Bitten But Alive (The Walking...

By chibicandimei

1M 30.4K 17.8K

When it all began, you,being one of the best soldiers,helped get as many people as you could out of multiple... More



12.8K 355 171
By chibicandimei

  Made To Suffer


A/N: I hope your all still safe, sorry I took so long


( Your POV )

"Someone was watching me."

I raised an eyebrow at Glenn as I continued to wipe off the blood from his face with small piece of cloth I'd ripped off the inside of my jacket."What do you mean by watching?"

He looked around and seemed to listen for anyone other than us around here before speaking,"When Merle came in to talk to me,the way he spoke and acted. Someone was watching us."

I guess they were watching us both. "I felt someone watching me too."

He sighed, "Especially when Merle sent in the walker, I felt more than just one person watching me fight it. They seemed angry I actually killed it. When it was over I fell to the floor and I heard footsteps leaving from here."

I watched as he lightly pushed my hand away form his face to turn around and point at what looked like a window but seemed to be slightly covered up. I completely lowered my hand and looked at the door,"I could break through the door but I don't know in which direction to run, you?"

He let out a small laugh,"I was knocked out the entire time wasnt I?"

"Hmm let's see," I poked at Glenns chest a little too hard making him move away from my hand," I carried you in the dark for a bit before they decided to pull out out of my arms. Literally."

"Wait you carried me!?" I just nodded at him as he covered his face with his hands,"That's just fucking embarrassing."

"Oh I know how to make it worse then-"

"God no,I already feel stupid!"

I shrugged at him,"I gotta ask,how much do you weigh. It felt like lifting a school bag."

He groaned in annoyance at what I'd said to him and he ended up pushing one of my shoulders with his arms,"This is just reminding me of when you basically flung me out of that well back on the farm." I laughed as he said this ,I forgot about that. "And you did that with one arm!"

I just shrugged at him with a smile,"I have a lot of strength."

He rolled his eyes,"Well then find a way to get us out of here, cause we both have no weapons, and we're in the middle of nowhere."

I pushed the cloth I'd ripped off into his face and he grabbed it to get it off his face,"I know, I'm trying." but you being here is only making my options worse. I need Merle's help, but he is still on that mans side. "Glenn I'm gonna get us out, but you're not allowed to ask me about anything I do. And you cannot ask me about anything that happens to me."

( Merle POV )

"It's a prison the're hiding in, it's the perfect place to hole up." The mayor laughed to himself as he tied his holster around his waist. I wasn't sure how he'd found out where my brother was at, but I know Glenn didn't say anythin, and Y/N got attacked by him for not sayin either. Who told him? "What once kept prisoners locked in, now keeps them bitters out." I looked at the map he'd been motioning to,"It's smart."

I sighed inside before glancing at him,"An you thinkin of takin it over? Moving Woodbury over there?"

He turned to look at me with a raised eyebrow before shaking his head no,"People like it here because it's normal. It feels like what it was before. Move them to damn cells surrounded by barbed wire?" He glared at me a bit for the question and I returned it,"No, we just gotta take out the group that's living there, let the bitters back in and no one'll be wiser."

I'm sorry Y/N. I just nodded at him,"The problem is, my brother with em. What then?"

He looked at me and gave a simple shrug,"You'll get a chance to talk to him, make him our inside man. He'll be the one to get us in, we'll wave the white flag like we did with the national guard."

"Daryl will be safe? Nothing will happen to him?"

"Of course." He nodded at me with a smile, the same one he gave me when he'd first helped me live and welcomed me to stay here. How could I not believe him.

"What about Glenn and the Y/N?"

With the mention of them his eyes turned into slits as he stared at the map in front of us," Well, the longer they're here, the more chance Andrea will find out." He turned to look at me but I stayed staring forward. He shook his head,"I'm not risking anything with that girl, no matter who she is. Take them to the screamer pits."

Do I save Y/N?

( Rick POV )

She'd found a way for us to sneak inside without any of the guards noticing, and once we got in we crawled in through a houses window. Everything the building was shut off, it seemed unused so we all walked calmly to the front door and windows. I was the first to look out seeing a few people still walking around, "I thought you said there was a curfew?"

"There is," she sighed as she peeked outside past my shoulders,"The street was packed during the day, those are just a few stragglers." Daryl huffed in annoyance before continuing to look outside scanning the area.

I sighed,"If anyone comes in here we're sitting ducks, we gotta move."

Daryl looked back at her for a second,"Where do we go?"

She raised her hand up to her katana again, it seemed like a natural felex to her, one that I couldn't say was anything strange with walkers found anywhere. "Well, they could be kept at his own apartment."

Daryl scoffed,"Yeah? And what if they ain't?"

She glared at him and he gladly returned it, and all I could do what check outside once more before sliding the curtains closed."If they aren't there we check somewhere else."

I glared at her,"You said you could help us."

Her glare grew darker, as did her hold on the handle of her katana,"I'm doing what I can, I got you inside didn't I?"

Before our argument could continue we heard the door rattle and everyone froze, all our eyes went to the door and thankfully it had been locked to begin with. We all stepped back and hid as a man came in, telling who he thought was a normal citizen in this place to come out of hiding.I hid behind another curtain and the second he passed me I launched myself at him and slammed his body against a wall. The others were quick to come out of hiding as I pressed my gun into his mouth. All the man could do was stare wide eyed at me.

"On your knees hands behind your back." I didn't give him a choice as I pushed him down and Daryl came quick with zip ties to keep him arms in place,"Where are our people?" He just shook his head in fear mumbling that he didn't know. I pointed my gun at his forehead,"You guys are keeping some our people locked up here, tell me where!?"

He stared at me before answering once more,"I don't know, I really don't know."

I stuffed his mouth with a cloth before Daryl knocked him out with a hit to the back of the head.Once he was subdued we hid him and were about to head back for the front door when suddenly gun shots echoed through the entire town. The silence of night suddenly turned into gun shots and being rushing through the streets with guns in hand.

The women rushed to the window in confusion,"What the hell?"

Daryl sighed,"And that would be Y/N's doing, we need to hurry even more now."

"Lets move!"

( Your POV )

"Stay down or I really will kill you!"

I grabbed Glenns hand and pulled him closer to me as more men came loaded with guns to murder us,"Y/N you've been shot-"

"What did I tell you." I turned to look at him for split second before rushing forward and kicked one of the guys guns out of his hand,"I said don't question me!" I shot the man through the head before tossing the gun back at Glenn who just stared at me in horror.

"But you-"

I shook my head at him as I suddenly felt a bullet go into my left shoulder, and I immediately crouched down as Glenn shot whoever was behind me, and by the time I turned to look at him he'd fallen onto the floor dead. I used the knife I took from that asshole to stab through my shoulder and dig out the bullet. Glenn could only stand there in horror as I did this without flinching until the bullet hit the ground. "We're getting out, now let's go."

I managed to take the gun from one of the men on the floor and with Glenn in front of me we began rushing through the hallway. Everything in this place looked the same but I could tell more than a dozen people were starting to catch up. We finally came to a larger room that had 3 other directions to go in.,"Where do we turn?"

I shook my head at him as I tried to smell the air but the rusting walls and ceilings in this specific area were overpowering everything,"I don't know, take a guess Glenn."

"I found em!" I turned back just in time to watch a bullet go into my chest, I kicked Glenn away from me as I started shooting at the hallway we'd just come from while Glenn checked the other hallways.

"Glenn hurry up!"

"I'm trying I'm trying it's just that-"I heard him and someone else yell in pain but I was too busy to look over. "It's you guys!"

Huh? I lowered my gun for just a second to look over at Glenn being helped up but Rick. Then my eyes focused on the others, Oscar, Daryl and the women that I'd pushed Maggie over with. "You guy really-ugh"


I fell over as my leg gave out on me, whoever it was shooting at me was pushed by Merle far down the hallway but it wasn't enough to not his me. I tried to move my leg but felt that a bullet was stuck inside in a specific area not letting my body heal up. I picked up my gun and killed a couple men before I felt someone pick me up from behind and literally drag me away. I watched Rick and Oscar toss something into the other hallway that exploded and clouded up the area before rushing over to us. Oscar quickly picked me up and threw me over his shoulder, while Glenn had his arm over Rick's shoulder as everyone quickly ran outside.

As we got out I looked at the area and noticed it looked more chaotic and on fire,"This place looks crazier than the first time."

I watched as Oscar was the last to rush into a building to hide, or I thought so until I watched that women close the door behind her, what the heck was that about? Isn't she gonna escape with us? The others looked for an exit before realizing that the women was gone. "Should we go out and look for her?"

Rick looked outside to find her but it seemed she couldn't even spot her body, so he shook his head no,"We need to get these two out of here, as of right now she's on her own."

"Daryl." I said his name but being on Oscars shoulder I couldn't exactly see him,"Daryl! I need to tell you something!" He finally appeared and he was semi annoyed of me being on Oscars body but right now wasn't the time and place to complain,"You're brother is here."

He stared at me confused before Glenn confirmed it for him,"He's here, Merle brought us here."

"So my brother this governor?"

I shook my head no and I felt oscar slowly bring me down from his shoulder to sit down on a table,"Thanks Oscar." He nodded at me before moving over to Rick. "The governor is someone else, Merle just works for him. It's to the point that he might have killed us both."

Glenn scoffed,"More like kill me, he'd gladly hide you."

I shook my head,"I don't think so, I had a little issue with the governor. He wants me dead by this point, I can assure you that much."

"Does he know I'm with you guys?" I nodded at him, as did Glenn.

Rick finally focused in on the conversation,"Does he know about the prison?" I thought about it and I shook my head but Glenn only shrugged. "Is there a possibility he knows?"

I looked over at Glenn and he sighed,"I didn't say anything but if they really were listening and watching us the entire time, they...they might possibly know. I'm sorry."

Why do I feel like I'm forgetting something? Did I tell Merle?

Rick placed his hand on Glenns shoulder with a soft smile,"Don't worry. There's no need to apologize we just have to get out of here and fast." Rick then looked over at me,"Can you walk? We have a car a few miles back."

I pulled out my knife again and frightened everyone as I stabbed into my leg, before they could say anything though I then slammed my leg down onto the table. Once I pulled out the knife everyone just heard a small clang on the floor as I slipped off the table and onto my feet. "I'm okay now and none of you are allowed to ask, we don't have time for that."

Daryl glared at me,"Once we back it'll be a conversation."

I stuck my tongue out at him that had Glenn and Oscar laughing to themselves, while Daryl just smirked at me. The ok mood turned dark quick as Rick started telling us to head out but Daryl wanted to confront Merle. "We'er in unknown dangerous territory, this isn't the time-"

"He's my brother, maybe if I just talk to em-"

"Look at what he did, we need to go."

Daryl sighed loudly,"Maybe if I can talk to him, I can work something out."

Rick pulled him off to the side so we couldn't hear, but i could clearly hear everything he mumbled. "Look, you're no thinking straight, and it's too dangerous right now. They might not be saying it but we both know how injured they really are, look what Y/N just did to herself so she could walk. Glenn is unstable on his feet. We can barely make it out like this. What if walkers crowd us, what if that governor catches up to us? I need you, we need you here."

Daryl looked over at me as I twisted my leg back and forth trying to make it heal up faster, and make the movement better. He sighed,"Fine."

Once we all gathered around the door, Daryl opened the doors and tossed out two smoke grenades again, the second he did we could hear gunshots going off in our direction. "Well that was fast of them." We all headed out quick rushing through the street to hide behind another corner and I felt a gun shoot from a different direction. I looked back and noticed a blonde head before Glenn pulled me into a small alley. Could that be?

I started to shoot out at the men, spotting Merle behind a trashcan, I avoided shooting in his direction and it seemed that he noticed. Rick asked Daryl for another smoke grenade, once he found one he said for us to go first and then him to watch out backs. I didn't like it but if anything happened I could jump in and save him. I shot out once more before Daryl rushed in front of me and tossed the grenade into the open.


I jumped on top of a bus and started shooting. Daryl shock from the alley, and Rick shot from a bit in front of the bus. While this happened Oscar helped Glenn up onto the bus, this bus was gonna be our only way up and over the wall. I focused in on those behind stuff with Merle, until I noticed someone walking up on Rick. "Rick!"

I felt a bullet go into my arm so I had to focus on shooting the others again only to have Glenn fall onto me and Oscar yell,and I finally saw Rick shoot the man. I pushed Glenn off and jumped off the side of the bus. "Oscar! Oscar!" I rushed to his side and he didn't react at all,"No, Oscar please." I placed my head against his chest only to loudly hear his heart beat twice before going silent. "I'm sorry," I lifted my head back up and aimed my gun at his head, I didn't look at him as I shot.

"Rick! Daryl! COME ON!"

( Michonne POV )

I waited for that demon in his home but once again I heard something. Strange sounds of the dead and as I looked around I noticed one of the closed doors had light coming from the bottom, I turned the door knob and realized it wasn't even locked. With a raised eyebrow I opened it only to step back out of the room in horror. More than a dozen heads were being held inside containers filled with water. I noticed a lot of them were walker heads being kept like a disgusting aquarium.

In disgust I stepped back into the room and realized I recognized the head at the top shelf, the man the demon had supposedly tried to save. Before I could stare at the floating heads more I heard a thump to my right. I flicked my head in that direction and realized there was a locked cage. I opened it with my katana held straight in front of me but I quickly dropped myself and the katana to the floor as I watched the body of a little girl walk forward. "Oh my god."

She had her head covered, her arms covered and tied like a crazy person and her neck was tied and chained back. I outstretched my arms trying to calm her down,"Don't worry, come here. I won't hurt you, you're ok." Once she was right in front of me I reached my hand behind her neck and unchained her from the dark cornered cage. She was silent and unmoving so I grabbed the cloth covering her head and slowly lifted it off. "Ahh!" I pulled away as she started growling and me,she's a walker. He's keeping a walker! I quickly grabbed my katana from the floor again and grabbed her from behind ready to stab her through her head when I heard a loud yell.

I froze in my spot as I stared out the disgusting room to see the governor, standing right there in fear for once with his gun pointed at me,"Don't." I moved her body in front of mine to protect myself,"Don't hurt her." With my non caring glare he quickly surrendered and it only confused me further. He wants to protect this thing? "I'll do whatever you want. There's no need for her to suffer."

As I stared at him in confusion and anger I responded simply,"She doesn't have needs."

She's dead.

"Please," he outstretched his hand to try and grab her ,no weapon on him at all. Scared, worried. But then his next words only freaked me out,"Please don't hurt my little girl." This is your daughter!? I shook my head at him and stabbed through her head,"NOO!"

She fell to the floor and I had no time to react as I pulled my katana out of her, the demon instantly attacked me in rage. I kneed him and tried to push him off but we both ended up knocked against the only seat in here and we both tumbled over it and fell to the floor.He got on top of me, trying to choke me and as I stared at his eyes all I saw was madness. I grabbed my katana and smacked at his face with the handle. He rolled off of me and I got behind him chocking him with my katana pressed against his neck. Being so light he slammed me against the wall.

I lost my grip and he managed to get out of my hold and began to slam my head against the wall. I kneed him again and he responded with slamming my head into one of his stupid aquarium tanks, and I pushed myself away from him and the tanks by pulling and smashing two more of the tanks on the floor. We both slipped and he started to choke me, I got close to one of the heads that fell, and being a walker I realized it was still alive. I panicked at how close it was and I elbowed his face, not seeing where I had hit him and I fought my way over to my katana. Before I could reach it he had wrapped his arms around my neck again, but I still outstretched my arms, trying to reach it. He continued to tighten his grip and I couldn't breathe so I focused my attention on a broken tank. I tore a piece of the glass off, feeling it cut and shred up my hand before stabbing it behind me.

"AHH!" Blood gushed down onto me before he loosened his grip and I pushed him off and away from me,he continued to yell in pain as I collected my katana and its sheath. "I'll kill you bitch!"

I was ready to swing down and kill him when the click of a gun had me face the doorway again and I cam face to face with Andrea. She stared at me wide eyed,"What have you done?"

We circled each other without words as I kept my katana pointed at her, and she kept her gun pointed at me, I managed to get out of the little room. She wasn't backing down, she had completely chosen this demon of a man. I shook my head in anger and lowered my katana. I turned and left, and she never shot me but she also never left his side.

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