Nothing Better Than Two

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Shit, I can't believe it is already chapter 20. For the people who got this far, thank you all! ❤️


He had bend over a little, kissing my cheek before a warm smile welcomed his face. I smiled back, but gave him the 'if you lie, I will kill you' look. He just nodded in reply and the both of us had been embracing each other in a cozy cuddle for what felt like a hour straight. Without us knowing their was someone pounding onto the door to get in. Excusing ourselves we opened the door and gave the key to the maid who seemed to work in there. When the door had closed we both had bursted into laughter before sprinting to the first bedroom we could find.


Pulling my shirt down, I and Alfie walked down the big, wide, red carpet-lined stairs, seeing the rest already waiting at the main door. I, embarrassed, rubbed the back of my neck, but I tried not to care and keep my head high, only it failed pretty fast when Arthur started to interfere.

"So, since when do you fuck an insane gangster?"

"Oh I don't know, since when do you fuck an faithful believer?" I had hit Arthur with my elbow in his diaphragm and he suddenly almost chocked in his own breath while Tommy had a silent grin on his face, he also didn't approve of Linda, but we couldn't judge or say anything about who is who's lover. That was their own business to handle, as I had to handle a gangster. But not a crazy one, no, this man had some flaws, but crazy wasn't one of them, you could call it smart. Walking alongside with Alfie, I suddenly didn't feel ashamed anymore.

"I'll see you at the Russians treasury."

"Of course." I nodded at the smiling man and got in my own car, following Tommy to the Russians.


Tommy had explained to me to go the way Alfie was going because it was riskier for me to get it than anyone else. Everybody had to be checked on being an assassin or anything similar. And of course, I was one, making it harder for me to get in. He had explained that the only way to have a change to get in was to hide the mark, but as they wanted us to take of our clothes, Johnny, making a joke, had suggested to cut it off. It was a smart move, but in no way would I cut off my horrible, but somehow trusted childhood. Hoping I could cover it up with makeup, I had stepped into the palace-like house.

Staring at Alfie we both had been undressed and in the eyes of the woman who had to check us, I could spot she definitely wanted to take it down. Only, I raised an eyebrow when Alfie had pushed her away when their was even more than a meter between them. Maybe he had meant his promise for real.

"You're clear, you both are." A thick Russian accent was heard from the lady and we got the signal we could dress ourselves again. Meanwhile the woman seemed disappointed.

"You thought I will let myself be touched by her?"

"I don't know." I rubbed my upper arm, not sure what to answer.

"After us... afterwards you left... I haven't been with another woman. We were separated by the betrayal, not because I hurt you by fucking another woman. I won't cheat. Not when you aren't around, not when you are around. Never." I still didn't know how to feel. He made me feel certain about our love and trust, but my head still told me to never forget what he had done. It drove me crazy to be honest, but in the case of cheating, I could trust him he would never cheat on me as I would never cheat on him.

Heaven On Hold | Peaky Blinders Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora