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VC-Tommaso-So...for the past few days I've been noticing something going on. Something I don't like. Something concerning my partner. Its really none of my business but....I got to get to the bottom of this.

Both men were seen working out in the home gym. Johnny was bench pressing while Tommaso had just put his dumbbells down for a little break.

"So uh...hows Candice?"Tommaso asked, trying to make conversation.

"She's pretty good." Johnny said, grunting in between, "Did you just remember she existed or what?"

"No. Thought you guys probably got a divorce considering the way you've been acting lately."

Johnny hung the weights on the rack, "What are you talking about?"

"I don't know if you remember that you're being filmed Johnny. Theres something going on with you and Alexa isn't there?"

"Woah woah woah, quit jumping to conclusions-"

"Everyone's talking about it! You were in bed with her? You guys are sharing a bed now? Whats going on?"

"Its not like that. Its not like that at all. We just hang out together. We're friends. Nothing more."

"It sure as hell doesn't seem like that. Did you guys sleep in the same bed?"

"No. She stayed in our room, yes but I slept somewhere else."

Tommaso sighed, "These girls dont want to be your friends Johnny. They want something more than that. You got to be careful around them. Don't let these trashy girls be the reason your marriage breaks up."

"Why do you even care?"

Tommaso twisted his mouth. He didn't know exactly how to answer that question. Despite the problems him and Johnny had, he'd never want to see Johnny's marriage be broken up. After all, he still considered Candice, Johnny's wife, a dear friend.

"You better know what you're doing Johnny. Thats all I'm gonna say. You're a grown ass man."said Tommaso before he left.

VC-Johnny-I appreciate the fact that Tommaso's looking out for me but I think he has the wrong scenario in his head.  He better not take this and turn it into something that its not.


"Hey there stranger."a very familiar voice said to AJ as she was sitting out by the pool reading.

She looked up only to see a six foot tall guy who had black hair and his arms covered in tattoos. CM Punk.

She rolled her eyes at the sight of him.

"What."she said very standoffishly.

"Its been a while hasn't it?"he said, sitting next to her.

"Yea. Its been a while since you played me."

"Wow. I like the attitude."

"What do you want? To form an alliance? For me to have your back? For me to throw the game for you? What?"

"Oh my god, you make me sound like a douchebag."

"If you're not a douchebag then..... what are you?"

He smiled, "Again, I love this new attitude you have. Did I do this? Did I change you from this naive little girl you were to this sassy straight forward woman?"

"You wish. The only thing you changed in me was my view of you. I thought you were a good person but you showed me that you are just like everyone else."

"You aren't any better than me. Did you forget all the things you did to TJ? Sweetheart, that puts you on the same boat with me. Its like the pot calling the kettle black."

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