Omega (Completed)

By sunflower8907

479K 14.8K 2.3K

Abused. Beaten. Broken. Scarred. James is a desperate man caught up in a cruel existence of disgust and ridic... More

Author's Note
Chapter ONE
Chapter TWO
Chapter THREE
Chapter FOUR
Chapter FIVE
Chapter SIX
Chapter SEVEN
Chapter EIGHT
Chapter NINE
Chapter TEN
Chapter ELEVEN
Chapter TWELVE
Chapter TWENTY
Author's Note


15.5K 508 68
By sunflower8907

The next few weeks fly by. James and I have grown alot closer and the pack has grown more comfortable around him although there are still a few that are wary.  James has really come out of his shell. His personality has blossomed, he's more confident,  personable, and assertive.

I was able to convince him to take the Wolf Managenent course with the pups. At first he was very embarrassed being 15 years older than most of the students but after a couple classes he realized it's importance and now him and his wolf are closer than ever.

We both agreed that it wouldn't be the best idea for him to enroll at the training facility after his last incident there but he was still determined to become an enforcer so there were many days where he would commandeer the exercise room for vigorous workouts or the library for studying. He even has gone as far as to order books on reading body language and strategic fighting. We've sparred a few times in both human and wolf form. In the beginning I would wipe the floor with him but lately he has been giving me quite the workout.

Christy was true to her word, she did fatten him up. Everytime we would sit down for a meal she would pile up the food on his plate to ridiculous proportions and stay there until he ate eveything.

The extra weight James packed on and his crazy exercising schedule has resulted in James developing drool worthy muscles and the most defined upper body I have ever seen. His whole body is sculpted now and I have caught a few unmated female members checking him out or gathering to watch him work out. I easily scare them away with threats of severe bodily harm.

The best thing that has happened over the last couple week is our overall relationship. Sometimes we will sit in bed for hours and just talk or we would go for runs in wolf form. We found out we have alot in common. James has even opened up a little bit about his past. He still hasn't told me the name of his old pack but maybe that's for the best because if he did I would hunt them down and make them pay. We still haven't official mated yet but we're taking things slow. Despite that everything is going Grear. Well everything except my relationship with Dallas.

Everytime we are around each other the tension is thick and I'm getting concerned because the pack is picking up on the discord. We need to put up a solid front or they may start lacking our abilities. We discuss pack business then he is out the door. I really miss our friendship. Theres no more easy banter or joking around just uncomfortable awkward silences.

As far as I know James and Dallas have not spoken a word to each other since the incident at the training facility.  They don't even stay in the same room for more than 5 minutes.

I'm at a lost for what to do. Dallas is a excellent Beta and I don't want to get rid of him but maybe he would do better somewhere else. I will talk to him about it later.

James Pov

I hang 200 feet in the air suspended by a harness and pulley nothing below me but sharp rocks and death.  I'm almost to the top. This climb, has been much easier than others which means either my couage has grown or my confidence. I smile to myself thinking about how far I've come.

Amber isn't the biggest fan of this type of training. She calls me an adrenaline junkie and too reckless but the way I see thing is that confidence and courage come from conquering you fears and mastering any technique or skill it took to do so. I haven't told Amber but my next step is wondering around rogue territory. Not picking fights of course but if one should happen Im not too afraid.

Over the past few weeks I have transformed into a me that feels right, a me that I was suppose to be all along. Everything that I try comes naturally to me I haven't had a really hard time with anything, even some of the pack members have commented on my adaptability. The me that is currently dangling from an thin cord feels like the real me.

I finally reach the top of  the mountain and collaspe. This was the tallest mountain in our territory over 300ft high and I did it. I laugh a little to myself , breath heaving in and out. I've been moutain climbimg, sky diving, white water rafting, etc. Luckily living in the mid-west offers many activities to get your blood pumping, but the one thing I really want to do I'm petrified to even begin the process.

I look up at the clear blue sky and wonder, what if she says no? I don't know if I can survive the rejection. Amber and I have grown so close over the past few weeks but still I wonder if my stronger feelings are one-sided. As the days go by it has become hard to ignore any longer.

I love Amber Wayne.

I want to grow old with her, have a  future with her, have pups, I want to spoil her rotten, I want to continue making love to her every night, argue about silly things just to give in later on because I want to give her everything she wants, and most importantly I want to make her mine completely by performing the mating process.

The process is actually quite simple. It just involves two true mates marking each other with a bite on their shoulders during consummation. This mark not only shows that the wolf is taken but it also builds a solid connection of emotions and I would be able to communicate via mind-link with her.

I had a opportunity to officially join her pack and establish a pack bond and the mind linking ability that way but I declined. All it would have included was a ceromony and surrendering my wolf to her as its Alpha but I wanted to be mated first.

I wanted us to have our own intimate connection before everyone else got in my mind.

So here I am no closer to bringing up the subject with her. I take a deep breath and let it go. I can't take the suspense anymore. Im just going to ask her. I get up from the plateau. It's about time I head back home. Not only do I have to propell down I also have a bit of a walk back to the house.

The whole way home I try to come up with the pefect way to propose, it takes me days to come up with a plan and then set it up but I finally think I've come up with something special. I need to get to a audio and video store, hopefully they have protectors.

Amber POV

I'm working late in my office today. I was on the phone negotiating the terms of a new pack joining Red Dawn in a couple of weeks. The pack had been recently displaced due to a vicious band of rogues that were causing havoc all throughout the nearby pack territories.

They were not the only pack to ask for sanctuary but they were the ones with the best offer. They could offer 100 willing and ready recruits to train and strengthen Red Dawn's forces. The other packs had little to offer but more mouths to feed and with the threat of the pack of rogues pratically knocking at our door I had to make the best decision for my pack. I did however call in a few favors and was able to get them placed in other packs farther east for those packs I declined to accept.

News has spread that these rogues are very organized and efficient.  Dallas and I have been going over strategies in case our territory is threatened. We have doubled sentries and guards around the border, installed alarm sytems, built secret underground bunkers, educated all civilian pack mates on evacuation procedures, and increased training regimens for both recruits and enforcers.

I am exhausted and alittle stressed out. I haven't eaten all day. All I want right now is to snuggle up in James arms. Everything always feels better when he's close. Unfortunately James has been M.I.A all day starting from when I woke up cold and alone in bed. He has been acting so strange lately. I wonder what's wrong.

There's a knock on my door but before I can tell them to enter Christy barges in.

"Hey what's up Chris?" I lean back waiting for whatever drama or gossip she has to dish.

"I just came to tell you that James is waiting for you at the lake." She has a goofy grin on her face which usually means she's up to something.

"The lake why?"

"It's a surprise." She replied in a sing song voice.

"Okay?" I got up from my chair and headed out the door.

I hadn't realized how late it was as I stepped outside. It's a moonless night so its pretty dark but I have good night vision. I find the the path leading to the lake. Half way to the lake I hear soft music being played. I recognize it as my favorite song. The closer I get to the lake the stronger the sound. I'm now starting to see yellow lights twinkling through the branches of the trees. What is going on?

I make it to the clearing and pause my mouth hanging open in awe.

There are lanterns at different angles across the small clearing creating a warm glowing atmosphere enough to see everything clearly. I look around and there are small twinkling lights interwoven in the weeping willow trees swaying branches creating beautiful curtains of light.

Intertwined in the bushes are white and gold roses. I reach over to feel them and to my shock they are real. Someone took the time to weave dozens of roses through at least fifty bushes. The ground is cover in their petals as well. The smell is hypnotic. I've always been fond of the smell of roses.

In the center of the clearing is a white and gold cherckered blanket, a basket,  and a single lit candle in the center.

James is standing with his back to me looking out across the water. He seems tense or deep in thought. He's wearing a pair of relaxed dark black jeans, a fitted threadbare short sleve white v neck shirt, and a pair of black and white sneakers.

"Is all this for me?" James whirls around to face me. His face is slightly pale and there's a small tint of pink on his cheeks. I've know him long enough to know that face. James is nervous.

"Yes it is" He walks over to me and takes my hands and kisses each hand "You've been so stressed latey I wanted to do something special for you and let you know I appreciate everything you do for me."

My heart swells at his consideration "Come, I made dinner for you"

"You made dinner by yourself?"

"Yes I am a man of many talents" He helps me to sit on the blanket and gives me a dazzling smile.

"Oh I know all about your talents James" I wink at him suggestively and his eyes grow dark with lust as his eyes trail down my body. I can feel his eyes on me like a velvet carress sending sparks throughout my body.

He shakes his head and clears his throat. " Um I-I j-just made something simple no big deal" he stutters taking a seat and reaching into the basket. I can't help but notice him adjusting the front of his jeans. I just love the effect I have on him.

He brings out clear plastic containers filled with, appargus, garlic red potatoes,  baked tenderloin, and slices of mango pineapple cheesecake.

"This looks delicious James" I am highly impressed considering I can barely boil water without burning down the kitchen.

"Thanks I know you haven't eaten all day so eat all you want I made plenty"

We sit there surrounded by beautiful scenery chatting and eating, my favorite songs playing in the background. It's so romantic. I look over at James and our eyes connect. James is everything I could have asked for in a man. I thank the moon goddess everyday for creating him just for me.

We have finished eating and James is putting away the dishes. I stand up and begin to strip off my clothes.

"What are you doing?" James is staring at me intenly as I drop my last piece of clothing I hear him take a sharp intake of breath.

"Skinny dipping of course." I turn towards the shore and rush to the water. "Race you to the waterfall"

I hear James growl behind me as well as the rustle of his clothing, and splashing of water.

The waterfall is about 50 feet from the shoreline the water only 5 feet deep. I make it halfway there before I feel   James strong arm wrap around me and his rock hard chest hits my back. I squeal in delight as he twirls me around in the water.

"Cheater" James whispers into my neck his tongue slowly making his way up to my ear.

"Are you going to punish me?" I ask between moans. One of his hands trail down my stomach and to my womanhood and starts tapping at the outside. Each tap sends shocks to my sweet spot causing me to groan in need.

He chuckles deeply "You would like that wouldn't you"  Two of his fingers move through my folds and stop right at my entrance.

"Very much so" my voice is husky now. Suddenly James pulls away and swims full speed towards the waterfall laughing yelling out over his shoulder "Race you to the waterfall"

Ugh that little tease. He's going to pay for that.

He makes it there first laughing eyes bright with mirth.

I send a huge wave of water at him and he chokes and sputters for a moment then looks at me with narrowed eyes. "Oh its on" he says slowly swimming towards me a look of mischief on his face.

For the next few minutes we dunk and splash each other continuously laughing and genuinely having a good time.

We stop eventually out of breath holding each other floating a couple feet from the waterfall.

James glances up at the sky and sighs suddenly his face is very serious. He looks me straight in my eyes his beautiful green eyes looking somewhat hesitant "Amber there is something I need to tell you"

My heartbeat picks up. That doesn't sound good.

"What is it James you can tell me anything?"

He takes a deep breath "These last few weeks with you have been the best of my life. I was dead before I met you Amber and now that I have you I feel so alive. You're so amazing I don't know how I got lucky enough to find you but I do know I will dedicate the rest of my life proving that I'm worthy. All that I do is for you. Whatever you want it's yours, whatever you need I will get it, and as a sign of my devotion I completed a task for you. Look up."

His words are so beautiful there are tears blurring my vision. It takes me a minute to see what he means but when I do I gasp. Written in script in the stars above are the words I Love You Amber Wayne. Shooting stars are falling around it making it even more magical and breath taking.

"How did you...." I stare at him in complete shock.

"I will do anything for you even move the stars and the moon. I'm fucking crazy about you Amber. I love you."

Tears are now freely spilling down my cheek. This beautiful amazing man loves me. I feel so overwhelmed. I'm the one who isn't worthy of him.

"Say something please Amber don't cry" His eyes show fear as he looks over my face wiping my tears with his thumbs.

It is then that I that I realize that I've just been starring at him crying my eyes out for a while now. He must be thinking the worse.

"I love you too James" I sob out between breaths.

"You love me?" His relief is so strong I can pratically feel it.

I nod my head and bring him in for a searing kiss conveying everything I am and everything I feel for him, all my hopes and dreams for us, my adoration, my commitment, everything is in this action.

We break from the kiss for some air both panting.

"Wow I believe you" I giggle at his stunned expession. " I want to mark you"

His statement catches me off guard. "Really I thought maybe you weren't ready or wanted to wait"

"I'm ready now. No more waiting no more second guessing myself"

****Warning Mature Content***

He reaches for me and pulls me close. I  know what's going to happen and I'm ready for it. The look in his eyes says it all. I will not be able to walk straight for a week after this. I wrap my legs around his waist and lean forward to bite his lip looking straight in his eyes challenging him to make a move.

Before I know whats happening he claims my lips and impales me on his rock hard length.

I scream out so loudly I'm sure the people at the house hear me but I don't care.  My eyes are closed and my mouth is wide open. He fits so flawlessly.

"I never get tired of seeing that look oh your face when I enter" James gives me a small kiss before he starts thrusting deeper and deeper faster and harder. Each plunge making me moan louder.

I lose my senses and just focus on the amazing pleasure. I want more. I Need more. I meet him thrust for thrust slamming my hips down whenever he comes up. My hands are clawing his shoulders and my back is arched. The water is splashing wildly around us.

It isn't much later that I feel my orgasm building demanding to be released. I won't last much longer. I can ferl James length pulsing inside me and I know he is close as well. 

"James it's too good I can't hold out" My whole body is tingling now.

"Let it go baby. I'm right there with you" One...Two....Three thrusts was all it took.

I bite down on his shoulder marking him just as he marks me, his seed spilling into me and my womb milking him for all he's got.

(End Of Mature Content)

I feel the bond snap into place. I can feel his consciousness in my mind. I pull away and lick his wound to stop the bleeding as does he the same to my bite. We stare at each other smiling our eyes full of love, promise, and hope.

'I love you' I mind-link to him

'I love you too' he responds.

And that's how I became a mated women. Underneath stars proclaiming James love for me, in front of a waterfall, surrounded by roses and twinkling lights.


*°~*°~ *°~ *°~ *°~ *°~ *°~*


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