Finals pt 1

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(its a long chapter)

"Whats up everyone, welcome to beautiful Mendoza, Argentina and your final challenge."Hunter greeted the six teams.

VC-Charlotte-Its 11am, its a beautiful morning, we're about to begin the finals, I'm pumped but....I don't know where Paige's head is at. We haven't spoken since last night. I see her dressed in her team uniform so I have a little hope.

"Before we get started, its been brought to my attention that one of you......wants to quit?"said Hunter in a much more serious tone.

All eyes looked at Paige. Her eyes were locked on the ground.

VC-Paige-Way to go guys, thanks for blatantly pointing out that its me. Now I have to deal with a scolding from Hunter.

" was me."Paige confessed.

Hunter shook his head in disappointment, "Out of everyone Paige? What, are you sick, are you injured? Whats wrong?"

"No, I'm not sick or injured."

"But you're thinking about quitting? Do you know how many women would kill to be in your position right now? You are our first Challenge champion, quitting shouldn't even be lingering in your head. You need to get your pritorties straight kid. So whats it gonna be? Are you gonna tuck your tail between your legs and walk away, ultimately ruining Charlotte's chance of competing in the final or....are you gonna suck it up and compete?"

Paige sighed, " not stupid to come this far just to quit. I just wanna say I apologize for my actions last night everyone. I especially want to apologise to my partner. Theres no way I'm going to quit now."

Dream applauded her.

"Thats what I like to hear."said Hunter, "So, again guys. Welcome to your final challenge. All of you have come a long way to get here, you should be very proud of yourselves."

VC-Seth-Who the hell would have thought that the first time id ever see a final is with AJ as my partner. Life is so weird.

"So, for your final challenge, you're going to be climbing to the top of that mountain."Hunter pointed.

VC-Chris-Right now I'm seeing about three mountains, all three varying in height

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VC-Chris-Right now I'm seeing about three mountains, all three varying in height. But of course, Hunter points to the tallest mountain.

"That mountain is 14,000  feet high. Thats a lot of terrain to cover from here to there. However, this is not a race to the top. This is a timed event. During your ascend to the top of the mountain, you'll come across various check points. Your goal is to try to complete those checkpoints as quickly as possible. At the end, all of your times will be added up and the team with the best time gets first place, male and female. However.....theres a catch."

"Of course." Seth nodded.

"Not surprised."said Chris.

VC-Becky-Great, what could this possibly be?

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