With you

By YourLittleTiger

2.3K 144 18

~As long as I'm with you, nothing else matters~ Victoria Reynolds and Niall Horan have been inseparable since... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28

Chapter 14

80 5 0
By YourLittleTiger

*Victoria's P.O.V.*

I was so glad to see mom and Lucy. They were doing fine. We talked for hours just about everything. We all agreed that we'll visit grandma tomorrow morning.

"I'm heading to bed. I'm knackered." I said as a yawn escaped my mouth.

"Yeah me too. I'll see you in the morning." Mum said. "Lucy, go to sleep, it's past your bedtime."

"Mum I'm going to turn 10 in two days will you then stop treating me like a little kid?" She whined.

"Sorry to break it to you pal but you are a little kid." I laughed and stuck my tongue out at her.

"And you are older than grandpa." She teased. I burst out laughing at her terrible attempt of a comeback.

"Good night guys." I said and headed upstairs.

I went into the bathroom and washed my make-up off, brushed my teeth and used the toilet.

I mentally cursed when I noticed that my period had started two days early.

When I was done with everything I walked back into my old bedroom. It's funny how I thought I would be coming back here for christmas but I ended up returning a week after I moved out.

I climbed on top of my old bed and snuggled into the covers.

I heard a quiet knock on my door and Lucy stepped in my room.

"Hey Lu what's up?" I asked and patted the spot next to me and she took a seat there.

"What is Harry like?" She suddenly asked.

"Is that why you came in here?" I laughed.

"Well... Yeah. My sister knows One direction I want to know everything about them!" She squaled.

"Well they are all surprisingly normal lads given the circumstances. Uhh where should I start?" I said.

"Tell me something about Harry!" She said enthusiastically.

"Seems to me that someone has a crush on the curly lad eh?" I teased which made both of us giggle.

"Well I have to admit that when I first met him, I formed a small crush on him." I said.

Me and Lucy are always 100% honest with each other. We could tell each other anything. Our relationship is very special, we are not like the normal bickering siblings.

"You did?!" She screamed.

"Shh, keep your voice down honey. If mom hears that you are awake she'll throw a fit." I laughed.

"Okay I will. But tell me everything!" She demanded.

"I mean I couldn't help it! Harry is a very funny and a charming guy. But he's also very flirty and cheeky." I laughed.

"Aww you guys should totally date!" She gushed.

"Well uhm I have started to have feelings for someone else since then so Harry and I will not happen any time soon." I chuckled.

"You have? For who?" She's so eager to know everything.

"Niall." I casually responded, knowing she will freak out.

"Niall Horan?" She whisper-yelled.

"How many Nialls do you know?" I stuck my tongue out.

"Niall Horan as in your best friend Niall Horan?" She was shocked.

"Yep. But he doesn't like me so it doesn't matter." I shrugged.

"Of course it matters! Who wouldn't like a girl like you? You are so pretty!" She encouraged in a childish way which made me laugh.

"Not as pretty as you though." I complimented.

"No way! I want to look like you when I'm your age." She fought back.

"Trust me, you'll look a lot prettier." I convinced her. She's so naturally beautiful and she's only 9.

"Well tell me about the rest of the boys!" She smiled.

"Well Louis is very loud, sassy and a funny guy. Liam is reasonable and super easy to talk to. We are good friends. And Zayn is a bit quiet sometimes but he is cool and fun to hang out with and obviously breathtakingly handsome." I described them with a couple words as Lucy listened closely.

"So have you met Perrie and Danielle yet?" She asked.

"Not yet, but I hope I'll meet them soon. They seem like very nice ladies from the way Zayn and Louis have talked about them." I answered.

"That sounds nice. So do you think Harry would marry me? Am I pretty enough?" She asked and I burst out laughing.

"I'm sure he would darling. you are definetely pretty enough. I'll introduce you two one day and you can start talking about the wedding." I chuckled.

"Sounds good to me." She smiled. "Can I sleep here with you tonight?"

"Of course." I smiled and moved so she could slide under the blanket. Her feet were a bit cold but I let her cuddle closer to me anyway.

"I love you Vic." She whispered.

"I love you too Lu. Good night." I replied and started to doze off into unconsciousness.


"Morning girls." Mum hummed and I rubbed my eyes.

"What's the time?" I asked.

"Almost 10 am sweetie. Get up, we'll go to the hospital soon." She said. "You too Lucy. Get dressed."

"Sure mummy." Lu mumbled tiredly and got out of my bed.

I got up as well and went to the bathroom. I did my morning routine and put on a light make-up; just mascara, eyebrow pencil and lip gloss.

I made my way downstairs when mom called me for breakfast. She had made waffles. Yum. I was starving.


I took a deep breath. This was it. My hand reached for the door handle and slowly twisted it.

I closed my eyes and opened the door. When I stepped inside I opened my eyes and saw the lovely old lady I love so much.

"Victory?" She said with a surprised expression. She was the only one who called me by that nickname.

"Grandma! It's so good to see you!" I smiled and rushed over to her hospital bed to wrap her fragile body into a hug.

"What are you doing here, love?" She asked with a bright smile playing on her lips.

"I came to see you. I took the first flight here when I heard what happened." I told her.

"Oh honey you shouldn't have! Don't worry about me, I'll be fine!" She assured me.

"I wanted to come! I love you and I wanted to make sure you are okay, you really do mean a lot to me." I smiled.

She looked at me with love in her eyes. "You mean a lot to me too, I'm so happy to see you."

We talked for several minutes before mum walked in with Lucy and grandpa Henry.

"There's my beautiful granddaughter!" Grandpa yelled happily as I ran to his open arms and hugged him.

"I missed you!" I said.

I was in the verge of tears. Tears of joy of course, I was so happy to be re-united with my family.

"Oh and by the way Niall called." Mom said which made my head snap in her direction. I motioned for her to continue.

"He's picking you up in twenty minutes. Apparently he wants to take you somewhere." She told me.

"Aah Niallllll...." Lucy smirked and wiggled her eyebrows.

I rolled my eyes at her. Obviously it wasn't a date. Only people who like each other go on dates. And Niall doesn't like me. And besides I texted Niall last night and asked him to join me today to buy a birthday present for Lucy. She was turning 10 so I wanted to get her something. So he would probably take me to the shopping centre.


Niall texted me that he was outside the hospital room so I opened the door for him. He greeted my grandparents. Niall was practically family, he has been around for as long as I can remember.

I said my good byes to granny and grandpa and hugged them and kissed their cheeks. I held grandma's hand for a few seconds before letting go and heading to the door.

I turned around at the doorway and said:" I'll see you tomorrow." to grandma. I looked at her for the last time before closing the door. She had a smile on her face. She was genuinely happy.


"I think this is enough." I laughed as I paid for the last item that I would give to her tomorrow. She'll be thrilled to see what I got her. Niall tried to pay for the stuff but I didn't let him. Why would he pay for the gifts I bought for my sister?

I got her a cute teddy bear that had a T-shirt on that said: 'Kiss me I'm Irish.' I thought it was absolutely adorable. I also got her a bracelet and a matching necklace, a pink T-shirt and candy. And last but not least I got her a birthday card and wrote something down.

Me and Niall then went to a restaurant where we had a lovely time of course, every moment spent with my little Nialler is fun. He is just such an amazing person. So carefree, funny, sensitive, selfless and hungry all the time.

He would be perfect for me. I wish he could see that. I think this crush is building up to something bigger. I think I'm falling in love with him. I desperately want more from him, but being friends with him is better than being strangers. So I'll have to settle for this for now. But let me tell you, being in the friendzone sucks. Why do I have to be falling for my best friend?


Heyy double update are you proud of me?

If you didn't realize it by now English is not my native language and I'm a lazy proof-reader so if you find any errors please comment and I'll fix them. It would be a huge help!

Thank you so much for reading xx

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