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The scene opened up showing all the competitors standing in a large, sandy,opened aired area under the night sky. Behind them was a horizontal bamboo structure with railings that resembled a bridge. Surrounding the area were dark, towering trees which added a more intimidating feel to the atmosphere.

Right off the bat, some of the competitors knew exactly where they were standing.

"Honestly, where the hell is this guy? Its 10 pm, I've been standing here for like two hours! Why can't we go to the house? He can talk to us while we're drinking champagne and eating caviar." complained someone who was still fairly new to doing Challenges but no stranger to the veteran cast members.

"Can you shut up Miz?" an annoyed Seth Rollins said, "We're all tired and jet lagged and hearing your voice isn't making the situation any easier."

VC-Charlotte-So we were all brought here right after we were picked up from the airport. We clearly seem to be standing in the elimination grounds right now. We were told that Hunter wanted to speak to us before we settled in. On top of that, we have no clue what this season's theme is going to be. We're all clueless. Im only hoping that we're working by ourselves. Here's to Free Agents 2! Lets all pray.

"Its always nice to see a new face. Whats your name?" Paige asked one of the new cast members.


"Im Paige."

"I know who you are. Its an honour to meet you. You're as fierce as they come."

She put her hand over her heart, "Awww. Thank you."

VC-Paige-I see a lot of new kids here and they all look quite interesting. We got quite the characters this season.

Paige was right. There were a lot of brand new faces on the cast. There were people who had been on previous reality shows but had never been on The Challenge until now. And there were your usual Challengers that had been in at least one of the two previous seasons.

VC-Alexa-I was really hoping AJ was not going to be on this season he is. If you were living under a rock and didn't know what happened with him and I, we broke up. Now, I'm going to be living here with him for who knows how long and its going to be really hard not to miss him. Him and I were a force to be reckoned with back then and now....I don't even know where I stand with him in regards to the game.

There was crazy tension between some of the cast members already. Some of them had existing hatred. They may have even forgotten why they hated each other, all they knew was that they did. Some of them had been heart broken by others. Some of them had been betrayed. Some were exes. Some of them just straight up never got along.

VC-Naomi-I was exited as hell to do this 3rd season of The Challenge, thats until I get here and see....fucking Mandy Rose here too. Lord, you really want me to go to jail don't you? Because this girl is going to end up getting in my way and this time..... I'm gonna kill her.

VC-Mandy-I don't give a damn about Naomi. I know she's going to be out to get me so thats why I'm making it my duty to get her out first. She's my number one target. She likes to think that she's better than me and thats where she's clearly mistaken. Yes I'm beautiful but don't let my looks fool you. When its time to play dirty, I deliver.

"I hope I get to go against that bitch in eliminations." Naomi quietly said to Sasha, referring to Mandy, "And I hope its a physical one."

Finally, the crunches of approaching footsteps caught everyone's attention.

"Finally!" yelled out everyone's favourite loud mouthed, sassy, Canadian that loved wearing sparkly scarves.

Out from the shadows came the one, the only, The Game himself, Triple H or as everyone called him, Hunter.

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