Crossing The Twins

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Everyone was on the Challenge bus on route back to the house after the day's challenge was over.

"Ugh, my mouth still taste like sheep intestines."said Paige.

"Cant relate."said Chris.

"You're lucky you and Punk got off easy."Charlotte said to him.

"Hey, I was prepared to go in there and eat. Thankfully it didn't happen."he responded.

VC-Chris-We're getting down to the wire. There are five male teams remaining and six female teams. In about three weeks, the final is going to take place. We need to start trimming the fat. All season I had my target on Paige and Charlotte but this week, its on Brie and Nikki. They got to go.

"Anyway, we got nominations coming up so lets just cut to the chase and all agree to vote in Brie and Nikki. Fellas? Who's with me?"said Chris.

Brie and Nikki were taken aback by Chris' statement.

Nikki turned around in her seat to face Chris, "Why are you trying to put everyone against us?"

"Stop telling people who to vote for Chris! You're such a hypocrite."Brie added.

"You're the weakest team here!"he said.

"How the hell are we weak when we won a challenge and an elimination?"said Brie.

"That doesn't mean jack shit! You're wasting your time trying to go to the finals! Both of you don't even have what it takes to run it!"

Nikki's jaw dropped "Excuse me? How dare you-"

The two began rambling; their voices overlapping each other.

"You suck at doing anything physical, you suck at eating, you can't swim, you're not the brightest-"Chris counted on his fingers.

"I have completed a final just so you know!"Brie raised her voice.

"You barely made it through the damn thing! You cost AJ and Roman the chance to be Challenge champion because you slowed them down!"

"He's not wrong."AJ muttered.

"We have been working harder than any of your ally teams here Chris!"said Nikki.

"The only thing you've been working hard at is trying to get John to love you!"

"Alright Chris thats enough. Just stay quiet."Trish said to him.

"Wow! How mature of you! Taking cheap shots at her! Well done Chris! I hope Trish is proud of the kind of man she has!"said Brie.

"Damn right she's proud!"he said.

"Hold up."Alexa chimed in, "Are you trying to say that you've been working harder than Becky and I?"

"Alexa stay out of this."said Brie.

"No no no, you got me involved in this when you talked about Chris' ally teams. You must be crazy to think that you have been working harder than Becky and I. You both are the reason why Tommaso and Johnny got thrown into eliminations! And even though both of you sucked in the swimming challenge, WE got thrown into eliminations instead of you so how DARE you say you have been working harder than anyone in this house!"

"You're acting like thats my fault! Thats not my fault Alexa!"said Nikki, "But I know for a fact that anytime we have to perform we put everything we have into it! I know that we work hard and you can't tell me that we don't! We deserve a spot in the finals!"

"No you don't! The finals are going to eat you alive!"said Chris.

"Don't fucking tell us what we deserve and what we don't!"yelled Brie, "Im depending on this money to fund my wedding! To kickstart my life! What will you do with the money Chris? Buy more stupid lighting up jackets?"

WWE-The Challenge-Rivals (Season 3)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ