Teams Reveal pt 2

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"Aleister Black, welcome to The Challenge buddy."said Hunter, "Your rival is going to be none other than a man you know very well.....Velveteen Dream"

"Hm, this should be fun

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"Hm, this should be fun."said Velveteen as he strutted to stand next to Aleister.

VC-Paige-Okay hands down, these two new guys are the most contrasting pair we have so far. One of the guys looks dark and mysterious and edgy while the other one is very flamboyant and expressive and colourful *laughs* I can't wait to see them work together.

VC-Velveteen-Basically, I never felt like Aleister had respect for me. He never calls me Velveteen Dream, he calls me by my real name which is so....ew. Him and I always butted heads. We're just...two people that will never be friends. To be fair, I liked the guy at first but like....why wont he show me respect and call me Velveteen Dream? What so hard about saying my name? Give me the respect I deserve.

VC-Aleister-Patrick and I share different energies. He claims I don't respect him, I just refuse to give him control of what I can and cannot say. I call him Patrick because thats his name. I am not a puppet in his little fantasy world. He's a man that manages to get everyone wrapped around his finger. Everyone except for me. He wants me to say his name then, he's going to have to earn the right for me to say it.

"Mr. Black."said Velveteen, acknowledging Aleister.

"Patrick."he responded.

"I have no idea who that is."Velveteen sassed.

"Alright next....Brie. Any clue as to who your rival is?"Hunter asked.

"Its my sister isn't it?"

Hunter smirked, "It is."

Brie sighed.

VC-Brie-Nikki is very manipulative and deceitful

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VC-Brie-Nikki is very manipulative and deceitful. In season 1, she just....did a lot of things to hurt me. I didn't plan on hating her but the things she said about me.....the things she tried to do to me. It was baffling knowing the lengths somebody I called a sister would go to to get what she wanted. My life has been more at peace ever since I cut her from it.

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