Outerbanks "falling in love"

By maddi03798

743K 8.5K 4.5K

Outerbanks Jj x maddi Season 1 + more! Achievements: #2 in jjmaybanks #22 in Netflix Maddi is John bs twin... More

Chapter 1-you do worry about me
Chapter 2-diver down
Chapter 3-square groupers man
Chapter 4-inside voices
Chapter 5- of course I care
Chapter 6-mistake
Chapter 7-I've been waiting two years
Chapter 8- I was under duress
Chapter 9- Boyfriend?
Chapter 10- I'll be there to pick up the pieces
Chapter 11-It felt like everything was going to be okay
Chapter 12- I love you but I don't think I can be around you.
Chapter 13- this isn't gonna end well
Chapter 14- On solid grounds
Chapter 15- I'm gonna kill Rafe
Chapter 16- Lady liberty
Chapter 17-Cheater
Chapter 18- Moving day
Annoucement*please read*
Chapter 19- You shouldn't have to be fine
Chapter 20- We need new friends
Chapter 21- Let's go get that gold
Chapter 22- We did it dad
Chapter 23- Not a size 0
Chapter 24- Because I love you
Chapter 25- The cats*ss
Chapter 26- What have we gotten ourselfs into?
Chapter 27- Fugitive
Chapter 28- It's go time
Chapter 29- I'll be back
Chapter 30- My brothers dead?
Chapter 31- 10 days
Chapter 32- The break up
Chapter 33- Topper
Chapter 34- 10 months later
Chapter 35- The boat
Chapter 36- Party
Chapter 37- JJ can get over it
Chapter 38- The locket
Chapter 39- we're about to do something illegal aren't we?
Chapter 40- From John b
Chapter 41- Schools out
Chapter 42- We're in
Chapter 43- Thanks a lot universe
Chapter 44- I lost you too
Chapter 45- friends with benefits
Chapter 46-meet me inside
Another story?
Chapter 47- waking up alone
Chapter 49-everythings not fine
Chapter 50- Perfect night
Chapter 51- Mission
Chapter 52- Now or never
Chapter 53- Girls night
Chapter 54- I love you JJ maybank
Chapter 55- To the bahamas
Chapter 56- Toto I don't think we're in obx anymore
Chapter 57-airport
Chapter 58- back from the dead
Chapter 59- hugs
Chapter 60- the end
Please read!!!!
100k special- part 1
100k special- part 2

Chapter 48- head above water

6.4K 122 104
By maddi03798

Chapter 48-head above water


Trying my best

By; Anson Seabra

Maddi's pov-

Life. Life can be crazy. It's unpredictable. You never know what's going to happen. Sometimes life deals you a good hand. You get a loving family, good friends and a happy life. Where you biggest problem is what dress to wear to prom. But sometimes you get a crappy hand. A hand were you have to fight daily just to keep yourself above water.

I wasn't so lucky.

For the past two year every day is a constant fight to keep my head above water. I keep kicking my legs everyday. And every time I break through the surface and get a chance to breath another wave comes. I keep fighting. Over and over. Everyday I swim, I fight to keep my head above water. But sometimes I don't feel like fighting.

Sometimes the thought crosses my mind. Let the waves crash above me while I sink to the bottom. The salt water enters my lungs as I float away into the sea.

Just like dad

Just like John b

A whole family taken by the sea. Some days I feel like it's my destiny to float away at sea. Just did like my family. Today could be the day.

The sound of the bathtub filling up plays through my ears as I stare in the mirror.


It's all I see. I don't see the happy girl who would go fishing with her dad. Or the girl who would play fight John b pushing each other into the water in the marsh. Or the girl who would smoke joints with JJ on the hammock after school.

That girls gone.

She sunk with the boat. When the storm took the boat it took her with it. Now what's left is a shell. A hollow body. Empty.

Tears stream down my face. My cheeks are red and puffy from crying. My lips are swollen and red. I can barley recognize myself. I strip down into my bra and underwear as I move away from the mirror.

Your fault

He's dead because of you

All your fault

Those words keep replaying through my mind. My fault. It's my fault. My brothers gone because of me. I lower myself into the bathtub. The hot water burns my skin as I sit down. My arms stay gripping the sides of the tub as more sobs escape my lips.

I slowly push myself down. Water goes to my chest. Then my neck. Slowly it goes over my mouth. And finally my head. My body fully emerged into the water. I hold myself under.

30 seconds

A million of thoughts run through my head. Everything that has happened over the last year.

1 minute

I think about John b. If I never let him on that boat he would still be here.

2 minutes

I think of JJ. About how much better he would be without me here. I hurt him and I don't deserve him.
As I approach 3 minutes the room started to go black. All of my senses started to drift. My tight grip on the bathtub loosens.

My lungs scream for air. They burn as I keep myself down. My grip on the sides of the tub retighten as I keep myself down. My knuckles turn white from the tight grip.

Once again things start to go dark. My lungs beg me to breath. To inhale air. But I refuse. Instead I start to let go of all my senses. My body wants to inhale and this time I don't fight it.

3 minutes

JJ's pov-

Pope, Kie and I hop out of her Jeep. We're at the chateau for another one of our party nights. Which at this point is basically every night. Topper pull up around the same time we do. He walks up to me. We do the handshake before starting to walk onto the porch.

A sense of dread washes over me but I brush it off and join back into the conversation. Topper said a joke that I didn't really hear but I laugh along as we enter the house. Kie walks in first. Topper and I are still on the porch when Kie and Pope freeze.

"What happened?" Kiera's voice is covered in concern. I shove past them to see. My heart rate increases as I walk into the chateau. Glass was shattered all Over the floor. Broken picture frames were strewn about. My eyes look around the room frantically.

"Where's Maddi? Is she home?" I ask to Topper.

"She's supposed to be" Toppers eyes widen as he looks at the mess. We all start looking around the house. I go to the office yelling a strings of Maddi's as I slam the door shut.

"JJ! Topper! She's in here!" Pope shouts urgently. We both rush over to the door him and Kie were standing in front of. The bathroom door was shut. As I approached I noticed water coming out the bottom of the door.

"Maddi? Come out please?" Kie pleaded. There was no reply. I shove past them all. And start banging on the door. My heartbeats in my ears as I jiggle the doorknob trying to get in.

"Maddi! Hey Maddi! It's JJ. Just come out please" I beg banging on the door again. I hear the water running into the bath but no Maddi.

"Back up" I say. They all look at me "back up! Back up!" I urge. They all do as I say this time. I back up a little and slam my arm into the door. It doesn't budge. I do it again a little harder. This time the door bust open. Wood splinters fly everywhere.

When I look into the bathroom my heart shatters. I see Maddi complete submerged under the water. Her skin pale, lips blue. Her hands were on the side of the bath to hold herself down. I quickly run over to the bath and pull her lifeless body up. Tears fill my eyes seeing her like this. So broken. I sat her beside the bathtub on the floor. I bent down and pressed my ear to her chest.

"She's not breathing"

This chapter made me so sad to write. If you ever feel like you aren't enough know you are. You have a place in this world💖

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