My Betraying Love

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"As long as you do your job, which you do I know that, everything is fine. Just-.... I don't think your mother would like the news."

"I'm a grown up woman, who said me mother needs to hear about this so soon?"

"Your call. But know this. How longer you stay here, how faster she will notice you aren't only here to supervise and kill. Oh... and your brother turned 18."


In full silence, Tommy drove me back to the 'bakery' and Alfie, himself, actually was the one to open the door for us, dropping his hand from the door handle to his body when he noticed it was Tommy standing next to me with a wide smile on his face.

"Be careful with her, aye?"

"Right.... Rio?" Alfie grabbed my arm and pulled me inside. Still nodding at Tommy, Alfie closed the door behind my back so that Tommy was out of sight again and was not able to hear us.

"How did he find out?"

"He caught us."

"He caught us? Like in sex?"


"Fookin' hell."

Out of a sudden, Ollie cut off our conversation by screaming from the other side of the 'bakery'.


My head shot towards Alfie and he shrugged at me in respond. He left me standing where I stood and step for step he walked towards Ollie. They whispered some things when eventually Alfie stepped towards me again.


"It's Sabini-..." a small, silent moment followed before I broke it.


"I don't know, he gave up. I want you on that table, understood?"

"Of course. Though, Alfie no matter what, remember you have a alliance with me and Tommy."

"I know and I will remember, promised.... All right, come one."

I walked through the 'bakery' behind Alfie before the doors where being opened by two men, seeing Sabini and his men with a Italian flag in their hands and a white in the others. Alfie had nodded and brought them literally bread this time as Sabini, afterwards taking the bread from Alfie, kissed his cheekbones three times, starting from Alfie's right. I found it too suspicious, but also couldn't hide a smile when Alfie found it rather uncomfortable being cheek kissed by the Italian, well, I knew he was uncomfortable even though he didn't show it towards the Italian men.


"Did you know they were going to take the Eden Club?"

"I know about the Eden Club. Yes."

"Did you know they were going to do it before they did it? Because that's the one who is in charge, isn't it? The one who knows it before it happens."

Alfie had folded his hands while nodding slightly before answering the Italian man. "I know what I know. If you don't know, then you don't fucking know, do you?"

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