With you

By YourLittleTiger

2.3K 144 18

~As long as I'm with you, nothing else matters~ Victoria Reynolds and Niall Horan have been inseparable since... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28

Chapter 12

64 5 0
By YourLittleTiger

*Victoria's P.O.V.*

I let out a sigh of relief when we finally reached the right gate in the airport. On our way here dozens of fans noticed us and came over to ask for pictures. Niall had his hoodie up and he was wearing sunglasses but apparently people can still tell it's him. I was glad we didn't get mobbed though. We found a corner where that many people wouldn't spot us and sat there.

I was nervous about what is to come. Grandma was always so happy and healthy. How could she have a stroke just like that?

"Flight AD-268 to Dublin is now boarding. Passengers, please proceed to gate."

Niall and I shared a look and we both got up from the stools.

"You ready?" He asked and took my hand in his.

I hummed in response and held his hand a little tighter.


When we found our seats in the plane Niall's phone beeped. We sat down and he pulled his phone out to check the text he just received.

Liam:hey dude check the trending topics.

He looked confused but clicked on the twitter app anyway. He swiped to see the trending topics.

Number three was 'Niall Horan's new girlfriend'. Niall lifted his gaze off the phone and looked at me.

We both burst out laughing. Yeah right, I'll only be his girlfriend in my dreams.

"Okay let's see where they got that from." He said and clicked to see what it was about.

So apparently someone snapped pictures of us holding hands and some people were saying that they were at the airport and saw us together and stuff.

Niall put his phone back in his pocket.

"Shouldn't we clear the rumour up?" I asked.

"No, we'll just pretend that we never saw it. The management will put a stop to the rumour at some point anyway. Sometimes we clear the rumours out but in these cases it doesn't even help. It's like if we are seen with any female person everyone imediately suspects that we are dating." He explained.

"Oh okay." I said in response. I should make a twitter account, I'm always so confused about everything when the guys talk about it.

"Welcome aboard. Please turn off your electronic devises and fasten your seatbelts. We are about to head off to Dublin. We will land at 16.20." Someone called on the speakers.

Everyone started digging through their pockets and handbags and exactly what we were told to do.


Niall slept the entire flight but I just sat there thinking about my grandmother. Seeing her in the hospital won't be easy for me. She won't be the same strong and perky woman I have grown so used to seeing. She will be sick and exhausted. I hope she's pull through this.

We walked out of the airport doors and spotted Niall's brother Greg. As we approached him Greg noticed us as well. He walked over to us and gave both of us big hugs.

"I missed you bro." Niall said.

"I missed you too, it's good to see both oh you." Greg said in response.

"Yeah it is. Thanks for picking us up." I smiled. It's more than 90 kilometers way, he's very kind to do this. He has always been like the big brother I never had.

We put our stuff in the trunck of his car and Niall and I got in the back seat. Greg started the car and pulled off the parking lot.

"Nervous?" Niall asked me.

I nodded and bit my lip. I was anxious.

All of a sudden Niall decided to take my mind off of things by tickling me. Gosh not again. I was giggling like a loonatic and kept pleading him to stop.

When I finally managed to get hold of both of his hands he quickly leaned over and pecked the corner of my mouth.

Wait what just happened? He kissed so close to my lips. I was desperate for more. I was fully aware that my face was as red as a tomato. I tried to play it cool and let out a giggle.

*Niall's P.O.V.*

God, she's so cute. The way she blushes when I get close to her, the way she giggles. That's the sound I want to hear every day for the rest of my life. I really do think I'm in love with her. Why can't she see that? Why can't she feel the same for me?

My thoughts were interrupted my Greg clearing out his throat.

"So what did I miss?" He asked.

"Huh?" I questioned.

"Are you guys together now?" He cleared his question.

"No of course not!" Vicky laughed.

My smile dropped for a second but I replaced it with a fake one. The next time someone asks that, I want the answer to be yes. And I'm going to make it happen.

"Oh. Well it's just normal for you two to play around like that, isn't it?"

"Yeah, it's just what we have always been like you know that." Vic said.

"Yeah I know, it's just..." He muttered.

"It's just what?" I piped in.

"I was watching you through the rearview mirror and the look you shared... I know that look because it's how me and Denise look at each other." He explained.

"Oh... Well things between us are just like they used to be don't worry." Vic said.

Greg finally dropped the subject and we fell into a comfortable silence. I looked at Vic and noticed instantly that she was back to worrying about her grandmother. And I can't blame her; Helen is a lovely lady. If anything happened to her I would be very sad too.


After about and hour drive Greg said that we need to stop at a petrol station.

Once the car came to a stop Greg got out of the car.

"I'm gonna go help him." I told Vicky and got out. I wasn't going to let Greg pay for the gas. I walked over to Greg and saw Vic get out of the car as well.

"I'm gonna go use the rest room." She called and headed inside of the petrol station's shop.

"Don't take too long 'cause I miss you already!" I joked and she turned around to send me a wink.

"You love her don't you?" Greg asked all of a sudden.

My heart jumped in my throat. I wasn't ready to talk about my feelings for her. But I'm a terrible liar so Greg would see right through me if I'd try to deny it.

"Is it that obvious?" I finally responded.

"Niall, I can see the way you look at her and talk to her. You try to find every reason to touch her. Your eyes are filled with love and happiness when you look at her. So yeah, it is kinda obvious." He said.

I blushed. I didn't know people would actually notice it that I love her.

At the very moment Greg said all those things I was fully convinced. I have never felt anything like this for anyone else before. I really do love her. More than anything else in this world.

But then suddenly a thought ran through my head. "But she doesn't feel the same so it doesn't matter." I frowned.

"Maybe not yet. Keep going, perhaps you'll be able to change that. She doesn't believe in love the way she used to after Tyler cheated on her. But you can change that too. You can make her believe again." He encouraged me and gave me a pat on the back.

"Yeah, I hope so. I'll do everything I can. Thanks mate." I said.

After I paid for the gas (after convincing Greg not to pay it himself) I got back in the car. I pulled out my phone and sent in a tweet saying:

'So good to be back home! I'm missing the lads though.'

I put my phone back in my pocket when Victoria opened the car door and got seated.

"Did you miss me?" She teased and stuck her tongue out at me.

"I was just glad to finally get rid of you for a few minutes." I teased back and tapped at her tongue with my index finger which made her put her tongue back in her mouth.

She gasped and moved as far away from me as possible. She crossed her arms over her chest and pretended to be hurt.

I quickly wrapped her in a tight hug.

"I was just kidding babe! I missed you so much i would have bursted out in tears if you would have been away from me a second longer!" I fake cried and continued to hold her even though she wasn't hugging me back.

"Mate where's your chill?" Greg laughed. Apparently he had gotten in the car without me even noticing while I was attacking Vic.

"Uuhm let's just go, shall we?" I said awkwardly and got off of her.

Greg agreed and started the engine.

I was so excited to see my mother and father, I have missed them a lot. It's the downside of being on the road all the time.

*Victoria's P.O.V.*

I sent my mom a text saying that we'll be there in 20 minutes. Niall wanted to come and say hi for Lucy and my mom and he said that he'd walk home so Greg would drop us off at my house.

I couldn't wait to see mom and Lucy. I have grown so used to being around them that even though we have only been apart for a week, I missed them.

I hope mom will take me to the hospital today. I miss grandma and grandpa and I need to see them, but given the circumstances especially grandma.


When we reached the familiar neighbourhood, I unfastened my seatbelt and waited anxiously for the car to stop.

Once it did, I jumped out and jogged to the trunck to get our luggages. Niall got out of the car and laughed at my enthusiasm. When we got all of our stuff out, we thanked Greg and he pulled off from our drive way.

I took a deep breath. I was a few seconds away from being re-united with my family. Even though I love London, Mullingar will always be my home.

Niall looked at me, waiting for me to take the first move towards the house.

Right when I took the first step, someone called my name. I turned around and saw a figure running towards us.

I gave Niall a look that told him 'who is he?' But he just shrugged indicating me that he had no idea.

I turned back to look at the person only to see that he was now standing right in front of me.

"Hello Vicky, it's good to see you." He smirked as he took his sunglasses off.

"Tyler?" I gasped.


Happy new year everyone!!

Okay so I have a ton of school work to do for the rest of the holiday because high school sucks and then I'm going back to school so I won't update as often as I normally have. But this story means a lot to me and I'm thankful for every single reader and I will do my best to update as often as I can. I hope I won't let you guys down, ily. xx

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