Way Down We Go

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"It'll be very bad for business." I confirmed.

"Michael, go and call inspector Moss. Tell him it's Palmer. Rioney, stay." I didn't know what to do in the situation and just listened to what the man told me to. Michael had did the same and walked to the car they had brought here. "Well said Alfie. Well said." The man ahead of me groaned and coughed before looking away.

"I did not know about your boy, though."

"I know. I saw."


"I was uhh.... this morning I was out on the road with me sister and Tommy. I killed a man. I was all he had, Rioney, was in shock by Mr. Solomons."

"What did he give you?" Arthur stepped closer and Michael showed the gun to Arthur and John while I had sat down a distance away from them. I was happy Alfie was still alive, but he had done a stupid act even though it wasn't to harm us that badly. I missed him, I couldn't lie and I didn't know if I was aloud to go to him in this moment. Everything was going wrong and good and I had some business to deal with here, only, Tommy still hasn't said what kind of business I had to put my sights on.

"He said it's good for close range."

"You're better with my Smith&Wesson."

"No, no, this is mine now. Feels part of me hand." Michael confirmed with a weird tone of speaking, he had changed after the kill and we all knew it.

"Where'd you hit him?"

"I hit him in the side of his head."

"How was you when he went down?"

"Tommy said I did all right." He responded with a cold look in his eyes and it reminded me of myself when I was trained by my master. I hated him, but I also loved him as a father and I missed his wise lessons very much. He taught me much and I was grateful for that. Then, something that did caught my attention was being said and my thoughts were wiped out of my head when I heard the sentence.

"This is where we think Charles is being held." John showed Michael the paper and I immediately got up, approaching the three men afterwards.

"They're not expecting nobody, so you should be alone." Arthur stated and I shook my head while disagreeing, but I did stayed silence and watched the location. "There's two good men there. You do what they say."

"But I fire the bullet. All right?"

"Yes, you can be there. But it's better if they do it. See, they are experienced men, Michael. When you're sure the kid's safe, you call Finn."

"All right." Michael changed the way he was looking and shared a look with me, nodding at me and I suddenly spotted a tear running down his face. I smiled sweetly before, without him probably wanting it, pulling him into an embrace. Patting him on the shoulder, I quickly had let go and I could see he needed it the way he thanked me.

"Come on, boys."


"This locomotive couples in 15 minutes. If we don't hear word by 10:00, we blow it up."

"There's men on board, Arthur."

"Yeah. Six men on board, Charlie. Driver, stoker, and four men I handpicked myself. Me and John picked those men. It is me and John who will pull the switch. The rest of you men can go home." Arthur took a big sip from his hip flask and I softly inhaled with my eyes closed. Tommy was digging the shit to the Russian jewelry, Arthur and John would blow up a fucking train sooner or later and Michael will kill the priest because he's stubborn and will probably do it himself. And I, I can fucking go home, what an amazing job.


Walking inside the office, immediately Ada and my mother ran down the stairs to see if I was Tommy and Charlie, but I wasn't of course. Though, they did seem happy when I walked inside and I greeted them both. "Everything is going as planned...." I started to fidget on my clothing and my mother looked curiously at me, knowing something bothered me. "Mom? I will go home when this is all over. I love someone and I.... I just want to go home."

Her eyes lit up at the sound of me loving someone and I sighed, somehow feeling the question burn on the tip of her tongue.


"It's better if you don't know, mom." I patted her shoulder and sat down onto the table. I didn't want to block any more questions from her so I hoped she would let it slip and forget it. And I had to say that happened quickly when Tommy walked in with an crying Charlie. Immediately Ada grabbed the little crying boy and the two women where as happy as a kid buying candy. I on the other hand just smiled at the scene and felt a hot tear running down my cheek. Michael afterwards stepped inside and it looked like he wasn't alive anymore, he didn't blink nor make a sound. He just stood there, tears botteling up in the corner of his eyes and staring at the wall.

My mother had noticed it too and leaned with her forehead against his jaw, trying to comfort my brother who had killed his enemy in cold blood. He had excepted the feeling of comfort for awhile, but quickly walked away to my side to completely ignore me and walk off to another room.

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