Elimination 1

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The Challengers all filed into the elimination grounds aka the Stomping Grounds where Hunter was already awaiting them.

"Hey guys, welcome to the Stomping Grounds for the first elimination round of this season."he said as everyone applauded, "Lets go ahead and bring out our competitors for tonight."

The two teams made their entrances to the sound of everyone applauding them.

VC-Liv-Over the past few days, Enzo was there for me. We became close. He was able to cheer me up believe it or not. Right now, he's my rock and....I don't want to have to say goodbye to him tonight. I really don't. If he goes then....I don't know what the fuck I'm gonna do.

PreVC-Aleister and Velveteen

Velveteen-Like I predicted....we have found ourselves in eliminations. Are you happy Aleister?

Aleister-I see it as a way to make a statement.

Velveteen-Make a statement? About what? Why do we need to make a statement to these people?

Aleister-If we win, we earn our stripes. If we lose, we go home knowing that as individuals, we need to improve and become stronger. If we can't make it past the first elimination, how would we ever complete a final?

Velveteen-......Arent you pissed at all that we're in this position right now?


Velveteen-I just hate that we're being picked on because we're new to all of this. Its so unfair. We don't deserve to be here Aleister.

Aleister-But do we have a choice Patrick? Being upset isn't going to aid us to achieve this victory tonight.

Velveteen-There you go again calling me Patrick. You're just upsetting me even more.

"Tonight, you guys will be facing off in a game id like to call, Last Chance. Heres how its going to be played."said Hunter.

-Players must run through a narrow hallway, past another contestant to ring a bell.

-Both teams will have one offensive player and one defensive player.

-Both defensive players will be locked up in the middle of the hallway, trying to prevent the opposing team's offensive player from getting past him to ring the bell.

-Both defensive players will be locked up in the middle of the hallway, trying to prevent the opposing team's offensive player from getting past him to ring the bell

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-The player to ring their team's bell 2/3 times wins.

"Pretty simple right? Start gearing up guys."said Hunter.

"said Hunter

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