BNHA Kirishima x FTM reader

By AdrianRay05

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Hey, I've realized that there aren't enough FTM stories with our favorite shark boy, so I have decided to mak... More

Authors note
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Fun Update (not a Chapter)
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Authors note (New Story Ideas)
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Authors note
Chapter 22
Special movie Chapter 21, before we get to the next arc
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25 Path A
Chapter 25 Path B
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Authors note
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 36
Chapter 35
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
September 1st, Yorknew Trip
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44 Movie Chapter
Chapter 45 Part 2
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Merry Christmas and Thank you so much💖
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51

Chapter 25

655 20 1
By AdrianRay05

No ones POV

After the events from yesterday, it was all you could think about. Koda had passed by you a few times and he wouldnt even spare so much as a glance. It pained you, especially a the the bonding moment two you had.
"Its okay, you didn't say anything wrong. He is just a kid, of course he would want you to say something that he wanted to hear." You had told Kirishima about your concerns of the conversation and he had luckily been able to talk you out of being so hung up about it.
"Thanks Kiri." You have him a light smile as you summoned a small dog that had never been there to begin with.
"Its no problem Pebble, that's what I'm here for babe."
Maybe it was the nicknames he used for you, but your heart kept fifty feet into the air when he had said it.
"Its getting kind of dark out here, we should head inside with the others so, ya know they don't worry." Kirishima wasn't a person for being alone at night. Although he was all about manly, he had a horrific fear of being alone at night. He could obviously sleep alone but when it came to the outdoors, he was almost scared shitless.
"Yeah, I'll head inside in a minute."
Kiri have you a worried look, he didn't like the thought of you staying outside alone but he didn't want to seem controlling it clingy, so he headed inside and waited for you patiently.
You didn't need to stay outside for any particular reason, you just wanted to feel the fresh air flow against the sweat trickled down you face and neck.
It was calming to say the least, at this rate you were able to gather a collection of the things that were going great for you.
Your Hanahaki disease went away, you got the guy of your dreams, your whole class was accepting of who you were and you get a while summer away from you guardian. It was practically heaven on earth.
You had been through so much this past year that God had felt he to give you a break for a change. He decided to give up the best things for you to have and you could only hope that none of those things would turn on you.
You didn't want it to be like USJ. Where you were truly exciting and expecting the best to come out of the experience but the only thing that came out were broken bones, half dead teachers and what could have been an abduction.
Remembering the leaders red eyes shine through the fingers that mask his face you remember his voice distinctly; "You'll make for a nice villain, yeah, Y/n~?"
His raspy voice haunted your dreams and the hand that he grabbed your arm with still left its invisible mark. You grabbed the section of your arm he had touched and gazed fearfully I to the woods. Those few moments were the scariest and Aizawa had risked his life to save yours and everyone else's lives that day.
If you were to make a nice villain, then what aspects of you would make one? Was he talking about your quirk? Your potential? If he had gathered as much from that, then what about the sports festival?
Remembering this have you chills, but you blocked those memories with nicer ones, from your internship with Fat Gum. In private, Fat Gum had asked you how you were doing ever since you guys last met. You were able to tell him vaguely about everything, of course leaving major details out of the conversation. Had you left them in he probably would've worried for you.
You had some great times at the agency, you had a few run ins with criminals and even had fun while you were at it. You heard the unfortunate events with Lida, Todoroki and Izuku not too long after it happened. You had rushed to Izuku's side of the hospital bed and before he could say anything in his defense you had slapped him across the face and told him off for being an idiot as to put himself in danger.
Sobbing at his side, he held your hand and told you that he had no choice, he couldn't leave Lida to be all alone when fighting Stain. He explained that he would've been dead if someone didn't step in.
You believed him, but you couldn't suppress the guilt you felt for dismissing the notification that rang your phone. It was most likely Izuku's call to his location and you completely dismissed it as nothing.
That was not the only call to fight. At the party back when Kirishima had asked you to be his boyfriend you ended up fighting some major villains. You fought alongside Kirishima the whole time and never once did you regret anything you did that day. You fought to your fullest and did what you could to defeat the enemy. Head you not been there to help out, it was undetermined how the fight would go. Izuku got really hurt during the battle and it made you realize how many injuries Izuku had suffered ever since he had gotten use of a quirk. It scared you, now he jumps at any opportunity to save someone or fight a villain. Something he had done before, but now to a new extent.
You were finished with your melancholic thoughts and were about to head back inside where Kiri was waiting for you. However an unusual rustling of the bushes in the forest behind you have away a dangerous aura that you dared not leave behind.
This was a choice that you had to make, you could either retreat back to the building where everyone else was. Or you could investigate the rustling. You chose to:

Path A: Go back inside

Path B: Investigate the noise

Authors note: it's time for some interaction, the next two chapter might take a day or two to write and publish because I have to come up with what happens in both and have them lead to the same ending somehow so we can progress with the story normally. Any way, this was a filler, I thought I was moving on with  the story a little too fast so I decided to describe what happened during most of the events we had missed. I'm not feeling too great today, a lot of Dysphoria so after the next couple chapters happen in going to make an exclusive chapter that will not relate to what is going on in the story. It will be about Kirishima relieving your Dysphoria and stress while you let your emotions out. Sometimes I hold in my tears so much that I can't cry when I have the opportunity to.  And I'm sure a lot of you guys feel the same way, so that chapter will be coming soon and I will try to be as relatable and open as possible.

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