The Moonlight

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"They all just suit you, for tomorrow I'll see which one sounds the best, oh... right me name is Alfie, mmhuh."

"Alfie, well, you already know mine and or else you have your own names for me."

He leaned over to feel his beard tickling on my jaw, before feeling him placing a kiss on my cheek. My breath hitched inside of my throat and my heart stopped beating for a few seconds. He smiled at my reaction and threw open the door to leave the assemble room, leaving me with my stupid girly desires, stuck without anyone to reduce them. This was going to be a rough 'as long as you need me.'


I was escorted into his office and I had locked the door behind me, Alfie had giving me the key as he had a spare key so he didn't mind handing me the first one. With my clothing from this day, I laid down onto the sofa standing in the back and filled a glass with whiskey he had hidden in his drawer. Slowly, my hand went to my cheek as I thought of the kiss he had placed on it when he had left the room, leaving me with a red, glowing face. I started to grow tired as I fell my eyelids go heavy and my way of thinking slowed down. I drank up the whiskey in a second and laid back onto the sofa. I closed my eyes and smiled to myself as I drifted to sleep.


Shocked, I jumped from the sofa as the door was being opened. My heart heated into my chest and I grabbed my knife from my coat hanging over the desk. As soon as the door was opened, I, with full focus, threw it into the line of were the intruder was standing. I looked at the man who looked at me standing frozen on the ground. His stern eyes looked at me with an impressed look on his face and pulled out the knife from the door beside him. Alfie Solomons. What the fuck was he doing here? He told me nobody was supposed to be around here not even him in the night while the moon was at its brightest.

He pressed the knife onto his desk and shook his head, keeping his eyes on mine. I felt like he could see right through me, feeling every emotion I felt at this particular moment in time. Fuck, what was he doing here? He grabbed the flat piece of his head and pulled it off his head, laying it onto the desk as well. I never thought anybody could stare that intimidating as he was doing right now. With slow steps he walked towards me, pulling of his coat and throwing it over his chair. He held his chin high as he had set another step towards the sofa I was on.

"You mind if I show you something?"

He held out his hand and I hesitated, I was here for work after all. I breathed in and nodded, taking his hand in mine. He pulled me from the sofa and I stumbled into him. Luckily he caught me and placed me upright. I thanked him, rubbing the back of my neck in embarrassment and I followed him with my hand tangled up in his. We walked through the room all the men were sleeping in and made our way to the back of the 'bakery' and that's where I saw it. The beautiful moonlight falling over the city, lighting it up, creating a bright glow over the buildings.

He pulled me away from the window and rolled up the security door, seeing a big balcony, with even a better view than that the window gave me. I could feel the cold breeze tickle my cheeks and I blushed slightly while breathing in the cold, fresh air. I could feel the gaze of Alfie on my back and I turned around. Smiling up at him as he shifted his body to next to mine, instead of standing behind me he stood next to me now. Suddenly, I could feel a warm feeling holding my own hand again and glanced down as I saw Alfie slid his hand in mine, fingers tangled up with each other, a warm smile on his face.

"Why did you brought me here?"

"To show you how I see you in me eyes."

I froze at his response to my question. I had never heard anything so sweet as what he had said. Normally it was about my status or name, just to get me in bed. Though this man, a gangster, was so different than them. He was sweet, yet so tough, so patient, yet so impatient, a listener, yet a leader. This man was everything, but just in one complex man, I desperately wanted to know better. He squeezed into my hand before pulling me towards him. With full speed I thought I would fall against the pole behind me, but he softly caught me before I slammed into the pole and pushed me against it.

He looked me in the eyes and waited for me to make any sign I wanted to try it and there it was me nodding at him before biting my lip. He understood my sign immediately and crashed his lips onto mine, making out against the pole, he slid his tongue in as my hand sneaked up to his shoulders and further to his neck. His arms held onto my waist as I stood on my toes to kiss the man deeper. Slowly his hand went down, and pushed me even further into him, now the gap was so small that I believe even air couldn't get between us anymore.

I was pulled out of my imagination because of the lack of air I suffered and I had to pull away, he had to as well. We stared at each other while we locked gazes, stars in his eyes and a red, bright glow on my face of maybe the lack of air or maybe the blushing. I couldn't care less. Our hands locked together again and we both smiled at each other as his forehead leaned against mine. It was a delightful feeling we both shared before we stepped onto the balcony together and stared into the night. My head leaning safely against his shoulder and his hand on my hip with the moonlight beautifully lighting up the man.


Clothing: Same clothing.

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