It's a Battlefield : A Dricki...

By BunzMinaj

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Nicki has been with SB for three years, and their spark is long gone. Every night he doesn't get home until 2... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Questions for the Characters
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27

Chapter 24

699 37 5
By BunzMinaj


I woke up around 10 the next morning, but without Nicki next to me. She must already be up, eating breakfast or something. I hopped out of bed, eager to meet her, but only after checking my phone for any calls or texts that I might've missed throughout the night.

My eyes widened at how many time Niyah had tried to get a hold of me last night.

11 missed calls.

5 texts.


This was either really really bad, or really really good.

I forced myself to open and read every single one of the 5 texts, even though I really didn't want to.

#1 - Call me right fucking now.
#2 - Answer your goddamn phone.
#3 - Answer.
#4 - Drake, I am not playing games with you right now. You betta answer me when I call yo ass!
#5 - Call me!

There was no question on what I needed to do next.

I reluctantly dialed her number and Niyah picked up on the first ring. It was almost like she was waiting for me all night the hit her up.

"Hey, Niyah. What's u --- "

"Drake, we're through. Your stuff is outside. I suggest you come by as soon as you can before somebody else claims yo stuff as they own."

I was taken aback by her statement. Where was she coming from with this?

"Wh -- Wait, what?" I asked, my voice growing shrill. "Niyah, what the fuck? What are you talking about?"

"Drake, I know about you and Nicki. I know about what you two did."


I never did tell her about getting caught with Nicki in bed by SB, because why the fuck would I? I knew she would do something like this. She's already caught me trying to cheat on her with that one girl, Mercedes, on her birthday. I had a feeling she wasn't going to tolerate Nicki and I's little 30-minute fling.

My heart was racing and I could feel little beads of sweat rushing down my face. Shit, this couldn't be happening, this couldn't be happening, this couldn't be happening...

"What... What are you talking about...?" I asked. Maybe if I played dumb, I could get out of this.

"Drake, don't you dare play stupid with me, I'm not in the fuckin' mood. You know exactly what I'm talking about."

I ran my hand through my hair. "Niyah... It's not what... We need to talk..."

"No, Drake, we don't. I have nothing more to say to you. Just come by the apartment and grab your stuff before somebody else does."

And with that, she hung up.

I flung myself onto the bed, and the last thing I remember thinking was how much trouble I had just gotten myself into.


I looked up from my blueberry waffles to see Drake enter the kitchen, with a noticeably deep frown. I was still on a high from last night and I was kind of disappointed to see that he wasn't.

"Drake? What's... What's wrong?" I asked.

"Niyah just broke up with me," he said, faking a chuckle.

I put my hand over my mouth, unable to believe what I had just heard. Niyah and Drake broke up?

"Oh my God," I said, quickly getting up from my seat to go and comfort Drake. I pulled him into a tight hug, and he didn't hesitate to hug me back. "I'm so sorry. Wha -- Why did she break up with you?"

"I guess she found out about that night with you and SB. I don't know who told her or how she heard about it, but..." he trailed off.

I looked at him curiously. "Wait, you mean... You mean you didn't tell her what happened?"

He scoffed before gentley pushing me off of him. "No! Why would I? There was really no reason for her to know, this was between you and me. This didn't involve her in any way, and besides, if I did tell her, I knew she'd react like this!"

"Well, she has every right to!" I retort. "This was a big mistake on your part, Drake. She's your fucking girlfriend! You're supposed to tell her everything, even the negative."

"Well, ex-girlfriend now," he sighed.

I scoffed. "And I wonder why."

I could tell I was pissing him off a little, and maybe I was even making this whole situation worse, but I could tell I was getting through to him, even if just a tiny bit. I could tell he knew that he was wrong and what I was saying was right.

It was silent for a few seconds until I asked him if he thought Niyah was serious.
"Of course she was serious," he said. "Niyah don't play like that."
He was right. Niyah never took things to an extreme level unless they needed to be taken to an extreme level.
I sighed. I really didn't have any advice for him this time around. I mean, I could offer to go over there and talk to Niyah for him, butttt I had a feeling that she might be pretty pissed off at me too, and I really didn't feel like getting my ass beat by her today. Nah, hunty.
"Well, I mean," I sighed, "I really don't know what to say, Drake. Maybe Niyah's right, you know? Maybe it is time for you guys to end it. Y'all had a good run, right? What, three years? That's a long-ass time. Maybe it's time for y'all to see new people or something."
He ran his hand through his curls. "I don't know, Nicki. I just feel like I shouldn't let her go that easy. Maybe she wants me to fight for her, you know?"
He looked back up at me for reassurance, but I just shrugged my shoulders and said, "Then just go see her and talk it out. If she's persistent about you leaving, then you know she's forreal, and you can just grab your stuff and leave. But if she ends up wanting you back or something, then make up and move back in."
He was kind of quiet for a second or two, and then he told me I was right and that he was gonna go talk to her right now.
"Ok, Drake, good luck," I said monotonously.
"I promise to let you know how it all turns out," he called to me, after grabbing his phone.
"Ok," I said, watching him open the front door and leave. I did not have a good feeling about how this would turn out.


I took a deep breath before knocking on Niyah's front door. I waited a couple seconds, then knocked again. And again, after another couple seconds. Maybe she wasn't home. Maybe she was out at the store or something.
Just as I was turning around to leave and go back to my car, I heard a door open and Niyah say, "Drake? What the hell does your sorry-ass want?"
I turned back around and gave her a small smile. "Hey, Niyah," I said.
"Nigga, answer me when I ask you a question," she commanded.
"Oh, um, yeah. So, I thought that maybe we could talk this whole mess out. I think maybe -- "
A heavy, irritated sigh coming from Niyah made me stop mid-sentence.
"What the fuck did I tell you Drake? I told yo' ass that we were through. And I meant it. I'm not taking it back, Drake. I'm serious as hell. The damage is done, ok? You had ya lil' fun with Nicki, but this is the cost. You shoulda thought about what the consequences might could be when you did what you did. You've done this to me once, and we had a long-ass talk about it., but we're not doing this shit again. Sorry."
I could barely talk. My throat was dry and I felt like I was going to throw up. Was this really happening? Were we actually breaking up?
"Niyah, I -- "
"Goodbye, Drake," Niyah said, closing the door in my face.
I stared blankly at the front door in front of me, trying to process what had just happened.
We just broke up. We just broke up. We REALLY just broke up.
It almost seemed like the world stopped spinning for a couple seconds. Like time stopped. All that I remember happening was all of these different thoughts circling in and out of my head.
What happens now?
Where will I live?
What will everybody think?
Will Niyah ever forgive me?
I looked to the side of the front door, and saw two or three suitcases, packed full of my stuff. They were just where Niyah said there would be.
I sighed. There was nothing left to do about the situation now. I might as well head on back to Rih's place and tell Nicki what had just went down. Maybe I'll get lucky, and maybe she'll have some more advice for me.


I was in my bedroom when I heard the front door open and slowly close. I just knew it was Drake. I ran downstairs to meet him.
"Drakkee," I called as I ran down the stairs. "How'd it go?"
I found him waiting for me at the bottom of the staircase. Just one glance at him, and I could tell something was wrong.
" ... What happened?" I asked him.
"It didn't really go as planned..." he said, running his left hand through his hair.
I bit my tongue to keep myself from telling him "I told you so". It just really seemed like he didn't want to hear that at the moment.
I stuck out my bottom lip and hugged him tight, whispering "Tell me all about it," in his ear.
He led me to the living room couch and sat me down. He looked at me before starting at the very beginning.
After going through everything that had went down at Niyah's apartment, it was pretty obvious he was close to crying. I kept my hand on his back, rubbing in circles, in an attempt to make him feel somewhat better. But boy, lemme tell you, it's really fuckin' hard to console somebody that you love when they crying over somebody else. That leaves a special little crack in your heart.
It was the honest-to-God truth that I had NO advice left for Drake. Everything I've told him to do has failed. I mean, obviously, Niyah was done. All I could really suggest to him at this point was to realize that it was over and to try and move on. And that's what I told him.
"But Nicki, I can't! I mean, we've been at it for three years, we can't just throw that away over a small mistake."
I sighed. "Well, maybe this is God's way of telling you to see other people. Niyah was just another girl, ok? No doubt you loved her, and doubt she loved you, but maybe she just wasn't the right one, you know?"
I was subtlety trying to hint to Drake that, hey, Onika Tanya Maraj is open for buisness. I don't think he put two and two together though, you know? He's always been more of a direct person; if you wanted to tell him something, you had to tell him how it is. You couldn't beat around the bush, he never did pick up any of the right hints.
"Yeah, I guess..." Drake said, obviously not convinced.
It was silent for a little while until he said, "Imma go lay down."
I stood up with him and, before he had the chance to go up to the bedroom, I pulled him into a huge hug. I squeezed the life out of him, probably, if I'm being honest.
"It's all going to be ok," I assured him. "I promise."
I stood up on my tippie-toes and gave him a light kiss on the cheek. Now, from somebody else's perspective, a kiss on the cheek is a pretty meaningless gesture, but I swear, I could tell it upped his spirits just a little bit.


Hey guys, I know how long y'all have been waiting for this chapter and I want to apologize for how long it took. I got grounded for, like, three months. But I'm back!
I'm still working on the Q&A, but it should be out soon. Keep an eye out for it!
Love you guys.

xx Kylie

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