Heaven On Hold | Peaky Blinde...

Por phenomenal1500

49.8K 1.3K 89

Everywhere people would go they would be told stories about an assassin roaming the streets of London under t... Más

The Wrong Encounter
The Other Side
The Birthday Present
Arms Around You
Up All Night
Me Emborrachare
The Burning Desire
The Moonlight
Strangers To Lovers
Don't F Around
My Betraying Love
I Want To Runaway
A Breakable Fall (End Of Season 2) | Part 1
A Breakable Fall (End Of Season 2) | Part 2
A New Beginning Of An Old Ending
Starting A Fire
The Strange Guest
The Wandering Jew
Nothing Better Than Two
The Massive Amount
Never Lose Sight
Why Did We Lose Him
Everything Goes Wrong
Not Breaking This Time
His Life Or His Death
Way Down We Go
No Ordinary Life
An Important Loss
Those Fucking Bastards
Our Way As Heathens
What Ambition Might That Be?
Legends Are Made
Back Downtown
Don't Kill The Fun
I Missed You
Whatever Side She's On
Possible Betrayal
What A Gentleman | Part 1
What A Gentleman | Part 2
Goodbye Tommy
Stop Shooting Seagulls

He's A Devil

2K 56 7
Por phenomenal1500

"Than you ar-.."

"Probably your sister." I smiled at his face and nodded.

"My names Michael."

"I know, mine is Rioney."

He grabbed me by the shoulders and shook me back and forth. His eyes lit up and stared with full happiness at me. I stepped foot inside of the tiny but cozy house and Michael closed the door softly behind us. I saw my mother sit behind a table and looked at both of us.



Michael had sat down on the chair next to my mother and looked shocked when Arthur and John kicked open the door.

"Get out of town or I will shoot your fucking head off!"

"Times up!" Arthur imitated a gun firing and John stepped out of his role staring at Michael and me.

"You're dead. Go down. John!"

"I never thought grown men could play little boys games. Seems like your aren't that grown up after all. Right? Aye, little nephews of me."

"Oh Rioney shut up."

Arthur smiled at me while suddenly realizing Michael was in the house. Michael had jumped up out of shock and slowly Tommy stepped towards us. John and Arthur had returned their guns to where they should have been and rubbed the back of their necks, clearly embarrassed of what they had done in front of an unknown yet familiar person.

"All right then, Polly. Who's this?"

"Gentlemen? This is your cousin. Polly's son, Michael."

Arthur closed his eyes and noticed his mistake. His mouth fell open as well as John his mouth. I couldn't help, but laugh at the two fools and their faces. Though, Michael tried to lighten up the mood and stepped forward to lift his hand. Arthur took it and shook Michael's hand before Michael leaned over the table to shake John's hand as well.

"Pleased to meet you."


"I'm Arthur. You've met me. I used to throw you out of the window so John could catch you."

"I used to put you in a shoe box and kick you down Watery Lane."

"I bet you're glad to be back." Michael turned around and faced Tommy, laughing and answering to Tommy's sarcastic comment.

"I don't remember any of it. All I remember is the day they took me away."

Hearing that, my mother hurriedly walked towards my brother, cupping his cheeks as she did so. They locked gazes till she pulled him into a tight hug. John and Arthur looked at me like they took a bigger liking towards my coldness than all the emotions and found themselves rather uncomfortable into the room with my brother. I placed my finger before my mouth, shaking my head as I did so. Not wanting to make them a comment about my work or life style.

"Well you're here now, son. Welcome to the Shelby family-.."

Arthur stared at me and had cut off Tommy. "Later we'll show you the ropes."

"Yeah we'll show you what's what."

Tommy shook his head slightly, removing his hand from Michael's shoulder as he took a few steps back. I on the other hand had lost the interest and started to look around the place. It wasn't that wrong. Sure, it had a lack of silent and the lock of the door was to easy for lock pickers or thiefs like me, but it looked pretty beautiful from the inside.

"Let's leave him be for now, aye? Come on boys, Rioney."

I nodded and tapped my brother on the shoulder. I leaned into his ear and smiled while silently speaking to him.

"Man, ya gonna love this family."

With my lips curled into a big smirk I walked as last of the four of us away from my mother and brother.

"Nice suit."

My mother seemed really happy having my brother in her life as well and finally had a big smile on her face. Just, it still bothered me that I didn't know what my mother was doing last night, but that was none of my business. I tried to give up the thought and stomped out of the back door just like Tommy and the two other fools and left with the cars.




"NEXT LAD!!" I stepped inside of the office and saw a interesting and handsome man sitting on the chair behind the desk. His face expression was focused yet their was no patience in the man. His beard grew over a scar on his right jaw to his cheek and his hair was wildly pulled to the back. His clothing was normal for a 'bakery' worker or as he his real identity says: a gang leader and his muscular features were secretly visible through his shirt.


His voice sounded impatient and annoyed and he dropped his papers looking at me, slightly gasping at the view before him. I noticed that I stared into the man's eyes and coughed a little to pull me out of my female desires.

"Rioney Gray."

"Me beautiful lady, ye know this ain't a real bakery, aye, right?"

His voice had been sweet and the anger disappeared in an instant. His body started to relax and placed his hands on the chair leanings to push himself up. He slowly stood up and leaned over his chair sipping from his 'bread'. I felt my face glow up and lowered my head.

"I sure do know what your men are doin' here, I myself ain't a saint either."

I, blushing and trying to hide it, approached the man in front of me with him still leaning over the chair and I caught myself it wasn't for business, I just wanted to see the man from a closer angle. No matter what movement he made I couldn't help myself and was fascinated by every last thing. The way he glanced down at me just brought me chills down my spine and the hair of my neck stood upright as well. I wanted to know him better, but for now it wasn't the best thing to do, there wasn't much time and I had to stay focused.

"All right, sweetheart, may I ask your profession?"

"Head baker."

"All right, all right. How long will you be staying?"

"As long as you need me."

fuck, why? That was the most two sided respond I ever made. I smiled slightly at him, trying to cover it up and he just nodded while retreating his arms from the chair, pushing himself passed his co worker just to be a few inches away from me. Teasing me, knowing himself that I kinda took a liking to the man.

"Fine.. sweetheart, fill it out and I will see you around."

I could feel his hot breath in my neck and my heart was beating against my chest, afraid it would break my ribs and afraid the whole world could hear it, I lost my ability to speak and just hummed at the man before me.


He handed me the paper and placed a hand on my lower back to escort me back out.I almost stumbled over a pair of books as I tried to walk away without looking back, but happily eventually got away without anything embarrassing happening. I roamed through the bakery and after walking around a few corners, I spotted Tommy and noticed he was laughing at me.


"I see you met Mr. Solomons."

Did he saw the scene with me and Mr. Solomons? But seriously, if Tommy had seen it, who else had seen it. I lifted up my hand to rub my temples and shook my head.

"How do you know?"

"Well, not a minute ago. You were glowing red roaming through the bakery and as I look down I see the paper in your hand."

I rolled my eyes and sat down onto one of the barrels.

"Was it that obvious.... you better don't tell anyone."

"I won't, though, be careful with a gang leader. That is all what I'm saying for now."

He handed me a cigarette, but I shook my head still making clear that I don't smoke. He nodded again and lit up another cigarette. Sometimes I couldn't keep up counting how much cigarettes people smoked in my surroundings.


"Keep yourself together, you'll be standing between me and Mr. Solomons." I swallowed before nodding and walked behind Tommy to find the assemble room.



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