Locked Class Hero (Rwby x Mal...

By Wolfinator12

142K 3.3K 2.4K

Massive AU inspired by 'Forged Destiny' from Fanfiction.net. In the world of Remnant your class dictates your... More

Chapter 1: First Quest
Chapter 2: Problems
Chapter 3: Guild
Chapter 4: New members
Chapter 5: Hunters vs Dungeon
Chapter 6: Decision
Chapter 7: Discovery
Chapter 8: Valhallas guest
Chapter 9: Strange happenings
Chapter 10: Duels
Chapter 11: Quest
Chapter 12: Classes
Chapter 13: News
Chapter 14: What is going on?
Chapter 15: Theory
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45

Chapter 16

3K 71 44
By Wolfinator12

A/n: I have stopped doing chapter titles.

Day has arrived and the Hunters Guild is now the third day on Patch, investigating the strange behaviour of its People and wildlife. The group found a clue in the form of a strange building right at the center of the island. A building that, as it turned out, was completely surrounded by animals and people under the strange influence of whatever was going on. It left the group with no choice but fighting their way through the masses, all the while making sure not to kill the people.

Yang: "Hey boss how are you holding up?" Yang shouted after knocking out a woman.

Y/n: "I'm fine. I just have a bad feeling about what's about to happen." Y/n admitted. "Lets just focus back on getting thr- DOWN!" Y/n screamed as he tackled Yang to the ground. Something soared over the two right after before the pojectile crashed through two people, a tree and even a rock.

 Yang: "Thanks boss." Yang said shakingly as she saw the destruction the thing caused.

???: "I must say I am impressed, it has been years since someone was able to dodge my attack." Y/n looked towards the female voice and saw a woman in plate armor holding her hand out. Y/n eyes widened as he saw the outstrechted hand and quickly rolled to the side, dodging the returning object. "Twice in a row. You are a threat to my masters plans." The object finally revealed itself as a spear, it looked rather plain but on second glance one was able to see the symbols carved into the spear. They were not norse runes that is for sure.

Y/n: "So your master is the one that is causing all of THIS?!" Y/n asked angrily as he motioned towards the mass of knocked out people and animals.

???: "That he is, Master Merlots research will finally bear fruits and you Heroes will not stop him from reaching his goal!" The woman, a Lancer, got into a battle stance. Y/n followed suit.

Y/n: "May I atleast know the name of my opponent?" Y/n asked.

Lapis: "Its Lapis, thats all you will get, boy!" She dashed fowards forcing Y/n to block the attack.

Y/n: "Everyone deal with Merlot!" They nodded and rushed towards the building. Lapis swirled around to throw her spear after the group, a bright light enveloping it. Y/n reacted quickly and got between Lapis and his friends catching the spear. He grunted in pain as he felt the hand, he chaught the spear with, getting burned. The pain got too strong and Y/n dropped the spear, it instantly flew back to Lapis. "This fight is you against me while my friends take down your boss." Y/n growled out, black tuffs of smoke coming out of his hair as his eyes slowly began to glow blue.

Lapis: "Master Merlot will have no problem dealing with those brats. You on the other hand will have to die now." Y/n smirked.

Y/n: "Let me try something. RANGNARÖK!" Y/ns scream echoed other the forrest as the ground shook from the strength behind the shout. Smoke spewed out of Y/n as Fenrir howled and Jormungandr hissed.

Lapis: "Nice party trick spell." Lapis joked before aiming her spear at the only thing she can still see of Y/n, his blue glowing eyes. However as she threw the spear into the smoke it just vanished before coming back at least twice as fast. She was forced to cover her eyes as the smoke exploded outwards. As it finally disappated Y/n stood next to a giant Fenrir and Jormungandr, in his hands the raven daggers. His eyes burned brightly as he focused on Lapis. In the blink of an eye he was upon her and forced her on the defense as swipes and stabs hit her all over. Jumping back she hoped to be away from danger but a snake coiling around her proved her wrong. She screamed as she was being crushed but luckily for her she noticed her spear and called it back, stabbing it into Jormungandr, who hissed and unintentionally loosened his hold on her enabling her to escape.

A strong pain went through her arm as Fenrirs maw closed upon it. The pain forced her to kneel down as Y/n stood infront of her, starring at her with cold eyes.

Lapis: "Go ahead kill me! My masters goal will already be reached, my job is done." Y/n grew a vicious smile.

Y/n: "Oh no I will not grant you a quick death. Jorm." The snake hissed happily as it coiled around Lapis starting to crush her. The woman began to choke as Jormungandr tightened his grip on her, the crunching of bones could be heard and blood began to seep out of Lapis' nose, ears, mouth and eyes.

Suddenly the air became freezing cold and as Y/n turned around he saw the building completely covered in a thick layer of ice. Y/n cursed under his breath and recalled Fenrir, turning him into his armor. He quickly rushed to his friends hoping to be able to help them. With a heavy kick the frozen door was opened and Y/n saw all of his friends covered in ice, a man standing in front of them. On second glance Y/n noticed that while all his friends were injured the man, he thought must have been Merlot, was still mostly unharmed.

Merlot: "Another sacrifice for the queen I see." The man said sounding rather insane. The man readied his staff and Y/n felt the air get even colder. Looking below him he saw a glyph appear and Y/n rolled away, narrowly dodging the ice that now encased the place he occupied previously. "Yes give me your negativity. Your hate. Your anger. Your desdain. Give them all to me to please the Queen!" Merlot began to laughe maniacally.

Y/n: "How about I give you a kick in the ass?!" Y/n shouted as he ran towards Merlot. His daggers soared towards the mans throat but a few fingers width before they could pierce the mans flesh they bounced off an invisible wall. "Tsk... Damn magic." Y/n cursed as he bounced back, escaping another attempt to trap him.

Munin: "Your friends won't be able to fight the cold for long master.~" The raven in his left hand said.

Y/n: "Break them free while I hold that lunatic at bay." Y/n ordered and both of his daggers turned back to ravens which began to pick at the ice that was keeping his friends trapped. "I don't know which kingdom you belong to but none of their rulers would want this." Y/n said as he took out his axe and shield, blocking a barrage of icicles.

Merlot: "You think I am doing this for some idiot ruler?! No the queen I am talking about is far greater." Merlot laughed. "She will cover this world in darkness!" Merlot smirked. "Do you know what happens when cold air heats up too fast?" Y/n could not answer as a fireball appeared in Merlots hand before it began to grow and grow. "What did you think I only know ice-spells?" Y/n kneeled down and hid behind his shield as Merlot threw the fireball. A second later every single speck of ice was melted and the resulting water turned to steam. Y/n felt the burning sensation of boiling hot steam and water hitting him and he hoped that his friends were hit less than him. Hugin and Munin were less fortunate and Y/n felt his energy run empty. Panting Y/n got back up and stared at Merlot angrily.

Yang: "O-oh c-c-crap Y/n is m-mad." Yang stuttered, shaking from the cold from being encased in ice. Y/n took a deep breath but as he was about to do something a strong pain went through his chest followed by hearing his friends gasp. He looked down to see Lapis' spear sticking out of his chest. A animalistic growl escaped Y/n while he turned to glare at the very weakened Lapis. Without even flinching the spear was pulled out by Y/n and thrown at the shocked Merlot. But Lapis once again put an end to Y/ns plan as she chaught it, now she was standing between Y/n and Merlot, guarding her master.

Merlot: "Oh Lapis, perfect." The woman smiled towards her master but the smile faded as an icicle imbedded itself right into her stomach. The look of betrayal made Merlot break out into laughter as the room began to shake and be swallowed by a purple mist. "Yes! YES! The queen is pleased with my offering!" Merlot cheered out. The group of heroes felt their blood run cold as they were forced to the ground. For some minutes the manical cackeling was the only thing that was heard until a female voice could be heard. The mist cleared to show a woman that looked like a Grimm with her white skin, black sclera with red irises. "My name is Merlot Rouge, I am the one that summoned you. Grant me my wish!" Merlot said confidently. The woman just stared before sighing.

Woman: "My name is Salem, the Queen of Grimm." The woman said in a desinterested voice.

Merlot: "Yeah yeah now grant me my wish."

Salem: "Hmm, what makes you think I grant wishes?" Merlot looked shocked.

Merlot: "But the scriptures said that you will do."

Salem: "Oh those are still around?" Another sigh escaped her lips. "Well seeing that you granted me such a nice feast of negativity I guess I could do a little bit of sorcery. I loved the aftertaste of betrayal."

Merlot: "Grant me the power to control Grimm!" Merlot ordered loudly.

Salem: "Can't do that." Merlot stopped and looked disappointed but soon after a smug grin came to his face.

Merlot: "Give me the power of the Grimm!" Salem thought about it before smilling deviously and snapping her fingers. Merlot began to cackle loudly as his arms and legs began to bulge out but the laughter soon turned to sounds of pain as he fell to the floor convulsing. "W-what did y-you do?!"

Salem: "Grant your wish." Salem answered simply. She finally noticed the rest of the group. "Oh what are these? Desserts?" She floated towards them. "Who to kill first..." She stopped as she saw Rubys eyes. "You." A bone spike appeared in her hand and she rose it into the air ready to impale Ruby, but as she began to swing down she felt something she has never felt before, fear, not the fear of someone from her, but she was fearing something. She swirled around searching for the source and came face to face with a very mad Y/n. Out of instinct she flew back a few meters. "Who are you?!" She asked angrily. Y/n did not answer as he was too busy keeping himself standing, both the massive amount of blood he is loosing and the paralyzing fear that radiated from Salem made that very difficult. "ANSWER!" Salem roared out.

Y/n: "Y-Y/n..." He answered as he slowly rose his axe.

Salem: "I will give that to you boy." The word boy was growled out. "You interest me, noone was ever able to keep standing while under my spell." The screams of Merlot became louder as bones cracked and flesh was tearing. "I will have to go now, the negativity is about to run dry." Y/n tried to take a step forward but it took nearly all of his remaining strength to do so. "Fare well, boy." With that Salem and alongside her the effect of her spell vanished. Y/n dropped to the floor his breathing shallow as his friends regained their strength. Jaune was the first at Y/ns side, followed by Weiss, the two beginning to work on healing Y/ns injury right away.

Nora: "Hey what is that?" Nora asked pointing at the black fleshy blob on the floor.

Ren: "Don't touch it." Ren said right after earning a pout from the Berserker.

Summer: "I guess that is Merlot. Eeek!" Summer squealed out as the blob formed a few spikes that all tried to impale whatever was close by. Some hit the ceiling, others the wall, some even managed to hit the heroes.

Ruby: "Lets get out of here!" The rest agreed and Yang and Nora helped bring Y/n out of the building. As they left they heard cracking behind them and as they turned around they saw the Merlot slowly beginning to absorb the building, growing in size. "We have to do something!"

Phyrra: "On it!" Her and Blake rushed in, dodging the incoming spikes as they attacked the blob with many swift swipes and cuts but all that it seemingly did was anger Merlot further.

Summer: "Try magic!"

Jaune: "Can't Y/n will bleed out with we don't deal with his wounds first! SHIT I am running out of Arcana." Jaunes eyes watered as he saw the state his guildmaster was in but he focused and kept on healing until he felt someone grab his arm. It was Y/n, who opened his eyes and coughed up some blood. "H-hey, rest, we will get you fixed up." Jaune said trying to sound convincing. A few more coughes and Y/n spoke in raspy voice.

Y/n: "I hear the valcyries calling..." He said weakly as he stared towards the sky. "Odin, I am coming..."

Jaune: "N-no, s-stay with us... comeon, p-please..." Even Weiss was now crying.

Y/n: "Val-hall-la..." Y/n went limp as his eyes lost their light.

Jaune: "Y/n? Y/n! Y/N!! HEY WAKE UP!" Jaune shook the guildmasters body but it stayed motionless.

Ruby: "JAUNE!" Ruby tried to warn the Paladin but it was too late, if it weren't for Weiss who managed to pull Jaune away, making the spike miss him. But instead of Jaune it hit Y/n, right into the boys left eye. The group felt sick as they saw the blob pull the spike back out the eye ball still attached but the feeling was replaced by wonder as blue light and black smoke spewed out of the now empty eyesocket. Slowly Y/ns body was covered in smoke obstructing the view. The smoke began to condense and form a kind of protective shell around Y/n.

Yang: "A little less gawking and more fighting please!" Yang pleaded as she noticed that she was currently the only one fighting the blob that once was Merlot.

Weiss: "Duck!"

Nora: "Where?" Ren could only facepalm as he forced the girl to the ground allowing Weiss to use her spell without risking hitting her allies. A hailstorm formed above the blob and soone ice shards rained down upon the fleshy mass. The areas it hit grew hard and brittle. "Oh that was what she meant." Nora giggled. "This is for the captain!" With a battle cry Nora swung her warhammer striking one of the frozen spots, instantly shattering it.

Summer: "Keep freezing it!" More ice hailed down on Merlot creating more and more areas for the other to attack, but soon even Weiss rather sizeable pool of Arcana ran dry and Merlot was still alive, happily devouring trees and rocks to regenerate.

Blake: "Any ideas?" Yang looked at the assassin and held up a torch. "Where did you get that?" The girl asked confused.

Yang: "Found it." A second of silence passes. Yang than took out some flint and a dagger beginning to try to light the torch. "Comeon! How do Y/n and Velvet make it look so easy. Grrr!" She tried and tried yet it did not want to creat enough sparks. "OK THATS IT!" Her eyes turned red and she hit the flint and dagger together with all her might finally creating enough sparks to light the torch. "HAHA Torch zero, Yang one!"

Ruby: "More like torch and Yang one." Ruby said cheekily as she pointed at Yangs shoe which now had a sizeable hole burned into it. Yang glared at the torch in her hand.

Yang: "You win this round." She said angrily befor getting ready to complete her plan. She let out a battle cry and rushed the blob, shortly before she reached it she threw the torch, which was quickly absorbed into the blob. A sizzle was heard before the flame of the torch vanished. "Hmm. That didn't go as pla-" The blob suddenly popped like a overly ripe fruit, covering the group of heroes in a thick layer of black goop which than slowly began to turn into dust. Yang threw her hands up and cheered in victory. "IT WORKED!" The celebration however was shortlived as a collective thought went through everyone mind. Y/n. They rushed towards the black cocoon that covered Y/ns body. They all were still able to see the pool of blood surrounding their guildmaster. Ren calmly stepped closer and placed his head on Y/n chest hoping to find the familiar thumping sound of a working heart. And much to their relief he found it, although it was very weak.

Ren: "We need to get him back to Beacon."

Summer: "We still have to wait a day before Ozpin will open a portal back." Summer pointed out. "We could go to my house and rest there. Now that Merlot is gone the influence he had on the people should also be gone." Summers words held merit as they saw the people they had to fight previously all slowly wake back up, confused, but no longer hellbend on hurting one another for no reason at all.

Summer led them through the forrest as Yang, Nora and Phyrra pulled an improvised sled with Y/ns cocoon after them. Soon they reached the log cabing Ruby and Yang grew up in and their father opened the door for them, pulling Ruby, Yang and even Summer into a tight hug.

Tai: "I am so happy to see you doing well and not be influenced by whatever was going on. And Summer, my love, my beautiful rose, I am so glad to see you alive after all those years. I hope you can forgive what I did. The horrible things I would have done if it weren't for that boy knocking me out." Summer smiled before giving her husband a loving kiss.

Summer: "Honey, you were under a spell, your actions were not truly yours. I love you." The two shared another kiss as Ruby and Yang made gagging sounds.

Ruby: "Ewww mom dad, our friends are present!" Ruby cried out.

Tai: "OH. Than I think I should introduce myself. I am Taiyang Xiao Long, Ruby and Yangs father, please call me Tai. Thank you for being my daughters friends, I hope they are not causing too much trouble, especially the blonde one." Tai said with a cheeky smile earning him a jab to the shoulder from said blonde girl.

Yang: "Not funny dad. Comeon guys lets get Y/n inside." Tai looked around confused before Summer helped him by pointing at the black cocoon.

Summer: "That is Y/n, he was fataly injured while fighting Merlot, the wizard that caused all of this, and after another injury his powers did that. He is alive but we have no idea what is going on exactly." Summer informed Tai who nodded and helped the group getting Y/n inside. Ruby quickly rushed to get some bed sheets and blankets and layed them on the floor, building something that could be discribed as a nest bird would use. Tai gently layed Y/n into the nest.

Jaune: "What now?" Summer gasped together with Nora and Ruby.

Summer/Nora/Ruby: "Sleepover!!" The three excaimed happily, making Tai, Ren and Weiss sigh, while Yang and Phyrra smiled, Jaune was seemingly having flashbacks to him and his sisters and Blake looked indifferent.

That is it for this chapter I hope you enjoyed it. Small info just FYI, I usually don't really like to write much that does not involve Y/n. I am a strong believer in that the things the reader (Y/n) and the reader (you guys) know should be the same, I don't like it when you have things that the reader (Y/n) should not know but the reader (you guys) do know because the author wrote about it. But this book will be slightly different, you will still not be reading about what is going on in other kingdoms while Y/n and his friends are chilling at Beacon, but you will have scenes completely void of Y/n. Like in this chapter at the end or in chapter 14.

Let me know what you think about this kind of writting. I want to try something abit different and want you oppinion on it.

That will be all. Stay healthy and have a nice week.

Wolfy out.

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