Challenge 5-Frenemies

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"Alright guys, welcome to your next challenge."Hunter opened as everyone applauded, "Before we get started today........I need one person from each team to come with me. So.... quickly decide among yourself who's it gonna be."

"What?"Charlotte threw her hands up.

Looks of confusion spread across the face of every challenger as murmurs began to fill the air.

"What is this even for?" Kaitlyn asked.

VC-Seth-So, where we're standing right now....we have absolutely no view of the challenge course so no one knows whats going to go down. Is this going to be something physical? Maybe something that requires strength or endurance. Maybe its trivia. An eating challenge? We don't know. And that makes it harder to designate who's going to be going with Hunter because we don't know what we're in for.

It took about 10 minutes for Hunter to recruit a member from each team.

"Stay safe guys. If Hunter is trying to kidnap you just yell. Don't worry, i'll do absolutely nothing to save you."Chris said as he watched the Challengers walk away with Hunter.

VC-Miz-I am panicking right now. I just hope I did the right thing by letting Dean go off with Hunter. We all know he's an imbecile. Hopefully he has little involvement in this challenge.

Those who went with Hunter-


1hr and 30 mins later

"What the hell is he doing with those guys?"Chris asked as he paced up and down, "Its been an hour and thirty minutes since we've been waiting."

"Whats wrong Chris, are you missing your partner?"asked Sami.

"Im missing my best friend you stupid idiot."

"Aww, are you talking about Trish?"Alexa asked.

"Im talking about Kevin!"

"If I were you I wouldn't get too close with Kevin. He'll turn on you eventually."said Sami.

"Oh wow. I can feel the jealousy radiating from here."

"Its not jealousy, its a warning. Kevin is a different kind of guy."

"You don't know him like I know him."

"What are you talking about, I've known him longer than you! He lived in my house."


A few minutes after, Hunter returned to the group of Challengers. However, he was alone.

"Alright guys, follow me." he said.

He led them behind a partition wall where the Challenge course was now in full view.

"What the hell?"said Velveteen when he finally saw the Challengers who had been taken.

"What the hell?"said Velveteen when he finally saw the Challengers who had been taken

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