*Un-aired Scenes*

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Chapter-New Rivals, New Feelings

Everyone was seen on The Challenge bus, heading back to the house after a night out at the club.

VC-Velveteen-So, im sitting in the row right next to Alexa who's sitting next to Seth and....*lowers sunglasses* im witnessing a messy situation right here.

Alexa was seen sitting across Seth's lap. His hand was placed gently on her butt.

VC-Alexa-As if I wasn't sexually frustrated enough, kissing Becky tonight made it ten times worse. But, Seth seems like he wants to play so....we'll play.

The two were sitting far up in front, out of view from everyone else behind them.

"This week was so tough for me." Seth said.

"Is there anything I can do to help you relax?" She flirtatiously responded while lightly running her fingers up and down the side of his neck.

"A massage would be nice."

She smiled.

"Id be more than happy to....lend you a hand." She seductively said as her hand crept under his shirt and began rubbing against his abs.

He began gliding his hand up and down, from her lower back to her thigh.

"Are you just toying with me or is this leading somewhere?"he asked.

"I hope this leads back to your bed."

He smiled.

"Im hoping we can probably reach third base this time."she said.

"Oh, you want to go all the way huh?"

"Id like that."

He held her by the chin and leaned in for a kiss.

VC-Seth-Im asking myself like....do I really want to do this? Especially after AJ and Paige hooked up. It would be weird hooking up with Alexa because she's my partner's ex. I dont want people thinking that us hooking up is me getting revenge for what happened.  Yea I kind of want revenge but not like this.

As they were kissing, Seth's hand slid under Alexa's shirt and up towards her chest.

Velveteen was seen next door shielding his and Aleister's eyes.

Eventually the Challengers all reached the house and exited the bus.

Seth and Alexa, still being very hot and bothered, were ready to carry out their plan.

The problem was, they couldnt go back to their room. Since they both stayed in the same room they would feel uncomfortable, especially with AJ being there.

Holding hands, they were seen walking through the hallway. Seth stopped, pushed her up against the wall and started kissing her.

VC-Seth-I have had an attraction to Alexa but...since she played me on Are You The One I just never bothered pursuing her again. Plus, I didnt want AJ's leftovers. But...right now....given this crazy week ive had and then all the shit ive been dealing with in this game....I want her so bad right now. And I can tell she feels the same. She's the one that basically came onto to me tonight. Who am I to say no to a good time?

After a few seconds of kissing, he stopped to check the bathroom that was nearby. Surprisingly, it was empty.

They went into the bathroom and locked the door.

The security camera footage showed Alexa taking off Seth's shirt and him lifting her and placing her on top of the bathroom counter.

Slowly, articles of clothing began piling up on the floor.

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