Toxic - Luke Hemmings

Galing kay tizzmcswizz

72K 960 258

Izzy has been going through life alone for years. But, when she's introduced to someone she can't live withou... Higit pa

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
Chapter 60
Chapter 61
Chapter 62
Chapter 63
Chapter 64
Chapter 65
Chapter 66
Chapter 67
Chapter 68
Chapter 69
Chapter 70
Chapter 71
Chapter 72
Chapter 73
Chapter 74
Chapter 75
Chapter 76
Chapter 77
Chapter 78
Chapter 79
Chapter 80
New Book

Chapter 56

551 10 4
Galing kay tizzmcswizz

Izzy's POV

After two weeks of isolation and alcohol, there was still no word from Brett about the status of their progress. We were at the point where we didn't really even want to go home anymore, but it would be nice to know the people trying to kill us were no longer a threat. The only reason we weren't losing track of time was because the clocks on our phones still worked even if we didn't have service. It was our second Friday here, but it didn't even matter that it was a weekend since everyday was like a weekend.

"I think we need more alcohol, guys!" I shouted, digging through the bar under the deck after already searching the kitchen.

"Are you serious?" I heard Ashton whine from on the deck above me, and when I stuck my head out I frowned at him.

"We'll go make a run, it's still early." Luke said, coming up next to Ashton and looking down at me.

It was only 4, so how ever far they had to drive to find a liquor store was definitely doable. Luke didn't feel comfortable leaving me and Sophie here by ourselves, so he had Ashton stay behind while the three of them drove to the closer store. Luckily, we had internet, but we just weren't able to make phone calls or send texts. The only way Luke was even able to call Brett was through Facebook.

It was a half hour drive, so they should be back around 5:30. Ashton and Sophie started cuddling on the couch while watching TV, so I ventured off to the front porch to sit and give them some time together. It only felt like a was out there for like forty minutes, but when I saw headlights pulling down the long drive way I figured I had just zoned out. I checked my phone to see that it was only 5:05.

When the car stopped and the headlights went off, the light from the house lit it up enough for me to see that it wasn't Luke's car. Luke drove a four-door sedan, and this was a blacked-out Range Rover. I grabbed onto the arms of my chair as I waited to see who the hell was pulling up on us, but when a few guys that looked around the same age as us hopped out I started to relax a little. That was until the guy who was driving started yelling at me.

"Who the fuck are you?!" He came up to the porch steps and had one of his hands behind his back.

"Who are you?!" I asked back, not knowing what else to say.

"This is my dad's house, why are you here?" He asked, throwing his free hand up in confusion. It hit me like a brick that this guy did look like a spitting image of Lorenzo. He wasn't as buff as his dad, but he had the same dark brown hair and the same light green eyes.

"Lorenzo never said he had a son?" I said, sounding more like I was asking than stating. He furrowed his eyebrows at me like he was surprised that I knew his dad.

"How do you know my dad?" He asked, taking his hand out from behind his back and taking a couple steps closer to me.

"He's letting us stay here for a while so he can clear some stuff up." I said vaguely. I figured he was well aware of what his father's dealings were, but just in case I didn't want to give anything away.

"He never told me he was having people up here. We were supposed to come up for the week." He said, motioning to the two guys behind him.

"I'm sorry, I... I can call him if you want. We can leave-" I pulled my phone out again, but he shushed me before I could even open my contacts.

"No, no it's fine. If he's got you here for a reason I don't want to fuck with it." He said, taking a look at the cabin he was supposed to be relaxing in for the next week. "What was your name?" He asked, and I stood up and held my hand out for him to shake.

"Izzy." I smiled, and he shook my hand with a smile, too.

"Harry." He let his eyes linger on me for a moment before turning to introduce his friends. "That's Niall and Louis." They both came up to the porch and shook my hand, and I introduced myself just I had to Harry.

"I mean, I'm sure you can still stay for the week. This place is big enough for us all." I chuckled.

"How many of you are there?" Harry asked, and I had to count in my head for second since my brain was mush from how awkward I was.

"Six. We've been alone for two weeks, I'm sure having some new people around would help stimulate our brains." I joked, and here was my nerd side coming out.

"Yeah. Maybe we will stay." Harry smiled at me, but when headlights lit up the driveway again he broke away and ran down the stairs. Luke came out of his car screaming, and he started pointing his gun at whoever was in front of him. The headlights of his car were no longer illuminating Harry's face as he walked up to him, so he didn't even know what he was pointing at.

"Get away from her." Luke said, and when I heard the gun click I saw Harry quickly reach behind him and draw the pistol that was in the back of his waistband. That must have been what he had his hand on as he walked up the porch earlier. Luke stepped out of the shadows, and when his face lit up I heard Harry laugh.

"Luke, you dumb fuck. It's Harry." He laughed, and he put his gun back in his waistband. Luke lowered his gun and chuckled, walking up to Harry and finally realizing that he was who he said he was. I just didn't know that they knew each other.

"Sorry, mate. You had me worried there for a second." Luke said, pulling Harry into a hug as he patted his back.

"It's all good, I almost fucking shot you, though." Harry laughed, I watched as they joked about almost killing each other, and I was still somewhat confused about how Luke knew Lorenzo's son when I hadn't even known he existed.

"This is Lorenzo's dipshit of a child." Luke pushed Harry and chuckled, and then he went up to Niall and Louis and hugged them, too. He knew all three of them?

"Yeah, he told me." I said, furrowing my eyebrows at him as he walked with the three of them back to the porch. Calum and Mike came out of the car with all the alcohol, and when I saw how much they were struggling I ran over to help.

"Enzo didn't tell me you were coming." I heard Luke say.

"Yeah, he forgets about me quite often." Harry chuckled, and Niall and Louis both went into his car and grabbed their bags. "Izzy said you wouldn't mind us crashing for the week."

"Did she?" Luke asked, turning to me with a weird look on his face. He saw me fumbling with the two boxes of beer in my hands and jogged over to take one. "We'll talk about that later." He told me quietly, but I didn't even know what that meant.

Harry ran and grabbed his own bags, and we walked into the house together to find Ashton and Sophie nearly asleep on the couch. I yelled at them to wake up, and they sat up faster than I'd ever seen them move before. Sophie looked at me with furrowed eyebrows after she saw three strangers coming in with us, but Luke beat me to the explanation.

"That's Ash and Sophie. Guys, this is Lorenzo's kid, Harry. And Niall and Louis." He pointed to the three of them, and as Sophie waved, Ashton got up and shook their hands.

"Did you guys get me claws?" I asked from the kitchen, digging through the tons of bags that they dropped on the counter.

"Yeah, shit. They're in the backseat still." Mike said, and before he could turn to go grab them Luke offered to.

They all sat down in the living room and fell seamlessly into conversation, which made me happy to see. The fact that we had new people to keep us sane was a blessing, and I was glad that they were turning out to be good company. Harry left to join me in the kitchen, and he started putting all the drinks away with me.

"You're a claw kinda gal, huh?" He joked, and I smiled at him while I broke open the cardboard box of beer.

"None of the missionary bullshit, I just like the raspberry one." I laughed, stacking up the cans in the mini fridge under the island.

"Excuse me?" He chuckled, kneeling next to me to help me put them all in.

"I mean the lime flavor. Sorry, I forgot that normal people don't call it that." I said nervously. Sophie and I saw a joke on Twitter that the lime was basic like missionary, so we always referred to it that way. I guess he hadn't heard the joke, though.

"It's fine, I'm not a missionary fan either." He laughed, and it made me cringe. I laughed and stood up to throw the empty box away, and he did the same to start emptying the other bags.

"They only had one box of raspberry, the rest were all lime." Luke said, coming into the kitchen and placing three boxes on the counter. One was my raspberry, but the other two were lime.

"Looks like we're stuck with missionary." Harry said from his spot next to me. Luke looked between the two of us, an unamused expression plastered clean across his face. I just took the box of raspberry White Claws off the counter and put them all in the mini fridge, trying to get out of that awkward tension.

"We'll start with this." Harry kneeled next to me again and said quietly, putting the lime ones on the ground and taking one out for himself. He stood up and walked into the living room to join everyone else, and Luke took the opportunity to talk to me.

"What was that?" He asked, raising his eyebrows as he waited for an answer.

"I made a joke about the lime flavor, he thought it was funny." I said, laughing lightly to try and get rid of the slight animosity I was feeling from him.

"If he gets that close to you again, I'm laying him out." He said simply, grabbing a beer from the mini fridge that I just filled. He walked back into the living room and sat down next to Harry, and I went back to putting everything away.

I looked up briefly to see Harry watching me, and when he saw me look he smiled. I turned to see Luke following his gaze to me, and when he realized Harry was smiling at me he glared at me. If he was going to be pissy all week I was going to lose it, so I left it alone and continued throwing bottle on bottle of whiskey and mixers into the bigger fridge.

"Izz!" I heard Sophie yell from the living room, so I whipped around to see her waving me over. I figured I'd done a good enough job with organizing everything, so I grabbed myself a raspberry White Claw and walked over to them.

"We graduated this year, so we did a cross country drive this last month." I walked into Niall explaining what they had been up to since summer started.

"That's sick, did you get to see Cali?" Calum asked, probably looking to bring up the fact that he grew up there.

"Hell yeah, we spent most of our time there." Harry laughed.

"San Fran was probably the highlight." Louis chimed in, and I was starting to wish I could see California for myself.

"I grew up just north of San Fran." Calum smiled, and they all smiled back and said 'nice' in unison.

We spent the next half hour talking, but we moved out onto the back deck once Harry reminded us that it still existed. Sophie and I went to lean on the railing so I could smoke a cigarette, and we left the now overwhelming majority of the group to talk. We were outnumbered 7 to 2 now, guys to girls. We were used to be the only girls in the group, but we were really starting to feel the difference now.

It had been a weird two weeks here, since Luke and I were still pretty distant. We hadn't slept together since before I was in the hospital, and it wasn't because of a lack of opportunity. We were just not in the best place, especially after the conversation about him killing people. There was just some kind of block between us. I don't think either of us knew what it was, but we hadn't talked about it at all. We went through the days acting more like friends than like we were in a relationship, and now he wanted to fluff his feathers in front of Harry to mark his territory.

"You haven't fought in two weeks, that's a good sign, right?" Sophie asked out of nowhere.

"We haven't done much of anything in two weeks." I said, being the pessimist that I usually was. "He hasn't kissed me in days." I let out a sigh and took a drag off the cigarette.

"So, why don't you kiss him?" She asked as if it was the obvious answer to the problem.

"I'm sweating him out, okay? I wanna see how long he can go on like this for." I joked. I was serious, though. I wanted to see how long he could go acting this distant, regardless of how much it bothered me.

"When was the last time you even had sex?" She asked, more discretely than before. It wasn't like anyone could hear us, but I guess she felt like that question warranted more secrecy.

"The night before I got poisoned." I said plainly.

"He'll break any minute now." She said quickly, sounding extremely confident.

"Do you know how hard it is to be so attracted to someone and not pounce whenever I want?" I whined, and she just laughed at me.

"I mean, if Luke doesn't pounce, I'm sure Harry will." She joked, but I cringed at that thought. I knew she was right, he'd been flirting with me from the minute he got here. There was just no way that would happen, though.

"Shut up, if he even makes a move Luke is going to shoot him." I said, and she kept laughing. Little did she know how serious I was.

"Maybe seeing another guy show interest will get his head out of the gutter." I couldn't argue with that logic, though. I started nodding my head slowly, and she took that as I green light to continue her plotting. "I don't see how making him a little bit jealous could hurt. Show him what he's fucking up." She said, and I thought about it for a moment.

It wouldn't exactly be fair to use Harry like that, but it's also not like I'm going to lead him on. I can just let him keep flirting and flirt the tiniest bit back. Luke would either have an aneurism, or buck up and take me upstairs. We were stuck in this cabin for the foreseeable future, so whatever it took to get him to drop this weird attitude was going to have to be done. And this also went along with my plan to let him come to me, so why the hell not.

"If this backfires, I'm blaming you." I said sarcastically, and she just nodded her head in agreement.

As childish as it was to be doing something like this, I just really wanted to get under Luke's skin. He told Calum he was thinking about leaving me just before we came here, and I knew he couldn't bring himself to. So, if he was going to act all weird about it, I was going to have to get him to see that he can't live without me. The only time he had come onto me since we'd been here was when he was mad about me going swimming in just my bra and underwear.

I knew him too well, so if I played on that I knew he'd come around. All I had to do was get him pissed off enough to make a move, and that was honestly pretty easy. He needed a wake-up call, and if this didn't get him to act right I didn't know what would. 


I'm cringing at myself for doing a partial 1D cameo but I was running out of ideas and wanted to add a little spice to it and I already knew I wanted Lorenzo to have a son so it kinda fit lmao. Hopefully yall don't hate it

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