With you

By YourLittleTiger

2.3K 144 18

~As long as I'm with you, nothing else matters~ Victoria Reynolds and Niall Horan have been inseparable since... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28

Chapter 19

66 5 0
By YourLittleTiger

*Victoria's P.O.V*

It felt so good waking up from my own, big and comfy bed after a good-night sleep. The bed I had back home was way too small for me.

I picked up my phone from the nightstand and saw I had two text messages. The first one was from my mother.

Mummy:Hey love how was your flight? xx

And the second one was from Harry.

Hazza:Good morning beautiful ;) Call me when u wake up.

I quickly sent a reply to my mom and then dialled Harry. Why does he want me to call him?

He picked up after the third ring and mumbled with a deep and husky voice:" Hey Vicky, what's up?"

"I don't know, you tell me." I replied with a little giggle. His morning voice is so cute.

"Oh yeah that. I feel like going clubbing tonight, and I was wondering if you and Jessie would like to tag along. I talked to the lads and they are all up for it -even Nate is coming." I could hear the smile in his voice.

"Yeah I'd love to! I'll ask Jess when she wakes up which will probably be in a few years." I laughed. "But when she does I'll text you how she feels about it."

He chuckled. "Okay, I'll send a car to come and pick you up at eight."

"Sounds good to me." I said.

"Oh and Vicky?" He asked. His voice suddenly became a tad reserved and nervous. "Would you like to have a lunch with me today?"

I gulped. Is that why his voice was so shaky? Did he just ask me out on a lunch date? I know Niall wouldn't like me hanging out with Harry by without his presence when he knows that we kinda had a flirtationship when we first got to know each other.

But on the other hand me and Niall aren't official or anything. We agreed not to tell the guys anything just yet. It's very hard for me not to tell Jessie that we kissed because

A)we tell each other everything
B) it's kind of a big deal that we kissed.

Harry cleared his throat which made me realize that I was keeping him waiting.

"Oh right sorry I dozed off. Uhm I promised Jessie that we would go look for jobs today but how's tomorrow?" I suggested. It probably wouldn't be a date anyway, Harry could have any girl he wants, why in the world would he like me? Even the idea itself made me laugh.

"Yeah tomorrow's great. I'll see you tonight at the club." He said.

"See ya. By Haz." I said and hung up.

My stomach growled which made me realize that I was starving. I tip-toed into the kitchen and looked for something to eat.

When I was done eating Jess walked into the room.

"You're up early." I mentioned.

"Yeah well Nate called me." She yawned. "He asked if we were coming to the club with the lads tonight."

"Yeah Harry asked me the same thing this morning. What did you say?"

"I said that we would go. It'll be fun right?" She said.

"Yeah it will be a blast! Hold on I'll text Harry that you're coming." I replied.

'She said yes! Tonight's gonna be so much fun! :)'

He replied almost instantly.

Hazza: Great! Can't wait to see you xx

I smiled down at the text but didn't bother to reply.

"I'm gonna go get ready. Let's leave in an hour to look for jobs?" I said.

"Yeah sure." She shrugged.

What am I going to wear? I have to look like a responsible adult! What if I won't find a job? Then we won't have money to pay for the rent and bills. Oh well, everything will work out eventually.

"Jess! Did you fill in your CV like I told you to?" I screamed to Jess, she was still in the kitchen.

"Uhm yeah I did." she hesitated.

"You either did it or you didn't now which one is it?" I asked and walked back in the kitchen.

"I mean I did it but I don't know where it is so good luck finding it!" She laughed.

"Your room is too messy I couldn't even find the bed! Go and look for it because we need jobs!" I said.

"I don't even want to get a job! I just want to sleep, watch netflix and hang out with Nate." She whined.

"So you don't want to hang out with me?" I faked a hurt expression.

"Eww why would I want to hang out with you?" She said and gave me a disgusted look.

"Fu*k you." I smiled and walked away.


After two hours of walking around applying for jobs we were exhausted. We haven't found any open spots for us.

"This is getting us nowhere." Jessie groaned.

"I know. Let's just try for a little longer. Okay go in that supermarket and I'll try this supermarket." I pointed at the stores nearby.

She agreed and started walking towards the grocery store.

As she disappeared in the crowd I took a deep breath and walked in to the other supermarket.

When I walked in I saw a boy around my age with the store's uniform on.

"Excuse me? Do you know if you have any openings here?" I asked.

"I'm not sure. Let's go talk to my boss. Follow me." He said. He seems really friendly.

"Thank you!" I said and he guided me towards a break room.

"What's your name cutie?" He asked.

I could feel the blush creeping up to my cheeks. "Victoria."

"What a beautiful name. I'm Oliver." He said and we shook hands.

"It's nice to meet you Oliver." I smiled. He's very attractive.

"Nice to meet you too." He said.

"Mister Thompson, Victoria here wanted to know if we have any openings here." Oliver said to his boss.

"No we don't." The man growled.

"Oh okay. Well thank you for your time sir." I said even though he was very rude.

Oliver and I then left the room and he looked at me apologetically.

"I'm sorry, he's a bit cruel." He said.

"No worries, I'll just keep looking." I said positively.

"It would have been fun working with you Victoria. Hold on I'll give you my number, perhaps we could hang out some day?" He asked.

"Yeah sure, that would be nice." I smiled.

He scribbled his number on a piece of paper and handed it to me.

"Thanks. I'll see you soon." I said and left the store. I stepped out and looked through the window and saw him waving at me so I waved back. He was really nice.

I looked around and saw Jessie approaching me.

"Omg I got a job there!" She announced

"No way! I'm so happy for you!" I squaled.

"What about you? Any luck?" She asked.

"Nope, but I made a new friend, his name is Oliver." I laughed.

"A new friend huh?" She smirked and I hit her in the tummy.

"It wasn't like that." I said. "But hey you should call Nate and tell him you got a job! He'll be so proud of you."

"Yeah sure." She said and dialled him.

When Nate answered Jess put him on the speaker.

"Hey babe, what's up?" He asked.

"Guess what? I just got a job at a supermarket!" Jessie chriped.

"Wow! That'a amazing! I can't believe that a lazy arse like you got a real job." He teased which made Jessie gasp.

"Hey you should be proud of me! Even Victoria hasn't got a job yet." Jess said.

"Well I am proud! And I'm on my way to my shift at Starbucks now, perhaps I could ask my boss if we had an open spot for Vicky?"

"Wow really? That'd be great! Should I come there now or something?" I asked.

"Uhm yeah, I'll meet you guys in front of the place and we'll ask then." He said.

"Okay we'll be there in five." Jessie said and hung up.

We saw an underground station and went in. There is no way we would walk that far.

We soon found Nate and greeted him.

"Well, you ready?" He asked and opened the door.

I nodded nervously. It would be amazing working here.

"Hey guys." Nate greeted the two girls who also worked there. They were both gorgeous. I looked over at Jessie, but she didn't even seem to notice. She's not the jealous type.

"Follow me Vick." Nate said and I did like I was told while Jessie went to order something.

"Hey Samantha. I brought my friend Victoria here because she wants to know if we have any openings for her." Nate said in a polite tone. He calls his boss by her first name? She must be pretty chill, which is good of course.

"Yes in fact we do. Can I talk to Victoria in private for a second?" She asked.

Nate nodded and left me alone with his boss.

After a few minutes of talking with Samantha and signing a contract I thanked her and left the room. I just got a job! At freaking Starbucks! Life is so good. I gotta tell mum, she'll be so proud of me.

I walked to the counter snd ordered a Caramel frappuchino.

"That'll be 4,50 please." The girl behind the counter said and I handed her the money. "So did you get the job? Nate told us that you were talking to Sam about it."

"Yeah I was and I got the job!" I smiled.

"Really? That's awesome! That means we'll be working together!" She gushed.

"Yeah I can't wait!" I smiled. "I'm Victoria by the way. But you can call me Vicky or just Vic.

"I'm Diana, and this is Amalia." She said and pointed to the other girl who was preparing my drink.

"Nice to meet you Vicky!" Amalia smiled and handed me my frappucino.

"Nice to meet you too Amalia! And Diana. I'll be seeing you guys soon." I smiled and walked over to Nate and Jess.


"Jess are you ready? The car will be here at any minute!" I yelled.

"Yeah I'll just put my necklace on and I'm done!" She yelled back.

I walked into her room and took a good look at her. She looked absolutely beautiful. She was wearing white skinny jeans and a black crop top and a pair of black heels. Simple but sexy.

"Wow! You look stunning!" She gushed.

"Thank babe. So do you." I smiled.

I had on a black dress my mom got be for my 18th birthday. I liked it -it had a sweetheart neckline and it made my curves look great. It was a bit shorter than my other dresses but it wasn't too short. I also had on a bracelet and black pumps. I had curled my hair and it turned out to look pretty nice.

We walked out of our building and shortly after a van pulled up at our drive way. We hopped in and saw Liam, Zayn and Niall in the car.

We greeted the chauffeur and the lads of course.

I sat next to Niall and Jessie sat on the other side of me.

"You look smoking hot tonight." Niall whispered in my ear which made goosepumps form on my skin. I knew I was blushing really bad so I bit my lip and avoided eye contact with him.

"Thanks." I muttered and finally beared to look him in the eye. He had a cocky grin on his face; He was probably proud that he had that effect on me.

Well he won't get out of this without getting a payback. Game on, Horan.

I looked around to make sure the others were deep in conversation and wouldn't notice my actions. I leaned over close to his ear and whispered with a seductive voice:"You look very hot as well." while making sure my lips touch his ear sligthly as I talk. I put my hand on his thigh and he stiffened so I moved it closer to his private area.

"You look great in that shirt." I whispered slowly and placed my hand very close to his crotch. I felt his something in his pants twist and I smirked. I had succeeded. This is what happens when you mess with me. Revenge is sweet. His muscles were tense and he had a horrified expression. I was definetely enjoying this.

I made sure no one saw me and casually moved my hand away from him and cleared my throat.

"Guys which club are we going to go to?" I asked.

"Funky buddha. It's my favourite club." Liam smiled.

"Sounds awesome! But wait aren't we supposed to be 21 to get in?" I said.

"Oh don't worry about that. We even booked a private room we can go and chill at some point of the night." Zayn said.

"Oh okay. Am I the only one who finds the word 'private room' a bit inappropriate?" I laughed.

"No you're not the only one." Jess burst out laughing and so did Niall.i guess he had recovered a bit from my teasing.

"Well let's just call it a VIP section so everyone can take it seriously?" Liam chuckled.

"We're here!" Zayn announced and we got out of the car.

"Where's the rest of the group?" I asked.

"Harry, Louis and Nate should be here shortly. Perrie is coming later this evening." Zayn answered.

"Wow so I get to finally meet her? That's great!" I yelled. The music was blasting even though we were just outside of the place.

"Hey there they are!" Liam yelled over the music amd pointed at a black van.

The guys got out and approached us. Suddenly flashes started to go off everywhere around us and paparazzi were taking pictures of us. I felt self-conscious. What if they would put a picture on a magazine that had me in it and I was blinking or something? It was impossible not to blink rapidly because of these stupid flashes. Plus I'm a bit claustrophobic and they were getting pretty close. I needed to get out of here before I pass out.

I grabbed onto Niall with my both hands and yelled:"Please help me before I faint." He knew about my claustrophobia.

He nodded and wrapped his arm around my waist and guided me inside the club through the crowd.

"Please give us some space she's not feeling well!" Niall yelled but the people didn't move. I was starting to feel nauseous.

When we got in I saw a WC-sign and ran. I got to the toilet and threw up. What a great start for the night. I haven't even drank anything yet and I'm already vomiting.

"Victoria, love, are you okay in there?" Niall said awkwardly. He was in the ladies' bathroom after all.

I flushed the toilet and left the stall. This is just great. I freshened up a bit in front of the mirror and turned to look at Niall. He had a worried expression on his face.

"I'm so sorry baby please forgive me." He begged.

"For what?" I asked. He didn't do anything.

"For the paps. I didn't know they would be here. I'm so sorry." He cleared.

"Oh Niall it's not your fault." I said and hugged him. He's so cute.

"Now let's go have some fun!" I said and we pulled away from our embrace.


I didn't know what time it is. I didn't know how many drinks I have had. I wasn't worrying about stupid things. I wasn't mourning over grandma. I barely even remember my own name. I have never been this drunk. But I was having so much fun! I was currently sitting in the VIP room with Harry, Zayn and Perrie. Perrie is very nice, I can tell why Zayn really loves her.

"Harry, wanna dance?" I asked.

"Yeah totally, let's go!" He said and took my hand in his.

We walked into the dance floor with loads of people in it swaying into the rhythm of the music.

Harry and I started doing crazy dance moves and we were laughing our asses off. I was having more fun than I have in ages.

When the song changed into a slower one Harry wrapped his arms around my waist and I placed my arms around his neck. We had a great time.

I looked for the other boys in the crowd. I spotted Louis and Liam sitting at the bar drinking some beer. I looked for Niall but couldn't see him anywhere. I then saw Jessie and Nate snogging in a corner and smirked. Horny bastards.

After looking around a while I finally spotted Niall. He was dancing with with some blonde whose dress was way too short. His hands were all over her. A pang of jealousy ran through me but I tried to forget about him and focused on Harry.

Harry is a really good friend. I can talk to him about anything and he's super funny. He's one of those people you can have a laugh with when you don't even feel like smiling.

But still, I couldn't help but think about Niall. He was having fun with another girl.

I was getting dizzy and my shoes were killing me. I leaned closer to Harry to ask him if we can go back to the VIP room but he caught me by surprise by pressing his lips on mine.

I was shocked. Wait-this isn't Niall is it? No it isn't. Niall is practically dry-humping with another girl. Why am I thinking about Niall right now?

Harry didn't like me being so reluctant and pulled me closer to him and I finally kissed him back. It didn't feel the same though. I didn't get the same spark I did when I kissed Niall. Wait why am I kissing Harry? We're just friends.

We were soon interrupted by Harry flying to the ground. I turned around to look what happened. Niall punched him? What the... Niall? Niall saw us? Wait what the hell am I doing? What is he doing?

"Keep your hands off of her Harry!" Niall yelled.

He grabbed me by my arm harshly and started yanking me towards the exit. I was in so much trouble.

He pulled me out of the club and pushed me against a wall. This is no good.

"What the hell was that Victoria?"

"I... I... don't know...?" I stuttered. He was furious.

"I knew this would happen. I shouldn't have let you and Harry be by yourselves." He said and threw some colourful words as well.

"Like you are one to talk. You were dry humping some bimbo!" I screamed. He has no right to judge me. If he doesn't want to commit to me then he can't tell me what to do. He doesn't own me.

"You're over-reacting. And pissed drunk. We'll handle this in the morning. Let's go home." He demanded and vawed for a cab and it pulled over in front of us.

"I'm not going anywhere with you. I want to stay and party some more. Plus you fu*king punched Harry! One of your best mates! I have to go find him and make sure he's alright." I slurred. I think I could pass out any minute.

I tried to walk away from him but he grabbed me again. "Victoria, I mean it. You're coming with me." He raised his voice.

I winced. He never used this tone with me. Perhaps I should just obey him. But I really wanted to make sure Harry is okay.

I sighed and got in the cab with him.


Heyy sorry this chapter is longer than the Amazon. Haha love u xx

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