Being The Billionaires Stubor...

By Heeba962

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Assalamualaikum and Hi guys I'm back with an another amazing story "Being the billionaires stubborn beauty."... More

chapter 1
Cast Names
chapter 2
chapter 3
chapter 4
chapter 5
chapter 6
chapter 7
chapter 8
chapter 9
chapter 10
chapter 11
chapter 12
chapter 13
chapter 14
chapter 15
chapter 16
chapter 17
chapter 18
chapter 20
last chapter


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By Heeba962

Dhahnial Hyderi's Pov:

"May i come in sir?" I heard an angelic voice.

"Yes come in." I replied.

"Sir here is the file." She said while handing me collins file.

Aaira has started working in my office as a employe from last year. I offered her my chair but she refused to take that position saying that she'll earn a position in my company.

She's really good at her work. She's polite and soft spoken with other employees,unlike the stubborn and rude Aaira. She leaves me astonished with her work everytime.

And i'm proud of my wife.

"Are you listening to me sir?" She waved her hand infront of me.

I smiled and pulled her on my lap "yes wifey go ahead i'm listening."

She frozed cuz of my sudden action.

"Dhahnial we are at office...." She said trying to straighten herself.

"So what? Iam your husband and owner of this company. I can romance with my wife anytime, anywhere i like. no own can stop me." I said in a little bit pitch tone.

She laughed "yes Mr. Husband you got all the rights on me. But remember work comes first. So no romance while we are at work." She said in a bossy tone which i really adore in her.

"Fine lets get back to the work" i sighted.

As i was done with my work i checked the time. It was quite is going to kill me for keeping her daughter in law at work till late night. But that's not my mistake. Aaira didn't reminded me that it's already past eleven pm.

I took my blazer from my chair and started walking towards Aaira's desk.

I smiled looking at her. She was sleeping on her chair. Her hands were placed on the desk and head was resting on her hands

I removed the strands of her hair from her face which were coming out of her hijab. Yes you guys heard me. Aaru started wearing hijab not cuz of i forced her or something. She willingly wore hijab and with hijab she looked more beautiful.

She looked tired and pale to me. I guess i made me wife stressed with the work. Ops my mistake. I bend down and took her up in bridal style. She opened her eyes sleepily and smiled getting more into me.

''Go to sleep my dear wifey. I'll carry you to the car" i said making her blush.

''Hmmm" she hummed before getting into deep slumber.

By the time we reached home it was past twelve. I again carried her inside the home. But to my luck i found mom standing at the entrance door. She was glaring me.

"What you did to my daughter? And is this the time you return home? Look at the poor soul. She slept at office while doing work without having dinner i know." Mom lashed out at me.

"Mom i was engrossed in work. I forgot to check the time. And aaru didn't reminded me like she does everyday." I tried reasoning.

"Stop with your excuses. Take her to your room. I'm sending dinner and if i came to know that my daughter went to sleep without having dinner, i'll show you a living hell Dhahnial Hyderi." Mom was really bossy. i nodded and took her to our room.

Our room was filled with our memories. Our honeymoon photos and portraits were hanging above the bed. We both looked beautiful together. That's what everyone says.

I layed her on the bed and went to change.

After getting freshen up,i tried waking her up.

"Wifey get up and have your dinner before sleeping or else your mother in law will kill me'' i whispered in her ear and she smiled before getting up lazily. She gave her hands to me asking to pick her up. I smiled and took her to the washroom.

She came out fresh after changing into simple trouser and micky mouse t-shirt which i already hanged before waking her up.

She looked breathtaking to me in this simple t-shirt also. Her fair complexion and blushy checks with pointed nose and plummy lips looked so delicious to me. She came forward and placed her head on my shoulder sleepily.

"I'm feeling sleepy i don't want to have dinner i'm tired." She whispered.

I was observing that she's losing her weight and she was acting really lazy from last week. I think i need to take her to the hospital tomorrow.

'No baby get up i'll feed you" i said and started feeding her with my hands. Most of the time i feed her cuz she really likes it when i feed her.

She had hardly four morsels and denied eating anymore. I don't wanted to force her so i just pulled her to bed.

I really feel like she's my baby. Cuz i feed her,i put her to bed and i ba....forget it.

After finishing my dinner i laid down beside her and instantly she flew in my arms.

''I love you" she said in her sleep.

"I love you too wifey'' i said and kissed her forehead before sleep consumed me.

Aaira Hyderi's Pov:

I smiled as soon as i opened my eyes. My love was sleeping beside me like a baby and i was clutching onto him like a leech. Seriously i got very bad cuddling habits after i got married.

But who cares my husband loves when i cuddle him. I smiled and snuggled more into his neck.

"It's ticklish wifey'' i heard his sleepy voice. I stopped snuggling and kissed his lips i don't wanted to wake him up that's why i resist myself from kissing his lips so far. But now as he woke up i can't stop myself.

"Good morning Mr.husband" i greeted.

"Morning wifey'' he said returning the kiss back and i really enjoyed until my stomach started hurting and i felt like throwing up.

I pushed Him back and rushed towards the washroom.

I started throwing up everything which i ate last night and Dhahnial came running towards me.

He held my hair and started rubbing my back worriedly. Once i was done with throwing up i risin my mouth brushed my teeth and came out of washroom.

"We are going to the hospital" Dhahnial announced

"Please Dhahnial i just throwed up cuz i slept last night as soon as i had dinner. Its common. Stop acting like i'm seriously sick or dying." I tried to be funny. But to my luck it didn't worked he was still staring me.

''Shut up and get ready" i tried reasoning him but suddenly my head started spinning before i could think i landed on his arms. The last think before blackout i remember was his tensed face.

Dhahnial Hyderi's pov:

"How is my wife doctor? Why she fainted out of blue? Is everything fine doctor?" I asked the doctor as soon as he was done with checking Aaira.

The doctor was giving me a sad expression. He nodded his head negatively

"Iam sorry Mr.Hyderi your wife is suffering from brain tumor. Its her last stage."

"Its already late Mr.Hyderi." As soon as i heard that i landed on the floor. My Aaira is going to die?



I started screaming and shouting like a mad person. I took out my licensed pistol from my waistband and shoot myself.

The only thing i remember before closing my eyes was Aaira and i will meet in jannah.

The end

Author's note: iam sorry i was kidding😂😂😂 just continue reading the story and yeah curse me later🤪
Ps:i won't let them die don't worry❤

"Relax Mr.Hyderi, Mrs.Hyderi is perfectly alright." He said with a big smile plastered on his face.

I sighted in relief. Shukar hai rab tera

"Infact i have a good news for you Mr.Hyderi. Mrs.Hyderi is expecting, she's two weeks pregnant. Congratulations." Doctor informed.

I was standing nump. I'm going to be a father? My Aaira is pregnant? Is this what the doctor told me?

My happiness had no bounds. I would declare a holiday throughout the world, if i could.

I rushed towards the near by mosque and offered my salah,thanking my rab for making me happiest man on the earth. Then i decided to thank to the lady who will bring my happiness to this world. My Aaira, my wife.

I went to the hospital and saw Aaira. She was still unconscious. I stared her. She really looked pale and beautiful at the same time. I kissed her forehead and she started opening her eyes.

She smiled as soon as she opened her eyes and i returned the smile kissing her knuckles.

"Arr....are...are we expecting?" She asked with a tearful eyes. I wiped out her tears and nodded my head.

"Yes wifey. Allah has blessed us." I hugged her.


After six months:

Its been already six months. And in this six months my wife is completely changed.

Before she was just stubborn but now......she's the goddess of stubbornness. Thanks to her pregnancy mood swing.

Its not like i'm complaining or anything its just that my love for her increased more. Cuz she's going through a tough time to bring our child to this world.

Hamza and haadi wanted to take her with them after her pregnancy was confirmed but my wife denied saying she'll stay with me.

They agreed and gave me many glares and warnings before leaving.

So yeah here we are in Dubai cuz my wife wanted to be here. So i brought her here . we'll stay here till she delivers our baby.

I started working from home. Most of the time i work when Aaira is sleeping cuz when she's up, she wants me with her at any cost.

Even today its past twelve iam working in my office room which is present in our home and Aaira was fast asleep. So i decided to work.

I was in the middle of the work when Aaira entered the room sleepily. She looked cute and chubby.

i was sitting on couch with a laptop on my lap. She scrawled between the laptop and me and placed her head on my chest.

This is what she wanted. Everytime she's moody,either she demands to sleep on me or asks me to pick her in my arms till she falls asleep. And obviously i enjoy pampering my wife.

"I want ice cream" she said lazily i looked down on my chest and seriously she was looking like a cute panda with pouted lips and sleepy eyes.

I couldn't resist myself so i kissed her pouted lips.

"No baby. You'll catch cold. I'll get you some dry fruits you sit here." I said and she nodded her head negatively.

"Icecream..... I need icecream Dhahnial Hyderi not those freaking dry fruits which you always feed me" suddenly she started yelling on me. I sighted this was common to me. I was used to this now.

I didn't said anything i just claimed her lips. This is the only way to make her quite.

So you see my life is going smooth*note my sarcasm*.

After three years:

Aaira's pov:

"I'll kill you all if you don't go out of my room this instant" i screamed on top of my lungs.

It was sunday today and they were not letting me sleep.

You see we have twins a girl,Adara and a boy,Daylam. Plus my husband.

Its been already three years life has changed. I'm no more a teenager, iam a mother of my two cupcakes.

Handling them was quite easy from the start.

Daylam is seven minutes elder than Adara. He's a gentle boy like his father. And Adara is my copy*sighs* she's a stubborn baby and really moody.

She never listens to anyone except her Dad.

I remember when i first picked her up in my arms at the hospital she started crying. And as soon as she went to Dhahnial she was quite. I mean they say girls are comfortable around there mother but my daughter seeks her father's warmnese more than her mother.

But its not like i'm complaining or anything infact i'm happy Dhahnial has taken care of us all. He never lets me down at any point of life.

Our parents were really happy and Hamza got married with Ramsha and Haadi got married with Inayah(Dhahnial's sis). Yes you heard me. My idiot brother loved her and they got married after inayah finished her studies.

I was happy for them.

I still miss my mom but when i see my babies, i find peace.

I still regret about what i have done to my family but my darling husband is always there to ease my pain....

So here is my story..... from being a stubborn beauty to BEING HIS STUBBORN BEAUTY❤


Assalamualaikum and hi everyone. Long time no see😂.

so how was the twist?😜 you'll like it?

And it seriously took me one week to write this long epilogue🥴. hope you all loved it...

And yeah your author is in self qurantine😅 ntg to worry but please remember me in your prayers. And take care of yourselves .

I hope i brought a smile on your faces in this critical situation,which we all are facing right now....

And inshallah i'll write another epilogue if possible or else i'll start writing another story if you guys insist😅

Don't forget to vote, comment and share.

Lots of love❤️

Allah hafiz


Take care✿

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