A cutie for big and tough vam...

By ncis_4ever

510K 9.5K 483

Camilla or Camill as she likes to be called is the twin sister to no other than Bella Swan. What nearly no on... More



13.1K 266 14
By ncis_4ever

Camill's pov:
Just as I wanted to start with the explanation my other three mates came outside with a steaming plate of spaghetti bologna.
„Thank you." I softly say as caius handed me the plate. They all smile at me softly and take seats around the table as well. The food was really good, but I hadn't expected anything else from them. Till now they have been feeding me only delicious food. While I ate my mates talked about what we all could do tomorrow and that their other coven members where still looking for the threat. This news kind of frightens me and so I right away stop to eat. Not feeling hungry any longer.
„Are you already finished mi amor?" aro asks me slightly worried since my plate was still pretty full.
„I am full. Thank you again for cooking this delicious food for me." I say trying to smile as brightly as possible. But I don't seem to be convincing since they only watch me worriedly.
„Is it ok if I go upstairs? I am pretty tired." I say wanting to be alone for a bit. Needing to think how this all is going to go on and especially how this is going to end. What if I am going to loose someone I love only because my sister hates me? Maybe I have to reveal my most hidden secrets? I did promise to never show anyone, but what if that's the only way of keeping everyone around me safe.
„Of course sweetheart, if you are so tired already. Why don't we all go upstairs and cuddle for a bit?" alec asks me softly and with a soft smile my way. Not knowing how to decline their offer without worrying them even more I agree after a heavy sigh. That much to being alone to think everything through.
„Little one? If you would prefer to be on your own for a bit that's fine as well. You only need to tell us." caius says obviously he has seen my face fall in resignation after alecs statement. Biting my lip in thought. Really wanting to be alone for some time, but on the other hand I don't want to hurt them by saying so.
„You don't be angry with me?" I ask slightly afraid. Not wanting to anger or hurt my mates. They so far have done nothing but protect me and try to be there for me ever since we met back at the Cullens household.
„Of course not! We understand it if you need some alone time." Jane says encouragingly. She even caresses my cheek lovingly while talking. How on earth did I even deserve those five? They are far too good for me!
„If it really would be ok for you, I would like to be alone for a bit. Maybe we can cuddle a bit later?" I say and ask hopeful since I definitely want my cuddles! Hearing their chuckles makes me all warm inside again.
„Alright mi amore! We will be patiently waiting here until you are ready for some cuddles." aro says with loving eyes. Sighing in relief, I kiss each of them shyly before running upstairs to think my choices through. To be honest I know exactly who I need to contact for help as well as reassurance that telling my mates would be alright. Not knowing how long my mates will give me before they are coming upstairs I quickly wave my right hand in front of me. Concentrating on opening a portal to my beloved brother. With one last look around the room and a quick protection spell on said room, I take a deep breath and step through the portal. Now staying in the middle of my brothers huge loft. With a smile I take in the familiar furniture and drawings around here.
„Magnolia? What are you doing here sister?" magnus asks while hugging me tightly into his strong chest. Breathing in his sweet smell that honestly smells like home to me.
„I can't tell you how wonderful it is to have you back in my arms darling!" he says pulling me at arms length so he can look at me completely.
„It's good to see you too magnus. I missed you!" I say feeling the constant arch in my heart stop now that I am finally back alongside my brother. With a large smile he softly pulls a strand of hair behind my ear.
„Now tell me darling, why did you come here? I know you well enough to know that something must of happened for you to suddenly appear in my apartment." he says and sits down on his couch. A pot of tea along with two cups appear right in front of him and with a wide smile he offers me one of them. Smiling thankfully at him I right away sip at the cup.
„Isabella moved back to Forks." I start and see his hateful glare. Quickly lifting my arm up in the air, not wanting for him to hunt her down just like that.
„What does that thing want back at our dads house?" he wants to know still angry at her audacity.
„René kicked her out so she moved back in with dad and I. Even though dad as well as the Cullens tried their best to keep me safe, she nearly killed me. To my luck Edward was there and pushed the knife out of her hands and drove me to his house. Their family explained everything to dad and he agreed that it would be best if I would stay with them till he got her out of the house again." I go on with my explanation. He simply lifts one of his eyebrows in a silent manner of making me go on.
„They got a surprise visit from the volturis." I say and see his hands curling into fists, his eyes getting darker as well.
„Did they hurt you?" he wants to know darkly.
„All three of the Kings along with alec and Jane are my mates. Well, I am theirs." I say and his mouth turns in a snarl before he slowly calms down a little.
„You mean to tell me that my baby sister is mated to five of the most powerful vampires!?" he questions after a few deep breaths. Not knowing what else to do, I nod in answer. Not really sure what he will do now.
„Isabella also knows about our world and got a vampire coven to try and kill me as well as the Cullens. That's why my mates took me away to a Greek island to keep me safe." I tell him after another sip of the hot beverage since it seems to help me stay calm. He quickly stands up, marches up and down in the room, his eyes also changed into his cat eyes which shows me how furious he truly is at the moment.
„You want to know what to do now? If it would be wise to tell your mates what you truly are?" he asks me after he suddenly stops in front of me. Again I nod at him in answer, knowing that however pissed he may be, he would never hurt me.
„I am not happy with it, but with what that thing has started I would feel better if I know that you can defend yourself without the worry of someone finding out while you do so. But I won't allow you to tell them on your own. I don't trust them enough to not hurt you when they hear about you. So I will accompany you. There is no way I am going to allow anyone or anything to hurt you!" he states matter of factly. A smile right away grows on my face. That is just exactly why I love my big brother so much. Yes, no one except daddy knows about him. Not even bella! But we only kept it hidden for safekeeping reasons.
„Magnus? Are you here?" I hear a voice shout after the lock clicked. When a young looking man, Maybe 20 or 22 years old stops next to magnus and I, i look at my brother in wonder.
„Alexander, this is a really terrible timing." magnus says with regret and I right away see how much my brother cares for this man.
„Ok? But why did you asked me to come here then?" he wants to know slightly hurt and irritated. With a confused frown he looks me up and down.
„I know and I am deeply sorry for that. Maybe we can postpone?" he try's to smoothen out the situation and I feel horrible for ruining their obviously planned date.
„I can talk to them alone magnus. Why don't you enjoy the evening with Alexander. If something does go wrong I will come right back to you." I say. Not wanting my brother to pick a side.
„Just alec." The man says with a curios smile but at least he try's to smile a little at me.
„Camille, nice meeting you alec." i say with an honest smile. Kind of liking him already. He has some tunes on his body, obviously a shadow hunter than.
„I can't let you go on your own darling!" magnus says complete worried about me and also about what he should do now.
„I can't loose you! I can't" he whispers with teary eyes. Without thinking about it I right away hug myself into my brother. Wanting to comfort him and be there for him the best I can.
„You won't loose me. They are my mates, so I don't think the will hurt me. You stay here with alec and do whatever you guys had planned on doing." I tell him with reassuring eyes. Already knowing deep down inside me that my mates wouldn't hurt me. With another move of my right hand I open another portal. Kissing both his cheeks lovingly before stepping away from him.
„By the way, I approve of him. He has a pure heart and he feels for you just as you feel for him." I say with a soft smile at my brother. Knowing he always wants my approval for his lovers. It has been a way too long time since he opened up his heart, so I know that alec must be someone really special.
„Thank you darling! And if they try anything come right back here! I will contact you later!" he says just as I step through the portal. Now back again in the room on my mates island, I take a few calming breaths. Magnus said That i should tell them, so that's what I am going to do.

(Thought a small plot twist would be good. Hope you like it!)

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