Why Did We Lose Him

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"Oh, little boy."

"So lovely to see a man willing to hold his child in public."

They had made a picture together with horse the women gave the two and suddenly he watched the room in concern as did I. Charlie was nowhere to be seen and fuck, something bad had happened.

"Where's Charles, Ada?"


"I gave him to you."

"Where is he?" Immediately Tommy tried to hide his panic, but he failed and the fear filled his eyes.

"I don't know."

"Boys. Have you seen Charlie?"

"Ehh... I don't know. He is playing, ain't he?" Arthur spoke up to him, not knowing what happened and what he meant.

"Pol, where's Charlie?" He questioned my mom, but neither did my mother know where his son was. Running through the room with concern, he asked almost everyone if they had seen Charlie, though no one knew. "Back door. Kitchen. Get to Blake Street where the cars are!!" He gave everyone a job to fulfill and gave them a location to search for his son while he almost wanted to leave himself too.

"Tommy!!" I screamed, hoping he would hear me.

"Rio?!" He quickly jerked his head back to see me and walked with speed up up to me.

"I saw a nurse take him through the back door."

"FUCK!!" He grabbed me by my upper arms and shook me back and forth. "What nurse!!"

"I don't know, brown hair in a bun. White dress. That's all I could see."

"Search the building." Tommy pointed out at me and I nodded, quickly starting to examine every room I could. Opening every door, watching every corner. Nothing, nothing... no Charlie. Meanwhile, I crossed paths with Tommy again as he tried to open locked doors by shoulder bumping into them. I had never seen him this stressed and it was horrible to see the man so defeated. With rage he yelled when the last door was locked as well and he turned around, spotting me at the end of the hallway. He tried to walk past me and I grabbed his wrist, seeing the glare filled with fear again. I embraced him and together we ran outside, searching the streets.

"CHARLIE!!! CHARLIE!!!" Tommy suddenly threw up from the flame of stress inside him and in the distance I could hear John yell for Charlie.


Tommy had stopped throwing up when he heard John too and with a fast pace he walked to the side John was standing after wiping his mouth with his sleeve.

"John! Where is he?"

"John!!" Arthur screamed for John as well from the other side.


"Go find Moss."

"Arthur, where is he?"

"Junctions, block them all off."

"Where is he? Tell me." Arthur had grabbed Tommy by his shoulders, trying to calm him down as I just stood there, uncomfortable, not knowing what to feel or do.

"Someone took him. LISTEN TO ME!! They put him in a car!! They put him in a car and drove south! We've got road blocks, we've got spotters. I'll setup shop and put every man we have got on the junctions between here and Maypole."

"Right. You do that."

"You gotta go to the office."

"Yeah." Arthur pointed to his head as he pulled him a little closer to comfort him.

"You gotta sit by the phone. Whoever took him is going to call!"

"POLLY!!" Tommy yelled while I blended in to the group of searching people, trying to find cars that had left their spots. All the cars still stood on its place except one empty spot that caught my eye very quickly. A black car had stood there when I walked into the orphanage, but was now disappeared the moment I walked out of the building. I couldn't memorize the brand of the car, but I knew it was a black long car. Running back to Tommy and the rest, I shook my head. Signing I couldn't find the one who took Charlie and Charlie himself. The more I heard Charlie had disappeared the more it started to hit me he was truly taken away from us while we were with him. It felt like I failed in protecting him.

"Lets go, Pol! Rioney!"

I hopped into my own car before driving off to the office behind the car of Tommy and Pol, hoping Arthur would be right and the kidnapper would call us.


"I need Michael at the Maypole junction. We need Moss to block all the roads south." Tommy stated as he grabbed the phone standing onto the secretary desk. Give me Moss. Gone where?" He reacted to the phone and threw him across the office when he heard he wasn't there. He didn't waste time and walked away afterwards immediately.


"It's them."


"It's fucking them."

"Look. It might just be some random woman. You know, sometimes woman go mad..."

"No, it's them." Tommy kept repeating the same line as I tried to fix the phone when I knew what he meant out of a sudden.

"Did you break the phone?" Tommy kneeled down, rubbing his eyes with his hands as my mother and I picked up the phone and checked if he was still useable.

"You broke the phone.... it's alright, we have got another phone." The door opened in the background and I with speed movement grabbed one of my knives in case it was one of them. Nobody walked in when eventually Ada stepped inside and my mother signed to me I could lower the blade in my hand.



"There's someone outside. A priest."

"Stay here, Pol. Stay here. Don't do anything. Rioney, to the roof, go. If they kill me, kill them."

Quickly I went to the upper floor, hoping they had a balcony to go up with, but they hadn't and the stones of the walls of the building became slippery. Climbing to the top, I almost slipped myself and hoped I could pull myself right on time. I rushed to the other side of the building and watched Tommy standing by the car window.

"We have your son."

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