Same as Usual (Pit x Link)

By SandwichLayers

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Pit Icarus has lived his entire life as the bad kid, the demon child. Not to mention that living the past thr... More

You know the name
That's not who I am
You help
The mess he's made
The color blue
Last night
The morning after
Quit stalling
Dark's P.O.V.
A/N 2: A slight teaser
Another night of hell
Start looking up
Roy's P.O.V.
Really Family
Lucina and Marth
Before the storm
Morning drizzle
Yet another A/N (i'm sorry)
Just a sprinkle of rain
light storm
The wind is howling
The thunder before the lightning
The flooding makes room for all
Tears fall harder than raindrops
Wind cuts through the heart
It all comes crashing down
Everything quiets down
Questions need answers
It's okay to be okay
some things never change
Law & Order
mourning thoughts
Robin's P.O.V.
Familiar faces in worn-out places
What it means to be a brother
Life's just one huge bowl of Eggplant Stew
Just let me explain
Short and feisty, like a weed
Saturday 2.0
There's something wrong here..
Drunk words may just be sober thoughts
The end of an era...

Again: That's not who I am

139 4 3
By SandwichLayers

Pit's P.O.V. 

I don't quite remember falling asleep, but I don't think my head is supposed to hurt this much when I wake up. Good news is that I didn't really feel sick any more though. Honestly, it's becoming way too normal in my life and I am super fed up with it by now... 

wait a minute.. 

This isn't my bedroom. 

I lift my head up and look around before I'm taken aback from the sight of tubes in my arms!? "Where the fuck am I?" I feel someone touch me and I'm about to shove them away until Roy grabs my hand and I can see the tears rolling down his face. "Are you awake? Is this real, are you awake?" He asks in the calmest voice I've ever heard him have before as I'm sat here just trying to find an appropriate response. 

"Yes..?" I shrug like a dumbass. Okay, maybe I should be a little more emotional to match the vibe of Roy trying to hold his tears in by biting his lip but in all honestly there's a layer of sweat making my usually spiky hair stick to my forehead and I feel so disgusting, I want to get up right now. 

Arms reach to hold me by my neck and I feel Roy start to cry so uncomfortably close to my face. "Pit, you're such a dumbass." He sniffles, in my fucking face might I add. Ew. But I try to squirm out of his death grip before there's like a clicking sound or something and the door that's like a couple feet away from us opens. 

Roy shoots his head up and let's go of me to reveal Dark and Marth entering in through said doorway. The two looked fine at first, but the second they saw me I swear they were worse off than Roy was. "Pit..." My brother broke down and sobbed and before I could get up and comfort him he was already beside me with Marth on his tail. 

"What's wrong?" I tried to get one of them to talk to me but they wouldn't budge, "Guys?" I glanced at the worry in their faces before Roy was right beside me. 

"It's not good..." Roy bites his lip like he wants to say more, but before he continues I grab onto his shoulder with my other hand, the one not connected to wires and stuff, and look him dead in the eyes. "Tell me why I'm in the hospital.. please..."  "You're in the hospital because you were coughing up blood, Pit." Dark jumps in and I see the other two's faces pale at the mention of before. 

Blood? Why was I coughing up blood?? 

I opened my mouth to ask more, but then the door opened. "Mrs. Palutena!" I smiled, I thought the green haired lady might at least be happy to see I'm alive, but the second she saw me she dropped the car keys she had in her hands and started crying. "Icarus..." I internally cringe at the use of my first name as she approaches me slowly. Her hands are out and when she goes to grab my face I notice she's shaking, it almost feels as if she thinks I'm so fragile. The touch of her hands on my cheeks makes me feel as if I'm made of glass to her... 

"You're awake..?" "I'm awake Mrs. Palutena, don't cry." 

But she kept crying, her arms wrapped behind my back and neck, she was clinging to me as if I was her actual child. All I could hear at this point were Palutena's soft cry's of how terribly they missed me, how worried she was, how long I was out..  Wait, a minute. 

"7 days!?" My voice is louder than I intended but the initial shock I'm feeling is taking over. "I was unconscious for 7 days!!" 

Both Mrs. Palutena and my brother's faces seem more hurt the longer I talk. I feel bad. They were probably beyond worried and I just continue to rub salt in the metaphorical wound. 

I didn't really occur to me when, but at one point of them talking at me I simply let out a groan and laid back a bit. Why are my bones so sore??? Honestly, who knows? 

A doctor was flagged into the room and they did a super thorough check with lots of invasive feeling questions (only after everyone, excluding Mrs. Palutena, was asked to leave the room). Though I really should be paying more attention, the doctor's questions were getting way more complex than they were before. "I take it you wouldn't remember our first encounter, hm? Icarus?" yiKes, I have got to change that dorky first name of mine...

I shake my head and give a small. "No, sorry." 

"That's quite alright." The doctor doesn't voice it, but it feels like there's meant to be a laugh at the end of that statement. It's a little present in the eyes of the medical professional that's smiling at me. "My name is Dr. Joy, I've been the doctor watching over you while you've been admitted here for the past few days. We spoke only a few days ago though I didn't expect you'd remember seeing as you were on quite a bit of pain medication at the time." I nod my head up and down slowly as a hazy memory began to reach my brain. 

Right, I do remember Dr. Joy.... I remember she talks too much, that's about it. 

"Do you remember your diagnosis?" Another sentence I barely catch leaves the doctor's mouth before it dawns on me. Diagnosis? I shake my head once again. Maybe I would've answered verbally if it weren't for the tinge of despair I just about noticed in Mrs. Palutena's eyes. 

... when the doctor opens her mouth again I feel my heart shatter to pieces and something I haven't felt in a long while comes back again. Not that. Oh dear god, anything but this— Why? Why??

"–I'm afraid this condition is a form of genetic mutation, your brother has also been tested for the gene that causes it but we couldn't find a single trace. It seems his traits of albinism preoccupied any place where we've previously been able to locate this specific gene, but yours still must have come from somewhere. I'm sorry to ask this of you but do you know anyone in your bloodline who may have had, or still to this day, has this condition as well.. ?" 

The bones I previously complained about feeling sore now felt thicker and heavier than before. I spoke to answer the Doctor's question but the words felt so hot on my tongue, it felt like my entire mouth was full. The last couple of years flash by my eyes and I hate what I see. 

This again? In my life, again? That's the whole reason I became who I was, who I am.. I let this control me so terribly it changed my entire life... 


Why can't I just be left alone? 

"Hello, is everything alright?" 

I hate everything about this... about me.. 

"Are you okay? If you don't have an answer to the question it's quite alright.." 

answer the question

"My mother." 

My answer is met with a deafening silence. 

"My mother used to have it." 

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