Reunited | Dally's Little Sis...

By Chelsea4123

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After being left in New York by her brother a few years back, Sage Winston finds her way back to Tulsa. It ha... More

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162 8 0
By Chelsea4123

Sage P.O.V.

A few weeks had passed, and Dally was constantly on top of me. If I wasn't with him, someone in the gang was by my side. I felt like a dog on a leash that was pulled back anytime they went too far.

Today was one of those days where every single thing pissed me off. It started with Dally dragging me out of Bucks to the Curtis house because he had "things" to do. I'm pretty sure those things included that dumb broad Sylvia who I couldn't stand. 

Once Dally dropped me off at my babysitters, Soda kept rambling on about his new girl Sandy and how freaking fantastic she was. This was my own fault for pushing him away when he wanted to help, but I thought he would've waited more than a few weeks before getting all wrapped up in a girl. Maybe he really only saw me as a friend, and I was the one who wanted more. This is another reason why us Winston's don't do love. It's easier that way.

From there the day seemed to only get worse. Two-bit was so hungover that he slept on the floor all day. Darry and Ponyboy kept arguing back and forth which led to Pony slamming his bedroom door. Steve, well Steve was always getting under my skin. I loved that kid, but man did he have a way of annoying the heck outta ya. Then there was Johnny. This boy could do no wrong and I loved him to death, but with him jumping at every little sound that came out of this house is what rubbed me the wrong way. I knew he couldn't help it and I knew it was those damn Soc's that made him that way. My anger was more at them than anything.

The hours drug on with no end in sight. I snapped at Steve for getting cake all over me when he jumped up to yell at Soda for cheating at cards. He rolled his eyes and continued to fling his shit everywhere.

I ended up having to get up and walk outside to smoke a few cancer sticks. Dally came sulking to the yard, looking madder than a bull. "What's your problem?" He glared down at me and snapped, "That dumb broad was two timing me again. I swear she only does it to piss me off." Sure enough, I saw his Christopher back in his possession and knew he had broken things off with her. Let's hope it lasts.

He sat down on the steps and took a drag from my cigarette. "Let's go get drunk."

I smiled as he said that. "I have never heard a better idea."

He chuckled and stood up. "I'll go tell the guys we are leaving."

As he went to tell me babysitters that they were relieved from their duty, I started walking down the street. Before too long, Dally jogged up beside me. "Someone is in a rush."

I shrugged my shoulders, "One of those days I guess." He seemed to understand, and we walked the rest of the way to Buck's in a comfortable silence.

Just like any other night, a party was in full swing. Opening the door, you were hit with a smell of beer and smoke that was bound to be stuck in your hairs for days. We wiggled our way through the crowd of mostly greasers and made it to the bar.

Buck handed us both a beer and shook his head. "I don't like the idea of both Winston's getting drunk under the same roof."

I smirked and Dally laughed, "She won't do much damage." They fell into a conversation as I scanned the bar. It was only about ten o'clock and nearly everyone in the bar was drunk or high. A decent amount was dancing to some Hank Williams Jr. while other played pool in the corner.

My eyes stopped when I saw Sylvia sitting on guys lap, lips on his, acting like she didn't just break Dally's heart a few hours ago. That seemed to be the last straw for me on this god-awful day. I had to think this through though. I knew Dally would stop me before I close enough to do anything and the guys around her might get in the way.

I looked around to see if anyone could help me out and saw Tim. I hadn't talked to him since I broke his nose and I didn't exactly know how he would react to me asking for help. But he was a pal of Dally's and I needed to try. I turned to Dal and I said I was going to go talk to some friends as he waved me off. I walked over to Tim and as soon as he saw me, he shook his head. "What the hell do you want?"

I smiled a sweet smile and said, "I need you to get Dallas out of here for a few minutes."

He looked confused and I glanced over to Sylvia. She still hadn't seen me. He followed my glance and shook his head, "You have five minutes." Before he walked off, he told his brother Curly and some other guy with him to watch over me.

Curly looked at me confused and I said, "Just make sure the guys over there don't come at me." Before he could ask questions, I walked over to Sylvia and tapped on her shoulder. She looked up and rolled her eyes. "The hell you want kid?" The way she said "kid" only fueled the fire.

I smiled at her and said, "You and I need to have a talk."

She looked me up and down and shook her head, "I think you are a little young to be in this bar. Go run along."

She turned her attention back to the guy she was with and I pulled her out of his lap. "What the hell?" Before she had the chance to say anything else, I slugged her across the face a few times."

The guy she was with tried to pull me off of her, but Curly and his friend stood in the way. I'll have to thank Tim later. I hit her face a few more times as she connected with my lip once. It made me pause long enough for her to pull a blade out on me. I think she was trying to scare me, but all I could do was laugh.

Dally P.O.V.

Tim drug me outside saying he needed to talk about our kid sisters, which was the last thing I wanted to do right now. "Hurry up, man. I came here to get drunk, not to get mad at the kids."

Tim laughed which was rare. "You ever think they are turning into us?"

I shook my head and thought about it. Sage had a temper like me, but I don't think she would do stupid shit for the hell of it. I went to answer him when I heard yelling coming from inside. "What the hell?"

I went to walk back in, but Tim said to give it another minute. "Why?"

He had that look in his eye when he knew something was going down and didn't want to stop it. I thought back to his question and somehow knew it was Sage in there causing that commotion. "What did you let her do?"

Tim smirked, "Honestly I am not sure. She just asked for a few minutes."

I shook my head and stormed inside. I looked around and saw a group of people crowded around the pool tables. I managed to push myself through and stopped when I saw Sylvia's face bloody and bruised with a blade pointed at Sage.

I felt a hand on my arm and saw Tim stopping me before I walked over there to stop it. "Just give her another minute. Curly is watching her."

I looked over and saw his kid brother standing between this guy and the two girls. Sage didn't have her blade out, which I knew she had, but was laughing like a mad woman.

Sage P.O.V.

I stepped closer and said, "Dal is over there watching. I hope he sees how pathetic you really are."

Her eyes flickered over to where Dally was standing, and I took that moment of distraction and hit her wrist hard enough for the blade to drop. As I wrapped a hand round her throat, I slammed her into the pool table that was behind her and pulled out my blade, pointing it at her throat.

I leaned into her ear and said, "You stay away from my brother or else I will skin you from the inside out. Do I make myself clear?"

I tightened the hand that was on her throat and she whimpered out a yes. I got off of her, gave her one last look, and walked away.

People backed away from me as I walked to the bar, knowing Dally was behind me. He grabbed my wrist and nearly drug me outside. Once it was just us, he asked what the hell I was thinking.

I shrugged a shoulder, "I was thinking that if she wants to mess around with one Winston, she will have to deal with the other."

He was silent for a minute and wrapped his arms around me, pulling me close for a hug. "I love you kid. Never forget that."

He pulled away and I saw Tim standing there with his hands in his pockets. "You're a good kid. Consider us even." Not that Dally would let him do anything to me, but I was worried about being on Tim's bad side.

Dally grabbed my chin and tilted my face up so he could get a better look at it. "She got you good."

I rolled my eyes, "Me? Did you see her?"

He smirked, "Yeah. Never realized how ugly she was until now." He ruffled my hair and said we would crash at the Curtis house tonight. "Wait until they hear this story." He chuckled and walked off, waving bye to Tim.

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