Elimination 6

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"Alright everyone, welcome back to nominations."said Hunter as he stood in front of all the Challengers, "Before I start, I gotta ask....has somebody been living out here in the gathering area or what? Im seeing suitcases and clothes scattered about."

"Yea thats mine."said a shirtless Seth that looked like he just woke up.

"What happened? You got kicked out?"

"No....Sometimes its just hard having roommates. You end up seeing a lot of things you don't want to see."

VC-AJS-So...some things happened between Paige and I last night...um....I can tell Seth's not too happy about it. As far as I know, Paige and Seth weren't in a relationship but despite that, I feel like I need to talk to him about it man to man just to clear the air.

"Well, as you all know Bayley and Billie lost this week's challenge so they're automatically going into the Stomping Grounds."said Hunter as the pair went up and stood next to him, "Now I got to get them some opponents so without further ado, Chris, Punk, who will you be nominating to go into eliminations. Keep in mind, the team of Lita and Trish are safe."

"We'll vote for Brie and Nikki."said Punk.

"Any particular reason?"

"I just don't think they're that good of a team."

"We're not that good? We've been into eliminations and we've proved ourselves already. Why don't you try to do the right thing for once and throw in a team that hasn't been into eliminations yet?"Brie said.

"We have a right to vote for whoever we want to vote for. Don't tell us what we should and shouldn't do."said Chris.

"Im just saying, teams like Naomi and Mandy, AJ and Kaitlyn and Alexa and Becky has yet to go into eliminations. Why do our names keep coming out of your mouths?"

"Because I'm not working with you. You're nothing to me."said Chris.

VC-Brie-This game is being controlled by the worst people in this house. Its all about alliances, its never about who deserves it and who's proven themselves. Thats what I hate most about these Challenges.

"Alright, Johnny and Tommaso?"

"Alexa and Becky."said Tommaso.

"Are you serious?"asked Alexa, "I never said your names ever in nominations. Johnny...what...whats going on?"

"You put your hands on my partner last night so....I think its only fair."

"She also threw a drink at me."Tommaso added.

Alexa rolled her eyes.

VC-Johnny-I gotta stand up for my partner. He's my rival but....he once was my best friend. I hate to admit it but I care about him still. I know he cares about me too, he just has a hard time showing it.

"John and Roman?"

"Well, we have personal ties to almost every female team here except one so our vote will be for Becky and Alexa."

"Great."said Alexa.

"Seth and AJ?"

AJ started speaking, "Well...we haven't really gotten the time to discuss it yet-"

"Do what you want man."said Seth indifferently.

VC-Seth-I had half a mind to say Paige and Charlotte's name in nominations but....they're still our number one allies and....id just end up fucking things up more. I feel hurt...and betrayed...by both Paige and AJ. But its fine. One day...im gonna flip this whole thing upside down and do the unthinkable. Trust me.

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