Rose and Scorpius, A True Love

By harrypottergirl123

536K 11.5K 2.2K

Rose Weasley and Scorpius Malfoy have always been known to hate each other. That much has always been clear... More

Rose-Scorpius: A true Love
The end!


7.5K 192 48
By harrypottergirl123

"Alright girls, I hope you all know your jobs? Yes? Good. Go on then." Aunt Fluer said lightly after we had finished getting ready, all except the bride. It was now 5:50, meaning I needed to be down stairs ready to usher the guests into their appropriate seats. I was trying my best to hold my posture, as I was wearing four inch heels that hurt like hell, but Victorie made me practice enough this week to know how to manage in them. As I stepped outside, I was greeted by the warm setting sun. The yard looked amazing, lights twinkling here and there, the large tent organized to fit many people inside comfortably, and the setting made it so much more beautiful. Harley was already carrying two clip boards inside the tent, sitting on one of the white fold out chairs, reading what I assumed to be the list. I walked inside the tent and walked up to Harley. She looked up and her jaw dropped. "Have you seen my best friend perhaps? She has red hair, kind of like yours, oh and she's most likely wearing sneakers and a t-shirt?" She said loudly, standing up and handing me a clip board. "Oh, haha very funny." I mumbled. "You look freaking awesome." She said shrilly. Desperate to change the subject, "alright, so you can handle that side of the entrance (I pointed to the far end of the tent) and I'll handle this one. (I pointed behind me to the entrance I had walked through.)" Harley nodded her head and walked off. I took a deep breath and walked to the entrance, I checked my watch and saw it was now 6:00, guests would be arriving any second, and all I could think about was which one would be Scorpius. As I stood waiting, I looked around inside the tent. I could see Harley at her side of the entrance, fixing Albus's tie, Hugo was pacing next to the alter, and everyone els I believe was inside, preparing the food and finishing getting ready. I turned back around in time to hear a loud pop. I could see four figures walking towards me. A tall middle aged woman with dark hair, a middle aged man who's hair had already turned grey, and little girl who looked to be about 12 years old, and- Brandon? I watched the family walk towards the entrance. The older man- who must have been the father- smiled. I looked at Brandon and smiled awkwardly, "Hey, I didn't know you were coming to the wedding?" I said with an awkward laugh. Brandon looked at me in confusion, then his eyes widened. "Rose? I didn't recognize you for awhile there, and yea, just about any member on the team was invited." He said, looking at me with wide eyes. His father chuckled and patted his shoulder. I quickly looked at my clipboard to find their pictures with their names. "Oh- you must be Oliver Woods? um- I'll show you to your seat." I said quickly, walking down the isle, not far though, because they were sitting in the back. I walked back to the entrance to see more witches and wizards showing up, forming a line. I sighed heavily. "This is going to be a long night." I mumbled quietly as I walked up to the large forming line.

It had only been thirty minutes since the guests had started to arrive, and I was about to tear out the pretty bun Victorie had made. "Excuse me? What iz taking so long!?" A young, pretty, and stuck up girl asked as I just returned from showing a distant relative where to sit. The girl had been whining non stop for the last ten minutes. "What's taking so long is that I have to show a bunch of arrogant, stuck up, impatient, rude, people to their seats! So if you could SHUT UP for once in your life, that would be great!" I yelled, glaring at the girl. The girl turned beat red and shut her mouth angrily. "Honestly, I vas vorned about ze red heads temper, but how rude." She huffed. "Meet the other red heads, they are so much worse." I heard a voice behind me. I turned around and saw James. "Hia Rosie, need help?" He asked happily. I sighed with relief, "Yes, thank you." I said heavily. James, who towered over the crowd, began to help me. "If you all could form two separate lines please? We will show you to your seats faster!" He called over all the chatter. Two lines were formed, and my load was lightened. I need to remember to pay him back one day. I began to show people to their seats faster, each time feeling more and more nervous. Where was he? I walked back to the line with my face in the clipboard. "Name?" I said lazily. "Malfoy." Said a cold voice. My heart stopped. I looked up slowly to see the tall figure of Draco Malfoy, Astoria Malfoy, and- Scorpius. His silver eyes looked me up and down, and I was so happy to see that stupid smirk of his. "Oh- right, I'll show you to your seats." I said quickly. I began to walk them down the isle until I found their seats, which were right behind the front row. I watched Draco Malfoy slide past me into his seat, then his wife, and then Scorpius. I could have sworn I heard something as he passed, but I could have just been imagining it. My heart was beating extremely fast as I looked at Scorpius, he was here, he was safe. "Is there something you want?" His father asked coldly, snapping me out of my thoughts. "Huh? Oh! No- sorry.." I said awkwardly, quickly walking back to the line of guests. I was breathing extremely fast as I looked at my clipboard, it had only been a week but I was so worried. "Um- name?" I asked as I looked at my clipboard. "Peck." A smooth voice said. I looked up to see Jake Peck- I hadn't seen him since the time I ran into him in the owlery. I had almost forgotten he even existed. I looked into the handsome face and brown eyes of someone who still sent shivers down my spine. And not in a good way... "Oh- Jake, hi?" I said awkwardly. He smiled, "hello." He said silkily. "This is my father- Anthony Peck." He added, pointing at the man next to him. He was tall with brown hair, and blue eyes. He looked to be maybe 40. His eyes searched me, and I felt a very familiar eerie feeling. "Right... I'll just-" I began to walk backwards, turned around and started walking down the isle. Their seats were right behind Scorpius, and I was curious to see Scorpius watching Peck with narrowed eyes. I was happy when I turned around and went up the isle to see all the guests had been seated. What was all of that about? Does creepiness run in their damn family? I shook my head and went to the back of the tent where my other cousins were waiting to enter before the bride. I just wanted this over with, to get to speak to him once more... I had so many questions... Like why hadn't he messaged me all week? Was he not able to because of his father? "Alright girls, one more minute!"'my aunt Fleur said as she bustled past us hurriedly to her seat at the front. "Oh this is so exciting!" Dominique whispered. Roxanne nodded in agreement, I stayed looking at the front however. We're we still going to tell people? Or was that just spur of the moment? Scorpius was sitting silently next to his mother, staring determinedly at the front of the alter where Teddy was standing nervously. At that moment I suddenly heard loud music and someone was pushing me forward. I stumbled slightly as we started walking down the isle. "Move it Rosie!" Someone whispered in my ear. I stood up straight and began to glide down the isle. I kept staring determinedly at the front of the isle, to nervous to really look anywhere els, everyone was standing now and I knew that meant Torie was in the back walking. I finally made it to our standing point and we watched Torie take her place next to Teddy, my uncle Bill kissing her hand before seating himself next to aunt Fleur. She looked incredible, her dress was tight fitting but spread on the floor like water. Teddy had a huge smile on his face as he gazed at Victorie, and aunt Fluer was already crying. Everyone sat back down in their seats as the music stopped playing. I looked across the isle and saw Scorpius looking right at me, his eyes looked glazed over and he had a weird sort of smile on his face. I tried to ask him what he was looking at with my eyes and he sort of snapped out of his weird trance. He shook his head and grinned, "you look amazing Weasley." I saw his mouth form the words silently. I felt myself blush furiously and felt my lips tug into a grin. His silver eyes bored into mine, Merlin I wanted to kiss him... But something els caught my eye. Jake Peck was also staring at me, and to my horror, so was his father. They both quickly looked away once they saw me looking back. I felt shivers run through my body, I don't trust them... Ever since fifth year when I met Jake, I always had a bad feeling about him... I always just shook it off but there was that time in Care of Magical creatures where even Firenze, the centaur, looked at him oddly. Who invited them anyway? "Just about any member on the team was invited." Brandon's voice swam into my mind as I looked back towards the alter where Teddy and Torie were being married. 'That's right.. Hugo must have invited the whole Gryffindor team.. I forgot Jake took my position on the Quidditch team after I left.' I watched Hugo hand the rings to Teddy as the two were about to recite their vows. I let my eyes wander back to Peck and saw him and his father whispering quietly. He couldn't work with Dolohov... It wouldn't make sense! Would it? I quickly shook my head and looked back at the alter determinedly. I was being to suspicious, I need to just relax and stop thinking something bad is always going to happen. "I do..." I heard Victorie whisper. I clapped along with everyone els as we watched Teddy kiss her passionately. James and Fred both stood up, "Alright! Time to party!" They yelled at the same time, sparks igniting from their wands and the chairs vanishing, replaced with a dance floor and tables scattered around with food to the amusement of the guests. Everyone laughed along as loud music started playing and the bride and groom made it to the dance floor and started to dance wildly and before I knew it, the wedding had turned into an all out party full of music, dancing and laughter. "Hey Rosie..." I turned around at the sound of my name and was surprised to see Hugo standing behind me looking nervous. "What's up?" I asked casually. Hugo looked hesitant, but took a deep breath. "Um- so I'm not really sure how to start this off..." He said awkwardly. I pulled my brother into a hug, already knowing what this was about. "Hugo, I already know." I said quietly. Hugo pulled away and looked at me with wide eyes. He pushed his wavy brown hair out of his eyes and looked at me in confusion. "But how?" He stuttered. I shrugged my shoulders, "Harley walked in on you and um- your friend." I said with a smirk, making Hugo go scarlet. "Wait- so you aren't like- I don't know... Bothered?" He asked quietly, his big brown eyes looking worried. I rolled my eyes, "your being such a dork over this, of course I'm not bothered! Your my brother, I love you." I said simply. Hugo sighed heavily and clutched at his chest. "Merlin you made that so easy." He breathed making me laugh. "But how do I tell dad?" He asked. I let my gaze wander behind Hugo, I could see Scorpius standing next to his mother, and for the millionth time ever, silver met sapphire. "Trust me, I think I have a surprise for dad that will make him forget all about your secret..." I said quietly. I looked back at my brother to see him looking extremely confused. "Oh- um, long story. You'll understand later! I got to go actually..." I mumbled as my gaze locked eyes with Scorpius once again. We need to tell people... I'm tired of it being a secret! Scorpius looked at me with questioning eyes, and I nodded my head. His eyes widened, glanced at his father and then back at me. He shrugged his shoulders and grinned. I began to walk towards him, my heart beating extremely fast. Or at least I was until someone grabbed my wrist. I turned around, startled, and was staring into the brown eyes of Jake Peck. "Hey! Dance with me!" He said loudly, pulling me on to the dance floor. "Wait- no- I need to do something." I said firmly, trying to walk back to Scorpius, who had turned red in the face and was glaring daggers at Peck. "It can wait I'm sure." He said silkily. He wrapped an arm firmly around my waist and was holding my right hand firmly in his. "You look beautiful Rose." He said smoothly, no hesitation or blush on his face. I felt myself flush at his words. "Uh- thanks..?" I said awkwardly. He spun me around and pulled me closer towards him. His brown eyes were boring holes into mine. I felt the familiar unease I always felt around him. His eyes looked hungry, and almost crazed. But those eyes... So familiar... 'Of course their familiar! You go to school with him!' I thought to myself stupidly. But I felt the sudden urge to run away- my heart was beating fast and I was shaking. What was happening? "Something wrong?" He asked with a grin. "I hope not." I heard a voice say behind me. I looked behind me and saw Scorpius, looking livid. Jake let me go and looked at Scorpius with angry eyes and a sneer. "Oh I am very sorry." He said in an apologetic tone of voice, but his eyes told a completely different story. "I wasn't aware you two were- together?" He asked lightly, looking back at me. "Yea, we are." Scorpius said firmly, making my heart stop. Jakes eyes widened, "my apologies.." He said with a grin. He did a slight bow with his head, and walked away towards the tables. "Scorpius- you told him-" I breathed. I turned around to meet his eyes, and he was staring at me with worried eyes. "Yea I did, but I needed to do something. You looked like you were about to pass out or something..." He said quietly. Without caring, without thinking, I flung myself at him and wrapped my arms around his neck. I just stood on my tip toes, hugging him. "Rose- people are staring-" he breathed. I pulled away and looked up at him, "for once, I don't care." I said firmly. His lips tugged into a grin. He grabbed me from around the waist and I wrapped my arms around his neck and we swayed to the music. "So how long do you give it?" He asked lightly. "Hmmm, three minutes at best?" I said thoughtfully, making him laugh. "I give it one minute." And I was surprised by how reluctant his voice sounded. It didn't take me long to figure out why, "and what do you think you are doing!" I heard a cold voice whisper angrily. I turned around to see that Draco Malfoy had walked over to where we were dancing and was glaring at me and Scorpius like someone had just slapped him in the face or something. "Well father, this is called dancing. I know you probably have never done it before seeing as how boring you are-" Scorpius began to say. "Don't you dare begin the smart ass attitude with me!" Draco bellowed, making me jump slightly. Scorpius let go of me, but kept an arm around my waist while he faced his father with flaming eyes. "Why would it be any of your business what I am doing." Scorpius whispered dangerously. "How dare you take that tone of voice with me!" Mr. Malfoy bellowed. "Rose Weasley, might I ask what you are doing with- him." I jumped at the sound of my fathers voice. My father looked from Scorpius's arm around my waist, to Draco Malfoy, to back at me. "I was asking them the same questions Weasley." Mr. Malfoy spat out bitterly. I felt my heart rate speed up, this was not how I assumed it would go at all. "Is there a problem Ronald?" I looked around with wide eyes as I saw Anthony Peck, followed by Jake, joining in on the attack circle. "There might be." My father said quietly, as he continued to look at me. His face was turning as red as his hair, and my heart was beating out of control. "Oh there shouldn't be a problem, they are only a couple dancing, after all." We all looked at Jake with wide eyes. "You know Peck, I'm starting to think it's none of your damn business." Scorpius growled. "Actually, Malfoy, he is here to help his father. Anthony Peck here, is an auror, here for extra security." My father growled. "So I think it is his business." I felt my face go red. "I wasn't aware it was illegal to dance!" I said angrily. My father looked at me in surprise. "Look here you little, red headed, pest-!" Draco Malfoy began to say, but my father turned on him. "Don't you DARE say a word against my daughter! Or I'll have you and your- filth!- thrown out of here!" He bellowed. "Dad!" I gasped. "No, it's fine Rose. Let him say what he wants." Scorpius said quietly, I could feel his body shaking. "Who do you think you are!? Calling her Rose!?" My father yelled angrily. "Ron! What's going on?" I felt my stomach drop at the sound of my mothers voice. I was feeling cloister phobic, too many people surrounding me. "Stop crowding around.." I said quietly, not being able to breath properly. I tried to push past people but my father stood firmly in his place. "No. What is going on." He asked. I grabbed my head in frustration. I felt Scorpius let go of me. "Rose? What's wrong?" I heard him ask. I tried to back away, but I lost my footing and tripped. I fell backwards, but someone grabbed my arm and pulled me up painfully. I had a random flashback of when I was pulled up by my broken arm in the shrieking shack. I opened my eyes and saw Jake had grabbed my arm. But the way his hand felt on my arm... It felt too familiar... I stared with wide eyes into his brown eyes. I felt sick to my stomach. I ripped my arm away from Jake aggressively and back away. "Rose?" I heard Scorpius say. "Stop calling her Rose!" I heard my father yell. "Dad." I said weakly. Jake was staring into my eyes with a grin on his face, a sick twisted grin. "Dad." I said again, my heart beating extremely fast. I know where Iv seen those eyes before. Jake raised his eyebrows, and looked at his father. "I think we better go. Seems like a family fight." He said lightly. I looked at Anthony Peck with wide eyes, and he met my gaze. Brown met sapphire, but- brown? I thought his eyes were blue! "Dad!" I yelled, feeling myself shake all over. I reached into my dress and pulled out my wand. "Rose Weasley! What do you think you are doing?" My dad said shocked, watching as I pointed my wand at Jakes father. "It's him! Both of them! There the ones who-" I couldn't finish my sentence, I felt my eyes sting. Scorpius grabbed my hand tightly, "are you positive?" He growled. I nodded my head as I felt my legs grow weak. "Excuse me?!" Jakes father said angrily. "I'm so sorry- she went through a trauma- she's not quite the same." My father said apologetically. "Dad! It's him! HES Dolohov! And Jake was the other one!" I yelled in a shaky voice. "Rose Weasley, you are embarrassing me!" My father whispered angrily. "I'm sure it wouldn't be the first time." Draco Malfoy sneered. "Shove off Malfoy! And remove you Son from my Daughter at once!" My father yelled as he just noticed our hands. "I have never been more insulted! That's it! We are leaving! Good day to you." Dolohov said angrily. He grabbed Jake and apperated from the spot. But not before I saw them both smirk and wink. "NO!" I screeched. "Rosie!? What's wrong?" I heard my mother gasp. "You let him get away!" I screamed. My father looked taken aback but almost immediately regained his angry composure. "Listen here, I am not going to let you speak to me in that tone of voice. Go back up to the house AT ONCE! And we will talk more." My father said angrily. "I can't believe you.." I whispered. I turned around and ran, I kept running. He didn't believe me! But I KNOW it was them! I slammed the door open and ran into the living room. I took my heels off and threw them at the wall angrily, so hard that the heel of the shoes broke. I started crying in anger, tears ran down my face as I threw pillows and random items at walls. "Rose!" I turned around and saw Scorpius had followed me. "He didn't believe me! It was HIM! And he didn't believe me!" I cried as I flung myself at Scorpius. He ran his hand through my hair as he held me. "Shh..." He whispered. He was trying to make me calm, but I could feel his body shaking in anger. I looked up at Scorpius, "it was him this whole time... And I didn't-?" I felt a sob escape my throat. Scorpius bent down and kissed me slowly. For a second I was shocked, but then I kissed back. My mind was being clouded, which didn't sound half bad at the moment. I ran my fingers through his hair as he went deeper into the kiss. He pinned me against the wall, and I wrapped my legs around his waist. I felt his hand trail behind my back and begin to unzip the dress. "AND WHAT THE BLOODY HELL DO YOU THINK YOU ARE DOING TO MY DAUGHTER!?" We pulled away in shock. My father was standing red faced in the doorway. Scorpius dropped me on the floor and stepped away. I pulled the straps of my dress up and looked at my father with a mixture of hate, anger, and embarrassment. "WHAT IS GOING ON!?" I jumped when I heard my mother scream. She ran into the house and looked back from my father to me. But to my horror, half the family had followed us all here. Teddy and Victorie were looking confused and scared, Albus, James, and Fred looked desperate to know what was happening, Harley looked like she knew what was going on, my mother looked ready to kill if someone didn't tell her what was going on, and Draco Malfoy looked calm, but red in the face. Everyone els looked either curious or worried. "What's going on." My father spat. "Is that THING tried to seduce our daughter!" He bellowed, pointing a red finger at Scorpius. There were multiple gasps of shock. "He did not!" I yelled angrily. "It was a mutual thing for your information!" I continued to yell. "I think enough people were falsely accused for one night." Draco Malfoy spat out coldly. "Scorpius, come now. We are leaving." He said quietly but firmly. Draco Malfoy turned around and walked out the door. I looked back at Scorpius and he looked at me with a stony face. He turned away and began to leave, stopping at where Albus was. They simply stared at each other as if trying to solve a complicated puzzle. And then Albus's fist collided with Scorpius's face. "ALBUS NO!" I yelled, running up to Scorpius. "I SAID TO STAY AWAY FROM MY COUSIN DAMN IT!" He bellowed angrily. Harley looked shocked and had grabbed Albus by the shoulder. Albus shoved her hand away and walked upstairs to his room. Scorpius stood up straight, black eye already forming. And I watched silently as Scorpius walked out of the Burrow. "Rose Weasley. Kitchen. Now." My father whispered. "No!" I yelled angrily. "Excuse me?" My father whispered dangerously. Everyone was dead quiet. "You didn't believe me." I said in a shaky voice. My father looked at me in confusion. "I told you that was Dolohov, and all you did was yell and say I was an embarrassment." I said with a hurt laugh, my head held high, wanting to see him feel the pain I was feeling. My fathers mouth opened and closed wordlessly. "What's she talking about Ron." My uncle Harry asked quietly. My father looked at Harry and back at me. "She accused Anthony Peck of being Dolohov and his son, Jake, of being the other person who attacked her.." My father said quietly, still looking confused. There was a long period of silence. "... Ron, Anthony Peck retired years ago. After you left the office. And he never had a son." My uncle Harry said through clenched teeth. My father paled. "What?" He asked blankly. "Dolohov got ahold of polyjuice potion, Ron. I think Rose was right." He said. My mother went pale and looked at me. "Oh Rose..." She said quietly. "Believe me now do you?" I said with a harsh laugh. "He's gone Harry. He was right there, and he got away again." My father whispered. My fathers blue eyes were shining, and he was looking at me with a face id never seen before. "I'm going to go to bed now. I'm sorry I ruined the party Torie, Teddy." I said stiffly. I turned around and walked up stairs, not really seeing where I was going. I'm not sure when I made it to my room, or when I fell asleep. But all I know is that I had never felt so much heart break in one night in my entire life.

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