What A Gentleman | Part 1

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"When you're going to visit Michael and are done with whatever your business is there.... Luca will follow you when you leave and he will come for your head, so be prepared." I hissed through my teeth, showing him the door afterwards. "Have a good day, Tommy." I spoke one last time before I slammed the door shut in front of his face.


Once the door was closed, I rotated myself and let my back slide down it so I was sitting on the cold stones with my back against the door.

How could he....?

"You don't seem okay at all, aye?" Alfie glared down at me and then clumsily worked himself down as well, taking a seat beside me. "He doesn't mean it that way.... he's just cautious."

"I left you for them, I did everything for them, and this is what I get in return? Distrust?" I laid my face on my knees, hiding the sadness, and I could feel the arms of Alfie gently wrap around me.

"You still have me." He joked, trying to lighten the mood. "What do you say about going home? That vendetta has nothing to do with you or me and that asshole, whether it's the Italian guy or Tommy, can write you when he needs you, right?"

"I would love that." I nodded and brought my head back up, laying it in the crook of his neck as I embraced him back.

"My car's at the front so get what you need and we'll leave Small Heath behind." I let go of the man and climbed to my feet, running upstairs with the gangster waiting at the door for me.

I threw open the door of my room and pushed my clothes into my suitcase without folding it so that it wouldn't take ages and I wouldn't be stopped by someone at the end, and I then lifted my suitcase downstairs.

I left the key on the kitchen table as Alfie helped me with my case and I closed the front door.

I was done with all the problems, done with this life where nobody trusted me or they only wanted me around if they needed me.

Alfie opened the door to his car for me and I hopped in, him loading the car before getting in himself as well.

The engine started up and we drove off into the horizon.

I had put my feet on the dashboard and closed my eyes as I crossed my arms. I knew this was going to be a pretty long ride so it'll be better if I rested a bit. "Tell me whenever you want me to drive." I stated and as the sun went down and the car drove off into the flat landscapes, I quickly fell asleep. As Alfie kept on driving, I slowly awoke from a nightmare to see that it was already nighttime. The moon shone brightly upon us, illuminating the alleys and streets of London as we drove through the familiar city. "Finally home." I groaned as I rubbed my eyes. The place was brighter than I could remember, but that could also be because of the fact that Small Heath was very dark, silent and depressing.

"Yeah, jeez, can't imagine staying there one second longer" He smiled as he stopped the engines of the car, climbing out of it. "That place was distressing."

"That's one way to put it." I hopped out of it as well before Alfie could help me and he rolled his eyes.

"When I want to be a gentleman, I don't get the chance to do so." He whined and I just shook my head, pulling him into a kiss.

"You're always a gentleman, Alfie."


It was nice to sleep peacefully with the man I loved.... in my own safe house.... but that was until the morning when we got a call that someone was visiting Alfie's bakery. We got up, neatly dressed ourselves, and rushed to the bakery to meet up with none other than Luca Changretta.

That man was fucking everywhere.

"Mr. Solomons."

"Hmmm?" He hummed, his eyes closed. "My little cousin was born blind. As a result, I now donate a considerable sum of money to a charity which gives dogs with eyes to blind Jews." Alfie rattled on and Luca made a weird hand gesture to his men. I could see everyone and everything perfect from where I was sitting. I had taken a seat on a barrel in the shadows, watching the scene from afar as the men talked. Luca had no idea I was around, but I certainly was. "The chairman of the board recommends that those of us who are blessed with the gift of sight and that we spend at least half an hour of our day with our eyes closed so that we may.... we may have a better understanding with the darkness and also to increase our donations and that. Hmm. What time is it?"

Luca's henchman looked down slowly, reading his pocket watch before answering.

"Twenty-nine minutes past eight."

"Right, well then, I have another minute to go actually but you.... uh.... you can begin, go on." I smiled silently and Luca smacked his lips before taking a step closer to the gangster.

"I'm Luca Changretta."

"Oh, yeah, I know who you are. Hmm. You are a bit of a failure, aren't you." I bit my lip and shook my head slowly. Though, the stubborn man of course couldn't see me if his eyes were closed. "You come all the way over here to this country in order to kill Tommy Shelby, but I mean...." Alfie scoffed a bit as he chuckled. "Well, he's not dead, is he? So...."



"He ain't."

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