Meant To Be

By phoenixmaiden13

489K 15.1K 3.4K

One Night of passion leads to drastic consequences that changes the war completely. Harry must go into hiding... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42

Chapter 22

11.3K 377 14
By phoenixmaiden13

Harry woke with a start, face down on familiar green silk sheets. For a moment he was dizzy and disoriented, not sure where he was until it clicked and he sat up quickly. He instantly felt a burning sensation on his back that made his eyes water, but he ignored it. "Wynter," he rasped, looking around in a panic. He vaguely heard the sound of a door opening as he continued to try and untangle himself from the sheets, calling out his daughter's name. "Wynter, Wynter, Wynter!" He couldn't find her, where was she! The fire, the fire was going to get them, he had to get out, where was his daughter!

Hands grabbed a hold of him and he was pressed against a solid chest, a hand running through his hair, calming him. "Shh, it's okay. You're safe, Harry. It's okay."

Harry managed to get his breathing to calm down and he looked up into blue eyes that were watching him intently. "Tom?"


He closed his eyes in relief before snapping his eyes open again and sitting up despite the pain. Grabbing hold of Tom's robes, he looked imploringly into his eyes, "Wynter!"

"She's fine, Harry. She's fine. She's over there," Tom said soothingly, gesturing to a small crib by the window.

Harry pulled himself away sharply despite the pain and shoved Tom out of the way and made his way to the crib and looked inside. Wynter lay there fast asleep, clinging to her teddy bear, not even a scratch on her.

"See she's just fine," Tom said softly, standing beside him looking down at their daughter.

Relief rushed through him as he gazed down at her, lying so innocent and carefree, completely clean in a new onsie and not a speck of dirt on her; it was like nothing had even happened. "Thank god" he whispered, a sob escaping his throat, "thank god!"

Tom caught Harry as his legs gave out and he started crying, clinging to the bars of the crib. Tears came fast and hard as all the fear and relief came rushing over him, draining him of all his energy.

Tom floundered as to what to do; it was just like a year ago in the same place, he still had no idea what to do with Harry's crying, but he did his best. He gently pulled Harry into his arms and patted his arm awkwardly, "It's okay. You can stop crying now."

Harry let out a choked laugh, "You suck at comforting people."

"I don't usually comfort people, I kill them."

Harry nodded, burrowing his face into Tom's chest, clinging to him like a lifeline. And in a way he was, Tom was the one who got them out of there, the one that saved him and Wynter. If he hadn't... he started crying again. "God, if you hadn't been there..."

"But I was, and you're fine, you're both fine," Tom said softly, "Come, you need to lay down. It has been a long day and you need to rest."

"Okay," Harry mumbled and followed as Tom steered him toward the bed, feeling both emotionally and physically drained. He laid face down on the bed, wincing at the pull of his skin. "What happened?" he reached back under his shirt and felt cloth covering him.

"You were burned," Tom said, his face turning troubled, "here to here," he said his finger tracing down his back, sideways from his right shoulder down to his left hip. "A beam got you."

"And Wynter?" he asked jerking up slightly to see him.

Tom gently slid his fingers through Harry's hair to calm him when he winced at the sudden movement, "She was fine, minor smoke inhalation, but it was taken care of."

"Nothing else?" Harry asked.

"No, the bear protected her and you too, your front anyway, but not your back."

Harry shook his head slightly, rubbing his face against the soft sheets, "I don't care about me....thank god for that teddy bear you gave her. I'm glad she never let that thing go."

Tom hummed in agreement, remembering briefly when he broke into the cottage and saw them laying there. It had been terrifying. Even before he had gone in, seeing the house up in flames, the doors and windows sealed shut with magic; he had known right away that it was no accident. He had forced his way through a window, breaking the seals with sheer force and was greeted with fumes of smoke and heat. Instantly, he had heard Wynter's screams and it led him straight to a pile of rubble where he could barely see Harry underneath. Wynter trapped underneath Harry as he tried to protect her; a faint light glowing around her as the protection spells on the teddy bear did what it was supposed to. He had made quick work of the rubble and gotten them both out of there.

Just seeing Harry lying there helpless and hurt had scared him and did things inside of his chest that he had a hard time figuring it out. Not that he had any time, he had been busy making sure his family was alright and other things...


Tom blinked and looked down at Harry, who was looking at him inquiringly.

"Where did you go?"

"Nowhere, I'm right here," he replied," You need to get some sleep, we can talk later," Tom said pulling up the sheets to cover him and make Harry comfortable. He gently carded his fingers through Harry's soft locks and watch as he closed his eyes in bliss at the soothing motion, "rest."

Harry nodded and settled in to go to sleep. His eyes snapped open as he felt the weight leave the bed, "Tom?" he called out.


Harry hesitated for a moment before saying the word he had wanted to say hours ago, "...stay?"

Tom paused and looked at Harry, green eyes tired and uncertain; the fear just below the surface. "Okay."

Harry smiled tiredly and watched as Tom stretched out beside him and gently drew him into his arms. He snuggled into the warmth and safety that Tom provided and with the gentle fingers in his hair, he was lulled into sleep.


When Harry woke up a few hours later, still a bit tired but more alert than he had been earlier. He was still curled up in Tom's arms, his head against Tom's chest and the rest of him casually draped against his side through the sheets wrapped around him. Tom hadn't seemed to mind and had wrapped an arm around him, careful of his injury, to hold him close. Tom had fallen asleep beside him, which was surprising; he usually didn't let his guard down, then again, that was what he had been doing for months with him. Harry had never seen him sleep before, mostly because Tom had never spent the night; only the one time and they had been unconscious and he had kicked Tom off the bed almost immediately after waking up. Tom had not appreciated that.

Tom's face was relaxed and completely innocent looking; a stark contrast with the type of man that he was. Dark lashes fanned out on pale skin, there were dark marks under his eyes like he hadn't really slept well and likely hadn't, soft lips parted as he breathed evenly. He felt like kissing Tom right then, but resisted the temptation, mostly because it was embarrassing to do so and also he had no idea how Tom would react to it, good: he would appreciate it and respond in kind, or bad: he would end up a red spot on the wall. He would rather not risk it.

Looking around the room, he noticed a few changed from the last time he had been there. There was a new looking bookcase in the corner, a painting was gone, and so was a vase that had been standing near the couch near the window. The bed was the same too, though a corner of the bedpost had been replaced. Feeling Tom shift, he glanced up to see Tom watching him. Smiling slightly, he said, "I see you did some redecorating."

Tom scowled at him, "I had to, a tornado swept through." Harry laughed and Tom loved the sound of it. He already looked better; it was amazing what a few hours of sleep did.

Harry sighed and slid his hand over the green silk sheets on the other side of Tom, "Wynter was conceived here..."

"I know," Tom answered. They were silent for a moment; just enjoying each other's company, remembering their last encounter in this room; the one that had changed everything.

"How is she?" Harry asked, breaking the silence.

"She hasn't made a sound as far as I know." At Harry's uncertain look, he elaborated, "I have a spell on her crib to alert me of any changes in her health, just in case, she's just sleeping."

"Oh, okay," Harry said, relieved.

"She's exhausted with all the excitement that happened, I think she'll be out for a while."


Tom glanced down at Harry and saw tears gathering in his eyes. "Are you going to cry again?" he asked uncertainly.

Harry let out a soft laugh and sniffed, "I'm sorry. I just...I was so scared."

"I know, I felt it."

"You did?" Harry asked, confused before he remembered that they were connected through his scar.


"That's never happened before."

"Your feelings were strong enough that they went through."


"Don't be. It was thanks to it that I knew something was wrong. Well, that and the alarms I had placed on the house."

"Thank god for that," Harry murmured.

Tom hummed in agreement, "I need to change your bandages."

"Oh okay," Harry sat up slightly to get out of the sheets. He looked down at his shirt to take it off and paused, "This isn't mine."

"It's mine. I didn't want to break into your trunk, so I just took off what was left of your clothes and put this on."

"Mmmm," Harry hummed and smirked, "pervert." Tom rolled his eyes, actually rolled them, and shook his head as he gathered new bandages and what Harry guessed was a burn salve. "How is my trunk?" He asked conversationally as he gently peeled off the shirt with some help from Tom.

"It's a little crispy around the edges, but otherwise it's fine," Tom replied, "lay down."

Harry laid back down on his stomach, folding his arms and pillowing his head against them, "That's good. I got whatever I could, so I don't know what is in there. I'll go through it later." He was silent for a moment as Tom cut the bandages and carefully removed them. "Is it bad?"

"Not as much as yesterday, but it will be a while before it returns to normal."

"Will it scar?"

"It shouldn't," Tom said and started to apply the salve.

Harry winced and Tom stopped, "Cold," he explained. Tom nodded and continued to apply the salve generously. He sighed and watched Tom out of the corner of his eye as he worked, completely focused on the task in front of him. In the silence, he started to think about what had happened at the cottage and why. "Thinking back on it all, I could have done things so differently...I just panicked."

"I don't blame you," Tom murmured.

"But I've been in situations before, you know, because of you and all, but this time...I just froze. My mind was a blank!" Harry burrowed his face into his arms as the tears gathered again, "if something had happened..."

"But it didn't, it's no use dwelling on the past, it won't change anything," Tom said, his voice firm.

Harry nodded, "I'm glad that you came," he whispered," thank you."

"Of course," Tom replied simply, glad that Harry hadn't started crying again. "The Order was there too."

"They were?" Harry asked, glancing back at Tom as he finished with the salve.

"Yes, they were attempting to put out the fire and break-in," Tom answered, then added under his breath, "not that they were doing a good job of it."

"I heard that," Harry said giving him a look over his shoulder as he sat up for Tom to put the bandages on, "at least they were trying, right? But I just don't understand what happened, I don't remember leaving a candle or the stove on before I went to bed." Tom's hands stilled briefly before resuming their task and listened to Harry talk. "And the fire was just...everywhere so fast, and I tried to open the door and the windows and they wouldn't open and no matter what I did I couldn't get out...I-I just don't understand..."

Harry glanced at Tom to see him tying off the bandages and picking up the old ones to throw away, but that wasn't what he noticed. Tom was angry, and he was trying not to show it. His eyes were narrowed, slightly with simmering anger just below the surface, and an angry tick was pulsing in his jaw where he clutched his teeth tightly. It was like any moment he was going to burst; like he wanted to kill something. "Tom? Is something wrong?" he asked, but Tom turned away to put the things away and placed the salve on the nightstand with a little more force than was needed. Harry thought it through again and suddenly it clicked, "It wasn't an accident, was it?"

Tom breathed deeply, trying to reign in his anger, Harry didn't need this right now, but he couldn't. Every time he saw Harry and the burn now marring his beautiful skin, his blood would boil and he just wanted to lash out. "You need to rest," he managed to get out.

"I'm right aren't I?" Harry asked, ignoring him, "What happened?"

"Now's not the time..."

"No, I want to know now, Tom," Harry pleaded, "Tom, please!"

Tom only sighed and sat down on the bed and looked down at his hands.

Harry crawled forward on the bed to him and taking Tom's face in his hands, lightly stroking the side of his face with his thumbs as he looked into his eyes, "Tell me."

Tom closed his eyes briefly, before giving in, "Two of my followers found the cottage."

Harry's eyes widened in shock, "H-How?"

"They followed your friends."

" that even possible?"

"It is, though it is a very difficult and advanced form of magic." Harry looked confused look he elaborated. "You know that magic leaves behind a residue of its user, correct?" At Harry's nod, he continued. "The same goes for apparition. It leaves behind a spark of magic at the place where it is used and where it takes its caster. With repeated apparition in the same place to the same location, it leaves a trail and that trail can be traced."

"But...there are so many different signatures..." Harry trailed off.

"Which is why it is never done, it not only takes a lot of magic to channel the direction the trail is going, but it takes patience to find the right signature amongst thousands."

Harry nodded in understanding, "So, they followed Ron and Hermione's trail to my house."


"Then what? They just..." Harry couldn't say it.

"No. From what I understand they made sure you were actually there first. Then took down the wards that were placed by Dumbledore and myself."

"How? If it was put up by two of the most powerful wizards alive, it couldn't have been that simple."

Tom got up and paced to the crib to stare down at his daughter, guilt suddenly filling his chest, "That is partially my fault," he whispered.

"How?" Harry asked from his position on the bed.

Tom took a deep breath before letting it out slowly, "I created a device that is able to take down ancient and powerful wards by releasing a burst of magical energy to cancel it out."

"Why would you need that if you can just take it down yourself?" Harry asked.

Tom remained silent as he knew Harry would figure it out and he did.

"Oh," Harry said softly. The Ministry and Hogwarts, that's what it was for.

"I did not plan this," Tom stated sharply.

"I know, it's not your fault. Hey," Harry said as Tom looked away from him, "It's not. You didn't know it was going to be used for this. Did you?"


"See, not your fault."

Tom nodded, then continued, "After the wards were down they sealed the house, windows, the door, the walls were impenetrable. Then..."

"They set it on fire," Harry finished and Tom nodded. He shivered remembering what it was like in the hot flames with no way out; he never wanted to go through that again. Harry was silent for a minute, trying to find a way to ask the next question that he wanted to know. There was no other way to ask, so he just said it. "What...what did you do to them? Your followers?"

Tom's back stiffened and his hands curled into fists at his side, "Nothing."

"What?" Harry asked incredulously. Harry couldn't believe that Tom would just let them go, just like that, not with what they did. What they could have done.

"It's not like I didn't want to. I have to be careful," Tom said coming back to where Harry sat on the bed. He could see the disbelief on Harry's face. "They were only doing as they thought would please me."

"As 'Voldemort', you mean," Harry said quietly.

"Yes," he said, sitting down next to him, "They were punished for disobeying me of course, but left unscathed. But they will not remain that way. They will be punished permanently later," Tom said, anger leaking into his voice.


Tom looked at Harry in surprise. He hadn't expected that, not from Harry. Normally so against anything having to do with hurting anyone, and now...

"They tried to hurt our daughter," Harry stated fiercely, tears gathering in his eyes, "I will never forgive them for trying to hurt her."

"It wasn't just Wynter," Tom said, touching the side of Harry's face gently, "It was you too."

Harry placed his hand over Tom's and lightly nuzzled the hand. He could hardly believe that he almost lost this, whatever he had with Tom. He had been so preoccupied with thinking about Wynter and making sure she was okay, that he hadn't really given it the thought that he had almost died too. Sure it was terrifying, but Harry had always been prepared to die. With his encounters with Tom, or rather Voldemort, and what the prophecy had said, it was always a likely outcome. Though, now that both of them were no longer after each other, it was rather null and void at this point.

But now that things had calmed down and they were safe, he was so glad and happy that he was here, with Tom. Harry couldn't think of what t would be like if he wouldn't be able to see Tom again, feel his warmth, his soft touches, and deep kisses that always made him want for more. Just thinking about it made him feel...empty.

"I know I said it before, but thank you. For saving us," Harry whispered, his eyes lowered, a light blush stinging his cheeks. He had no idea why he suddenly felt so meek, but he did. It may have to do with how Tom was looking at him like he wanted to eat him. He found he didn't mind if he did.

"Always," Tom said softly and knew that his words were true. Unable to hold back anymore, he leaned forward and captured Harry's lips with his own in a sweet, tender kiss before leaning his forehead against Harry's. "I don't know what I would have done if I had lost you both."

Harry nodded, knowing exactly how he felt, but instead of using his voice, he brought Tom's face back down and kissed him again, this time with more passion. The kiss deepened, their tongues gliding against each other gently, not rushing it. He was pulled into Tom's arms so that he was half straddling his lap and had to hold onto him by wrapping his arms around his neck. Tom's fingers found their way underneath the shirt he was wearing and found a patch of skin not covered by bandages and caressed it lightly with barely-there touches. They were enough to ignite the flame of desire inside him and he tugged at the robes Tom's was wearing and started to shed them, pushing the material off of broad shoulders as their mouths continued to duel. They would have made it further, but as with any new parent with a child, they were interrupted.

Looking to where the source of the banging was coming from, they saw a pair of bright green eyes peering out at them between the bars of the crib.

Harry bit his lip and giggled in embarrassment, "I almost forgot about her."

"Me too," Tom admitted with a sigh and gently placed him back on the bed. He got up and went to pick his daughter up along with her bear that she didn't let go.

"Hi sweetheart," Harry called out to her and Wynter smiled at him and waved her small arms as Tom carried her to the bed, her hair mussed from sleep. He couldn't say he was annoyed that they were interrupted because now all he wanted to do was hold her and that was exactly what he did. Tom placed Wynter into his arms and he pulled her close, small and warm against him. "Mmm, she smells good. Did you give her a bath?" he commented.

"I did," Tom replied, "made a big mess in my bathroom, but it was done."

Harry laughed and looked down at Wynter as she curled into him, placing her head on his shoulder, seeking the comfort of her mother. "Did Daddy take good care of you?" he asked her softly. Wynter only babbled at him and tugged on the hem of the dress on her bear, excitedly. Harry sniffed and gave her a watery smile and rubbed her back as he held her close. After a while Wynter got fussy and wanted to be put down so Harry put her down in the middle of the bed and laid down on his side and Tom laid down on the other side, entrapping her between them and watched her play with her teddy bear, babbling away with baby talk.

"I think she likes it here," Harry commented as he watched Wynter look around the room in fascination.

"She's just not used to being here. It's new to her."

"Yeah...I don't think she knows that we can't return home anymore," Harry said sadly.

"No," Tom admitted, "There's probably nothing left."

"I didn't think so," Harry said with a sigh, "Hey, how did you get in any way? There had to be a lot of people from the Order there."


"I thought you didn't do windows," Harry commented with a grin.

Tom grinned back, "I made an exception."

Harry laughed, "You weren't seen were you?"

"No," Tom paused, "I don't believe so."

"Don't believe so?" Harry repeated.

"I was not exactly thinking clearly, but I was careful enough to not be seen."

"Oh okay," Harry said and rolled onto his stomach to stretch himself out and was content enough to just watch Tom play with Wynter and see her laugh. He tugged on her feet and used the bear to bop her in the face; she enjoyed every minute of his attention, laughing her head off.

He looked around the spacious room and suddenly wondered how they were going to live here, he would go crazy."You know, as much as I would like to stay here in your cozy manor with all your friends." Here Tom made a face, making him laugh. "I don't think we can stay confined in this room forever."

"I know," Tom said, "It's temporary. At least until I find somewhere for you to stay."


"Yes, preferably somewhere more secure. I'll place the wards myself."

"Sounds good to me."

"Good. Any preference?"

"What do you mean?"

"Countryside, Mountains, Beach, Suburban area?" Tom listed off.

"Geez, I have no idea."

"Okay...then do you want to be surrounded by people?"

"Mmm, no. I kind of like being by myself," Harry said thoughtfully. "Oh, but I do want some town or something nearby. Not endless, nothingness either, I would go mad."

"Okay, that narrows it down. Mountains or Beach?"

"Endless trees and grass or salty water and sand..." Harry closed his eyes and thought about it. Visualizing where he would like to live. A small house out on a hill surrounded by trees with the sound of birds and the wind or a nice comfortable flat out on the beach, nice ocean breeze, the sunset on the water, endless clear ocean water... The more he thought about it, the more appealing it became, "The beach sounds nice."

"The beach?"

"Yeah, I want somewhere that is quiet and nice and bright, somewhere where I am secluded but not completely isolated, and somewhere that is happy and comfortable where we can raise Wynter."

"Somewhere on the beach then," Tom said thoughtfully, "It sounds like a great idea."

"I thought so."

"Okay then, I'll see what I can do."

Harry nodded and smiled at Tom, "I guess having my house burn down had some good come out of it. We can start over, with Wynter. No more hiding."

"I like it already."

"Me too."

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