Emerald Spartan

By MachineKing123

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Sierra-009 was not the luckiest Spartan II. Being stuck in the deactivated hull of the UNSC Arcturus while fa... More

The Fall
Gem glow
Cheeseburger Backpack
Together breakfest
Lava Lake
So many birthdays
The Gun Slinger
Hunter or Hunted
Mirror Gem
Terms and Conditions
Space Race
Just another day
Fusion Cuisine
Lessons in Shapeshifting
Scouting Mission
Quasar's log 1
Operation missing Quartz
Snowed In
Marble Madness
Rose's Scabbard
Old Scars
Future Vision
Revelation and Retribution
Passing the Flag
Unwanted Guest
New kid on the block
Spartan Training day 1
4th of July special
Into The Lion's Den
Bump in the night
Nature of the Beast
Secrets and Shadows
Cleaning house
Ghosts that walk alone
Omake: Bus stop
From the Beginning
Inner Demons

The Signal

560 19 7
By MachineKing123

Alpha Centauri system

Aboard the bridge of UNSC Here Be Dragons

"Captain Petra, we'll be exciting Slipspace in 5 minutes. I would advise you finish grabbing your coffee and get on the bridge." Said the gruff gone of the ships AI.

Arthur based his personality after a 14th century knights Templar.

His full suit of armor was always on, even his helmet which had a black mist that leaked out underneath.

Arthur stood next to the captain as she finished adding creamer to her large jug of coffee.

"Yeah yeah, give me a moment." The captain said as she screwed on the lid of her jug before walking out of the break room.

The dark skinned woman had only been the Captain of the Here Be Dragons for a month now. The almost 2 kilometer long ship was the second Indianapolis class cruiser to be made. And she was damn proud of it.

She walked down the hallway that lead to the nearest warp pad. This was the first class of ship to be fitted with them for rapid movement throughout the ship.

She stepped on the green crystalline pad that somewhat contrasted with the gunmetal Titanium B and orange paint. But no one minded since it made transport through the ship so much easier.

She activated the pad with a signal from her neural interface and immediately was transported through the Slipspace corridor of the warp pads.

She appeared just a few seconds later in a hallway that lead to the bridge. No pad was out in the bridge due to security concerns. As well as there being .50 cal automated turrets hanging from the ceiling.

Her long and curly raven black hair swayed slightly as she stepped off the pad. Her boots squeaking slightly against the metal floor.

The bulkhead of the bridge opened up and allowed the captain inside. She took a sip and looked around at her crew. She prided herself at being a good captain and putting her crew before herself. And she was glad the UNSC didn't have as strict requirements on hair as militaries of the past.

The only time in it was that it couldn't impact performance. So people usually trimmed their hair short on the front but let the rest grow out.

"Captain, we'll be exciting Slipspace with our escorts very soon." Said her nav officer.

"Good, what's the status of the ship. I want everything to be green for go." She said calmly as she sat in the comfy but utilitarian chair that was close to the holotable.

"MAC guns are loaded and armed. Archer missile pods are hot, 70 mm guns are loaded, Onagers are loaded and charged and laser array is online." Said her chief weapons officer.

"Reactor is running steady at 50% and ready to be brought up to full burn at a moment's notice."

"Engines are green."

"Shields are at 100%."

"Fighters and dropships are armed and ready."

"Spartans are ready for action."

Petra smiled at that. Her new ship was 100% combat ready and she was good to put a MAC round through anything that threatened them.

"Dropping out of Slipspace in 5....4....3...2....1." Arthur said as the ship lurched. The transition to realspace was complete.

"UNSC Jeager and UNSC Into the Howling Dark are exitijg Slipspace 500 k to either side of us." Arthur informed her.

Petra looked at the hologram of the 2 Jeager class frigates that served as her escorts.

(See ship profile on my other story)

"Good, now where exactly is the signal were looking for?" Petra asked Arthur.

Investigating a UNSC signal is what this entire mission was for. They had detected just a day ago. But it was transmitted through a Gem communicator. So while they wanted to see if someone needed rescue. They also brought firepower incase the Gems or even god forbid the Covenant was attacking.

"The signal appears to be coming from an old Gem colony. But there are several Gem ships overhead. Largest is at one kilometer. While there are 4 400 meter ships." Arthur informed her as she pulled up a hologram of the ships.

The cruiser looked like a large pyramid that was extended upwards and given engines on its base.

The frigates however looked like large red eyeballs with a small energy projector that shot out from the eye.

"Get my a targeting solution for the MAC on the cruiser. Have the Jeager and Howling Dark each fire on a frigate. Then fire a volley of archers at the other two."

Everyone on the bridge nodded as the Dragon oriented itself to face the cruiser. While her two frigates did the same for their own ships.

The Here Be Dragons shuddered as 2 600 ton slugs left the barrels of the MAC guns. Leaving at just over 1.6% the speed of light.

They flew through space and impacted the cruiser nearly 50 thousand kilometers away in a second and a half.

The first shell was absorbed by a bright white shield. But the second round broke the shield and punched straight through the center of it.

The frigates then launched their 800 ton slugs at 1% the speed of light and they each impacted a frigate after 2 seconds of travel.

Bright white shields flared again as they tried to stop the slugs. But each broke through and damaged the ships.

One frigate was torn in half as it's energy projector exploded in mid firing. The other eyeball frigate had it's a hole blown through it.

Over 250 Archer missiles exited out of pods from both the cruiser and two frigates. Zooming through space as they made their way to the remaining frigates.

The two eyeball frigates turned with surprising speed toward both the missiles and ships. One eyeball shot out an energy projector sliced through almost 40 missiles before the rest of the 120 aimed for it impacted.

The resulting fusion explosions downed it's shields and caused the whole ship to detonate after they blew through the hull.

The second eyeball aimed at the UNSC Jeager and fired it's energy projector. It traveled the distance in just over a second and hit the shields of the heavy frigate.

The eyeball then had almost 140 Archer missiles impact it. Causing it to detonate even more violently then it's compatriot.

The Jeager had it's shields downed to 20%. But the golden barriers held strong and the armor didn't have to he tested.

"Alright, Howling Dark and Jeager, good job. Start moving toward the planet and bring reactors up to 75%." Petra ordered.

The three UNSC ships started their engines once again and moved forward the planet.

Arthur scanned the planet once they got closer. They had achieved a stable orbit around the planet that was partially excavated.

What he found first was that four flying saucer like ships that are Corvette sized at 200 meters were deploying ground troops in what looked like a crashed Paris class frigate.

"Arthur, I thought you said that they were using a Gem communicator?" Petra asked the AI. She wanted to know where that communicator was.

"The communications suite of the frigate looks to be destroyed. I'm detecting a Gem comms tower 50 miles south of the frigate. That must have been how they sent the signal." Arthur said.

"Alright, have the Howling Dark and Jeager engage those Corvettes. Have them also deploy our new asset to the ground. Seems like a perfect opportunity for a weapons test." Petra said with a smile. she wanted to see what the new Spiders could do.

And she swore that Arthur almost smiled when he heard that part. And he didn't even have a mouth!

"Fire Onagers at the closest Corvette class. I want those ships downed."

Two of the Onager guns on the Here Be Dragons aimed toward the planet and fired their one ton slugs. The pieces of tungsten fell through the atmosphere and punched through the shields and hull of a saucer. Using their added momentum to increase their power.

The two frigates then fired their laser cannons. The ruby red beams exiting the side sponsons. They nearly instantaneously met the saucers and speared through the shields and ships. Carving through the unshielded and light armored hulls like butter.

Two saucers fell and the pieces of them fell to the ground. The Jeager and Howling Dark then both trained their lasers onto the last saucer and speared it through the reactor. Causing it to explode into atomic pieces.

The frigates then stopped firing their lasers to cool down. Where they can switch to getting their surprises ready to launch.
Spartan Deck
Here Be Dragons

There were eight Spartans that were onboard the cruiser. They were just finishing up checking gear before going to the hangar.

"Alright clusterfucks. Grab your gear gear and let's go." The voice of the squad leader lieutenant Leonard Church 115. His blue Mjolnir armor and light blue gem weapon contrasting heavily with the gunmetal room.

Church had a Sapphire gem with the ability of slowing down time to a standstill that was even better than Spartan time. He could also trigger it at will unlike Spartan time. His gem weapon was a powerful but slow shooting sniper rifle.

Allison 'Tex' Church 050 was dressed in a solid black Mjolnir armor. With a razor sharp combat knife as a gem weapon and the ability to turn completely invisible.

Yang Xiao Long 099 was dressed in a bright yellow Excalibur class Mjolnir armor that had crimson accents. She had a topaz gem and had two gauntlets as a gem weapon. And had the ability to flash forward at incredible speeds and increase her power tenfold for a brief moment when doing so.

Grif 303 had a orange set of Mjolnir armor and had a Jasper. His gem weapon was a 40 mm rotary grenade launcher. He also had the ability to drop strong bubble shields. But the downside was he couldn't shoot through it.

Tucker 274 had a set of bright cyan Mjolnir armor. His gemstone was an azure quartz and his gem weapon was a claymore sword. His ability was heightened speed. He could easily get up to almost 300 mph and could turn on a dime.

Izuku Midoriya 171 had a set of Emerald green Excalibur class Mjolnir. He had a jade gemstone and two high caliber pistols as a gem weapon. His ability was to turn into lighting and move in any direction he wanted. Although he couldn't move in water or space.

Ruby Rose 017 had a set of crimson and black Mjolnir armor. Her gem weapon was a large crimson scythe that she could swing great speed. Her gem was ironically a ruby. And her ability was super speed like Tucker. But somewhat like Izuku. She could turn into a pile of Rose petals in her speed form.

Grey 066 had a set of silver and purple Mjolnir armor. She had the ability to heal people when she stabbed them with her gem weapon. Which was a scalpel surprisingly. She could control of she healed someone or not. Her gem was a Charoite.

Together, they were Spartan team Shard.

"Hey Izuku, once we get back you wanna go for a drink." Said Yang with a wink toward the green haired man. She then tucked her long hair in and out her helmet on before grabbing an M45 shotgun.

Izuku didn't quite know whether Yang did just want to have a drink with him or had some more.... adult things in mind. But he didn't get to dwell on that since Tucker started talking.

"Hey, that's how me and Captain Petra started last night. Then she led me back to her room and....well I'll let you figure it out." He said with the biggest shit eating grin. There was no chance in hell that his ego boost would go away.

"I call bullshit on that! There's no way you scored with a chick that hot. Especially not the Captain!" Yelled Grif.

"What? Can't get it through your head that I scored better than you. Don't hate cause you ain't me!" He continued with the biggest shit eating grin ever.

"Sadly it's true. I saw him leaving the Captain's room this morning. It was the reason she needed a large amount of coffee." Ruby said with a slight look of disgust. She hated the image of Tucker and Petra fucking.

"Shut it! We got a mission to complete. So lock and load and kick some alien ass instead of arguing!" Shouted Tex.

Everyone reluctantly agreed and grabbed their helmets and weapons.

"Oh, and where were you two this morning? You may be married, but that doesn't give you an excuse to go into a random storage room and do it." Yang said. She hated her alone time being interrupted while others got away with it.

"First, none of you fucking business Lance corporal Xiao Long. Second, I outrank you. I can do what I want." Church said with a smug tone.

A familiar diget was aimed from the heavy armored Spartans.

They stepped onto the nearest Warp pad and ended up in the hangar.

They quickly made their way to the Pelican waiting for them and piled in.

"Thank you for flying Clusterfuck airlines. Where we can almost guarantee that you won't get shot out if the sky." Said the pilot of the Pelican as he lifted off the dropship and descended toward the planet.

"Oh god, another one of these kinds of pilots!" Ruby groaned. She hated pilots who tried to be funny and weren't.

"Don't worry, we'll be down to the ground soon. And then we might get to cut open some Gem's!" Grey said in a slightly twisted excitement. But the rest of Shard was used to it be now.

The trip was interrupted when they were close to the ground. The dropship started to shake while they were flying.

"Alright Shard! Your gonna have to drop here. The resistance is to thick for this bucket." Said the pilot over the PA.

When he said that the back door of the Pelican opened up. The Spartans were immediately greeted with the sight of a barren and rocky planet. As well as crystalline cannons that were spewing plasma at the dropship.

They immediately undid their harnesses and ran out the back.

The ground was only about a hundred feet up so a quick burst from everyone's thrusters and they landed without problem.

Grif set up a shield when the Gems tried to shoot them with one of those crystalline cannons.

"When does the rest of our forces arrive?" Church said over the comms to the ships in orbit.

"The rest of our troops for them will be ready in 5. We're just innitiating final startup. But we can't get the rest of our forces down there while that plasma cannon is up." Said the Captain of the UNSC Into the Howling Dark.

Church then turned back to the rest of his team.

"Alright, were gonna have take out that cannon so it can't have a chance to shoot any of our boys down. Izuku, Tucker, Tex. You take the lead and take out priority targets. Ruby, I want you to get into position and take out any big baddies. Yang, Grif you'll be tanking any fire. Grey, your with me. Everyone got that?"

Everyone sent him a green status light. As soon as he gave the clear Grif's bubble shield dropped and Izuku, Tex and Tucker took off.

Ruby ran to a tall jutting of rock and aimed down the sight of her SRS-99.

While the other four Spartans ran toward the cannon.

Izuku drew his guns that looked like the twentyfirst century Smith and Wesson 500 Magnum.

While the pistols would look large in a normal persons hand. They looked like a regular gun in his hands.

He fought the first thing he saw off gaurd.

He fired two round from each pistol into it with his Magnum. It immediately poofed and some sort of strange biological mass fell to the ground.

Izuku bubbled the gem and sent it off to the special containment area on the Here Be Dragons.

"Heads up guys, there seems to be some sort of biomass that's integrated into the gems. Be advised."

Ruby responded on the team comms.

"Yeah, I shot a quartz and a large price of biomass fell off it when I shattered the gem. It doesn't look to be don't anything once the gem dies."

"I wouldn't put it past those crafty Homeworld bastards to use a biological weapon strapped to their soldiers." Grey said in a serious tone.

Tucker fired off a burst of his battle rifle into a quartz that turned to him. First thing he found was that it was harder than he thought to hit the gemstone.

So while he hit it's neck. The purple woman tried it charge at him with a short sword.

She somehow extended her fleshy arm and tried to strike him. But he summoned his claymore and sliced the section of her arm off. He then fired a few rounds from his Magnum into her head and she poofed. Again leaving the biomass behind.

Tex meanwhile snuck up behind a pair of topaz's and stabbed one innthe back of the head. Whole she grabbed her shotgun and blew off the fleshy head of the other.

She bubbled them both in a bubble and sent them off.

Grif fired four grenades from his gem weapon that exploded in an orange explosion.

Yang then used the opportunity and shot forward in a yellow blur. She then punched a large gem in the face. Which shattered the gem on impact. She then punched one that was next to it which sent it staggering. She then brought out her shotgun and blew it apart.

But a ping on her motion tracker alerted her to something behind. But it was to fast her the large Spartan and grabbed onto her with a bunch of fleshy tentacles.

"Oh hell no! I may like to have a good time. But I'm not into that hentai bullshit!" She yelled as she punched the thing in the face and blew it apart with another round from her shotgun.

Church and Grey had to move out of the way as a Gem burst through the ground in front of them. But Grif wasnt so lucky since he was directly above them.

His shield's were drained by half from the hit. But while he was in the air he positioned himself and shot it in the face with his MA5B.

Church and Grey did the same thing and payed into the Gem with their DMR and dual UNSC plasma pistols respectively.

By the time Grif had landed they and poofed the fleshy Gem.

"Okay, what gives, I know Gem's are supposed to be both weird and tough. But what's with all the flesh shit!" Grif yelled.

Grey stepped forward as Grif summoned a bubble shield to protect them while they did their work.

Grey hosltered her guns and brought out her scalpel. She first examined the flesh and then the gemstone. Noting several things and using her armors specialized scanners that were made specifically for figuring out alien technology and biology.

"It seems that the gem has been infected with something. The flesh is actually made of hardlight and can survive for a short time after the gem is either poofed. The flesh itself is releasing some kind of spore that can be released into the air. I would advise a full decontamination once we get back. But we should be safe since our armor is vacuum sealed." Grey explained on team comms so everyone could hear.

"Well, let's sufficiently horrifying. Target priority has been switched to exterminate with extreme prejudice. Izuku, Ruby, I want you two to head for the downed frigate. This....infestation has changed things." Church raidoed in.

"Here Be Dragons, Jeager and Into the Howling Dark. The gems here seem to be infected with something. Once killed they release spores into the air. Unknown of what they do but none of us wanna find out." Church said to the ships in orbit.

"Copy that team Shard. Stay back from crash site. Well begin to cleanse it. And reinforcements will be inbound in 30 seconds." Replied the captain of the Jeager.

Suddenly behind them seemed to be filled with the laser cannons of the frigates. They were burning every scrap of wreckage from the downed Saucers.

"As, looks like there's not gonna be any recovering of technology." Grey said with a bit of disappointment.

"Yeah, were so sad that we don't have to haul alien wreckage." Yang said with sarcasm dripping from her voice.

Said Spartan had the hardlight flesh attached to her gauntlets. For some reason it wasn't emitting any spores. But she was still gonna wipe her armor with bleach when she got back in the ship.

She then crushed the gem she isn't poofed.

Yang then summoned her SPNKR from her gem and aimed at the door to the cannon.

She fired one rocket at the door and it blew open. She then fired another rocket into the door incase anything was on the other side.

She then stepped inside. Thanking that some gems were pretty damn tall. Since she was a good 8 foot 2 in the mech version of Mjolnir armor.

She put a new set of barrels in her rocket and stepped into the room. She saw no red dots on her motion tracker.

She then looked down the hallway to see that show there was nothing behind the door and she put a large crater in the floor for no reason. There was a large blast door made from the same lime colored crystalline as the rest of the cannon.

"This is Yang, I've found a way inside the cannon. I don't know if it's a control room. But I'd anyone's close, I wouldn't mind backup."

She then saw a green dot on her motion tracker. It came up from directly behind her.

"I got your back." Came the voice of Tex.

Yang then sent a green light and put her rocket into her left hand. She then stepped back and bolter forward to activate her Gem power. She punched the door with a hard enough force to send it flying off it's frame.

The blast doors then skidded a few feet before coming to a stop.

Yang then fired bother rockets into that room. After the explosions Tex ran in with her camo activated and shotgun in hand.

Tex shot a stunned Gem in the face and quickly switched to a Gem that was sent flying from the explosion.

Yang the ran in and fired tow shells into a gem that was still getting up. She then punched another that tried to get to close. She put a shell into it's torso before ending it fully with a heavy punch to the head.

Yang name Tex scanned around the room to see if there were may left. But both their vision and motion trackers showed there was nothing.

They then bubbled and sent both gem and fragments back to the containment cell of the Dragon.

"Alright this looks like the reactor room. If we blow this sky high the cannon should go with it." Tex said as she reloaded her shotgun.

Tex then turned to Yang. "You got any explosives?" She asked the blonde. But she already knew the answer.

"Yup." She said, popping the p. She then summoned a pack of C12 from her gem and placed it on the reactor. To be fair she probably should've been more careful what room she shot rockets into. But there wasn't anything they could do about it now.

She finished putting on the detonator and both walked out of the room.

"We've found the reactor and placed charges on it. Everyone needs to get clear so we can blow it." Yang said over comms.

As they were running away from the cannon Yang asked Tex something. "Don't these gems seem a bit weak. I was expecting an actual challenge. But this is like picking on the nerd in football."

"Your right, something doesn't seem right here. Keep your eyes peeled for any signs of a trap." Tex said. Yang nodded in confirmation.

When they were done talking that were a far enough distance from the cannon. They then turned around and Yang readied the charges.

"Everyone clear?" Asked Tex.

"Yup, light this bitch like a tree." Came the voice of Grif. There were more green status lights from Tucker, Grey and Church.

Yang then activated the detonator and the whole cannon exploded in green and orange.

"Damn that baby explodes nice!" Tucker said. The rest of the team couldn't help but agree.

And since the plasma cannon was down. The rest of the reinforcements could arrive.

There were Pelicans that carried both Scorpion's and Warthogs. But the big boys were dropped from low orbit. While SOEIV drop pods hit. All the troops incoming had to have a vacuum sealed suit. So the marines had a fully enclosed helmet with their shaded visors and a pressurized grey undersuit.

Six of the members of shard looked at the two large forms that were falling fast. Then each one deployed eight drag chutes that deployed eight massive parachutes.

There was no dust or anything like in a movie where the big guys were shrouded. So the massive UNSC vehicles were exposed in all those glory.

Eight massive legs that were plated almost entirely with almost half a meter of olive green Titanium B plating. Being almost 35 meters high and extending to almost 60 meters long. With heavily armored legs that made the vehicle 39 meters wide.

The Spider ultra heavy assault walker was the biggest and melt powerful ground vehicle in UNSC history. Heard heavily off the Covenant Scarab, but improved. With eight legs instead of four. Which are more heavily armored to avoid them being weak points.

The front of the Spider was much the same as the Scarab as well. But instead of focus cannon that fired highly condensed plasma. The Spider fired a heavy laser that burned through everything it hit. It's maw glowing red from the focus array for the laser.

The top of the Spider had a mini MAC gun that fired a 300 mm slug at Mach 50. Which is fast enough to create a plasma trail from the heated air that caused further damage to anything it hit.

It also had four Banshee missile pods and six AI controlled laser turrets for anti air. The Banshee missiles were slightly larger than the ones the SPNKR fired. But we're highly maneuverable. With each pod carrying 15.

The Spider was controlled by a group of three pilots as well as a Dumb AI. As well as having four gunners that each had a .50 cal turret. It also carried twenty troops in case of boarding actions.

But the didn't need any, since the Spider could lay waste to even small starships. So anything that was on the ground other than maybe another Spider or possibly a Scarab wasn't a threat.

"Now that is fucking awesome!" Yelled Tucker over their comms. Everyone agreed wholeheartedly.

"Alright Shard, hop on a Spider. We're gonna go meet up with Izuku and Ruby at the crashed frigate." Church ordered. The Spartan team then used the thrusters built into their armor and jumped onboard a Spider.

The twin Spiders then started to move at a pace that betrayed their large size. Easily keeping up with the Scorpion tanks and Warthogs. Even the Howling Dark was providing class air support.

There were also two Longswords Church saw fly ahead and drop a few precision smart Bombs. Clearing a large congregation of the fleshy Gem's.

But that was when the Spiders stopped and charged their heavy lasers. The large whine built up and then went flat for a second before a road ripped through the air.

The large ruby beams struck a large group of Gems that survived the Smart Bombs. They carved through and melted them.

He then heard a Scorpion fire it's 90 mm Gauss cannon. The round impacting against a large Ames of flesh and exploding. Sending inactive chunks flying.

Church had a feeling of pride in his chest watching the UNSC carve through the Gems sorrounding the frigate. But he also had a bad feeling in his gut that just wouldn't leave.

With Izuku and Ruby

The ODST's that defended the ship were needless to say afraid when they saw a green lightning bolt and a pile of red rose petals appear in front of them and deposit two large people in Armor. But they recognized they were Spartans from the armor they wore.

"Jesus! What kind of parlor trick is that!?" Shouted a particularly surprised helljumper.

Ruby wasn't one for socialising with people she didn't know so she let Izuku do the talking.

"We're here to rescue you." Izuku said in a calm tone.

"Huh, didn't know the UNSC knew where we went after the last op. I thought it was a random jump that sent us here?" Said one off to the side.

"We're....not exactly the same UNSC you know." Izuku tried to explain to them. He didn't know how they would react to a second humanity and UNSC out here.

"The fuck is that supposed to mean? There's only one UNSC." Said the one he talked to first. Ruby could tell that they were getting suspicious so she started talking.

"What he means is that were part of a second Humanity. And a Spartan II created the UNSC were apart of. Everything else will be explained back on the Here Be Dragons." She told them.

That seemed to satisfy some of the helljumpers. But the were still slightly suspicious.

But both Spartans then saw a green dot appear behind them. But they then felt a gun barrel hit the back of each of their shielded helmets.

"Tell me about this Spartan." Came a feminine voice from behind them.
2 minutes prior

Naomi immediately turned to face the two armored figures that appeared atop the right sponson of the Roanoke.

She had chosen to take a DMR and an MA5B and plenty of ammo and had perched herself atop the start of the MAC gun. Giving her a good view of the battlefield below.

They had just saved one of her Spartan sisters and a three ODST's from a successful assassination mission.

But the Captain was forced to make an emergency jump when an entire Covenant fleet had appeared to kill them. Trying to annihilate with rage after one of their prophets were killed.

The jump out them in the upper atmosphere of this planet. But an unknown race shot one of the engines with a heavy plasma cannon and caused them to crash.

Sadly since the planet had a thin atmosphere, only her and the ODST's onboard could go out and fight. Skckethey were the only ones with a vacuum sealed suit.

Thankfully the Roanoke wasn't out of the fight yet. The ships AI was able to use.the point defense guns to help defend after the bridge crew were killed.

She just wished Cal was out here to fight with her. She was one of the best Marksman behind Linda and Will. But she nearly died from that gravity hammer and was still in critical condition. But thankfully the ships doctors were able to keep her somewhat stable for now. While her damaged Mjolnir would keep her safe.

That was when she saw the two armored people appear in a weird fashion. She aimed her DMR at them incase they were hostile. And since the battle appeared to be over for now she could focus on them.

She upped the volume of her new Mjolnir MK V helmet. She condo hear them explaining themselves to the helljumpers. As well as informing them that rescue was close by.

But she still didn't trust the fact that two people who were the size of Spartans and wearing the same armor. Albeit with some minor tweaks and on the red ones part. While the green one appeared to be wearing a mech version of it.

She then caught the part about a Spartan II creating the UNSC their from.

Now that got her attention. And she wanted to know who exactly it was. She wanted to know which member of her family was close other than Cal.

She then grabbed her dual M6G magnums and jumped behind them. Aiming the guns at their heads. She wanted to know what they know now!

"Tell me about this Spartan."

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