Just Let Go (Harry Styles)

By seaorca

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I rolled over and smacked my alarm off. I couldn't get to sleep last night because I couldn't shake this unco... More

Chapter One - My Job
Chapter Two - One Of Those Days
Chapter Three - Should I?
Chapter Four - Yeah.. She's Coming
Chapter Six - Meeting The Boys
Chapter Seven - Management
Chapter Eight - Run, Tacos and Harry
Chapter Nine - Trafalgar Square
Chapter Ten - Papa... Paparazzi
Chapter Eleven - Thoughts and Feelings
Chapter Twelve - Up All Night
Chapter Thirteen - The Interview
Chapter Fourteen - What's Done is Done
Chapter Fifteen - Girl Time!
Chapter Sixteen - Louis and Harry
Chapter Seventeen - Liam
Chapter Eighteen - Niall
Chapter Nineteen - Zayn
Chapter Twenty - Getting Ready
Chapter Twenty-One - Soundtrack Sneakpeak
Chapter Twenty-Two - You are a _____ and Don't Forget It!
Chapter Twenty-Three - Cold
Chapter Twenty-Four - Be alright
Chapter Twenty-Five - Realization!
Chapter Twenty-Six - Confession!
Chapter Twenty-Seven - Morning of Love
Chapter Twenty-Eight - Step Up to the Plate
Chapter Twenty-Nine - The Answer!
Chapter Thirty - BP: Barns Patrick Advertising Corporation
Chapter Thirty-One - Internship Event
Chapter Thirty-Two - This Cruel Life
Chapter Thirty-Three - Investigation
Chapter Thirty-Four - Half a Heart
Chapter Thirty-Five - Broken
Chapter Thirty-Six - Pizza!
Chapter Thirty-Seven - Let Go

Chapter Five - Airport

96 5 0
By seaorca

Yes! finally an update. Took me a while to write this one because I babysat last weekend and then was feeling really sick half the week. Hope this chapter is enjoyable! :)

Sea :)

Chapter Five

I gathered my things as first class passengers were called to disembarked the plane. Yes, I flew in first class! My mind was completely blown away at the room and service I had.

I followed the rest of the passengers to the exit spotting a restroom on the way, I quickly walked in to expect myself. I was wearing my black business pants that hugged my thighs and an off white buttoned up blouse that came to just the top of my chest and on my feet I wore a pair of white wedges. My hair was pulled up into a high classy curled ponytail that showed off my blonde hair and natural dark brown highlights.

Pleased with how I looked I stepped out of the bathroom. The closer I got to security and customs the more nervous I became. How should I act? What should I say? I was no Jennifer. I was plain and simple and wasn't one to quick speak anything. Everything I did was always organized and planed out perfectly. I tried to think of some kind of a game plan on the plane but I was stumped and my mind always some how wondered back to Harry.

Harry, was he waiting for me at the gate exit? chills ran across my skin as they always did when he crossed my mind. I had seen a picture of One Direction once in the news but I didn't know any of the boys names so the only thing that I knew was his voice. His low and accented voice that I could just listen to forever.

I had put some One Direction on my iPhone before I had left home. Harry had a solo in almost every single song and I could already identify his voice from the others.

I made it through customs and security with no trouble. Pulling my luggage, I slowly made my way out into the lobby of the terminal where I noticed loved ones and friends being reunited as the passengers exited. I looked around for anyone approaching me or even a sign with my last name on it but I saw nothing. Did they forget I was coming? Did they figure out I was a hoax? I decided not to linger on that last one. Maybe they decided they didn't need me anymore and I just didn't get the message. Paul told me someone would be waiting for me but, I did not have any clue who this someone was.

I walked a couple more steps then stopped. I was in another country I had never been to before and I was alone the only thought that kept me positive was BP cooperation is in this city and I was closer than ever before to my dream. The lobby was slowly emptying and I was still standing there wondering what to do. I heard footsteps and looked up and saw this tall curly haired boy coming towards me. He looked into my eyes and my knees almost buckled. My blood rushed through my body and I got extremely hot, my heart pounding in my chest. His green eyes were so beautiful almost matching mine, his being a bit darker. I couldn't look away as he grew closer and closer with every step he took. The feeling I felt was almost uncomfortable, it was something I had never felt before and ineffable to describe. Was that Harry? My heart wished yes while my head screamed no.

"Hi... I'm Harry." He said as he reached me. Chills suddenly ran across my skin. His voice... The voice I couldn't get out of my head since our small phone chat, the voice I listened to non-stop while flying here on my phone. It was really Harry. I sucked in breath almost forgetting to let it out. His eyes searched mine with wonder when I didn't say anything.

"Hello, I'm Kristen. Kristen Brooks." I tried to say as confident as possible without sounding like a total idiot. My body was tense as I watched him give me a quick look over from my head to my toes. A small sly smile spread across his face.

I took that chance to be Jennifer.

"Like what you see?" Holy Crap. He probably thinks that I am the most idiotic person on the planet and I didn't even know him five minutes yet! Mentally slapping myself across the face I wanted to bolt right back into security and hop on the first flight out of there.

"I guess I can say my eyes are pleased." He winked at me than added. "Your blouse is very nice."

Chills again! I think I just need a sweater, that is definitely it.

Trying not to turn as red as a tomato I replied flirtatiously. "Thank you," I did a quick turn making sure to flaunt. What the heck was I doing? I felt like a goofball and I was slowly rolling down the hill of shame. "I wore it for you..." I got so shy and embarrassed my voice actual grew timid. Escorts are not timid, I don't even think that word is in their dictionary. Sexy and confidant is what I was or was pretending to be. His green eyes bore into mine and I felt so naked like he was seeing straight through me, like he knew all my secrets and I couldn't hide. It scared me almost.

He grabbed my hand and brought it up to his lips and kissed it. I shivered and slightly pulled away. Not from from his lips but from the feeling building up in my body. He held my hand firm, looking up at me.

He tugged on my hand pulling me towards him while he stepped forward closing the distance between us. My heart was pounding in my chest and for the first time in a long time, I felt big fat butterflies in my stomach.

"Shall we go?" He whispered into my ear, his breath warm and ticklish on my skin. I had such crazy chills running up and down my body as he wrapped his arm around my waist guiding me out of the lobby.

Like they were magically summoned by a sorcerer of all knowing magic, Camera flashes and loud talking people swarmed us.

"Harry, who is this woman?"

"How do you know her?"

"How long have you been together?"

"What is your name?"

The last one was directed at me. I looked at the short, curly ginger hair colored reporter who asked the question and the only thing that came out of my mouth was


"Kristen, come." Harry said pulling me to his waiting car. He put my luggage in the car himself then like a gentleman, opened the door on my side allowing me to get in.

I watched as the commotion caused a bigger crowd of people to come over. Girls were running up and asking for pictures and giving him hugs, all the while he just stood there and smiled.

I was grateful to be safe in the car. It was a small world away from the world in this current moment in time. I don't think a truly knew what I was getting myself into. One Direction was one of the biggest boy bands of the century. Everyone knew them and everyone wanted them and when new faces were added into the picture -me- it was everybody's business or wanted to be business. I had to be extremely careful, careful no one found out I am a hired pretend escort and that the real reason I am here is to just meet people from BP.

The driver side door opened and when it did the ginger haired reporter and I made eye contact. He grinned at me making me feel a little scared and uncomfortable. I hope to never cross paths with that man again.

Harry closed the door, started the car and slowly pulled away from the curb and away from the big crowd of people. I released a huge sigh of relief that surprised me since I hadn't noticed I was holding my breath. Harry noticed and glaced over from the road quick.

"You okay? They can be a handful sometimes," He sounded so sweet and sincere. "but you should be used to it since I am sure in America you have walked the red carpet multiple times." I tried not to let the frown that had taken my heart to cover my face.

I replied formally with the first thing that came to mind. "Yes, they can be. I personally struggle for the first time with them often, I should be better composed next time. I usually know when and where I am going to run into them though, I am not so big on surprises." Not all of that was a lie. The last part was the truth! I wasn't to keen on bad surprises and paparazzi surprises are definitely bad surprises.

"Try to get used to it," he said coolly. "the next couple Weeks that is how it is gonna be."

My mind was troubled a bit. How would I feel if from day to day I was being swarmed by random people that loved me, hated me or just trying to get a scoop for a good juicy story. Being in the spotlight of the world meant all eyes on you but just like everything in life, it comes with pros and cons. Watching from where I was sitting right now I would say there are more cons and would never want to be in that situation for life.

"How do you do it?" I asked in amazement slightly tilting my head toward the window.

"What are you talking about?" Harry asked with his deep voice that was filled with question.

"How can you do what you do? It seems so hard, your life isn't really your life if every single person in the world is just going to watch your every move and compliment or nit-pick at it. Wouldn't it be easier to just be normal?"

He shrugged and didn't really say anything at first. We drove in complete silence which felt like forever until he answered.

"from your perspective. Yes, it would seem rather difficult. Constantly having to worry about what people will think of my clothes or hair or who I see or where I go. Privacy sometimes is a luxury I can't have all the time which, yes sucks but on the other hand people from your perspective can't see is the positive feeling you get from what I do. The fans, yes sometimes crazy but they make what I do worth every minute I put up with flashing cameras. I hear stories all the time of helping people and all I do is sing. The music One Direction produces is upbeat and puts smiles on peoples faces and to me, all that out weighs the negative."

I didn't say anything. I had found a new respect for Harry Styles. I hadn't known him long but I could tell he was serious and compassionate about what he did even if there were awful cons to doing it. My heart reached out to him or.. I thought it was just only my heart. My hand had found its way onto his rested one he wasn't using for driving and as soon as I realized it, I was so nervous he was going to push it away but when he looked down surprised at me he flipped his hand and took mine into it.

His hand was big and warm and my butterflies were fluttering like there was no tomorrow. Feeling so content and at peace, I rested my head up against the back of the seat, closed my eyes and didn't even realize I had fallen asleep.


Yey! Kristen and Harry have met! Hope you guys are enjoying this book as much as my sister. Bye till next Chapter <3

Sea :)

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