His Life Or His Death

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"Three reasons. Reason one, by withholding a name that you most certainly know, you proven to me that you have done a deal with the Odd Fellows. It was you who told them about the tunnels. You who told them about the fucking deal with the Soviets. Reason two, the name of the man that you are withholding must be my enemy otherwise you wouldn't be protecting him. He is now a man I can use. Reason three, you have hurt my niece by betraying before, I won't let that happen again."


"Listen, sweetie, you can't take a man-...."

"You have them information in exchange for a share-..."

"Tommy, there were things in that treasury that god himself, he spoke to me. He said, 'Alfie, you are meant to have these things.'" Alfie rose his voice as he had cut off Tommy and Tommy shook his head while smiling.

"You crossed the line, Alfie." He hissed through his teeth and his eyes narrowed.

"You fucking what?"

"You crossed the line."

"The line?" Alfie started to act insane and I folded my hands before me, hoping he wouldn't get shot and Tommy wouldn't either. Alfie held my heart in his hands and he had clapped, but I knew his love was real and he hadn't used me, but... Tommy was right he had hurt me. Only, not that bad to want to see him bleeding out over this filthy floor. I could already see it before me and I had shook my head, removing the thoughts of him laying there, dead.

"THEY'RE USING MY BOY!!" Tommy yelled from the top of his lungs and the sentence kept repeating by the echo that was roaming through this shithole. "Did you fucking know?"

"Yeah, I knew, you know. But damned as I am, it made no fucking difference to me mate." I could hear in the tone Alfie spoke up with he lied, but Tommy couldn't care less, he saw red at the moment and anger had taken over his actions. Losing his gun as Alfie stepped towards him so Tommy had pushed Alfie onto the ground, chocking him instead. I gasped as I had climbed down, wanting to stop this madness before the other Jew suddenly took the wheel, pulling Tommy off of his boss. Right there at the moment Tommy was about to be slaughtered if it wasn't for my brother to come out of a sudden and shoot the Jew to his death, right through his head.

"Oh, for crying out loud. What the fuck is going on? Alfie annoyingly whined and stood up with his walking stick, noticing that Tommy had pointed a gun at him for the second time. "What is the matter with you, Tommy, eh? Eh? You got fucking angry, ain't you?!" He raised his voice again and stepped closer so there was no gap between the two anymore.



"TOMMY, I KNOW THIS BASTARD DESERVES IT!" My brother started to interfere and grabbed Tommy by the clothing around his neck. I must say a terrible headache was forming by all those man yelling at each other.


"Michael, Michael." Tommy tried to make Michael listen to him as Alfie started to talk, this time way more relaxed.

"Don't worry about that truce, kid, right, 'cause it fell apart. You got nothing to worry about when it comes to the old scary London boys." I shook my head.

"WHAT FUCKING SIDE ARE YOU ON, ALFIE!!" I screamed and Alfie backed off by my sudden reaction. I approached the two man and joined myself beside Tommy and Michael as I still raised my eyebrow to the man I loved.

"I do not give a fuck right now, sweetheart, right?!"

Alfie tried to confirm it to me as sweet as possible, but he couldn't hide the rage and continued the way he did before.

"I DO NOT WANT HIM TO SPARE ME BECAUSE OF SOME FUCKING PEACE PACT! I want him to acknowledge that his anger is un-fucking-justified! I want him to acknowledge that he who fights by the sword, he fucking dies by it, Tommy! So, what, they took your boy, did they, eh? They got your boy? AND WHAT FUCKING LINE AM I SUPPOSED TO HAVE CROSSED?! How many fathers, right, how many sons, yeah, have you cut, killed, murdered, fucking butchered, innocent and guilty, to send straight to fucking hell, ain't ya? JUST LIKE ME!"

I took in a deep breath, I knew what Alfie was doing, it was smart, but Tommy was so quiet that I could feel if the man was done he would still have that bullet through his head and this all was for nothing.

"Alf-...." I tried to stop him, but he hadn't even noticed me calling him.

"You fucking stand there, you judging me, stand there and talk to me about crossing some fucking line. If you pull that trigger, right, you pull that trigger for a fucking honorable reason. Like an honorable man, not like some fucking civilian that does not understand the wicked way of our world, mate."

"Look, Tommy, the killing of Alfie Solomons is not going to help." My brother watched me as his face expression turned into understanding.

"It'll be very bad for business." I confirmed.

"Michael, go and call inspector Moss. Tell him it's Palmer. Rioney, stay." I didn't know what to do in the situation and just listened to what the man told me to. Michael had did the same and walked to the car they had brought here. "Well said Alfie. Well said." The man ahead of me groaned and coughed before looking away.

"I did not know about your boy, though."

"I know. I saw."


Clothing: the same!

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