First Night

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After parting ways with Hunter, the 36 competitors made their way into their new home for the next few months.

Soon, the house was filled with the chatter of everyone socialising and getting to know each other. Funny enough, there didn't seem to be much team bonding going on as most of the competitors stayed far away from their rival.

"Wow. We're not assigned rooms?"said Seth in shock.

VC-Seth-Usually, in The Challenge we're assigned rooms so we never really had a choice of who our roommates would be. This season, I see that things have changed a little and I like it.

Seth walked up to a room and peeked his head inside. He saw Roman, Sasha and Naomi unpacking their things.

"Nope."he said before going off to another room.

He peeked his head inside the other room to find Dean, Sami, Enzo and Dolph setting down their luggage and suitcases.

"Definitely not."he muttered before walking off to another room.

When he got to the other room, he found Billie, Peyton, John and Nikki checking out the room.

"Oh god."He groaned.

VC-Seth-.....I thought id be excited to choose my roommates but all the rooms are already taken. Theres six rooms each with six beds. So far, every single one of those rooms has at least 2 people I don't want to be waking up in the morning to see.

He made his way to another room but this time....there were some inhabitants that he didn't mind being roommates with.

"Guess I gotta settle here."he said, dumping his backpack onto an empty bunk bed.

"Really? I gotta be roommates with you too?"AJS asked.

"At least we can bond. Probably tell each other bed time stories."

Charlotte snickered.


Charlotte made her way out of the bedroom to find Paige. She found her doing shots with Kaitlyn and Brie.

"Paige."she said.

Paige downed a quick Tequila shot, "What."

"We have a challenge tomorrow morning so you better not plan on getting drunk tonight. Get some rest."

Paige rolled her eyes, "I'll be fine. Don't worry about me."

"No I'm serious. Stop drinking. Stop tiring yourself out and go to bed."she sternly said.

"Okay you're my partner but you aren't my mother. Don't tell me what to do."

"Its for your own good! Im trying to help you!"

"I don't like being told what to do Charlotte! You can go back to bed if you want. I'll settle down when I'm ready."she took another shot.

Charlotte was red in the face.

VC-Charlotte-This is exactly why I didn't want to be paired with Paige. She's careless. She's reckless. She just doesn't care. I don't know how the hell I'm going to deal with her. We haven't even done a challenge yet and I'm already at my breaking point.

"Please...just....dont get wasted tonight."Charlotte calmly (with the undertone of anger) said.

VC-Paige-Listen as long as I'm not being told what to do, we're going to work out just fine. Let me do me and you can do you. When its time for competition then we can chat.


Liv was seen sitting alone, away from everyone.

VC-Liv-If I had known that...I had to be working with Renee for this show....I wouldn't have even bothered to come. My hearts not in it anymore. Yea 500 grand is great and all but....I just don't care for it at this point. Im going to be living in a house with Dean and Renee and I'm going to be forced to see them.  I still have feelings for Dean. Even though I hate him....I for him. I can't let go of our memories. Now I'm going to be forced to see him with....her.

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