster, and frowned at the sight of darkened bags under her eyes. Giving Rosie the idea that the blonde didn't sleep the greatest. "I'm sorry you didn't sleep well." She spoke. "I hope it wasn't because of me..."

Lisa grabbed her toast out of the oven and cursed as it burnt her fingertips. Roseanne chuckled a little before stepping aside and allowing Lisa to walk past. With her searing hot toast on folded paper towel, she dropped it on the other end of the counter, then went to grab a glass of orange juice and cinnamon.

The frizzy blonde sat fell onto a stool and began sprinkling cinnamon onto her toast while sipping off the orange juice. Roseanne wishing she could have some, before she realized Lalisa never put any butter on it. And she began to question why not as the woman ignored her, and started eating anyways.


After breakfast, Lisa immediately went to change into a tank top and tie up her hair, which would most likely become a new morning routine while at her Father's place. As she hated when her hair would get in her eyes when packing things into boxes.

And Roseanne was left practically blushing when Lisa returned from changing and began putting things away in the living room. Because each time the Thai would reach for something off the top shelf, her shirt would ride up her abdomen and arms would flex, making the gay ghost squeal on the couch.

Covering her eyes with her hands and talking into them she'd plead, "No, no, no. You're not a creep." Repeating this to herself over and over. Opening her eyes and peering through her fingers only to watch Lisa wipe off her forehead or reach for something else. "Ahhh! She's so... ugh... breathe Rosie. Breathe."

She'd then laugh at herself. That sudden realization that her usual breathing techniques when seeing a hot girl wouldn't work, when your lungs don't intake air like they used to. Leaving her with only her thoughts, as Lisa was constantly battling the urge to stop, and have a drink. Already tired of going through her late Father's stuff, and wanting nothing more than a cold one at three in the afternoon.

Another thing that had been lingering at the back of her mind, was that feeling from last night. It never truly seemed to have gone away. Maybe while she was sleeping it did, but then she had the nightmare. Even now, while packing things away, she felt like she was being watched.

Lisa stopped what she was doing and stood still. Turning slowly around and catching the observing Roseanne off guard, when the woman seemed to be looking at the ghost. Until she looked past, and began approaching the several windows that showcased the warming city.

Roseanne watched Lisa go and bit her lip. Curiosity whispering into her ear like her own ghost she couldn't see. "Why do I feel like you can sense me?" She whispered, now to herself. "You can, can't you?"

She stood up from the couch and walked over to Lisa, who was currently trying to spot any person she could that may be looking up and into the apartment windows. Because something was off, and she needed an answer.

Roseanne began to think of the other day, when Yeri and herself had followed Lisa down the street the day after their airport meeting. That afternoon, being the one where Yeri saw how Lisa would sometimes look over her shoulder at them and thin air.

"Can you... feel ghosts?" Roseanne asked carefully. Reaching her hand out to try and touch Lisa's, before she remembered touching the living was something she still has yet to learn how to do.

It's not like she would have had the chance to try though, because Lisa was already moving away from her and the large window.

"Fine, it's whatever." Lisa spoke out to the air. "Fucking feelings..."

Roseanne furrowed her brows as Lisa entered the kitchen, before her spoken words had registered. "Feelings! You said feelings!" She beamed, following after the woman. "That means you felt something right? Does that mean, you feel me?"

She was ignored while Lisa grabbed an iced beer from the fridge. And Roseanne only widened her eyes at the sight and checked the clock on the wall. "Already?!" She drawled, as the woman simply left, and continued to put things away with her drink in hand.

Rosie returned to the couch and pouted whilst she tensed. Not at all liking the idea of Lisa being a young alcoholic, even if alcoholism was possibly brought on by her Father's death. The thought made her even more curious as to how Lalisa's Father had died, and it became the new topic of her afternoon thoughts, while Lisa put together a new box.


While Roseanne was in her head, trying to unravel the mystery's of Lalisa Manoban and not just her clothes, Lisa was left checking off an imaginary checklist in hers.

Number one, continue packing up Father's things. Check. Number two, loosing your fucking mind to the random onslaught of anxiety and feelings of not being alone. Big ole' check.

She groaned and stood from her hunched over position on the floor. Leaving the box she had been filling and sitting down on the couch. Unaware she had startled someone, while she held tightly onto her empty beer and tapped her foot on the ground.

Roseanne nervously scooted further away from Lisa, fearing the woman would sense her closeness and run off. But it seemed the movement was what had caught Lisa's attention, as she looked down to the couch she was on, watching it closely.

Lalisa was already on edge, but if she wasn't just seeing things... then that couch cushion definitely just moved on it's own. She straightened up and readjusted in her seat, trying to gauge if she had made it move earlier. But no matter what she did, it didn't budge.

Lisa was about to flip, when she realized how foolish everything sounded. Shaking her head quietly at her momentary laps in sanity. "You need to take a walk." She sighed to herself. "You need fresh air. You're going crazy Lis..."

The Thai stood and went to throw her beer away, while Roseanne smiled. Not at the fact Lisa thinks she's going crazy, that makes her feel a bit bad... but because she learned a nickname for her. One she knows Lisa goes by and wouldn't mind being called.

The idea made her giddy. Calling Lisa by a nickname would be a decent step to feeling more like friends than strangers. She'll have to make sure Lisa knows her actual name is Roseanne, so the woman doesn't feel bad thinking that she doesn't know a nickname of hers. Since Rosie was one of them, and Lisa was definitely allowed to... to...

Wait, where'd she go?

"Lisa?" She called. Standing up from the couch and looking around for the frizzy blonde last seen in the kitchen. "Lisa? Where'd you g- oh"

The woman appeared around the corner as Rosie turned into the hall. Hair down with a lightweight jacket on over her tank top as she flipped her apartment keys in her hand. Roseanne hurried to follow the woman out the door, and onto the apparent walk Lisa was actually taking. Slightly worried she wouldn't be able to re-enter later, but too content on staying beside Lalisa to mind the slight anxiousness.

As they approached the lift, Roseanne got an idea and ran forward hoping to attempt it. Bringing her finger to the call button, and trying her best to tense just enough to press it, but not too little to phase through. But of course, in her rushed state to call it in time for Lisa, she kept tensing too little and phasing through.

To the point where Lisa had surprised her, when the woman reached unknowingly through her and pressed the button herself. Roseanne jumping back at the sight and standing nervously behind Lisa afterwards, kicking her feet. "I almost had it you know..." She spoke to the Thai. "I was really close."

The elevator soon opened and the two of them stepped on. Lisa watching her feet while Roseanne watched her, as they began descending. The Australian promised herself that she'd practice more, and one day call the lift in time for Lisa to be able to enter the second she reached the doors.

Lisa exited once the doors had opened and walked past the sleeping landlord at his desk. Chuckling a bit to herself as she pushed open the front door, and escaped into the fresh air. Taking in a breath as she already felt more relaxed, even with the following feeling.

Roseanne was glad to see Lisa looked calmer already, as she followed her down the steps and onto the quiet street. Tonight's evening looked like a pretty one, as they crossed the street and continued towards downtown.

"I can't wait for summer." Roseanne admitted. "I can get pretty white depending on how often I'm stuck indoors, so I always enjoyed getting a good tan during break." She smiled. "Oh, and by stuck indoors, I actually mean stuck at Uni." She chuckled. "Do you attend a University?"

Lisa ran a hand through her hair as she turned down another street. Quirking a brow at the larger amount of people in the distance that seemed to be congregated there.

"Ah, that's the Flinders Street Railway Station. Those people are probably commuters, tourists, or both. I only say tourists because they like to take pics of the building, since it's historical." Roseanne stated happily. "Since I like to explore, I know quite a bit about the places I visit a lot. Like did you know, it was first opened in 1854? But it didn't look anything like this."

As she continued walking, the air that was previously calming turned rapidly into one that made Lisa's anxiety return. Not that she's saying she has problems being social or surrounded by others in public... today's just, already been filled with the feelings of others being around enough.

"Why'd you stop?" Roseanne spoke. Watching as Lisa stood still, and looked from person to person. "Are you uncomfortable?"

Roseanne pondered on the thought as Lisa slowly continued forward. She never appeared to be nervous while out and about on the streets before? But then again, this street was the busiest she's seen Lisa on. Maybe there was more to her that meets the eye, just like the feelings she seems to have.

They approached the busiest part of the street, where Lisa realized it was the entrance to an almost yellow railway station. She peeked around some people gathered in front of it and looked inside, before stepping past and in between the several clusters of them that were entering and leaving.

The unseen ghost behind her happy to be able to walk right through them, and not get jostled around like she used to be before. Lisa sighed out of relief once past the busyness, and was excited to leave it and the pestering feeling behind her.

She smiled a little at the nearly empty streets ahead of her. Listening to the fading voices as a breeze blew past, and enticed the different scents of street cart flowers into the air. The elderly woman who managed it continuing to put things away for the evening, as Lisa slowly walked by and took in a breath.

Her nostrils being welcomingly infiltrated by the different smells of spring, and Roseanne couldn't help but be glad Lisa past by this cart when she had. Hoping the flowers would help make the evening a little better for the frizzy blonde, as the elderly woman looked up from behind her cart.

"They can help... you know?"

Both Lisa and Roseanne stopped in their tracks at the voice that sounded from behind them. The voice that was now accompanied by wheels rolling against the pebbled sidewalk.

Roseanne's eyes widened when she realized it was the elderly woman and her flower cart. Yet the more surprising part, was that it was one she surly recognized. Almost unable to put a finger on it, until the woman raised her hat and gestured to the many flower arrangements still presented before them.

"Flowers can be help on stressed days." Asian accented English stated with a smile. "I can see you need something. Anxiety, yes?

Lisa blinked confusedly at the woman, before she took a step towards her cart and glanced to the different collections of petals. Her eyebrows creased when she noticed the box still on the ground where the woman had wheeled it from.

"Aren't you closed?"

"Do you see a sign?"

Roseanne chuckled at the reply and watched as the elderly woman winked, before heading towards her box and lifting it off the ground. Bringing it back to her cart and slipping it inside a covered area beneath it.

A soft smile played on Roseanne's face as she took in the sight of the Chinese woman again. Remembering how excited she was that time ago, after purchasing those flowers from her cart for Jennie. And getting that kiss soon after. Only then she remember what else had happened on that day...

"Never a bad time to sell flowers." The woman, whose name was slipping past Roseanne spoke. "And good time, when someone may need them." She gestured to Lisa, then the flowers below. "These ones can help you. The smell is... relaxing."

Lisa timidly leaned down and breathed in the scent of the ones recommended. Not immediately feeling any different, until she straightened back up and gave herself a few moments to find a sense of calm. Wether it be from the flowers or not.

"See, I told you." The elderly woman grinned, while already preparing a bouquet of them for the troubled girl. "I'll make you a deal on them too. Because I know your friend."

Saying Lisa was confused would be quite the understatement. Because even though she doesn't like to admit it, having friends was something she was very much lacking.

Roseanne was also confused by the woman's statement, but she shrugged it off assuming the flower cart owner really did know one of Lisa's friends. Or maybe she was mistaken? As Roseanne's not really sure if Lisa had any in Australia to begin with.

But the Chinese woman only scoffed. "Ah... so that's how you greet me." She spoke, glancing to the paler of the two women. "And to think you said you'd visit! Tsk."

Lisa glanced to her right out of pure hope that someone might actually be there to provide some sort of sane explanation. But no one was, and the elderly woman obviously wasn't talking to her. As Lisa's for sure never met her before. She took a subconscious step away from the cart. Being distastefully creeped out by the way the woman began talking to herself.

But the woman wasn't talking to herself, as Roseanne stood frozen. Paralyzed and blinking endlessly as her mind began filling with doubts on if this was even real.

"Do you not remember me? Because I remember you..." The woman stopped building her bouquet and looked to Roseanne. "I may be old, but memory still works. You told me you were named after flowers while we built these together... I taught you."

"I- I remember." Roseanne barley got out. Still shocked by the way the conversation turned out. "I... y-you can see me?"

The woman laughed. "Of course I can see you."

And that was Lisa's cue to leave. Seeing the crazy old lady was fixated on the air beside her, she simply slipped away. Trying her best to make a quiet and quick getaway, before she ended up dead by the hands of a madwoman.

Roseanne noticed Lisa go and let her eyes drift after her. Seeing the quick moving feet of the frizzy blonde, and understanding the probable reason for urgency. Yet even though Rosie knew where she lived, she was afraid of losing Lisa to the night.

But... the knowledge that someone alive could actually see her? It was enough to let her watch Lisa go, and hope she wouldn't regret the decision later. Turning her eyes back to the Chinese woman, whose eyes never left hers, she but her lip.

"You're nervous."

Roseanne chuckled softly.

"Is it because your friend left? Or me?"

"Both." She replied quietly. "Or maybe, it's because you can see me."

"And your friend can't?"

"No? No one can."

"But I can." The woman smiled while continuing along with the bouquet anyways. Missing the several stares some passerby's were giving her. "Remind me, Rose, where should I put this flower?"

Roseanne smiled and walked shyly around the cart. Standing beside the woman and pointing to a space beside a slightly brighter collection of pedals.

"I think here? Because it contrasts nicely with the flower beside it. And also, it's similar but not exact to the other side of the arrangement."

The Chinese lady happily placed the flower where Roseanne had suggested and lifted the finished bouquet to her. "I see you did remember something." She grinned. "And only after one visit."

"I guess I did." She smiled, while eyeing the colors of mid spring. "Also... I'm sorry for not visiting you again sooner."

The woman sat the arrangement down, before turning to face her fully. "And why didn't you? Rose?"

"It's Rosie, actually." She corrected softly. "And... well, I thought it'd be a little more obvious? But, you see..." Roseanne looked down to her feet. "I died... that day."

"You... you died?"

Roseanne looked up and watched as the Chinese ladies eyes soon inflated. An 'o' appearing on her lips as she eyed her up and down.

"I couldn't notice before in the dim light, but now I see." The woman sighed. "I have my memory, but it seems my eyes are failing. I thought you were just pale, but turns out, you're a ghost." The woman joked lightly. Taking the freshly made bouquet in hand. "I guess I can't give you these in place of your friend then."

"Guess not." Rosie mumbled as the woman packed away the remainder of her cart. Throwing a small tarp over the unused flowers before gesturing down the street.

"Walk with me, Ghosty."

Roseanne smiled and began following after the woman. Whose calmness around a spirit was a little eerie, and speed was far below her usual. But she didn't mind taking it slow, as she took in the change of scenery now that the sun had practically set, and was wondering just who this elderly woman was, now that they had official met for a second time.

And who was now taking precedence over her troubled mind.

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