๐‹๐Ž๐’๐“ โ”โ” MARIA STARK


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As many of you know,Chadwick passed away due to colon cancer

I want to dedicated this chapter to Chadwick and write a message for him (You are more than welcome to as well,this is a place for everyone to grieve and share how they are feeling.) 

Chadwick,i am still crying as i write this.You were an amazing actor,many,many people had amazing things to say about you.I am forever grateful that you were able to inspire people of all colours,genders,cultures.

When i write  T'Challa and Maria, it would always bring a smile to my face.When i write T'Challa again,it will bring another smile to my face,as well as tears.But i will do so gladly.You will always be the TT to Maria's M

Many of your roles like get on up,42,Black panther (T'Challa) inspired and continue to inspire people.You were so talented and taken from us too soon.I,as well as many people are going to miss you.But your legacy will live on.

Thank you Chadwick,for being a role model,for making people laugh,smile,cry,for being someone that people could look up to.

Thank you.

I hope that where ever you are,you are at peace now.Hopefully you and Stan lee are together and are looking down at us with pride at what you accomplished.

This one's for you Chadwick ❤


PEPPER POTTS STANDS NEAR THE EDGE OF THEIR DESTROYED HOUSE BY HERSELF.Looking out across the ocean where her boyfriend and daughter were taken under and have yet to emerge.

She holds onto a slimmer of hope that they will emerge and that this whole thing was just a really bad nightmare...

The mother feels her lip wobble as she holds Maria's white converse in her hand.On the ground next to her is Tony's iron man helmet.Pepper can hear the sounds of emergency rescue and news reporters around her,but all she can focus on is the sound of her heart slowly breaking.

Keeping a tight grip on the small shoe in her hands,she bends in order to pick up the shattered iron man helmet.The strawberry blonde feels tears fall onto the floor as she rests her forehead against the helmet's.

She just wants them back.

Squeezing her eyes shut she takes a shuddery breath.Slowly opening her eyes,she frowns in concern at seeing a blinking red light inside the helmet.Lifting the helmet she feels it adjust to the size of her head.

"Stark Secure Server. Retinal scan: Verified" The mother gasps in surprise and pure joy at hearing her boyfriend's voice,A booming smile taking over her once heartbroken face.

"Pepper, it's me.Maria is here too so don't worry. I've got a lot of apologies to make and not a lot of time. So first off, I'm so sorry I put you both in harm's way. That was selfish and stupid and it won't happen again. Also, it's Christmas time, the rabbit's too big. Done. Sorry. And I'm sorry in advance because...We can't come home yet. I need to find this guy. You gotta stay safe. That's all I know. I just stole two poncho from a wooden Indian.Wanna say hi Rees"

Pepper holds her breath as she waits for her daughter to speak,Finally the ten year old does "Hey mama,dad and i are really cold but we are kinda okay.I miss you so much and i hope you're safe.When we get back i want to watch some movies and just forget this whole thing happened. I love you mom." 

Pepper wishes that she could hug them both and tell them that she loves them with everything she has.


Pepper grips the steering wheel tightly as she drives,slowly,she turns her head to look at maya "Why were you at the house tonight? What was so important that you had to speak to Tony?" Maya doesn't answer for a beat,Turning her head to face the strawberry blonde, she ponders over her answer "I think that my boss is working for the Mandarin. So if you still want to talk about it, I suggest that we get ourselves someplace safe."

Pepper turns to look back at the road,Shock written all over her face,her grip on the steering wheel becoming tighter "Your boss works for the Mandarin, you think? But Tony says you're a botanist, so..."

Maya shakes her head in disbelief because of course that's what Tony said "That figures. What I actually am is a biological DNA coder running a team of forty out of a privately-funded think tank, but sure you can call me a botanist." Pepper takes in the information before asking " This boss of yours, does he have a name?"

Maya looks down at her hands that are clasped tightly on her lap "Yeah, Aldrich Killian" Pepper looks at the woman next to her in shock.She can't have heard her right

The mandrain can't be killian ?

Could it ?


Killian spins in his office chair,his phone pressed against his ear as he takes in everything Savin is saying to him "Well, we took the house down, sir..." Killian hums "Mmhmm." Savian continues " But there's no sign of either of their bodies."

Killian clenches his fist tightly on the oak wood table "I see." Savin sounds angry "No Stark's" Killian un-clenches his fist,laying his palm flat on the table he pushes off in order to stand. "I have to go"

Killian continues to keep his phone to his ear,walking towards another room "The Master is about to record and he's a little... Well, you know how he gets. Keep your appointment tonight and call me when it's done. "

Aldrich walks into a room and notices all of Mandarin's props in place as well as the camera crew ready to record  The Mandarin's message "Alright everybody. No talking and no eye contact, unless you wanna get shot in the face."


Maria holds her dad's hand tightly in hers.The ten year old's eyes taken in the sight of the small town "The sandwich was fair, the spring was a little rusty, the rest of the materials, I'll make do. By the way, when you said your sister had a watch, I was kinda hoping for something a little more than that." 

Tony let's go of Maria's hand go in order to pull his sleeve up,Maria places a hand over her mouth to stifle her laughter at seeing Harley's little sister's pink watch.Maria notices Harley is laughing too.

Maria grins widely "Well,at least i got a nice outfit" Tony rolls his eyes in amusement "Yeah,that you did" Maria reaches for his hand again.As they continue to walk,Harley exclaims "She's six! Anyway, it's limited edition. When can we talk about New York?" 

Maria hears the hitch in her dad's breath.The way he tightens his hold on her hand " Maybe never, relax about it." Harley contiunes on "What about The Avengers, can you talk about them?" Her dad keeps a tight grip on her hand.Not allowing her to pull away "I don't know, later. Hey kid, give me a little space."

The ten year old walks along the large pathway inside an alleyway.Finally they stop as they look at the remains of the local explosion site that The Stark's came to investigate "What's the official story here? What happened?"

Maria walks right up to the hole in the ground.She listens closely to what Harley says "I guess this guy named Chad Davis, used to live roundabouts, won a bunch of medals in the army. One day, folks said he went crazy and made, you know, a bomb. Then he blew himself up right here."

Tony looks around at the remains as Maria says sadly "That's awful" The ten year old puts her hands in her pockets.A red beanie sitting on top of her head.Maria and Harley both crouch as she asks "Six people died, right?"

Maria notices the shadows on the wall,Her father does to since he is placing his hand on it.Harley looks at her as he answers her question "Yeah." Her dad is the next one to ask a question "Including Chad Davis?"

Harley nods his head "Yeah" Maria stands and moves towards the shadow's on the wall.Taking in the sights of the way their bodies are positioned...

What an awful way to go.

Maria contiunes to walk as her dad sits next to Harley.Maria frowns in confusion as she counts the shadows on the wall.If her math is correct,and it always is,then the numbers don't add up...

One,two,three,four,five ?

Six people died but there are only five shadows ?

Maria hears her dad say from behind her "Yeah. That doesn't make sense.Think about it. Six dead, only five shadows." The ten year old moves away and sits down next to her dad "Yeah, people said these shadows are like the mark of souls gone to Heaven. Except the bomb guy, he went to Hell on account of he didn't get a shadow. That's why there's only five."

Maria tilts her head as she looks at the expression on Harley's face "Do you buy that?" Harley lifts his head from looking at the wall and instead looks at the ten year old next to him "That's what everyone says. You know what this crater reminds me of?"

Maria feels her dad reach for her hand in order to hold it "No idea. I'm not...I don't care" Maria narrows her eyes,he better not ask- "That giant wormhole, in um...in New York. Does it remind you both of that?"

Maria takes a deep breath as her dad sharply says "That's manipulative.We don't wanna talk about it." The ten year old taps her dad's hand with her finger,a steady rhythm to keep his focus on her touch instead of harley's words

"Are they coming back? The aliens?" Maria swallows.oh god please don't panic.Not now ! "No,maybe,I don't know.Please don't talk about it.My dad and i have an anxiety issue and it triggers us when you talk about it." Harley's eyes dart between the two "Does this subject make you...make you both edgy?"

Maria leans forward in order to check her dad's face.Glazed over eyes.Sweaty palms.His left hand clenching and unclenching...

Panic attack

"Yes Harley,It makes us both afraid.I don't want to think about it let alone talk about it,so can you drop it.Let my papa catch his breath" Maria makes sure to take deep breaths.The last thing her dad needs is for her to panic as well.

Harley looks at Maria "I don't think your dad's okay" Maria feels her eye twitch "Oh really,what gave that away ?"

Harley instead decides to ask rapid fire questions "Are there bad guys in Rose Hills? Do you...do you need a plastic bag to breathe into? Does your dad have medication?" Tony's breathing picks up.Maria feels like slamming her head into a wall 

"Nope he doesn't" Harley pauses before asking "Does he need to be on it?" Maria shrugs tightly "Probably" Harley plays with his fingers "Do you take medication" Maria warily looks at Harley "No,but i probably do too." 

Maria can hear the worry in Harley's voice "Do you both have PTSD?" Maria can hear her father panic more "Yes,yes we do.Harley please stop.Papa breath, please." 

Harley looks away from his fingers in his lap and towards Maria "Are you...are you both going completely mental?" Maria's eye twitches,she seriously is going to commit a murder and then there will be six shadows insted of five...

"I went mental a long time ago.And you thinking that this is your chance to play twenty questions is not helping !" Harley raises his hands causing Maria to flinch "I can stop, do you want me to stop? Do you want me to stop?" Maria takes a deep breath as her mind blanks out...

Not mark.

Not mark.

Harley is not Mark !

He is not going to hit her

"Yes ! Stop.I swear to god you're freaking me out and my papa's freaking me out and new york freaks me out and i freak me out." Maria startles as her dad stands with a start,looking agitated "Great you did it harley.Nice job.You happy."

Maria feels her dad grip her hand tightly,Dragging her away from danger."What did I say? Hey, wait up! Wait, wait."

Maria gently says to her dad "Papa,listen to me.We're safe.We're not in new york.Sit down papa" Gently helping her dad sit down.using the wall behind to lean against,she crouches down in front of him "Listen to my voice daddy,can you do that,listen to me.Come back to me now alright.I'm here.I got you"

Tony feels his hand being placed over his daughters heartbeat "Breath with me.Feel my heart betting.I'm alive,you're alive.You're here with me" Maria exaggerates her breathing in order for her dad to copy.Maria releases a sigh of relief as her dads breathing becomes slower "That's good papa,that's good."

Maria yelps in surprise as she is pulled into a tight hug.Her dad's hand cupping the back of her head "Safe.We're safe." Maria leans her chin on her dad's shoulder.All though she is uncomfortable she will do anything for her dad "yes dad,We're safe.Harley just spooked us is all,He didn't mean to."

Harley slowly approaches them "What the hell was that?" Maria gently eases herself out of her dads tight hold.Moving to sit next to him,she watches as he throws some snow at Harley and rasply says "Your fault, you spazzed me out.I don't like spazzing out in front of my kid.Okay, back to business. Where were we?"

The ten year old hears her dad sniff "The guy who died...relatives? Mom? Mrs. Davis, where is she?" Maria leans her head on her dad's shoulder.Harley uses his glove to wipe his nose "Where she always is." Maria nods her head in thanks "See,your being helpful now."

Tony presses a kiss to the side of Maria's head.Maria whispers to her dad "Emotions are yuckie" Tony laughs as he leans his chin on top of her head "You said it kid"


Maria holds her dad's hand as she asks "Papa." Her dad looks down at her "Yeah baby ?" The ten year old listens to the loud Christmas music blasting through the speakers "Do you think that the avengers and mom got the message we sent ?"

Tony nods his head,looking down at the top of his daughters red beanie "I do Rees,I do." Maria looks up and smiles at her dad.With the two stark's looking at each other,they fail to notice a woman walking into her dad's right side.

Tony lets go of Maria's hand in order to pick up the item the lady dropped "Sorry.Lady, this uh.." The lady walks back towards them.A smile on her face "Thank you." Tony notices the woman has burn marks on one side of her face

Maria notices the woman's red hair.Not as bright as her Aunt Nat's but still red all the less.The lady lifts her head from the object in order to look into Tony's brown eyes "Nice haircut, suits you." Maria feels like face palming.

Nice one papa.

The woman gestures down to the watch on his arm "Nice watch." Tony grabs his daughters hand "Yeah,it's limited edition" The woman smirks "Oh, I don't doubt it." 

There's a moment's pause between the three.Maria awkwardly stares at the woman,not knowing what to say.The redhead lady looks down at Maria.Maria feels a shiver go down her spine at seeing the lady's false smile "Well, have a good evening." The woman turns and walks off

Maria grips her dad's hand tightly in hers,hopefully they don't have to see that woman again.

Maria notices that her father has his free hand on the handle of the door "No drinking,or smoking you hear me Rees." Maria shakes her head in disbelief "Are you being serious right now." Tony feels his lips tug into a smirk "I'm just messing with you kid.But also don't."

Maria smirks back at her dad "I won't." Tony nods as he opens the door "Good." The music becomes even louder now that the door is open.Maria notices that there is a lot of people in the bar.Moving closer to her dad she says "Can we be quick."

Tony makes sure that Maria's hand is secure in his "Yeah,we'll be quick." Maria grumbles to herself as her dad moves towards the bar.Getting a drink for himself and a water for Maria, he scans the room and spots a woman sitting alone with a glass in one hand and dog tags in the other.

Maria studies the woman closely and finds that she sees a mourning look on the woman's face.Maria finds that her father guides them towards the woman,as they walk Maria notices a sheriff chugging down a beer.

Tony sets down his drink on the table as he politely asks "Mrs. Davis, mind if we join you?" Maria places her drink on the table like her dad.The ten year old isn't at all surprised to find the woman studying her father and herself closely.

"Free country." Tony pulls a chair out for his daughter.Once she has taken a seat he follows in her movement "It sure is." Tony reaches for Maria's beanie and tugs it of.Placing it on the table he takes his cap of and places it next to his daughters.

The woman studies the two for a moment before deciding to ask "Alright. Where'd you like to start?" Maria feels her dad grabbing her hand again...not that she minds of course "I just want to say I'm sorry about your loss." the father can't help but think. I couldn't imagine losing my daughter "I want to know what you think happened ?"

The woman-Mrs. Davis,Maria needs to remember that,places her clenched fist on her cheek.Her eyes flicker down to the files next to her.Maria decides to stay quiet,her father's got this "Look, I brought your damn file. You take it and go". she drops the file in front of them.Maria has to hold back her startle.

"Whatever was in here, he wanted no part of it". Tony opens the file and holds it in a way for Maria to be able to see it as well.As they are reading Maria can hear the woman say "Cute kid you've got there."

Maria looks up and sees the woman wearing a small smile,Barely there.Tony nods his head "Thanks." The woman hums as she lifts her glass and takes a sip.Tony sees the photos inside the file and asks "Clearly, you're waiting for someone else. Yeah? Supposed to meet somebody here?"

Tony leans closer to Mrs Davis as he whispers so only their table can hear "Mrs. Davis, your son didn't kill himself, I guarantee you. He didn't kill anyone. Someone used him." Mrs Davis feels her lip wobble as her eyes dart around the man's face.

Is he joking ?

"What ?" Maria pipes up "Mrs Davis.Your son was used as a weapon.For what purpose is still unknown." The woman's eyes dart between the two.Placing her shaking fist over her mouth,she leans closer towards them "You're not the person who called me after all, are you?" Suddenly a..police badge ? is slammed on their table causing Maria to startle.

"Actually, I am." Maria's brown eyes flicker up and see the same woman her papa bumped into just before standing with a menacing look on her face.Maria yelps in fright when the redhead woman grabs hold of Tony's arm and twists it, slamming his head onto the table, Tony manages to quickly grab hold of Chad's dog tags that were on the table.

Maria glares at the woman,tugging on the redheads arm "HEY ! let my papa go !" Maria finds that Mrs Davis shaking hands gently grabs onto her arm and moves her away to stand next to the blonde.A sheriff approaches them slowly,not wanting to make the situation worse "Hey, hey, hey! What's all this about? What the hell's going on here?"

The redhead woman tightens the cuffs on her dad's hands "It's called an arrest." The woman pushes Tony to the ground and steps towards the Sheriff "Sheriff, is it?" Maria rushes to crouch next to her dad.Her dad reassures her "I'm okay baby"

Maria narrows her eyes as she takes in the folders on the table.The sheriff crosses his arms over his chest as he nods his head "Yes ma'am, it is. And you are?" The woman lifts her hand in order to show her badge "Homeland Security. We good here?"

Maria hears the sherif let out a disbelieving laugh "No, we're not good. I need a little more information than that." Maria quietly gestures for Mrs Davis to slide the files under the table.The blonde does just that

The redhead woman chuckles as she tauntingly says to the sheriff "Well, I think it's a little above your pay grade, Sheriff." The sheriff narrows his eyes as he says angrily "Yeah, well, why don't you get on the horn to Nashville and uh...upgrade me?"

If the moment wasn't so tense.Maria feels like she would have chuckled- Oh look at that she's chuckling

Dam her not knowing when to zip it.

"Alright, you know what? I was hoping to do this the smart way, but uh...the fun way's always good." The redhead turns her glare at Maria quickly causing Maria's chuckle to turn into a panicked laugh

"Um.Hello" The woman's hand's glow causing Tony and Maria's eyes to widen at her hands and then at each other.

Maria quietly whispers to her dad "Ah,you're seeing that too right.Or am i actually going crazy" Tony quietly whispers back "No.No i see it too." Maria sees the redhead burn her badge. "Deputy, get this woman and..." suddenly before maria can blink,the woman is shoving the hot badge into the Sheriff's face,

Maria feels like vomiting as she sees the woman's hand go through the sheriffs stomach in order to grab the man behind's gun.Once the gun is in her grasps,she pulls her hand back and watches the sheriff drop to the floor.

The redhead aims the gun at the man behind and shoots him in the head.Then she lowers the gun to the sheriffs head and shoots him as well.Maria tugs at her dad's handcuffs but it's no use "We gotta go now Rees !"

Maria helps her father up and the two rush towards the door.Once the get outside Maria hears the woman getting closer to them.

Maria can't help but feel like this is going to go horribly wrong...






MARVEL MEME OF THE DAY (One of my fav movies ever !)

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