The Wandering Jew

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"Sing with us, please."

"Well, of course, for the married couple." I winked at Grace who stood a few meters away, saying it with a loud voice so she could hear me and walked onto the small podium decorated with a microphone and white curtains behind it. Out of nowhere the room grew quiet and I had to get used to all the attention again. Assassin and singer were totally the opposite things, one unknown, the other famous. It was hard switching all the time when I loved being both.


"Right..." Tommy sighed. "Where is Rioney?"

I knew who was behind the door in Tommy's office and in no circumstances I would enter it. Sneaking out of the hallway into the guest room, I let myself fall onto the soft, velvet-colored bed. Johnny screamed after me, only, in the tone in his voice I could notice he didn't know where I particularly was hiding. After a minute or 19, I could hear my door click and see the handle being pressed down.


"No..." I heard a sigh coming from Johnny as he watched me defeated. "Fine." Without my own will, I pulled myself off of the bed and strolled down the stairs, pushing the tall door open. Seeing the only man I had no need to cross paths with again. Regret was visible in his eyes, but I had nothing to do with him anymore. Though, somewhere, somewhere deep inside, I still cared for him. The last time I saw him he looked younger, more healthy. There was something in his way of acting and face expression that something was wrong, something wasn't right. Furrowing my eyebrows I sat in the corner. Nodding at Tommy he could begin, Alfie just staring at me.

"While I was in the hospital, I formulated a plan, and this is how it's gonna work. So, the Russians cannot be trusted to pay us. We are gonna take what is ours. We need to see what's in their treasury. And that's why we need Mr. Solomons."

After, every little detail was given to us, about how we would go into the house, how we would deal with the Russians, and how we get into their treasury. Only, the idea of having to work with Alfie, I don't know if that part would work out. I wasn't mad anymore, but I surely hadn't forgive him either. Johnny had looked at me weirdly, same as John and Arthur. All of them must have been unaware of my relationship with Alfie and that it had failed because of the betrayal, well, until now. It was good to see Arthur had already spoken to Alfie, but I wasn't planning to. That was until Alfie grabbed my wrist when I wanted to leave the room after the meeting.

"Sweetheart.... I c-...."

"Let me stop you there. First of all, I'm not your sweetheart anymore. Second of all, they may trust you, but I don't buy it anymore." I cut him off and a sharp pain hit my heart.

"Hey, don't tell me that's you talking, mm?"

"Just... leave me alone."

I yanked my wrist out of his solid grip, turning my back to him and roamed through the house, hoping I would lose him, only, everywhere I went he was always behind me.

"Rioney, wait! You can't blame me. Those men-...."

"Fuck off." Finally I was in a room I could lock and pushed the door closed, when I though I was safe, a foot was placed between the door before I could close it and he opened it with ease. Alfie stepped foot inside, throwing the door closed and locking it, putting the key of the big door in his pocket.

"Let me explain, give me 5 minutes. That's all I ask."

I signed to him he could proceed, I was tired to struggle and I had no where to go.

"They where me enemy, using them to win more territory and to stop the war-like fight, it felt like a smart idea. Eh? Wouldn't you do the same. You aren't as different as me, you would work for the highest bidder as well, you always will... Assassin."

"What we had meant something, well I thought so, betraying me family wasn't the best thing to do and that's why you're back. I would never accept a kill contract from the highest bidder if it was about me family which makes me different from you." Clenching my jaw, I caught the gangster walking towards me, closing the big distance that I had formed between him and me. Grabbing a hold of a pocket knife, I pointed it at him meant as a warning I would throw it if he would take a step closer.

"Rioney, please. Make me earn ya trust, let me see how I can be. Let me make you fall for me again. That is all I ask from ya, mm?"

"Well, you are asking a lot from me."

I lowered the knife, opening myself for him to come closer as he immediately did so when he got the sign. Enveloping me in his arms, I buried my face in his chest.

"I won't let you down. I promise, eh?"

He shook me back and forth in his embrace and I couldn't help but chuckle.

"They all say that."

"Yeah, yeah, but I'm the one that means it."


He had bend over a little, kissing my cheek before a warm smile welcomed his face. I smiled back, but gave him the 'if you lie, I will kill you' look. He just nodded in reply and the both of us had been embracing each other in a cozy cuddle for what felt like a hour straight. Without us knowing their was someone pounding onto the door to get in. Excusing ourselves we opened the door and gave the key to the maid who seemed to work in there. When the door had closed we both had bursted into laughter before sprinting to the first bedroom we could find.

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