Elimination 7 pt 1

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"Alright everyone, welcome back to the Stomping Grounds."said Hunter as everyone clapped, "Lets go right ahead and bring out Johnny, Tommaso, Alexa and Becky."

Both pairs marched into the Stomping Grounds and stood at Hunter's side.

VC-Tommaso-In the middle of the Stomping Grounds I see nothing but a huge ring in the dirt with something that looks like the number 8 hanging in the middle of it. Daddy's getting excited. If its something physical then its right up my alley.

"How are you guys doing tonight?"Hunter asked them.

"Not too shabby. Just very focused."said Becky.

"For both teams, this will be the second time you guys are competing in the Stomping Grounds right?"

"Back to back."said Johnny.

Hunter nodded in respect, "True warriors. Alexa, welcome to the five timers club. If you win your match tonight then you'll end up being the first female five timers club member to remain undefeated. Hows that for a little extra motivation?"

Alexa smiled, "At the rate we're going I may end up being the first ever ten timer."

"So, I know all of you are wondering......what the hell is going to go down tonight?"said Hunter, "Ladies and gentlemen.....Tommaso, Johnny, Alexa, Becky....tonight is going to be.....a possible double elimination."

All the Challengers that were looking on gasped.

"As you all may have realized, I get tired of seeing your faces from time to time. I like seeing new faces. I like having fresh blood. I like.....having little surprise visits from special guests now and again."

"I knew it."'said Chris.

VC-Chris-Exactly like I predicted,Hunter brought his mercenaries.

Hunter made sure to stop and get a good look at the confusion and concern on everyone's faces.

"Guys.....why don't you come on out."He said as he signalled for his special guests to make their arrival.

All eyes were glued to the entrance.

VC-Paige-Im not even competing tonight but I'm feeling crazy anxious right now.

VC-Seth-If its that Brock guy or that Rhonda chick from season 2 then literally, all those teams are getting flattened. That'll be two less teams to worry about so...basically its a win for everybody else.


"REVEAL YOURSELVES!"Chris joined in.

VC-Alexa-I feel so helpless right now you won't believe. We performed great in the last challenge! But we were blindsided and thrown into eliminations and now we can possibly be going home. Sometimes I wonder if its worth it to even try at all because we're always going to have the short end of the stick.

"I dont even want to look."said Alexa.

VC-Johnny-Im not really nervous. Tommaso and I work great together as a team so...whatever it is I'm sure we can figure out a way around it. As for our mystery opponents....they're just going to end up being another statistic to us.

"There better be some blood tonight!"Kevin yelled.

All of the Challengers that were standing on the spectator's platform began beating at the banister, creating their own drum roll.

Finally, everyone saw four shadows emerging. Out of the darkness and into the Stomping Grounds they slowly approached.

Paige gasped, "Ohhhh myyyy goddddd!"

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