WWE-The Challenge-Rivals (Sea...

Від SinnaMonnBun

22.2K 1.5K 2.4K

In order to win half a million dollars, the challengers must rely solely on one person.....their worst enemy... Більше

Author's Notes
Teams Reveal pt 1
Teams Reveal pt 2
First Night
Challenge 1-Road To Nowhere
One Sided Power
Elimination 1
Intoxicating Nostalgia
Challenge 2-Game Of Inches
Friend or Mastermind?
Elimination 2
At It Again
Challenge 3-Triple X Games
True Rivals
Elimination 3
Everybody Hates Roman
Challenge 4-Frogsmash
Friends No More
Elimination 4
Challenge 5-Frenemies
Head To Head
Elimination 5
New Formations
Challenge 6-Oil Change
The One Where They Hooked Up
Elimination 6
Coffee Bath
Challenge 7-Gasping For Air
Spilling The Tea
Elimination 7 pt 1
Elimination 7 pt 2
Progression Amidst Tension
Challenge 8-Dunking For Dinner
Crossing The Twins
Elimination 8
The Cryptic and The Crazy
Challenge 9-Caged In
The Cult of Jericho
Elimination 9
New Rivals, New Feelings
Challenge 10-Weight For Me
Shot Through The Heart
Elimination 10
Challenge 11-Bombs Away
Tonight We Are Young
Elimination 11 (+announcement)
Challenge 12-Rampage
Caught Between a Rock and a Hard Place
Im A Hazard To Myself
Finals pt 1
Finals pt 2
The Final Decision
*Un-aired Scenes*

Elimination 12

257 24 56
Від SinnaMonnBun

"Welcome back to the Stomping Grounds everyone."said Hunter as everyone clapped, "I need to see my competitors for tonight."

Naomi, Mandy, Becky and Alexa marched down from the platform to stand in front of Hunter.

VC-Naomi-I can't believe I made it all this way to the end. Especially with a partner like Mandy, knowing the history we had. Ive never made it this far before so it would suck ass to leave now. I want this win more than anything.

"Ladies....welcome to your final elimination. Mandy, welcome to your first."

Mandy smiled.

"Becky, Alexa, you girls can't catch a break can you?"Hunter asked.

"Apparently not Hunter." Alexa folded her arms.

"Well, tonight you girls will be playing a game id like to call Thats The Ticket. Here's how its going to go down."

-One player from each team will be stationed in a giant sphere.

-That sphere will be filled with multicoloured balls that will have numbers on them.

-Each team will be given 5 numbers to find.

-Their goal is to find those 5 specific numbers and deposit them in their team tube.

-While they are in the sphere, the other member from the opposing team will be rotating a crank that spins the sphere which means the sphere will be rotating the entire time.

-The first person to get all five balls into their team tube, wins.

"Wow."said Seth in amusement, "This is pretty fucked up."

"So ladies, decide who's going to be in the sphere and who's gonna be rotating the crank and get geared up. Good luck."

PreVC-Becky and Alexa

Becky-We didn't come all this way for nothing. I didn't fly all the way from Ireland to go home right before the finals. That absolutely cannot happen. We put in too much work.

Alexa-Im still pissed off at...everyone really. I don't give a shit about anyone anymore. It sucks that we'll be going up against Mandy because she's my best friend in the house but you know what....Mandy, I'm kicking your ass tonight sweetheart. This is my third Challenge, this is my third time in eliminations this season, I am NOT losing to you and Naomi.

Alexa was seen getting into the sphere after memorizing the five numbers that was assigned to her.

PreVC-Mandy and Naomi

Naomi-We're this close to going to the finals. We just need this victory. There are people that still think we're a layup team so I'm just trying to prove them wrong.

Mandy-And people think I'm just a pretty face. Its the biggest misconception about me. Yea, I'm gorgeous but I'm also very competitive and not afraid of a fight. Even if I have to break a nail or two.

Mandy stepped into her sphere.

Becky took her place at the crank at Mandy's sphere and Naomi took hers at Alexa's.

"You got your numbers memorized right?"Chris asked Alexa.

She said yes.

The girls were all at their stations, waiting for Hunter's signal.

VC-Alexa-There are so much balls in this sphere. Literally half of the sphere is filled with them. And I'm pretty sure that the five numbers that I have to get isn't going to be anywhere around. Thats just the kind of luck I have.

"Alright you girls ready?.......GO!"Hunter sounded his horn.

Mandy and Alexa began digging through the coloured balls as Becky and Naomi began rotating the crank.

They didn't have much time to look for their numbers because they soon began tumbling around the sphere as the balls engulfed them.

VC-CM Punk-You can't even see Mandy or Alexa, they're just being drowned in the coloured balls.

"Is this even safe?"Chris asked.

VC-Mandy-As soon as I would try to stand up....boom, I just fall right back down. This is annoying.

Becky and Naomi kept on rotating the sphere however they both had different strategies.

VC-Becky-My strategy is to rotate the sphere, give Mandy a chance to collect herself and stand up, then rotate it again throwing her completely off track.

VC-Naomi-I am trying to rotate the sphere at an irregular unpredictable pace. If I keep going at the same pace she might get adjusted to it and work her way around it. I can't have that happening.

Alexa was seen pushing a ball down her team tube. She was the first to get one of her numbers.

"Thats it Alexa! Keep that energy!"Chris cheered.

"Come on Mandy! Pick it up!"AJ clapped.

VC-AJ-Mandy and Naomi has been targeting us most of the season but....after that stunt I pulled on Becky and Alexa, id rather have them come back.

Becky temporarily stopped turning the crank to give her arms some rest.

VC-Becky-My arms are burning. Rotating a sphere filled with balls and a one hundred and fifteen pound girl is easier said than done.

In a matter of seconds Becky was back churning the sphere. However, Mandy was able to deposit a ball into her team tube.

The action kept rolling on, literally.

VC-Naomi-I think I'm doing what a lot of people wish they could have done and thats put Alexa in a cage, lock her in there and tumble her around.

"Come on Lexi!"Trish clapped.

At this point, the score was 3-1, Alexa.

"You're beating her Alexa! Just two more to go!"Chris yelled.

VC-Chris-Literally, the only voices you hear cheering for Alexa and Becky are mines and Trish. Such a shame.

Mandy reached up and popped a ball in her tube.

VC-Mandy-Im being drowned out in these balls. Right now this feels like....when you're at the beach at you get knocked down by a wave...and then you try to get back up but another wave comes at the same time and knocks you back down. Thats how being in this sphere feels. But, you gotta work through it and get the job done. You can't lose focus.

Naomi and Becky showed no mercy as they kept cranking the lever according to their strategies.

VC-Alexa-All I'm seeing are colours. Colours everywhere. Im sure I'm going to go to bed tonight, fall asleep and dream about this. This is a nightmare.

VC-Charlotte-I hate to say it but both teams in elimination right now are pretty good teams. No matter which team comes back, the competition level is going to increase.

The score was now tied up, 4-4. All that was left was for either Mandy or Alexa to find just one more ball.

"I can't look."said Chris as he covered his eyes.

VC-Chris-It all comes down to one last ball and my anxiety is through the roof. I hate when this happens.

VC-Becky-I see that we're at a tie and I just get a rush of adrenaline. Mandy, you're not going to get the chance to even catch your breath now. Im gonna turn you into liquid.

Becky began rotating the crank with much more power and at a quicker pace.

VC-Alexa-I hear the reaction of the other Challengers and I know that something intense must be happening. Mandy and I are probably neck and neck right now so I gotta pick up the pace.

As Alexa tried standing in the sphere, she was quickly knocked back down to her knees by Naomi's rotation.

VC-Naomi-Lord my heart is beating out of my chest. Come on Mandy, I know you're experienced with balls, it shouldn't take you this long to get just one more.

Constantly being knocked back down on their butts wasn't making the task any easier. The girls had to balance being thrown around with also trying to look for their numbers in what felt like a pit of a million balls. Also, they had to deal with the feeling of being suffocated since they were in an enclosed space that was half filled.

Finally, one of them got their last ball and deposited it in their team tube. Hunter sounded his horn.

"Mandy....... Alexa was able to get all five balls before you so Becky, Alexa, congratulations girls, you're going to the finals."said Hunter.

"Yes!"Chris shouted.

"We did it!"Becky yelled.

She ran over to where Alexa was. Alexa was just getting out of the sphere. She took Alexa up in her sore arms and twirled her around.

"We're going to the finals!"she shouted.

"I am the greatest fucking Challenger on this show!"Alexa yelled.

"Hell yes!"Becky said as she put her down.

"None of you can even come close to achieving the things I have! Every single one of you are below me!"Alexa said to the Challengers up on the platform, "Charlotte, baby girl you think you're tough. But you couldn't even win the second elimination you were thrown into! All of you are nothing compared to me!"

"Are you okay?"Becky quietly asked her.

"Yea. Im just still pissed."

Becky smiled and pulled her in for a hug.


Both teams reassembled in front of Hunter.

"Alexa, Becky, like your last two elimination rounds, you got the job done tonight. Congratulations ladies, you're going to the finals, so you can go on and rejoin the cast."said Hunter.

PostVC-Becky and Alexa

Alexa-My elbows and my knees are bruised and bleeding. This week has been so tough for us. Im just getting a bunch of battle scars everywhere. But, that doesn't matter because we did it. We're going to the finals!

Becky-We didn't do anything, you did everything. And I'm proud of you. You're a true warrior *puts her arm around Alexa* Thank you for getting me all the way to the finals.

Alexa-Well....you're kinda right. You're welcome.

Becky-I couldn't have asked for a better partner honestly.


Becky-BeckLexa 'til the end.

Alexa-Is that our official team name?


Alexa-I like it.

"Mandy, Naomi, you girls put up a good fight but....sadly, this ends your time here in South Africa. It was a pleasure having you, I'm sure we'll see you again in the future."said Hunter.

"Thanks so much Hunter."said Naomi.

PostVC-Naomi and Mandy

Naomi-Im disappointed......... Im very disappointed. I don't even know what to say to be honest.

Mandy-Are you trying to put the blame on me or something?

Naomi-I dont....care. All I know is I lost and now I gotta go home. After reaching so far.....now I gotta pack my stuff and go home. I don't get to see a final.

Mandy-Well I tried. Theres nothing more we can do.

Naomi-I just felt like I wasted my time here.

Mandy-You and me both.

Producer-Do you still see each other as rivals?

Mandy-Well....we're not friends.

Naomi-We were forced to be partners and thats all we'll ever be. After this, I'm pretty sure we're not gonna keep in touch.

Mandy-Ouch. So, when you and Jimmy have babies you're not even going to invite me to your baby shower?

Naomi-Girl....you must be crazy to even think I would do that.

Mandy-Oh come on. I feel like the animosity between us has kind of diminished.

Naomi-I still don't trust your ass.

Mandy-......Fair enough.

With one last goodbye, Naomi and Mandy exited the Stomping Grounds.

"And then there were six. All of the teams standing before me today are officially my finalists. Congratulations to all of you that made it this far. I hope you are all prepared to run the hardest final in Challenge history. The twelve of you standing in front me right now are some of the fiercest, toughest, resilient, most cunning Challengers that I've ever seen. So don't expect that this final is going to be a piece of cake. Before I let you leave, I just gotta tell you guys one more thing. Don't get too comfortable tonight. Pack your bags because you gotta be at the airport at 10am in the morning. Be prepared to say goodbye to South Africa because the next time you'll be seeing me is at your new Challenge house in Argentina."

The Challengers all erupted in cheers.

"Until then, take care guys. See you all very soon."said Hunter, dismissing everyone.

VC-Seth-I never thought id hear Hunter say those words to me. What a relief. I can taste that first place prize and baby, it tastes so sweet.

VC-Becky-This final is going to be a battle for sure but its a damn good thing I came here to battle. Im not here to get anything easily. Im ready to scratch and claw my way to victory.


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