Arranged to the Mafia King

By YOLOwriting101

616K 25.2K 8.6K

"I do." Smiling the fake smile I've come to perfect in the last year, I nod as I take hold of the mans hands... More

1. Marrying the King
2. Annoying the King
3. Learning About the King
4. Tattoos with the King
5. Baby Fever for the King
6. Different Side of King
7. Kiss the King
8. Devil & the King
9. To Africa With the King
10. Petty Because of the King
11. Reset With the King
12. 𝖿𝖺𝖼𝗍𝗌 of the Kɪɴɢ
13. Embarrassing Moments with the King
14. Body Betrayal because of the King
15. Makeover For the King
16. Trying With the King
17. Japan With the King
18. Turn of Events With the King
19. Lessons With the King
20. Dreams Of the King
21. Too Much For the King
22. Mystery Of a King
23. Here Comes the King
24. 𝘾𝙝𝙖𝙣𝙜𝙞𝙣𝙜 𝘐𝘵 𝘈𝘭𝘭 𝘍𝘰𝘳 𝙈𝙮 𝙇𝙤𝙫𝙚
25. A Rat is Caught By the King
26. 𝘔𝘺 𝙑𝙖𝙡𝙚𝙣𝙩𝙞𝙣𝙚𝙨 𝘿𝙖𝙮 𝘞𝘪𝘵𝘩 𝙈𝙮 𝙇𝙤𝙫𝙚
27. Truth Be Told to the King
28. Meeting the Parents With the King
29. Aide of the King
30. 𝙏𝙧𝙤𝙪𝙗𝙡𝙚𝙨 𝘞𝘪𝘵𝘩 𝙈𝙮 𝙇𝙤𝙫𝙚
31. Our Titan King
32. Safe With the King
33. Trust From the King
34. Hurt Feelings of the King
35. King on Ice
36. Pain of the Truth for the King
37. 𝙁𝙪𝙧𝙮 𝘉𝘦𝘤𝘢𝘶𝘴𝘦 𝘰𝘧 𝙈𝙮 𝙇𝙤𝙫𝙚
38. To the First of the Kings
39. Jun King
40. Pain of Me
41. The Making of Us, Two Kings
42. The Start for the Kings
43. If it Hurts You, it Hurts Me
44. Let Me Protect My King
45. King to King
😞 At a Loss Here 😞
46 | I am Titan
47. Nothing Changed After All
48 | Rules Make Friends
49. Trouble is Inevitable
50 | Inappropriate Behavior
51. I Blame You
52 | Understanding Is Key
53. How to Go On
54 | Confess Your Truths
55. Unavoidable Future
56 | Shōdai
57. Cries of Jun
58 | Confrontations of the Heart
59. Fourteen Hours
60 | Ta~shi
61 | Festival Troubles
62 | For the Best
63 | Troubles Here + There
64. Abrupt Actions
65 | Aid + Hurt in Big Ways
66. Who's the King?
67 | Take What's Yours
68 | Confessionals of the Heart
69 | Goodbye
70 | I Want You
71 | The New King
72 | Your Word
73 | A King Has Something to Say
74 | Two Confessions
75 | Opposition
76 | Truth Be Told
77 | Bullets Pierce
78 | Untamed, Vicious King
79 | DNA
80 | Thriller
81 | My Own Plan
83. Much To Unfold
84 | Zeus Pt. 1
85 | Zeus Pt. 2
86 | Coupling Too
87. Yes, to You
88 • Jun
89 • Chances

82. "Oh...Lulu~"

1.9K 71 48
By YOLOwriting101


"Papa I want to talk to you, genuinely."

I see Titan practically desire to speak with me and I didn't know why. It didn't really matter to me, but with everything going on this was surprising.

"Okay... About what?" I ask him, and Titan practically pulls me away from everyone. He took us to his room and it was becoming weird when he closed the door, locking it.

When he faced me I saw this nervousness across his features. It made me wonder what he did now. For all I knew he could be hiding something bigger than the both of us.

I couldn't imagine such a thing, but I wondered...

"Titan what did you do?" I question him one more time, and he groans. Almost as if he's twelve again and I had to ask him multiple times to tell me what he's done wrong.

I folded my arms when he rushed to his bed and threw himself on it. Shielding his face from my view, I knew this was serious. What is he feeling guilty about now?

"I to be very open minded papa, please." Titan starts off, and I raise my eyebrow. "I don't know how you'll take this...based on how past circumstances were; but people can change."

I felt my own chest become tight and I couldn't help but feel like I knew what he was getting at. I had to stop myself from becoming too angry because my emotions are haywire.

"Titan just spit it out." I snap, and he finally looks at me.

"I spoke with Lulu and I think he can be a key factor in solving this problem... I also think he's changed papa - truly." Titan states to me, and I just look at him.

Right now...I wanted to strangle my own son; but I had to curb that desire. I just smiled at him and he already knows I'm upset.

"How do you know the password?"

"It''s easy to guess." He mutters, acting all shy now. "Papa he really has changed. I know the past is ugly - but trust me...I also think he likes me-."

"Oh, even worse-!"

"As a friend. He likes me because I'm not judging him for how he once treated my very own parents. The past is in the past-."

"It's not that simple. You don't know what he has done. He tried killing me all for your dad. He couldn't get it through his thick skull that he's mine - not his - mine! For you to talk to the one person that made my life hell...I feel betrayed!" I yell at him, and Titan stands up as if he was done talking to me.

I wasn't done as I went to him and shoved him back onto his ass.

"You aren't walking away from me Titan." I snap, and he sighs.

"Papa it was eighteen years ago. He messed up and if you were to speak with him - he'd apologize rightfully so. He's changed." Titan tells me calmly, and I shook my head.

"People like him don't change." I hiss.

Titan suddenly stood up, and he shoved himself from around me. Shocking me as he truly looked upset with me, I for one didn't appreciate the shove.

"Who are you to say someone can't change? Tell that to Amor and Jun and Sorrel and you for that matter." Titan sneers at me, and I glare at him. "I changed too, dad changed as well. Who's to say Lulu hasn't done the same? He's been in that hell hole for eighteen years! I think all that time alone can really change a guy."

"Or make him worse."

"Stop being so pessimistic." Titan snaps, and looks at the clock. "I don't have time for this. I wanted to tell you because I know how things are...between you two. Because I have an idea that can get Zeus to us if we let Lulu out. Lulu can be what changes things-."

"Or...he betrays us." I interrupt him, and Titan grins at me.

"I don't...think that's the case this time papa." Titan murmurs to me. I just look at him as if he's a fool and he notices that too.

He just chuckles at me, and I sneer.

"Titan stop being so naive! Not everyone is a good person or can change that easily. Some people are just naturally evil!" I shout at him, and he shook his head.

"Papa after everything I've so far seen...I have seen who can change and who can't change. You don't have to trust me on this, but I'm doing this my way. I'm going to tell Hiroto and Sana too - even Amor and Tashi, but don't say a word to dad." Titan tells me, and when I heard the last part I laugh.

All the times we don't tell Gideon he loses his mind. That's the last thing I'm going to do.

"Bullshit Titan - I'm telling Gideon-."

"Let me tell him myself. I'm not a child anymore - I can tell my dad myself - don't need papa's help." Titan mocked me - only to walk away from me now so that I couldn't say more.

This honestly pissed me off.

Just as I was going to rush after him I had to stop myself from barreling into Alaric and Kenji. They both were holding containers of sweets and I wondered where they got those from.

"Why do you look so pissed? Titan looked just as mad." Kenji asks me, and I shook my head.

"Did you two have a fight? That's rare." Alaric chuckles as him and Kenji start to tease me. If only they knew the real reason.

I snatch the cheesecake from Kenji's hands, and I see him instantly pout.

"Where'd you get all these sweets?" I question them, and Alaric was quick to snatch the cake back from me.

"Titan bought some not too long ago. He said we could choose what we wanted and leave behind at least a few. I don't know why, but Kenji and I had to take some before our kids...find us and try to steal them." Alaric whimpers, looking over his shoulder as if he was afraid.

I see him hand the cake back to Kenji who had his eyes narrowed on me.

"Is there something going on that you need to tell me?" Kenji questions me again.

I ran my fingers through my hair and before I could respond we heard countless footsteps running up the stairs. The looks in and Kenji and Alaric's eyes were pure fear yet excitement.

"Run!" Kenji cried, and they both pushed me into my room of all places. Locking the door behind them, we could hear their kids banging on the door.

Kenji smiles happily as him and Alaric fist-pump, truly proud of themselves.

"You both are like children." I chuckle under my breath as they sat on the rug that was in the middle of the room. Them laying out the deserts as if this was some kind of sweet feast.

"With kids as smart as ours...they'll figure out a way to open the door. We have to embrace our childish side sometimes...or we'll go insane... At least I will." Alaric confesses aloud, Kenji nodding dramatically.

"Agreed. Especially the ones younger than Miku...they are crazy and insanely intelligent. I almost had a nosebleed when Ren and Reo asked me if light is the fastest thing in the world - how does darkness get there first...? They all went on this tangent on the speed of light and speed of darkness - which I don't get. I...I almost collapsed." Kenji shook his head wildly, Alaric laughing as if he was remembering another story.

"Here's a good one. Nozomi and Yuma questioned me if Einstein's theories were proven wrong - why is he still considered one of the smartest men in the world? I tried saying even if his theories were proven wrong...he did leave room for people to correct his mistakes and think beyond what they would have thought originally if he wasn't there... That is why he's one of the smartest men out there - including his IQ which was amazing... They said I was wrong too; so I gave up." Alaric shrugged nonchalantly.

I was truly appalled by this. I knew their kids were smart...but this is a whole level of smart.

"Umm...stop letting them read books." I tease, and Kenji snorts.

"We tried that actually - as a joke...of course." Kenji chuckled awkwardly as him and Alaric looked like they were trying to hide the fact...they weren't kidding.

At least the attention was off of me. I missed these two. They honestly calmed me down. Gideon is possibly trying to see when Zaveri will wake up. All the new leaders of groups are horrible and spoiled. They are also horrendously cocky and overly confident.

"Are you two extra careful now?" I tease them. Alaric and Kenji nod slightly, chuckling again.

"My pull-out game has improved..." He informs me, and I roll my eyes. "It has!"

"It really has." Kenji added.

"Okay, but there's also a thing called...a condom-."

"Speak for yourself, you're the one pregnant - not me." Kenji snorts, shaking his head at me. "We have been doing this for seven years now and no kids have come."

"Yeah...for now. Your last set was a pair of twins - imagine you had twins again-."

"No!" Alaric cried, and Kenji looked at him in shock. I was just amused by his exclamation. "I mean...that's highly unlikely. Ren and Reo are...good examples of what you have once - or twice...and don't want again. Be-because you love them so much!"

Kenji just looks at him, and I snort as I give Alaric a thumbs-up.

"Good save." I smile, standing up as I go to the door. "You guys have fun eating and Alaric...good luck. Also - just because I love you two so much."

I open the door and watch as most of their kids come flooding in. The oldest one being Yuma as he looked at me with a smirk. He gave me a fist-pump because he probably heard what I said.

When I look at Alaric and Kenji they looked like they wanted to kill me. Their kids just taking most of what they set aside for themselves.

That's when I leave and went back downstairs. I saw Amor with everyone else, and the look on his face told me everything.

"Amor where is Titan?" I ask him, and he shrugs.

"Not sure. You probably already know - he wants it to be a secret - from me of all people. Lame." Amor states in boredom, and I see Tashi snicker.

I already knew where he was as I go to the basement. I was even more irritated when I get to the door I didn't think I'd have to ever look at again. Just putting in the code made me angry. Especially when the door opened and I saw Titan inside.

Him and Lulu looking at me. Lulu looked horrible...his eyes diverting off of mine. Titan on the other hand looked annoyed. Even saw Lulu eating a plate of cake and I sneer.

"This is what you bought all the sweets for? For him?!" I yell, and I step inside as I was about to grab them away. Only for Titan to stand up and block me from doing so. "Move Titan!"

"Papa this is uncalled for. This is bigger than the both of us! Just hear him out-."

"That's the last thing I want! He almost killed me while I held you in my arms. Placed you in harms way and didn't care at all! Why should I forgive the person that wanted me dead and was willing to take you from me?!" I shout at him, and I saw Titan look away from me. "You have to see that he's not a good person..."

Titan shook his head at me, not even trying to see it from my perspective.

"I...I am going to have to disagree." He says calmly, and I look around his shoulder at Lulu.

I saw him with teary eyes and his hands were shaking. Literally pissed me off that he wants to...look at me and not even be able to. How dare he act like he's afraid of me?!

"You...lying bitch! You want to pretend like you're afraid of me?! What have I done to you?!" I shriek at him practically and he flinched just by my voice.

I get it...for the first five years of him being down here he was subjected to...lots of things. Including seeing Gideon and I have sex; but that doesn't give him the right to be afraid of me I don't think!

"You've done what should have been done-."

"Bullshit! He gets on my fucking nerves!" I exclaim, and Titan pointed at the door behind me. Glaring me down, no remorse in his eyes for me.

"Then leave."

I stare up at him, and saw that he was dead serious. I saw a look in his eyes that I've seen in Gideon's before. Though this was different because he was protecting the enemy. I consider Lulu my enemy...he always will be my enemy.

Ever since he put Titan in harms way when he was just a little baby... My mind is clouded by the pain I once endured by him.

"Papa you only make yourself more angrier thinking about this-."

"It infuriates me Titan. I'm boiling with anger! Ich bin wütend." ( I am furious. ) I growl at him and he frowns.

"Schleich dich." ( Get lost. ) He says without stutter, and I smile.

"Halt deinen Mund!" ( Shut your mouth! ) I yell at him just for saying that to me. He now just sat back down and I saw Lulu now.

His hands were shaking and head was lowered. Avoiding to look at me still, I had to roll my eyes.

"Ich...ich bin verärgert." ( I...I am upset. ) I say once more to him, and he shrugs as Lulu looks at him now.

"Du hörst mir einfach nicht zu." ( You're not listening to me. ) Titan states calmly and looks back at me. "Let's speak a language we all can understand."

I glare at Lulu, and I see Titan shake his head at me.

"Was?!" ( What?! ) I snap, and he sighs.

"Lulu tell papa what you told me." Titan says to him, and I see him glance at me. Only to look away fast and he looked back at Titan.

"I am sorry Damian - I - I truly am. I wish there was...some way for me to prove to you especially that I wasn't in the right state of mind. I - I can't go back in time and take back all I've done to you. I'm n-not lying. I have truly learned a lesson worth learning...I promise." Lulu says that all without looking at me.

His eyes on Titan and when he finished he looks at me. He tries to not look away from me, but he only started to shake.

It was a pathetic display to me.

I found myself clapping, shaking my head as Lulu now looked away. Titan standing back up now and started nudging me back to the door.

"Your lack of empathy and forgiveness displeases me." Titan hissed as he opened the door.

"And your abundance of naivety and foolishness displeases me!"

"It's really not like that this time papa." He groans, and I watch as I was completely shoved out the room now - almost. It was more of a harder nudge than shove. "See you later."

I just look at him, and saw him start to pull the door closed. Though I didn't miss the sight of Lulu actually crying...

I wasn't sure at this point.

He's either a really good actor...

Or I'm being the bitch I always have been.

I go upstairs now and avoid any contact with others. Waiting until I found Gideon, and I rushed to him fast.

He was surprised to see me when I hugged him, hiding my face in his chest. I heard him chuckle as he hugged me back.

"What's wrong Damian?" He asks me, and I take a deep breath.

"Have you forgiven Lulu?"

I felt his body stiffen, and I look up at him. Seeing his expression...gave me my answer - almost.

"Why the sudden question? That's very random." He tells me and I shrug.

"Who knows... I'm just thinking. Maybe it's time to forgive or maybe I'm mistaken-."

"Truly where is this coming from? I'm actually confused."

"No... You need to just wait until Titan says anything to you." I almost hint, and I heard him groan.

"What is he trying to do now?" Gideon groans as he pulls away, and I saw him walking away. I already knew where he was going and I already knew that Titan would be pissed at me...

At the same time...I'm trying to protect him. At the same time I don't really know what I'm even doing. Maybe Lulu has changed...

It's just these hormones and anger coupled together isn't helping at all...

Whatever. I already know what I've done and how I possibly just angered Titan even more. Because I'm having a hard time forgiving the person who tried to hurt me and Titan when he was a baby.

I just don't know how I should act. I'm not going to bend to Titan's demands. He's a naturally...kind person - I'm not. I have a harder time forgiving people than he does.

If he went through what I went through or remembered how loud he shrieked for me... He'd probably see different.

I know he would.


Oh would he? 🤨

Do you think he would? 👀

Damian is handling the news... 🤭

In a way I guess is understandable. 🤷🏽‍♀️

Do you think he's being dramatic - 😅

Or do you understand where he's coming from? 😌

I won't say what I think... 💁🏽‍♀️

It's a secret. 🙇🏽‍♀️

Though Damian hinted to Gideon what Titan was doing - 🤦🏽‍♀️

Therefore not letting Titan tell him himself... 😪

Kind of. 🤥

What a time to be alive, huh? 😌😂

Anyway, what'd you think? 🤔

The Kenji and Alaric's part made my day... 🤧

Not going to lie. 😁

I love them - all of them... 🙏🏾

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