By Delilahmonclova1814

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The Turtles have all grown up and are raising families of their own. But when villains are causing havoc in t... More

Baron Worshipper
Feline Frenzy
Doggy Ol' Days
Night of the Living Machine
Breaking News!
Dancing Fever
Love is in the Air
Time Stop
The Show Must Go On
Father-Daughter Showdown
Vampires, Werewolves and Zombies, Oh My!
Battle Nexus Showdown
The Baby Blues
The Dancing Queen
Maze of Doom
Tora's Crush
The Rat King
Road Rage
Winter Wonderland
Purple Hacker
The Sickness Flytrap
Twin Cousin Problems
The Evil League of Mutants Strikes Again
Into the Woods
Night of the Weredog
The Wedding Blues
The Foot Clan Returns
Happy Red Day

The Magnificent Lypno

59 0 0
By Delilahmonclova1814

It was early morning in the city. The sun is slowly rising up while many people were still sleeping in. Some had to leave early for work. In an apartment above a magic shop, a figure is sleeping soundly. Snoring a bit in-between his breathing. When it turned 6:30 AM, the alarm clock begins to sound off. The figure rises a bit to shut off the alarm. He fully sits up and starts stretching his arms in the air. Giving out a big yawn before getting out of bed. The figure sleepily leaves the bedroom and heads to the kitchen. In said kitchen, Madame Lapin is cooking waffles. Hypno-Potamus and Warren Stone, who is living with them, are looking at the newspaper while drinking some coffee.

???: (yawns) Morning, mom. Morning, dad. Morning, uncle...

Hypno: Morning, Lypno! My best magician in the world! How are you on this fine day?

Lypno: Just a bit tired. (yawns a bit)

???: Didn't you get enough sleep last night? Or have you been talking to your girlfriend?

Lypno: I wasn't talking to my GF, Hapin! (Hapin gives him a disbelief look) Okay I was talking to her a bit. Honest.

Hapin: (chuckles) Okay, big bro. Whatever you say...

Hypno: Anyways, are you excited for the talent show tonight at the Apollo Theater?

Lypno: Yeah. I can't wait to show them my magic tricks. But I hope you aren't planning something.

Hypno: Me? Planning? Oh heavens no! I would never try to sabotage a show for your sake. That doesn't sound like me at me.

Lypno gives a disbelief look. He knows his dad is gonna do something during the talent show. But he pretends to believe him so Hypno doesn't get suspicious. After eating breakfast, Lypno and Hapin gets dressed and heads outside to do what they usually do during this time of day. At the Lair, the Mad Pups are in the garage where the Turtle Tank is usually in. They were playing a game where they have snatch the other's masks from the dummies. Tora attempts to grab Indulf's mask first.

Indulf: (grabs her leg) Oh no you don't, Tora. I won't let you have my mask that easily. (throws her away)

Tora: (lands on all fours; growls) Oh yeah! Just watch me! (starts running)

As they're playing the game, Splinter and Aurora entered the garage. He was carrying a piece of cake on one hand and a glass of milk on the other. Before he could say anything, the two quickly dodges Liz who was thrown out of the garage. Managing not to let the cake and milk fall out of their hands.

Alolan Ninetales: Mad Pups! (everyone stops) You need to be more careful when you're playing this game. Someone could get hurt.

Liz: (walks back to the garage; groans a bit in pain) Yeah maybe we should take a break for now.

Tora: Good idea. Let's all take a break. We can always come back to this game later.

Splinter: Now then, would you like to have cake and milk? There's still some pieces left.

Topaz: Sure thing! I love cake and milk!

Jasper: Me too.

They all leave the garage to follow Splinter to have some cake and milk. The screen shifts to them eating some cake while watching some TV in the living room. The cake is chocolate with pink frosting on top of it.

Indulf: So after this break, we're gonna resume our game?

Tora: Yup! And this time, I'm gonna get your mask!

Indulf: In your dreams. I'm just too quick for ya'll to get my mask. (chuckles confidentially)

Liz: Guys, check it out. (shows them her phone) There's gonna be a talent show at Apollo Theater tonight!

Splinter: A talent show eh?

Jasper: Grandpa Splinter, have you ever been in a talent show before?

Splinter: Why yes I was. I've been in many talent shows when I was young. (chuckles to himself) My talent was showing my martial arts moves in front of an audience.

Topaz: Did you win in those talent shows?!

Alolan Ninetales: We win some. We lose some. But this is when we discover that we have a knack for performing.

Squirtle: That's so cool!

Alolan Ninetales: It is isn't it?

Liz: You wanna check it out or~?

Tora: I think we should! Mad Pups, to the Apollo Theater! {Liz: Tonight.} Tonight!

At night, inside the Apollo Theater, people are coming inside to take a seat. Behind the stage, the contestants are practicing their act. Lypno is doing some stretches. The he snaps his fingers to have doves come out of his hat.

Lypno: (sighs) I still got it.

???: (gives Lypno a bottle of water) Are you... feeling...?

Lypno: I'm fine, Sunflower. It's just... (sits down next to Marigold) I feel like my dad is planning on sabotaging this talent show. I know him long enough to know that he always plan something. To make sure I'm number 1.

Marigold: What should... you...?

Lypno: I don't know. But maybe there's one thing we could do.

Marigold: Like what?

Lypno: Ask someone to stop my dad! (jumps up from his seat) That way he won't be able to sabotage the talent show and I'll win fair and square! (puts his thumb and index finger under his chin) But who's willing to help me? That's a tricky question...

While he figures out what to do, Marigold takes a peek of the audience. She then spots something among the audience. She looks back at Lypno who is still thinking and knew what to do. Marigold summons a vine to lift Lypno. She has the vine take Lypno to the area where the Mad Pups are sitting in.

Liz: Um... May we help you?

Lypno: Huh? (looks around) How did I...? Oh nevermind! You said if I need help with something?

Topaz: Well yeah! What else did you think you heard from us?!

Lypno: Sorry. Look, I'll explain everything if you just follow me backstage. It's really important.

Indulf: Alright alright. Just calm down.

The Mad Pups follows Lypno backstage. Marigold quickly hide behind Lypno in shyness.

Indulf: Okay, we're here. So tell us everything.

Lypno: (clears his throat) I am Monsieur Lypno! My dad is Hypno and my mom is Lapin. Like them, I'm a magician.

Everyone: You're Hypno's son?!

Lypno: Shocking right? Oh and this is my girlfriend Marigold. (whispers to them) She's extremely shy towards strangers. (normal talk) But once she gets to know you, she's the kindest person you'll ever meet.

Topaz: Nice to meet you two! Wait she's your girlfriend?

Tora: Aw~! That's so cute~! Also, are you an enemy since your dad is an enemy to our dads? Just wanna clarify.

Natu: Nope. Lypno is not like his dad.

Lypno: Yeah! I would never be a bad guy like him! Now then, with that out of the way, I could use your help.

Jasper: And that is...?

Lypno: You see, whenever I'm participating in something like this talent show, my dad would often sabotage the performance in order for me to be the last one standing. And I have a feeling he's gonna do it again. So would you stay backstage in case my dad shows up and attempts to sabotage the talent show?

Indulf: I see... So your father is going to make sure you win. So you need us to keep watch for him? (Lypno nods) That seems easy.

Tora: Not to worry! The Mad Pups are here to save the day! Helping others is what we do best!

Lypno: Thank you. I really appreciate your assistance. I owe you one after this talent show ends.

Topaz: Like getting us some pizza?!

Lypno: Sure. I'll buy you all pizza from Run of the Mill. Me and Sunflower go there sometimes for our dates. I'll totally take you there when this is over.

Tora: Alright then. Team, we need to keep an eye out for Hypno! Stop him from sabotaging the talent show!

Everyone: Okay leader! Let's do this!

The talent show soon begins as the day turns into night. Tora and the others are at different areas of the backstage. Looking out for Hypno-Potamus to show up. Meanwhile, in the dressing room, Lypno is preparing for his upcoming act onstage. Though he was excited to perform onstage... He worries that his dad is planning something bad during the show. As he begins to sweat out of fear, Marigold hugs him from behind in comfort.

Lypno: Thanks for the comfort, Sunflower. (turns around) I could really use it. (sighs) I really do hope everything goes smoothly... (Marigold pets his head which makes him chuckle)

A gladiolus flower grew from Marigold's hair. She carefully plucks the flower out from her hair and tucks it on Lypno's suit. Which makes the magician mutant happy as he pets her head back.

Marigold: Wish you luck when you're out there.

Lypno: Thank you. (kisses her forehead) Now we should get out of here.

The two steps out of the dressing room. As the show goes on, the door begins to open. A large figure enters backstage and sneaks around. Hiding behind things in order to not let anyone sees it.

Tora (on phone): See Hypno around, Liz?

Liz: Not yet. I'm gonna keep looking. He could be hiding so keep a good eye out for him.

Tora (on phone): Understood. I'll tell that to the others. (hangs up) Jeez, where could he be?

Jasper and Indulf are on the standing platforms of the talent show. Jasper looking out for Hypno while Indulf was admiring the talent of the contestants.

Indulf: They're so talented... But not as talented as moi here...

Snivy: You got that right. If you were in the talent show, you would've killed it!

Jasper: Indulf, Snivy, we're supposed to look for Hypno. Not watching the contestants.

Turtwig: Yeah we need to be more focused on Hypno.

Snivy: Of course of course! Don't worry! We're totally focused.

Turtwig: You sure?

Snivy: Positive.

Turtwig: Okay... Just checking.

Indulf's ears begin to twitch. He then starts sniffing the air until he picked up a scent.

Jasper: Something wrong?

Indulf: He's here. I got his scent.

Jasper: You did?! Where is he?!

Indulf continues sniffing the air until he spots a figure from below. He and Jasper quickly follows the figure. Jasper uses the darkness as an advantage by creating shadowy vines to wrap the figure around. Indulf takes out his phone to contact Tora and Liz.

???: Let go of me this instant! (struggles to get out of the shadowy vines)

Jasper: Sorry but I won't let you. We know it's you, Hypno.

Hypno: (growling) You may have caught me but I'll find a way to get outta here! (breathes in and screams) HYPNO~!!!!!

Before Jasper gets hypnotized, Topaz jumps in front of him. Using a mirror to reflect the scream to Hypno. This causes the hippo mutant to become hypnotized himself.

Topaz: Nobody messes with my brother except for me! (throws mirror behind her) Great job on capturing him, Coppy! Topaz approved!

Jasper: (chuckles at her amusement) Thank you. But you should thank Indulf for sniffing him out.

Indulf: (smirks confidentially) Why yes. It was all thanks to my instincts. Now what are we gonna with him? He hypnotized himself.

Tora throws Hypno into the dressing room after they made a decision. Liz locks the dressing room door and Indulf uses a chair to put it under the doorknob for precaution.

Tora: Nice work, team. Now we should just wait until Lypno is done with his act.

Everyone: Right!

Topaz: Hey TT? I've been thinking. Can we have Lypno and Marigold join our team? After all, Lypno doesn't seem like a bad guy.

Tora: Hm... Well we could ask them if they want to join our team.

After Lypno has finished his act, the group told him and Marigold that they were able to stop Hypno. Lypno thanks them for the help. But before he could see his dad, Tora asked him if he and Marigold would like to join their team. Though a bit shocked by the question, he quickly accepts the offer. Now the Mad Pups has two more members in a form of the son of an enemy and his girlfriend. Lypno is glad that he met the Mad Pups. If they didn't come to the Apollo Theater, his dad would've sabotage the show.

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