Get It Right | Kim Seungmin

By _seungmini_

162K 5.6K 5.5K

[ COMPLETED ] Group: Stray Kids Song Minju and her clan of eight best friends get sent to help out a staff-la... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Epilogue : Part One
Epilogue : Part Two
Bonus Chapter (1)
Bonus Chapter (2)
i'm alive
hey hey

Chapter 46

1.5K 61 25
By _seungmini_

"I'm not your boss, Lix. We're good friends," Seonghwa reminds him, patting the boy on his back as they walked side-by-side down the road.

Seonghwa had invited you all to dinner at a restaurant not too far from the house. He said it was one of the best rib places he's ever been to. And you trusted him, having seen his spectacular taste in food when he took you out to that lunch.

You know, that lunch that got you in trouble?

Yeah, that lunch.

That lunch.

Where am I leading to?

I don't really know, you tell me.

Now, you were sat around a table in the balcony of the restaurant. The place was packed with hungry groups, and you mentally drooled just from the sight of their plates.

You scanned through the menu, checking out what seemed nice when Seungmin, who sat beside you, tapped you on the shoulder.

"The pork chops are really good," he tells you, almost in a whisper.

"You know this place?"

"Yeah. I've lived here before."

"And you still remember this place?"


"And you tell me to order pork chops in a ribs place?"


"Sounds about right."


You all got home from the dinner pretty exhausted as it was close to midnight. The dinner was nothing special, and Soenghwa only wanted to do some catching up with you guys. Although the rest were tired, you were feeling excited. You couldn't forget the deal you made with Changbin earlier, and you were definitely looking forward to it.

Frankly, Changbin looked a little worn out himself, and you suggested to postpone the meeting seeing his state, but he insisted on doing it today, only wanting to finish the track.

You had already told Seungmin earlier that you were going out with Changbin, and he obviously had no complaints about it. He simply reminded you to always keep track of time and make sure no one follows behind you, worried because a girl out in the middle of the night isn't really something to be calm about. But he laid his trust on Changbin, knowing fully well that the older would never let even a tree branch touch your hair.

So now, you were in the park with Chnagbin, and it was pitch black, the only thing shining light is Changbin's laptop screen.

You sat beside him on a park table, scooting closer as the wide and empty roads kind of creeped you out. Of course, Changbin himself made sure you were safe with him, the tension form earlier that day seeming to have started rubbing off.

Quietly watching as he wrote some lyrics down on a notepad, you admired the meaningful and relatable message it portrayed.

Occasionally, he'd ask you to help him come up with more ideas, in which, you gladly helped him. As if a burden's been lifted off of your shoulders, the 'feud' between you and Changbin was now completely gone, and he was back to being his normal self in front of you.

Every once in a while, he'd stir up a joke, making your laugh echo through the empty park, and he only smiled along. You treasured this moment, having your best friend act the way he usually did around you again.

As he continued to write about how no one could ever understand this forbidden feeling he felt, he suddenly stopped, thinking hardly about something in his head before turning to you.

"You want to sing this part for me?" He asks, pointing to the bridge of the song.


"This part. I think it'll suit you really well," he says, sliding over the notepad in front of you.

"But I don't sing."

"Who said? You sing in your room all the time," he counters and chuckles.

Excuse me, what.

"We can hear you from outside, Minju," he adds, worsening your already flustered state.

You were caught speechless. Changbin's offer was something you wouldn't expect in this very lifetime. It wasn't like he was going to release it and the world would hear your voice, but you were still embarrassed. It was always only the three of them (Chris, Jisung, and Changbin himself) singing and rapping, adding you to the bunch just felt off and unusual.

But before you could even deny the offer one more time (crushing the boy's heart), you two heard a voice that called out both your names from afar. As you looked back in search of the owner, you eyes landed on Chris, standing by the entrance gates of the park.

"What are you guys doing here in the middle of the night?" He asks as he approaches you two.

"I could say the same about him," you speak under your breath, only meant for Changbin to hear.

"Yeah, but we all know he's never really happy when it's time to nappy," he answers back, just in time before Chris nears you two.

"Writing a song, Bin?"

Changbin slowly nods his head. "Want to help?"

Chris shrugged, taking a seat in front of Changbin.

"See, Minju doesn't want to sing this part for me. Can you?"

And so Chris complied, recording right after having Changbin demonstrate how the tune went. But as you listened to Chris sing, you noticed how his expression changed as he continued to sing every word, soon ending in a reaction incomprehensible to you.

Slowly as he took the earphones off, he looked at Changbin, as if speaking to him telepathically. Chris stared at him weirdly, and Changbin seemed to have been flustered as his eyes suddenly grew wide. You couldn't understand what really was going on, but you sensed the awkwardness between the two as Changbin's face hid beneath a blush that his screen made obvious.

"It's a nice love song, isn't it, Chris?" You try to cool down the heat, but again, no one speaks.

They continued to stare each other down, and you, being determined, speak up again.

"You seem like you know who it's about, Chris. Is there something you two have been hiding from me?" You joke and as expected, you were ignored.

Then, without any warning, Changbin stood up, packing his things and wasting no time to leave the park.

Nothing but silence and Changbin's hasty footsteps followed after, and you couldn't comprehend what exactly was happening. As the light from his laptop slowly turned smaller as the boy ran farther, the night was once again dark and gloomy.

"W-What happened?" You hesitate to ask as Chris still seemed a little appalled.

But like earlier, he gave you no explanation, leaving you with anything but a desperate answer.

You chose to stay quiet, giving the boy time to process whatever he needed to. You yourself sat there uncomfortably, worried that it might've been something you had said that scared Changbin off.

"Minju, come on. Let's go home," Chris says after a while, getting up from his seat and grabbing your wrist, pulling you behind him as he sped through the way back home.

any guesses on why chris and changbin were acting that way?

i mean they really r a strange pair irl, but any clues on this?


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